Mr. Smith,
I am aware that you believe in God but not in hell. It goes against the very nature of God to let evil go unpunished. People actually do choose to go to hell. I have heard them myself saying that its okay with them if they go. I'll concede to the fact that they have absolutely no idea what they are getting into when they say this, but the fact remains hell does exist. It is justice for God to them what they want and if they choose to live a life separate from him then he gives them an eternity separate from him.
Dear Jay:
Where have I or the Scriptures ever ever suggested that evil will go unpunished? You call "torture in literal fire for all eternity" JUSTICE?
And you say that God will not leave EVIL UNPUNISHED? Jay, there is NO GREATER EVIL than to believe in one's heart that any sinner deserves an ETERNITY of torture in fire. You are ONE SICK HUMAN BEING, Jay, and I guarantee that such evils of the heart as you possess will most assuredly be punished very severely, albeit not for all eternity.
You need to read the material on our site with an open Bible and an open mind. You blaspheme the Name of God with your evil Christian doctrine.