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Author Topic: Freed of the power of the devil  (Read 8820 times)

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Freed of the power of the devil
« on: March 06, 2010, 04:15:35 AM »

The apparent defeat and conflict of the believer is with the devil, is due to the ignorance of not knowing the position that he has in Christ, and of the victory of Christ on the cross.
One of the best-known doctrines in the Evangelical religious system  is the devil and the demons, they terrorize and manipulate believers, leading them to religious slavery and constant fear. Let's look at the Bible regarding both demons and the devil .

I. before Christ.
A.-<job.1:6-12>Satan accused the sons of God before the Lord.
that was his task, but it could not touch them, unless God allowed. His power was limited.
B-<ef.2:2>we were still under that evil power when we were in the world, but we are now in Christ.
We were a while under the influence of evil, for not knowing the freedom that we had been given</ef.2:2></job.1:6-12>

II after Christ, we know that.:
A.-<col.2:14,15>stripped the principalities and powers, triumphing over them in the cross.
The cross was not a show, but a place of victory, victory for Christ and defeat for the devil and his demons.
B.-<heb.2:14>. Destroyed the Empire of death that is the devil.
If He (Jesus) destroyed the devil, then he doesn't exist, if he is not destroyed, then Christ failed on the cross. Before He went to the Cross He said: the Prince will be thrown out, and that happened when he went to the cross. <Jn.12:31,32>
C-<apoc.12:10>the accuser was cast down outside.
Christ established his Kingdom, and cast out the devil, out of his Kingdom, in Christ Kingdom the devil does not operate.
(D)-<jud.6. ii="" pet.2:4="">demons were locked in eternal darkness, prisons.
they were locked, not flying around, upsetting persons, possessing them. </jud.6.></rev.12:10></jn.12:31></heb.2:14></col.2:14,15>



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Re: Freed of the power of the devil
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2010, 10:59:47 AM »


I'm going to make a few comments because overall this premise of Satan and demons being 'defeated' as in past tense is not scriptural.

The apparent defeat and conflict of the believer is with the devil, is due to the ignorance of not knowing the position that he has in Christ, and of the victory of Christ on the cross.
One of the best-known doctrines in the Evangelical religious system  is the devil and the demons, they terrorize and manipulate believers, leading them to religious slavery and constant fear. Let's look at the Bible regarding both demons and the devil .

I. before Christ.
A.-<job.1:6-12>Satan accused the sons of God before the Lord.
that was his task, but it could not touch them, unless God allowed. His power was limited.

Satan's job has not changed before or after Christ's earthly ministry. God does not 'allow' things to happen, but instead, causes & brings about all things to fulfill His intentions. See the excerpt from LOF #15-C called 'Can You Handled the Truth' (

Satan has always been limited to only that which God declares he can do.

B-<ef.2:2>we were still under that evil power when we were in the world, but we are now in Christ.
We were a while under the influence of evil, for not knowing the freedom that we had been given</ef.2:2></job.1:6-12>

As you keep reading in Ephesians chapter 2, Paul informs the church that it is by the 'grace of God' that we 'walk in the good works which God has prepared'. We were under the influence of the wicked one because he was sent out to deceive the whole world [Rev 12:9]. One doesn't know they are free until their eyes are opened to that truth.

II after Christ, we know that.:
A.-<col.2:14,15>stripped the principalities and powers, triumphing over them in the cross.
The cross was not a show, but a place of victory, victory for Christ and defeat for the devil and his demons.

Principalities & powers are not always referring to spiritual powers or demons. The Chief Priests, Scribes & Pharisees were considered to be 'rulers of the people' of the synagogue and Judaism. Pontius Pilate & King Herod also were rulers of their respective territories...though as Christ stated, 'Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above' [John 19:11].

B.-<heb.2:14>. Destroyed the Empire of death that is the devil.
If He (Jesus) destroyed the devil, then he doesn't exist, if he is not destroyed, then Christ failed on the cross. Before He went to the Cross He said: the Prince will be thrown out, and that happened when he went to the cross. <Jn.12:31,32>

Again, this goes back to the fact that this is not a past tense event. From the Concordant:

Heb 2:14  ...He should be discarding him who has the might of death, that is, the Adversary

Satan does still exist, seeing that Jesus himself prophesied of his coming imprisonment and ultimately, spiritual conversion [Rev 20:1-3, 7-10]. This does not make Christ a failure but rather speaks of a coming event of Satan being cast down.

