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Author Topic: Confirmation  (Read 7780 times)

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« on: July 20, 2010, 01:22:52 PM »

I've been talking to my husband about all I've been learning from Ray and how God has opened my eyes to His truths in a magnificent way (my husband is resistant to this at the moment).  However, God has been confirming what I've been learning all over the place, especially when my husband is around.

So Saturday, we're driving past a church we attended briefly many years ago.  To my great surprise, its marquee said, "Christ Ressurected Saves All!"  

I pointed it out to my husband and he said, "Well, they don't mean it the way you're thinking."  My heart started pounding because I didn't want to get into an argument with him.  

I know that I must be patient and let the Lord work in my husband's life.  There's nothing I can do to "convince" him of something he simply cannot see right now.  Still, it's great when God uses physical things to make His point!

What an awesome Lord He is!


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Re: Confirmation
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2010, 02:08:12 PM »

Friend Annie,

Interesting experience.
My wife and I attended church almost every week for years and it was she who saw right through the errors that were being taught. She went along to keep peace and I think because she loved me and the kids and wasn't threatened by
what I was trying to accomplish through "works" like tithing. Although we didn't tithe perfectly, we made a stab at it and the family suffered for it.

Since 1999 we have been mostly a home church and studied alone although I did try to fit into one small local fellowship of older citizens. It eventually ended when they made it clear that they weren't ready to learn any more than they already knew and were still wrapped up in the world's holidays.
So, here we are a few years older and closer to the goal.
I hope you will feel comfortable sharing more of your experiences with all of us.

New friend Bob

I've been talking to my husband about all I've been learning from Ray and how God has opened my eyes to His truths in a magnificent way (my husband is resistant to this at the moment).  However, God has been confirming what I've been learning all over the place, especially when my husband is around.

So Saturday, we're driving past a church we attended briefly many years ago.  To my great surprise, its marquee said, "Christ Ressurected Saves All!"  

I pointed it out to my husband and he said, "Well, they don't mean it the way you're thinking."  My heart started pounding because I didn't want to get into an argument with him.  

I know that I must be patient and let the Lord work in my husband's life.  There's nothing I can do to "convince" him of something he simply cannot see right now.  Still, it's great when God uses physical things to make His point!

What an awesome Lord He is!



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Re: Confirmation
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2010, 05:45:38 PM »

Hi Annie,
Hello i am Sandie x
My husband first read bibletruths, and i didnt know he was reading them. One day  he handed me  some papers, they were from web site, the papers were "the Origin of Hell"  from the Lake of fire series. He came home from work and i was weeping at the truths i had read and really had always knew. We hugged and wept together, him mostly because i could see those truths  too xx
God bless you Gods will will be done x
Walk in the Spirit

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Confirmation
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2010, 06:10:02 PM »

Hi, Annie.  It's been my experience too that the Lord has confirmed in a lot of different ways what I've been learning here, sometimes just by watching TV.   :)

I'll tell you a story similar to yours.  I went to my mother's small baptist church's Christmas cantata this past December.  There were maybe 20 people in the choir and I was listening to the music and lyrics.  Sometimes they were just silly and unScriptural, but there's a LOT in the traditional christmas scriptures that 'tell the truth' about the Grace of God.

So they are up there singing these upbeat 'praise songs' with words like "Praise Jesus the Savior of the World" and it dawned on me that not a one of them was smiling.  What a bunch of sourpusses!  I guess I would have had a hard time singing that too, if running through my mind was the kind of 'editing' (adding to and taking away) they were forced to do.  "Praise Jesus the Saviour of the World (providing 'the world' means 'those who use their god-given free-will to accept Jesus into their heart before they die')".  

You can't keep a rythm up with that kind of thinking.   :D  
« Last Edit: July 20, 2010, 06:48:02 PM by Dave in Tenn »
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Confirmation
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2010, 06:27:40 PM »

Annie, at least you are sharing with your husband. i have not really tried to share with my wife but i know i will have to sooner or later. i hope that i get confirmation when she begins to see the truth. it is hard because she only reads Spanish and it is hard to explain certain things. this weekend i went to church, while sitting there, the speaker gave a testimony. speaking about a guy who was sick said the sinners prayer 2 days before he died, and now he is with the lord glorifying him. i wanted to shout, as one politician did recently, " YOU LIE". but i just held my tongue. i pray for your and my spouse to come to the truth if God wills.


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Re: Confirmation
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2010, 07:55:41 PM »

Thanks to everyone for replying to me.  It means more than you know.

