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Author Topic: Coming out of the Pentecostal Doctrine  (Read 18740 times)

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Coming out of the Pentecostal Doctrine
« on: June 16, 2010, 07:47:35 PM »

Hi, from Josh in Indiana...I am married to a pentecostal preachers daughter and I had been going to her family church for the last 7 yrs...I had my revelation while searching the internet for some tithing scriptures for my mom, I believe it was may 15th...I came across Rays site and uh oh theres trouble in the waters...You see not only is my wife and her mom and dad Pentecostal but all of her uncles, nephews, cousins, both sides all the way back a few generations.  So needless to say I am in an "interesting" position...I have a beautiful wife and awesome children and just stopped going to church and tithing and you can imagine some of the reactions that I got to "sheol/hades gehenna/tartus are not hell" knowledge!!I had prayed to God "Lord is this really it...pentecostalism...this is what You want for me...I told Him to tell me the truth and that I could handle it...Wow was it a knock out blow...I still shake my head in amazement...The thing is I'm not sure what to to do now...I am very happy yet seemingly alone with my "crazy thoughts" and my"new found doctrine so I can do whatever I want"...I do read the bible and look up scriptures and I actually Love it now...And when I think about the Goodness of the Lord it makes me happy where as before I told Him I loved Him but it was from a distance...Praise God for the Truth.. I got a ton more but I just wanted to converse with other people who believe that God is the SAVIOR of all men....Also does anyone know how Ray is doing? What does the L stand for in his name...thanks



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Re: Coming out of the Pentecostal Doctrine
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2010, 07:56:35 PM »

Welcome to the forum Josh  :)

Here's a post from our FAQ board, regarding 'What to do now?':,11572.0.html

Also, here's the latest message from Ray concerning his well being:,9330.msg102535.html#msg102535

Sorry, but I don't know what the 'L' stands for in L. Ray Smith, but perhaps another moderator can answer that. Glad you've looked to the forum for others to converse with, that's the reason why I joined the forum myself.

Take care,



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Re: Coming out of the Pentecostal Doctrine
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2010, 07:57:19 PM »

Hello Josh;

...and welcome to the forum.  The 'L' in Ray's middle name stands for Larry I believe and I can fully identify with your comments.  I came out of the Assembly's of God myself so I am familiar with most of the doctrines and practices, I think I could almost write a book.  LOL  For me it was a long period of time to come to the knowledge of the truth.  Like you, I stumbled across the tithing paper and I was amazed.  Ray bookended it to the point that you simply couldn't mount an effective argument over what he shared.  My Pastor always taught that although tithing was old testament, that the 'tithe' existed before the law and therefore was binding in both testaments.  I tithed for years and wouldn't of dared not to.

Then I began to read the rest of the website.  When I started to read the LOF and Ray dissed 'hell' I regarded him as a heretic and a nutcase and figured that his tithing paper was the case of even a blind squirrel finding an occasional nut.  I left the website and then being bored one day about 9 months later came back and started to read the Lake of Fire series and well, what can I say?  The scales began to fall off and for the very first time I began to understand that God isn't going to torture his creation in literal fire.  Your family will come around in God's timing and not yours.  I know that is difficult.  All you can do is to stand firmly for what you now know to be true and let the chips fall where they may, always keeping in mind of course that for many years you believed as they still do and it's only the grace of God in your life that is showing you His truth in His time.  As far as I know Ray isn't out of the woods yet by a long shot but is doing somewhat better than in the last few months.  To God be the glory!!
« Last Edit: June 16, 2010, 07:58:41 PM by Arion »


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Re: Coming out of the Pentecostal Doctrine
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2010, 08:08:00 PM »