C-<apoc.12:10>the accuser was cast down outside.
Christ established his Kingdom, and cast out the devil, out of his Kingdom, in Christ Kingdom the devil does not operate.

Christ RETURNS to establish His Kingdom [1 Cor 1:7, 15:23, 1 Thess 4:15-16], Satan is the god of this present wicked age [2 Cor 4:4, Gal 1:4].

(D)-<jud.6. ii="" pet.2:4="">demons were locked in eternal darkness, prisons.
they were locked, not flying around, upsetting persons, possessing them. </jud.6.></rev.12:10></jn.12:31></heb.2:14></col.2:14,15>

Jude 1:6 is not speaking of spiritual beings but people who 'in like manner to Sodom & Gemorrah' [verse 7] reaped to their own flesh. 2 Pet 2:4 speaks of human messengers (angels), who like the false prophets spoken of in verse 1, have reserved for themselves judgment in the last day [verse 9].

If Satan and his demons had been 'destroyed/cast out', then Paul would have no need to inform us of these spiritual principalities that we wrestle with [Eph 6:12] nor would James admonish us to submit to the Lord in order that the 'Devil will flee from us' [Jam 4:7].

There is coming a time when not only will Satan & his minions be cast out of their positions, but even better, will be spiritually converted. No one is too far to reach from the Arm of the Lord which brings salvation:

Ex 6:6  I am the LORD, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will rid you out of their bondage, and I will redeem you with a stretched out arm, and with great judgments

Isa 52:10  The LORD hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God

Hope this helps,



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Re: Freed of the power of the devil
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2010, 02:07:15 PM »

Hi Brother Marques, Blessings with all Spiritual Blessings from Above, just wanted to say that you still think like a orthodox judaism systemized Christian, you know alot of literature (bible), sorry to say but you lack discernment. :'(

So you are saying that Jesus did not do nothing ,anything on the tree(cross) ?  :o He did  !
Then what did Jesus save us from then, if He did not defeat the enemy ? :'( I know He did !
did He do anything at the present time or what ? I know He did !
their aint no hell to go to ! ;D thats true !
then whats the point of following Jesus !  ???
Why do you follow Him ? :o
Do you follow the Spiritual ressurected Jesus ? or The Jesus that still carries that cross (the Dead Jesus)(the Carnal Jesus) That live by rudiments of the law?. :-\
You need the Mind Of Christ,  ;)by the renewing of the Mind !

Dont take this to the Heart just meditate on this for bit ,dont need to reply ,Blessings ...... :-*
« Last Edit: March 06, 2010, 02:14:07 PM by Hector Moreno »


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Re: Freed of the power of the devil
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2010, 07:17:36 PM »

Hi Hector,

I see you are new here, welcome to the forum.
We are all here in the unity of the spirit and are sharing what we have learned from the Scripture that are presented on the Bible Truths site. Have you read the articles there? I am just wondering because you do not seem to be in agreement by what you are saying. Anybody who has not read or does not agree with what is presented at the Bible Truths site will find that you will be at odds with most, if not all that we discuss here. I am just putting up this as a reminder to people that this is the Bible Truths site forum and we do not allow others to bring their own or anybody elses beliefs here for discussion.

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mercy, peace and love



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Re: Freed of the power of the devil
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2010, 09:30:43 PM »

hey I apologize, if I mentaly hurted anybody, im a great fan of L.Ray Smith. During the past few years I Have read his emails ,but not all. So far Iv'e read : Hell doesnt exist teachings ,very good and true, and Salvation for All.Now im reading the Lake of Fire Series. The reason I put this teaching here was for my edification ,I thought that by putting this here I would get a good response,Which I did, but not the way I wanted it. Sorry for any inconvenience ,Blessings with ALL Spiritual Blessings ,your brother Hector Moreno


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Re: Freed of the power of the devil
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2010, 10:49:06 PM »

Hi Hector,

I'm glad to see you are well on your way to reading through Ray's articles. Now that it's clear you believe in what is taught here I think your discussions will go much better.

BTW a brother is never an inconvenience, just needed to establish that you were a brother. Hope you understand and continue to fellowship here. It is our desire to help and encourage all that come here with sincere questions.

mercy, peace and love

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