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Author Topic: Calvin  (Read 8121 times)

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« on: June 29, 2006, 10:18:40 AM »

Dear Mr, Ray, I just accidentally stumbled onto your Web site, which I read your responses to several readers that had sent various questions into you. I just wanted to say that you sound Very Scriptural and Sound in Doctrine.
I too am Calvanistic, however I believe that in Eph. 2:8-9 where it states "For by Grace are ye saved through Faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the Gift of God, not of Works, lest any should boast".  I believe not only the Grace comes from God, but also the Saving Faith as well, for after all, if man had to exercise faith of his own to be saved, then Salvation would no longer be of God, but of God & man, and he would then have somewhat to boast, by saying, I'm here because I exercised my faith, and he didn't! Besides, as I see it, if one is Dead in Trespasses & Sins, how can he do anything in the spiritual realm?? I believe the Triune God plays a total part in the salvation of the elect, he draws them, he grants them Repentance, he gives them the desire to want Him, and He gives them the Saving Faith to be saved. (jn. 6:44)
However, I do have one question I would appreciate your addressing, and that is: If when a Christian dies and goes to Heaven to live with God throughout all Eternity, why is there a need for "A New Earth?" Judgments have been passed, one is going to be living in heaven, so Why Recreate the Earth?
May God continue to Lead & Bless you in His Name

Dear R.L.
The reason there is a New Earth and Judgments is because NO ONE goes to heaven when he dies--neither believer nor non-believer.  If you truly believe all of the fine Scriptures that you quoted above, how in the world do you say that you are a "Calvinist?" And to add insult to injury you state that you "too" are a Calvinist. I am no Calvinist.  Calvin was one of the most wicked and evil human being who has ever drawn breath on this earth. His five point doctrine is damnable heresy. I totally demolish both the five-point Calvin and five-point Armenian heresies in my paper exposing the myth of free will. Perhaps you should read it.  Then read my sereies on "The Lake of Fire," and you will learn how every other major doctrine you have been taught is unscriptural as well.
God be with you,
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