Hi, from Josh in Indiana...I am married to a pentecostal preachers daughter and I had been going to her family church for the last 7 yrs...I had my revelation while searching the internet for some tithing scriptures for my mom, I believe it was may 15th...I came across Rays site and uh oh theres trouble in the waters...You see not only is my wife and her mom and dad Pentecostal but all of her uncles, nephews, cousins, both sides all the way back a few generations.  So needless to say I am in an "interesting" position...I have a beautiful wife and awesome children and just stopped going to church and tithing and you can imagine some of the reactions that I got to "sheol/hades gehenna/tartus are not hell" knowledge!!I had prayed to God "Lord is this really it...pentecostalism...this is what You want for me...I told Him to tell me the truth and that I could handle it...Wow was it a knock out blow...I still shake my head in amazement...The thing is I'm not sure what to to do now...I am very happy yet seemingly alone with my "crazy thoughts" and my"new found doctrine so I can do whatever I want"...I do read the bible and look up scriptures and I actually Love it now...And when I think about the Goodness of the Lord it makes me happy where as before I told Him I loved Him but it was from a distance...Praise God for the Truth.. I got a ton more but I just wanted to converse with other people who believe that God is the SAVIOR of all men....Also does anyone know how Ray is doing? What does the L stand for in his name...thanks


Welcome Josh,

                      Yes, apparently Your prayers were answered in regards to discovering the Truth. The L in Ray Smith's name stands for Leroy. Fortunately for me, My Wife believes in the Salvation of All, no other Family members. Most of them don't care either way, at this time. Certainly, your in an Emotional and Spiritually difficult position. As a suggestion, continue to study and meditate on Ray's Teachings, pay close attention to the Words when reading Scripture and don't force & Ram these Truths down any Family Members throats(figuratively speaking). Consider 1Peter3:15 about answering with mildness those who ask of you. In your circumstances, it's best to set a good example by your conduct through living your Faith, rather than preaching it, this is especially important when it applies to Relatives. Jesus Physical Brothers and Sisters thought He was losing His mind. Glad you have joined the Forum and hope you continue to Fellowship with us.

                                                Kind Regards, Samson.


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Re: Coming out of the Pentecostal Doctrine
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2010, 09:22:45 PM »

Hi, from Josh in Indiana...I am married to a pentecostal preachers daughter and I had been going to her family church for the last 7 yrs...I had my revelation while searching the internet for some tithing scriptures for my mom, I believe it was may 15th...I came across Rays site and uh oh theres trouble in the waters...You see not only is my wife and her mom and dad Pentecostal but all of her uncles, nephews, cousins, both sides all the way back a few generations.  So needless to say I am in an "interesting" position...I have a beautiful wife and awesome children and just stopped going to church and tithing and you can imagine some of the reactions that I got to "sheol/hades gehenna/tartus are not hell" knowledge!!I had prayed to God "Lord is this really it...pentecostalism...this is what You want for me...I told Him to tell me the truth and that I could handle it...Wow was it a knock out blow...I still shake my head in amazement...The thing is I'm not sure what to to do now...I am very happy yet seemingly alone with my "crazy thoughts" and my"new found doctrine so I can do whatever I want"...I do read the bible and look up scriptures and I actually Love it now...And when I think about the Goodness of the Lord it makes me happy where as before I told Him I loved Him but it was from a distance...Praise God for the Truth.. I got a ton more but I just wanted to converse with other people who believe that God is the SAVIOR of all men....Also does anyone know how Ray is doing? What does the L stand for in his name...thanks


Hi Josh,

Welcome to the forum, seems you are now in good company with all these rejects and weak things, who dare to believe in no everlasting hell torture. I found out the hard way several times, never try to take away everlasting hell from a christian; before GOD Has prepared them for the shock. You could get chewed up, trampled, mangled and even called a few names like (heretic and blasphemer or satanist), been there been done that.

In good time each and everyone of them will come to see and hear, so just be prepared when you are asked about why you believe this way now. I have many in my family that think me hopelessly lost, and destined for a very hot place, unless i repent and go back to whichever their various religious beliefs are.

A few different denominations by the way?????????.

Best to Learn, Love and Rest, While Jesus Christ does the Work Of GOD in you.

george :).



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Re: Coming out of the Pentecostal Doctrine
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2010, 12:01:46 AM »

Hey Josh

Yeah, it's amazing how we come to love reading the bible now.  I used to hate reading it.  Now it's a lot like going on a treasure hunt.

The L in Ray's name stands for Larry.  He says so in his Exposing the "Secret Rapture" Theory paper.

Welcome to the forum.




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Re: Coming out of the Pentecostal Doctrine
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2010, 01:35:22 AM »

I'm originally from the pentecostal church as well. Wooh... it's a tough one to let go of, especially when raised in it.

