My name is April and I am a Christian and You are wrong about hell. Hell is a real place where people that do not accept Jesus as thier God and Saviour go when they die. You will die and spend an eternity in hell If there was never a place and time in your life where you prayed to the Lord and asked Him to forgive you of your sins and write your name in the Lamb's Book of Life. Jesus is a loving God but most off all He is a Holy God. Sin separates us from Him. We deserve to die and go to hell because we were all born sinners, but Jesus died and took our sin so that we might have eternal life and escape the horrible pits of hell. Salvation is a gift. In order to have salvation you must accept this gift from God. God gives you the choice; You can either accept Him or reject Him. You are skating on thin ice when you add and take away from the Word of God. The devil uses people like you to pervert the Word of God and take it out of it's context. You obviously do not have the Spirit of God on your life to help you understand the Scriptures. Jesus loves you and wants you to except His gift of eternal life. But if you continue in your sinful ways perverting and distorting the Word of God you will be accountable to Him. Every knee shall bow and evry tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. I pray that you will search your heart and let God use you instead of the devil. You will be held accountable for all the people that you have led astray and God will surely pour His wrath out on you unless you repent. I pray that you will.
Dear April:
I don't believe that you really believe what you say you believe.
Somehow I don't believe that you think in your heart of hearts that you can worship a god who would torture in REAL FIRE, billions of boys and girls, grandfathers and grandmothers, and pregant women (who have not "known Jesus") for trillions and trillions and trillions and trillions and trillions and trillion of billions of quadrillions of centures--you get the picture, WITHOUT END. Will that make you happy floating on your heavenly cloud watching all those grandmothers screaming insanely with ungodly pain? Think about that until you get so sick to your stomach that you literally vomit. Then clean yourself up and read my series on "The Lake of Fire" and learn how God will save all humanity including all of those millions of unsaved grandmothers and pregnant women and boys and girls.
God be with you,
PS Be SURE you read my upcoming (later this year) Installment D on "HELL." It will knock your socks off. I will show you evil from the mouths of hell-bent theologians that is beyond human emotional comprehension.