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Author Topic: Had Enough  (Read 5713 times)

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Had Enough
« on: March 23, 2010, 07:17:18 AM »

Hi Everyone.I wonder if you would mind praying for me please.The last fifteen months or so living here has proved to be a lonely existence for sure.Lonelier still since my youngest son has now left home to persue his career.. I just feel so stuck in many ways.
                  I know God has been taking care of me and that others have far worse conditions to contend with but it would be nice to have at least one person to talk with.I feel like I'm becoming very unsocial and it feels a bit unnatural to be living like this.Have caught myself talking to myself at the supermarket.....whoops.....and that darned camera looking at me............ :-[
                                         Thank you Ellie...


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Re: Had Enough
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2010, 09:19:07 AM »

I can see you are feeling awful Ellie.

When you say it would be nice to have at least one person to talk with, you do know that when you post your comments or thoughts here in the Forum, that more than one person is listening, hearing and observing what you communicate. You may be lonely but you are not alone.

If you mean you desire to have a person physically present to talk to, then I have to say, that it is God that has a purpose for your circumstances right now. It is difficult and painful. Many are experiencing God's work in their lives that is getting into our human relationships, attachments and family life in many diverse ways as you know, but it doesn't quite help ease us out of our personal circumstances does it? Where is the comfort of knowing there are others who are suffering more than us?

Spiritual interaction here in the Forum is one way to not feel so lonely. You know there are so many boards to get involved in and there is usually always a sympathetic and kind soul who will volunteer a response, a laugh, a lift up and a hug through the spiritual lines of our communications. 
All painfully difficult circumstances, we are given to experience by God, and God willing, endure and overcome and that right there is reason enough to be praying for one another even through the "good times".

Did you know that Ray prays for each and every one of us every day, here in the Forum. That is such a comfort to me because we need prayers and we need one another to be with us in spirit in sympathy, understanding and encouragement to believe, have faith and trust because in the end Love has to be our reason to keep on keeping on. God is Love. God is our reason and our cause He appoints us to experience all the diversities of joy and suffering.




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Re: Had Enough
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2010, 10:28:24 AM »

Hi Ellie!
I've never lived in Australia, that is where you are, yes? But I have lived in some pretty lonely places in America!!
I understand where you're coming from...I do...I am kind of lonely myself! Even though I have my family really share what I know and believe I don't have many..except right here on this forum..It does get very wouldn't think that how you view God and the truth you know would put such distance between people!

I will tell you it's a weird life for sure! To be able to hear a voice...of one who believe like you do! wow! So while we can't hear each others' voices we will have to hear each others' hearts!  We have a lot of hearts on this forum..

Ellie...just know that I will think of you and when I do I will pray for you! I will pray that God will plant a peace deep within your heart, and give you just what you need! Sometimes prayer is all we have! :)
Love you!
Kathy ;)

Roy Coates

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Re: Had Enough
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2010, 02:26:09 PM »

Praying for you Ellie, Peace


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Re: Had Enough
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2010, 05:56:47 AM »

Hi Deborah.....Thank you for your kind response. Yes I do know that when I post many hear and observe.A bit scary sometimes.. :)but take your point to heart that .no indeed I am not alone.
                 I do mean someone physically present...just sometimes would be nice........yesterday I spoke to the cat,a blue tongue lizard in the garden and kept a quiverring sea bird on a rock company for awhile :)
Not to take light of your insightfulness re God working on relationships/attachments et...,for that in part is what is happening.
               God has me where he wants me in this process  I'm sure. If I'm truly thankfull/grateful......on a spiritual level, it does ease personal circumstances. Somehow..... me.......   restores some peace. God has removed many distractions from me. And don't we love distractions at times......
                No, there is no comfort in knowing others suffer more than us .Each trial or tribulation that we bear is valid on it's own merits.
               I wanted to say to Deborah that it wonderful to have you back posting again with your unique approach.I often thought of and prayed when you had little access to a computer and I will never forget the long journey you took to get to one to contact us all  on the forum.
Yes I know that Ray prays for us . It is a comfort and a solace to know that. He is a fine example to us all in so many ways.            Peace to you and yours....Ellie                   


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Re: Had Enough
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2010, 06:16:02 AM »

Hey Kathy.....Thank you and yes I am from Australia but don't feel very down under..... :)You know I do actually view  the distance between me and other people and my (Thank God) views on God and truth as normal or just accept it because I have been living this for a long time now.And that just has to be O.K.
                Appreciate your uplifting words and comfort.
             Hugs to you......

