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Author Topic: Thank You so much  (Read 5738 times)

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Thank You so much
« on: July 03, 2010, 08:33:07 PM »

Dear Ray,

I promise to keep this short, I understand you have thousands of e-mails to go through. Oh, and no need for a reply =)

I wanted to write you and thank you from the bottom of my heart for FINALLY teaching me the truth, I have spent the last three months reading the majority of your articles and jumping into scripture and I have just now starting watching your conference videos and I can honestly say for the first time in my life I feel free, I can now read John 8:32 with a smile on my face.

I was raised in a Baptist church and I can remember hearing the sermons on hell and I would come home and literally start having panic attacks, it is so heartbreaking to know that an 8 year old should suffer with this kind of torment constantly thinking who do I know that is suffering in this hellhole?

Well to me, I believed most of my family was. My mom used to try and comfort me saying none of us know who is in hell and our family could be in Heaven right now and I knew she was just trying to make me feel better because she believed it as well.

Anyways, making a long story short, I suffered most of my life with images of hell and constantly being afraid I would end up there. I even developed a horrible case of OCD for 12 years where everything I did had to make God happy, I had to do routines hundreds of times a day to make sure I was perfect and wouldn't upset him. To me, he was like this angry abusive parent just waiting to lash out.

To this day, I look back and it hurts me that so much of my life was spent living in this fear. Everyone would tell me not to worry about it until I had to face it, but who knows when I would have to! I could've died any day, I thought everyone else was crazy for not caring as much about eternity as I was!

Basically, a few years ago I started going to a Seventh day Adventist church because I heard that they didn't believe in an eternal hell (they believe in a literal fire that will destroy the wicked) I thought well it's a whole lot better than what i've been taught! Even so, I still never felt right. Hell wasn't the only thing that never set right with me, almost everything the church taught me always made me wonder because it would usually contradict the scriptures. Either way I felt better in a church that didn't believe in an eternal hell, and I thought this was the best I was going to get.

I pretty much gave up on ever finding the full truth, even this church couldn't even explain to me why we were even here in the first place, well yes because God is lonely, but why did he place us here and not in Heaven with him to begin with, they could never answer this and it drove me crazy!

I'm the kind of person that doesn't take a half answer, If I'm going to believe in something I need to know exactly what I'm believing in! =) ...Well about a year ago I started facing severe health problems and I endured three major surgeries in just 6 months, while I was recovering I would read my Bible and I came across all these verses that talked about Jesus being the Saviour of the world, I know I have read these before but it just never popped out at me until then, I started searching online putting these verses in not thinking I would find much and that's when I ran across your site, I have to admit when i first saw it I was about to exit thinking this would just be another private interpretation of the Scriptures (I know how people LOVE to privately interpret them!), but I thought why not, I have plenty of time to read. So I did, I read your entire lake of fire series first, not just once, I read it three times.

After I finished, I literally cried, for days I couldn't stop crying. All the pain I felt, all of the confusion, all of the fear and all of the heartache was finally gone. I can't even put into words how I felt, for the first time in my life I was actually reading something that FIT THE SCRIPTURES 100%! All of it!!! Not some, not half, ALL OF IT!

I sent your site to my mom and I didn't really think I would get a positive reaction out of her since she has been a baptist for almost 60 years, but to my surprise she called me crying!!!! We both just cried together and we finally understood what God's Love really means. My favorite was how you explained why God put us here, that righteousness takes time and circumstance and how we could never appreciate the good unless we face evil, WOW! You couldn't be more right. FINALLY, someone answered this for me!!

I know I promised to make this short and I apologize. I'll finish now, but I just want you to know how much I appreciate you Ray, you are a wonderful teacher and you are truly a blessing and I keep you and your family in my prayers each day.

I pray the Lord will comfort you and your family through the battles you are facing right now. Please know that you are loved and appreciated by so many and I pray you don't ever let the hate mail get you down!

God Bless you, Tricia


Dear Tricia:

It truly thrills me to read an e-mail such as yours, because I realize that nothing but the Truths of God could have healed your years of agony and disappointment with the evil and contradicting doctrines of the Church.  Money (vast amounts of money), fame, power, or notoriety could never alleviate such psychological and spiritual pain and distrust--Only the Truth of God and His Word.

So what we are doing at is a great work even though it is a very very small work. We thank God for your courage to come out of Babylon and become part of our spiritual family.

God be with you,

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