I have felt very alone during these last few months of intense study, prayer and worship.  The whole situation with my husband is so ironic because he's the one who prayed so hard for to become a Christian 27 years ago. And even as I've grown closer and closer to the Lord, it seems he has not wanted any part of it.  I once asked him to worship with me at home and he said he can only worship in a church setting.

He and I have a great deal of things we really connect with; love the same foods, enjoy the same movies, like the same activities, etc.  While this is great, I would trade all of that to feel one with him concerning spiritual things. 

I will be praying for all of you who also have spouses that have not yet seen God's truth.  I know firsthand how difficult it is to share the same home with someone who has been terribly deceived yet doesn't seem to have a clue.



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Re: Confirmation
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2010, 12:55:32 PM »

Hi Annie
I think it is very painful to have a spouse who cannot share or believe as we do, especially something as central to our core being that is our understanding of God’s Word and relationship to His Spirit.

I have felt very alone during these last few months….

It is also extremely difficult to find ourselves to be among  the few, very few, as we learn the Truth that sets us apart from the many.

 The process of God’s  judgment is a fiery encounter that only the endurance of His Spirit  can bring us to receive the learning and training in patience and self control that thankfully are also accompanied by the fruits of His Spirit being love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness.



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Re: Confirmation
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2010, 01:49:19 PM »

Hello Arc,

You really zeroed in on why it's so difficult for me and my husband to not be in accord concerning spiritual truths.  These lay the foundation for everything I do, say, think and believe.  So in many ways, I feel like my husband doesn't really "know" me, if that makes sense.

The thing that has amazed me most on this journey of spiritual understanding is how it seems that everyone who has come to recognize and believe the things that Ray teaches share the exact same thoughts and emotions about it.  I have always believed that when people genuinely see what's correct, they all will be in accord with that. 

I love God and Jesus from the depths of my soul and my heart's desire is to be the light I've been called (or perhaps chosen) to be.  As you know, that's not always an easy task in this mixed-up world, but we must stay the course at all times.

This Web site and all of the wonderful people I have been meeting here in the Forum (including yourself) have been a tremendous encouragement to me.  And I hope I can be the same for all of you.

Wishing you joy! Annie :)                                                                                                                                                                 



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Re: Confirmation
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2010, 02:28:38 PM »

Blessings to you Annie

If I may just share with you a few encouragements.

We have to help our husbands not teach, lead, council or train our husbands. I have personally found that it works far better to grieve in private with Jesus and lay on Him the concerns, tribulations and any trials or heart dissatisfaction, that if expressed, only opens wounds of inferiority and disappointments, sorrow and sadness.

God teaches us so much through our husbands. I recognise that God both blesses and trains me through my husband. Life is not easy for either husbands or wife's. It is not meant to be. God is working out our differences, deficiencies and corruptions.  If we try to correct, criticise or oppose our husbands, we bring hardship upon ourselves. If we thank God for our husbands and petition Him to give our husbands deeper understanding and appreciation for HIM, then we do well. It is wonderful to have a husband. So many are alone, emotionally remote, distant, cold, cynical and faithless.

Our differences are in the Plan of God, causing us too, as God's Daughters to be trained in the purging Fire of God as we learn submission, trust and dependence on God for our needs and blessings. I have personally seen amazing blessings when I thank God for my husband and ask Him to bless him.

In one of Rays teachings, Ray mentions that women want power. Well, you know the Scriptures do place the three sins right at Eve's door step, so to speak. It was she who erred and was deceived,  and Adam, for his love of his wife, he subsequently disobeyed God too. That is not good. We are not Eve, we are children of God so we have the opportunity to excel through the Spirit of Christ into the Works of God that obey, submit and Trust Him for everything and then His Peace and Joy can reign in our homes. If you treat your husband like the king that he is, no matter how deaf or blind the fellow is,  then certainly the royal sceptre of God, that is the Power of God,  can give you the blessing of being received as the Queen of your husbands home, in God through you. Now that's real power.  8) Learning to be humble and patient, trusting and obedient to God, is only accomplished through God's Spirit both for you and I and everyone. There is much rest in that understanding. So much so, that you don't need power anymore. Peace is sufficent not in complacent depression but in joyful understanding.  
« Last Edit: July 21, 2010, 02:32:20 PM by Arcturus »


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Re: Confirmation
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2010, 06:41:07 PM »

Thanks again Arc,


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Re: Confirmation
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2010, 07:45:23 PM »

Thank you for your beautiful words of encouragement, Margo.  You are correct in your counsel and I am grateful for the reminder that God is always in control.