I'm new to the forum, but have been studying for about 7 years now. With that said, I just recently am learning to completely let go of some pentecostal doctrines. He's ground me to dust and all I want is Truth. The perfect place to be.

I've learned that the advice given by everyone above is best. Hang in there and relax. He's in complete control!

Message me anytime. We could probably relate quite a bit.



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Re: Coming out of the Pentecostal Doctrine
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2010, 04:05:42 AM »

Hi 34!

I'm going 39.  Is 34 your age? or your waistline?  ;D

Kidding aside, welcome to the forum!  I was a Pentecostal myself too.

-Mij  :)

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Coming out of the Pentecostal Doctrine
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2010, 05:19:48 AM »

Hi Josh.  Welcome to the forum.  I wasn't exactly pentacostal, but the Baptist Church I spent most of my youth in was one of those "spirit-filled" churches.  We didn't mind if you 'spoke in tongues' as long as you did it quietly.   :D
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.

judith collier

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Re: Coming out of the Pentecostal Doctrine
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2010, 05:29:04 AM »

Hi Josh, I live in Indiana also. Fort Wayne. Just please hang on here when your old beliefs are challenged. You won't regret it. judy


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Re: Coming out of the Pentecostal Doctrine
« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2010, 08:29:12 AM »

Hey Josh,

Welcome to the forum.



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Re: Coming out of the Pentecostal Doctrine
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2010, 05:51:14 PM »

Hi Josh! Welcome!
It is HARD when you first come out isn't it? Well, it only gets easier if you learn to keep your mouth shut!  ;) That is what I found out early enough before I severed all my relationships.

I feel for you as you are in the MIDDLE of churchdom and in a bad situation for laying low, huh?
My BIL is a preacher but my sister and he live 12 hours away. whew. Makes my life much easier as a heretic. (heretic defined as someone who disbelieves in church doctrine).

Go easy on your wife. Patience will be highly needed as you both deal with this huge change in your lives. She may surprise you and God may bring her over quickly but perhaps it will be a process. But if she is not open now, don't try to force it. Let God pull her for you. It'll make your life much easier.  ;)
"Be ready with an answer..." not a sermon!  :D

Glad you are here!


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Re: Coming out of the Pentecostal Doctrine
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2010, 09:22:09 PM »

Welcome, brother.  It is amazing how deep the "rabbit hole" of tainted doctrine goes, and how attached our flesh can be to it.  I cheer for you and I cry for you.  His yoke is easy and His burden is lite. Our fellow mans' are not.

Steve in Kansas City


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Re: Coming out of the Pentecostal Doctrine
« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2010, 03:40:24 PM »

Hi Josh,

I glad you have joined us, welcome to the forum  :)
Now that you have eyes to see, you can search the Scriptures to learn as much truth as the Spirit will reveal, but it will require a lot of digging to get to those precious treasures. Since you are one of the few blessed to understand this truth, now you need to apply, in your everyday life, what you are learning. You can not make the blind see this truth, but you can be a witness of it to them in the way that you live. We are here to give support and encouragement to one another, so come here as often as you need the fellowship. Here are some links to what we have here at the forum.

The forum rules, it will help you see how this forum is moderated.,3.0.html,4558.0.html,3614.0.html

Forum Indexes & lots of Info.,14.0.html

Ray's Videos,8227.0.html

FAQ (most frequently asked questions),23.0.html

Ray's Audios,2641.0.html

Ray's 2008 Audios,8256.0.html

Transcripts of Ray's Audios,12.0.html

Who Am I? (members pics and personal stuff),16.0.html

mercy, peace and love


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Re: Coming out of the Pentecostal Doctrine
« Reply #14 on: June 19, 2010, 11:23:53 AM »