Roy.....Thank you for your prayers as I also do for you and the rest  of those hearts that Kathy mentioned on B.T.

John......I had to smile at your description of your son. I too remember my two boys when they were small babies and both of yours....grew into huge hunks that I have to look up to as well. How did they get so big??
                        God as my anchor......lovely....

But now I'm worried...I just can't remember....did I answer myself.... :-\
                Peace to all Ellie.....


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Re: Had Enough
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2010, 12:10:49 PM »

Hi Ellie,

Well my girls are mostly grown, though my oldest doesn't live here, she comes by just about every day and another is away at college, but come home nearly every weekend. Now I can talk about these truths with my oldest, but all the rest have no interest, zero. So I can understand how some can be lonely while surrounded by people.

Now this little thread that you have started has made me feel closer to you already. You have a very good outlook and your understanding of things seems quite proper. So like this little exchange has drawn us closer, for me this happens a lot here on the forum. So I find myself sitting in front of this computer for much of the day, visiting with my fellow believers and friends here.  Maybe some don't find this to be enough, not being real contact in the flesh, but it does give me what I need. So I just take what God has given us here and use it to the greatest degree that I can.

I would encourage you to get more involved here, posting becomes quite easy after you get used to it. I know there are a lot that fellowship here by just reading and following along. But try to get involved in the discussions and you may find a few people that you can develop a good friendship with. But if you don't feel comfortable posting try the pm lines of communication, that's good with the more personal stuff. There are people here I know I will never meet in this life, but when we meet in the here after I think I will recognize them right away  :)

mercy, peace and love



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Re: Had Enough
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2010, 01:09:12 PM »

Kat, what you say is very true! We do get to know each other just by sharing here.. I have made many friends here! Some of us here are friends on facebook and have only seen pictures of each other! I had never met Brenda (OBrenda) before riding to the conference with her and her husband, Tom..but let me tell you I knew exactly who she was when she walked into the door of Burger King to pick me up for the trip! I had never met face to face with Musicman, but I knew who he was the moment I saw him at the conference!! ;) The same with almost everyone I met in Mobile for the first time, you included!! :)

What a beautiful, wonderful, weird and diverse family we are!!  :D
I love all of them... :)
Kathy ;)


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Re: Had Enough
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2010, 01:14:59 PM »

Hi Ellie,
   I'm Beth.  I don't post a whole lot on here because I am so busy.  I wish I could post more.:/  But anyways, I just wanted to say that I have been so encouraged here.  I am going through alot right now with people who have found out about my beliefs.  My hubby being one of them.  I get very lonely, spiritually speaking, though I am surrounded by people alot.  I do talk to myself :D, and I may even answer myself, heehee.  I talk to God alot.  Just always talking to Him.  I have shared alot af things with Kat privately and that has helped tremendously, but I kind of understand the feeling of wishing there was someone physically to share the truth with who believes it. Just know your are not alone!:)  We are all here in spirit!

Beth ;D


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Re: Had Enough
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2010, 02:44:37 AM »

Hi Kat,Thank you for your advice which I will do my best to take.Sometimes we do to ourselves to a degree what our current experience offers.We don't always do that for the best.God's got the handle on that.All of your comforting words I pray touches others as well...those that sit on the fringe,not quite sure enough to become involved.I do thank you for all your input on this site.It is truly a work of love and that has to make us all feel a little closer to oneanother.I think I'm having an attack of "warm fuzzies"
                                  Peace and Love Kat...Ellie.
Hey Beth,So glad you are more encouraged from this post,for me, its always an added bonus showing us more of God's work and love.Yes we are all here in spirit for sure and therefore ,not alone.I quite feel for your situation and will pray for you.It's such an amazing thing as our beliefs change and grow into more understanding and truth.We are suddenly confronted by a bunch of strangers in our everyday life.And it's sooo.hard to explain to them,when they can't see or hear.I'm just glad that God understands.
One thing I am sure of is that when you answered gave yourselfthe right answer!!! :)
Peace to you and yours.....Ellie....

