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Author Topic: Women teachers & Satan/Carnal Mind  (Read 16427 times)

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Women teachers & Satan/Carnal Mind
« on: March 25, 2010, 12:46:26 PM »

Women preachers/teachers

Dear Bryant:  Your Bible says the same thing mine does, I reckon. We have two witnesses to the fact that Paul did not allow women to be teachers or preachers in the Congregation. Unless something can show me that these verses do not mean what they say, I can only conclude that they mean what they say.
God be with you,
PS   I have read the arguments that because God used women to lead Israel in the past (Example: Deborah), women should therefore be permitted to teach in the congregation, but I don't see how they get around Paul's declarations to the contrary.

Dear Ryan:
There isn't much to clear up, as the Scriptures are fairly clear on this subject, and you have read them for yourself.  As for women not being educated, it seems like a rather absurd thing to say.  I wouldn't want to suggest that around my wife.  There were highly educated women back in Israel.  Let people believe what they want to believe. Only God's Spirit can open their minds.
God be with you,

Dear Mr. Jackson:
Certainly women are able to declare God's Truth, as you state. It is also true that those baptized into Christ are, "...neither male nor female...IN CHRIST."  (Gal. 2:27-28).  But we are also still IN THE FLESH, and in the flesh, we are indeed male and female.  If the statement that IN Christ there is no "difference" between male and female, then homosexuality would be perfectly fine.  Can you not see the problem here with thinking like that?
When Paul instructed the early Church that women were to keep silent in the Church, it was not just a "Jewish custom and tradition." Here is another declaration from Paul concerning men and women still in the flesh: "But I would have you know, that the Head of every man is Christ, and the HEAD OF THE WOMAN IS THE MAN; and the Head of Christ is God"  (I Cor. 11:3).  This statement is not "custom and tradition.
When Paul says: "Let your women keep silence in the churches...." (I Cor. 14:34) it is not custom or tradition, but rather "...the things I write unto you are the COMMANDMENTS OF THE LORD" (Verse 37).
Also understand that women are no some inferior species that will be absorbed into the male species. Yes, both are called "the sons [some times children[ of God," but this is often used as is "Adam"  and "man" in the Genesis when really referring to "humanity" in the Hebrew.
When God "receives us unto Himself," are we all "males?"  "Masculine?"
Notice what the Scripture tells us:  "And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be My sons AND DAUGHTERS, says the Lord Almighty"  (II Cor. 6:18).
Anyway, I'll write a paper on this subject one day, but not today.
God be with you,
But for the reasons of authority mentioned above and other reasons too numerous to cover in an email, God has ordained that women are not to be the teachers in formal meetings of the congregations.

Dear George:

I am thinking that you believe Gal. 3:27 voids out I Cor. 14:34?  If it does, the why would Paul have written it?

The answer is quote simple:

"IN CHRIST" there is no "male or female."  But, IN THE FLESH there still is male and female, otherwise homosexuality would not be a sin. Can you see how silly that approach to this Scripture would be?

We are still in physical bodies and we are still male and female, and as such the man is the head of the woman just as Jesus is the head of the Church. And as such, Paul did not permit women to preach or teach in the congregation.  However, there are many situation in which women can teach: to their children (both girls and boys); on the telephone, in letters, in group discussions, etc.  I believe their teaching is just pretty much limited in the area of not getting in front of an assembly of men and women and being featured as the main speaker or teacher. Not that she might not be able or qualified, but rather it is a matter of subjection to authority.  I have never done a long study on this subject, but I have read several papers by those who have, and most of them are shot through with theological holes.

God be with you,

« Last Edit: July 08, 2011, 12:09:28 PM by mharrell08 »


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Re: Women teachers & Satan/Carnal Mind
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2011, 12:09:07 PM »

Does Satan represent our carnal mind?

Dear Mark:  Was it "the carnal mind" that presented itself to God in the opening chapters of Job?  Did Jesus tells HIS OWN "CARNAL MIND" to "get behind Me, SATAN?" (Luke 4:8 )?  Did Jesus have a "carnal mind?" A "satan" within Him?  Is God going to chain the "carnal mind" in the abyss for a thousand years (Rev. 20:1-2)?  Is He then going to release  the "carnal mind" for a little season?

        I await your reply.

        God be with you,


Dear Timothy:

You believe what you believe because you do not believe the Scriptures.

Was Jesus really tempted by His "fallen carnal mind--His evil nature?"  Was Jesus referring to"His own carnal nature" that Jesus said, "Get thee behind Me, Satan?"   Was Jesus' "carnal evil nature," "enmity against God?"  Did Jesus really HATE HIS OWN FATHER?   It's an "idol of your heart," Timothy, give up.


Dear Azaleen:
So then you really do believe that the "carnal mind" of all humanity will be chained for a thousand years (Rev. 20:2)? and that Paul turned over the carnal mind to be destroyed of the carnal mind (I Cor. 5:5)? What  I would like you to share with me your Scriptural answer to these two Scriptures?  Your theory that "Satan is the carnal mind" does not quite fit all Scriptures, does it?
God be with you,

Dear Christopher: 
It really doesn't matter one way or the other whether Eve heard the serpent speak, or a voice in her head, or a voice from the fruit itself. The point is, she was tempted to disobey God's commandments, and she did disobey. Now then, let's use our mind for just a minute. If Eve's carnal mind told her to disobey God, then a few verses later we would have God Himself, first talking to Adam, then to Eve, and then to Eve's carnal mind. God would then put a curse on Eve's carnal mind, and tell Eve that her carnal mind would eat dust for the rest of her life. In addition, there would be enmity between Eve's carnal mind and the woman, and the seed of Eve's carnal mind, and Eve's seed, and Eve's seed would bruise the head of Eve's carnal mind, and Eve's seed would bruise HIS(?) heel.

        All of a sudden Eve's carnal mind became a "HE." It just doesn't fit, does it. Better to just accept the Scriptures as they are written until an alternative can be Scripturally proven.

About five times a year I get a long email from someone trying to prove to me that the “serpent in the Garden” was not Satan, but Adam’s carnal mind, or some other such thing. God tells us, however, who Satan really is: “that old serpent." Proof:

    “And the great dragon was cast out, that Old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan”  (Rev. 12:9).

Is this not the same “crooked serpent and dragon” mentioned in Isa. 27:1 which God will yet punish:

    “In that day the Lord with His sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea”  (Isa. 27:1).

The word “liviathan” means: “SERPENT.”

The word “dragon” means: “figuratively the constellation of the dragon; a sea SERPENT.”

God is not going to “punish” a constellation in the sky or a fish in the sea. This is speaking of that great and wicked spirit: Satan, the Devil, that Old serpent, the dragon, the crooked serpent, the destroyer, the accuser, the Adversary.
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