Your Sister-in-Christ,

judith collier

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Re: Confirmation
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2010, 11:06:35 AM »

Annie I know what you mean when you said "I don't feel like my husband knows me" Boy, that one hit home. I wished I could do better in this department but i found it extremely difficult to be a "good wife' full of the Holy Spirit. I gave up trying and now God has taken over and I am not so upset anymore as I trust God for my needs and thank Him for this fellowship. It's not easy. There is a possibility your husband is somewhat jealous. Mine was. The more I talked about God the further he withdrew. He was immature and jealous that I was making strides into spirituality (actually it was God doing it) I don't talk about it anymore and I do get lonesome for intimacy where our souls are together in the same place. But, "Jesus walked the wine press alone" and many here are walking it that way also. I will pray for you and your husband as it is not an easy one and I wish no woman would have to go through it but God has always been there for me in a very special way though. He is faithful, I am not! Love, judy


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Re: Confirmation
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2010, 11:57:57 AM »

Dear Judy,

Your words bring much comfort to me.  Finding fellowship here with you and others has been a tremendous source of strength as I journey onward in Truth and Light.

I said to my husband last night that I am not going to hide my light under a bushel in my own home (or anywhere else for that matter).  He understands that and I don't believe he is purposefully trying to be in disaccord with me.  He is just so mired in the doctrines of men, it's very difficult for him to even consider they might be incorrect.

One thing he has asked me over and over again is, "How could 'the many' be wrong?"  It's that whole carnal, majority rules mentality.  But you and I know that with God, only 'the few' will understand. 

Additionally, if my husband really understood the Scriptures that he reads daily, he would see the error of his thinking.  The Truth truly does make you free!

I will pray for you and your husband too, Judy.  And feel free email me if you'd like to chat.  I'm also on SKYPE. 

With Love and Gratitude,


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Re: Confirmation
« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2010, 04:45:14 PM »

Dear Annie,

My husband also said the same thing, "how can so many be wrong"?  I myself just knew only because the Lord had revealed that to me, but not to my husband, yet.  I have to say he is starting to hear and see.  Praise The Lord.  It is all in His timing.  I just love to share the things of the Lord, but not all want to hear.  It is lonely in the world, but not in the Spirit.  That is what keeps me going.


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Re: Confirmation
« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2010, 06:42:36 PM »

Dear Annie and all,
I am right there with you. I didn't used to be. When I found BT in 2008, I wasn't looking but God immediately removed my blinders. When I read to my husband, it was answering his questions from all the way back to when he was a child. He had always questioned church doctrine, while I was a good sheep.  ::) :-\
But we both took off running with it and somehow he kept on running till he ran off a cliff.  :-[  :o

He still believes the jest of it all which is wonderful. He just is having the worst time dealing with the sovereignty of God. He feels like he's been left here to drown until the resurrection. Just so many trials and he is so down. Nothing has been working out for him. The worst scenario is what always takes place. I feel helpless to help him. I want to trust in God with our trials but he refuses to now after so many times of disappointment.

So although we both can rejoice in our Savior saving all and agree on staying away from church, we are on very different pages with daily life issues. It hurts very much but I am trusting that God's plan is to bring him here for a reason and pull him out in His time and not mine.

Blessings, Lin



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Re: Confirmation
« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2010, 02:41:12 AM »

I just had an upsetting experience with a family member who expressed that she had a "spiritual concern/question".  (She wanted to ask an older, mature Chrisitian, as Dad has passed away.) 
Both of us having the same spiritual upbringing, I offered to contribute my opinion if she would ask  the question of me.  Her response was "NO!  You are so spiritually 'off  base' with this Ray guy, thAT I DON'T WANT TO KNOW, READ OR HEAR ANYTHING THAT YOU OR HE (RAY) HAS TO SAY!"                Ouch!
So don't feel alone!



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Re: Confirmation
« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2010, 12:03:01 PM »

Joh 15:18  If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
Joh 15:19  If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

Luk 6:22  Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.


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Re: Confirmation
« Reply #17 on: July 23, 2010, 01:09:29 PM »

Hello Duane,

I think all of us who understand and believe what Ray has taught us now know, at least to a lesser degree, what type of persecution Paul and the early Christians sufferred.  And despite our being being outwardly offended and hurt by this persecution from our friends and loved ones, the greater pain we suffer is that of a broken heart over their subconscious hatred for God and His truth.

But we must journey on and be a light for those few who God has chosen to see it clearly.  This is our true path and purpose. And my heart overflows with unspeakable joy that He has given me the opportunity to shine for Him!

Wishing you peace and strength,
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