judith collier

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Re: Had Enough
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2010, 05:49:30 AM »

Oh Ellie, I am always talking to myself. My children are grown and busy and most of my grandchildren are teenagers EXCEPT one baby, but 200 miles away. My husband is blind and quiet and doesn't like music or any noise especially the sound of my voice. (I'm not kidding)   He has also taken up atheism. Good grief!!!! This forum is such a blessing for me and I visualize everybody. Facebook is another social place where I can keep up with friends and all the children. I tell on my grandchildren when I read someting they shouldn't be writing. It is hard for mothers to monitor them anymore with all the electronics.
Television and books help and I do reach out to others which is difficult for me. I couldn't have endured this when I was younger. Try to have something you can look forward to. I get enjoyment listening to others and planning a good day for somebody. Everybody needs a little attention.  Fix a good meal and invite someone, anyone. I will be keeping you in mind and prayer and hoping to hear more from you.  Judy


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Re: Had Enough
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2010, 10:27:30 AM »


  If its any use  im just over the ditch ,  waimate  the south isl   south of ch ch ,,christchurch,, what part of oz e are you . as i do get over & i have a lot of friends in syd , bris & bundy. plus many other regeons , any way just letting you know .

   hugs ,



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Re: Had Enough
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2010, 02:11:04 AM »

Hi Ellie

Ecclesiastes 4:9 (GNB) Two are better off than one, because together they can work more effectively. 10) If one of them falls down, the other can help him up. But if someone is alone and falls, it's too bad, because there is no one to help him. 11) If it is cold, two can sleep together and stay warm, but how  can you keep warm by yourself? 12) Two man can resist an attack that would defeat one man alone. A rope made of three cords is hard to break.

Proverbs 27:17 (GNB) People learn from one another, just as iron sharpens iron.

Spiritually I live a lonely existence also as my family ,acquaintances, and coworkers do not believe as I do but the ability to ease drop sort to speak on the many conservations of love, kindness, gentleness, encouragement, spiritual education, and correction of the forum brings me out of that state of loneliness. God gives us exactly what we need in one another.



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Re: Had Enough
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2010, 08:22:30 AM »

God gives us exactly what we need in one another.

So true in more ways than one!
the forum brings me out of that state of loneliness

I s-o share that sentiment.

How are you doing today Ellie?


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Re: Had Enough
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2010, 04:46:19 PM »

Hi Everyone.I wonder if you would mind praying for me please.The last fifteen months or so living here has proved to be a lonely existence for sure.Lonelier still since my youngest son has now left home to persue his career.. I just feel so stuck in many ways.
                  I know God has been taking care of me and that others have far worse conditions to contend with but it would be nice to have at least one person to talk with.I feel like I'm becoming very unsocial and it feels a bit unnatural to be living like this.Have caught myself talking to myself at the supermarket.....whoops.....and that darned camera looking at me............ :-[
                                         Thank you Ellie...

Hi Ellie,

           Sorry to hear you are at a time in your Life that is an experience of loneliness. I shall pray that Our God who searches the innermost Thoughts and intentions of the Heart will comfort you and I extend my prayers in your behalf. Continue to Fellowship with those at Bible-Truths, we are here to comfort you and support you and show fellow feeling.

                                      Kind Regards, Samson.


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Re: Had Enough
« Reply #15 on: March 28, 2010, 02:26:53 AM »

Hi everyone....My son is home for some weekends for work until he finds something closer to his home. So I'm .or we are both grateful for .perhaps a weaning process ,but to see each other
Judy, I cannot imagine how it must feel for you to have a husband that hates your voice & the challenge for you to have him embrace atheism as well.Will pray for you.God will see this through.
Sampson.You do express yourself so well.....thank you.....
Noeleena.Thanks.My nearest large town is Taree on the Sth. coast of N.S.W.Let me know next time you are about to leap the ditch.......Hugs to you as well...
Hummer.Am so sorry for your situation , but am glad that you are able to speak of love to others.I was a little mazed by the scriptures you quoted.However I certainly ditto Arc when you said that God gives us exactly what we need in one another.However I do have to say that with my Indi cat on my feet,  warm blankets I'm just perfectly O.K. and warm. :) :)
Arc..Doing as well as I can.You have all helped so much and I trust you have all had a wonderful weekend.     Peace and love to all
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