     Hi again from Indiana...I appreciate all of the kind words and advice...This is just so different from the teaching of the Pentecostal church, which says we are to go out and bring people to Jesus so He can save them...What is really got me thinking is what in the world is speaking in tongues?  I was baptised in 02 and when I came out of the water my tongue was going crazy and I had no control over what I was "saying"...Has anyone here ever spoke in tongues as they say?  Also I noticed in 1 Tim at the beginning of the chapter it talks about praying for those in power over us so that we might live a peaceful life...just so opposite of the way I have been preached to for the last 8 yrs...Of course it is assumed that I have backslid and I have blasphemed the Holyghost because of my questions on tongues...Its crazy though for anyone who has spoken in tongues( only once for me) it takes control and you feel lifted up and happy...Not sure how to explain it but it seems good?...I am kind of babbling ( no pun intended) but man I have alot of questions and thoughts...Also 34 is not my age or my waistline but my favorite number mainly because of Walter Payton ( huge Bears fan) and as I got older I found that God uses 7 and 12 alot so 3+4= 7 and 3*4= 12...anyway it's my fav number for a few reasons...I have always been kind of a " weird guy" according to friends and family...I'm always questioning the "truth" as it has been presented to the masses...such as 9-11, vaccines, our food supply and what we should be eating...I know I'm going off topic but why do we drink cows milk?...Look at nature...Mammals feed their young for a couple of years and then they are weened...the same with humans, mothers feed their babies milk for a couple yrs and then they ween them...BUT here in the US we take another mammals milk ( cow, goat) and we drink it all of our lives and make our children drink it and have high profile stars with milk mustaches selling it to us...They say it's for the calcium...However upon researching this "fact" I found that Calcium cannot be "uploaded" into the cells without Magnesium of which milk has very little..also Calcium is thwarted by Phosphorous of which milk has a high amount...This is just one of many examples of things I have dug into and found that lies were being presented as truth and no one seemed to care but me..( also the Us has one of the highest Osteoporosis rates in the world)...try telling your family that milk is for the cows and you get something near the reaction of telling them hell is a hoax!!!!  I apologize to anyone who is offended at my statements...I'm only trying to give a little insight to the type of person I am...Regardless We believe the same about our AWESOME GOD...thanks for the support...Josh


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Re: Coming out of the Pentecostal Doctrine
« Reply #15 on: June 19, 2010, 02:00:27 PM »

Here's a paper from Ray about speaking in tongues:

Give it a read and tells us if that helps in any way.


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Re: Coming out of the Pentecostal Doctrine
« Reply #16 on: June 19, 2010, 05:20:43 PM »

Hi Josh,

Well I think you, more so than most, see the world for what it really is. The way that this world is going right now is everybody does "what is right in his own eyes" and that has created the corrupt world that we have. This present age is so that man can experience good AND EVIL, which is a necessary thing, a backdrop that must come first, the "physical before the spiritual" (1Co 15:46). So the stage has been set, we are all living in this world that has gone far astray, by doing what is right in our own eyes. So now when Christ returns there will be tremendous changes in store to come to this world in every way and "the world will learn righteousness" (Isa 26:9). Christ will put everything right both spiritually and physically.

You are very blessed that you are among the very few to have your eyes opened now ahead of all the rest of the world. Do the best you can as God reveals to your spirit what you need to do. We are primarily putting our spiritual house in order, but of course that also will extend into your physical life to have your natural body also conform to the right way of living. As Ray has been dealing with his disease he has been applying a tremendous amount of nutritional eating to help fight his disease. We all should try to learn wholesome living habits and live as healthy as we can.  Just wanted to reply to your post as I have noticed a lot of the things that you speak of as well.

mercy, peace and love



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Re: Coming out of the Pentecostal Doctrine
« Reply #17 on: June 19, 2010, 05:22:18 PM »

Hi Josh  :) Greenfield Indiana here!
oh how I wish 34 was my waistline  :'(  ha-ha



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Re: Coming out of the Pentecostal Doctrine
« Reply #18 on: June 19, 2010, 11:31:16 PM »

Hi Josh...when I was in my late teens until my early 20s I was an active Pentecostal youth member.  I "spoke" in tongue.  But as far as I could remember, there was no magical or spiritual about it.  I forced myself to babble just to satisfy the elder members who were laying their hands on me expecting and waiting for me to speak in tongue.  They would never leave me alone If I would not, so I kind'a deliberately utter balabadlevade badefd dfe bvaled cvefe beidedeebe  ;D


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Re: Coming out of the Pentecostal Doctrine
« Reply #19 on: June 20, 2010, 02:04:47 AM »

They would never leave me alone If I would not, so I kind'a deliberately utter balabadlevade badefd dfe bvaled cvefe beidedeebe  ;D

Ha!  I love it.   

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