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Author Topic: prayer request for daughters  (Read 13947 times)

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Re: prayer request for daughters
« Reply #20 on: August 01, 2010, 10:18:47 PM »

Hi Kat,
Will certainly be praying for your precious daughters.
My 2 thoughts upon reading your post.
1) soy- it can be an allergen for many and it causes the symptoms you described. It is also imperative if you go off of dairy to make sure you do not substitute soy as it will be perceived by your body the same as dairy.
2) the first thing I'd get them both on-if they are not already- is a good digestive enzyme. I buy mine from a doc in OK but I'd also trust Dr. Mercola's if you need a good one. The ones that are shelf stable and don't require refrigeration are the best. I'd have them take about 2 or 3 with each meal for a while and see what happens.
Also, have they either one been on any antibiotics? If so, they need to replenish their good bacteria with a good probiotic regimen.

Hope everything is something easy to fix!!


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Re: prayer request for daughters
« Reply #21 on: August 01, 2010, 11:44:40 PM »

Kathy and Iris, I am very thankful to know you remember us in your prayers.

Lin, I've always considered your advice to be right where my thinking is too. We generally avoid soy products, so I'm thinking that is probably not it. We have been using digestive enzyme and I have found the Pearls product and they are taking them at this time, like you said they don't have to be in the refrig and also can be taken any time.

Both girls are doing good right now, with the one steering clear of the junk food and has not been sick. My older DD is taking a few supplements and something (or maybe everything) is helping. It's still a week before she has the colonoscope, but I will let you all know.

mercy, peace and love



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Re: prayer request for daughters
« Reply #22 on: August 02, 2010, 03:51:49 AM »

One of my daughters has PCOS - so far hasn't found an effective treatment, but she is an adult in another city and I can't make her go to the doctor! But, while looking for and suggesting various ideas for her diet, I found a book, The Maker's Diet, which may be helpful for your daughters, Kat. The author had all sorts of serious digestive ailments, to the point of death, then either found this diet or was inspired by scripture (can't remember which). Anyway, it's not the Daniel diet, which is fruits and vegetables and water, but just foods recommended as "good" in the bible. Goat cheese and yogurt (probiotic), veggies, whole grains, fruits. No modern processed food. I don't have the book here, but remember finding it interesting. You may find a description of it on Amazon.

Hope this can help. Tammy, what medication did your daughter find that worked for her PCOS?



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Re: prayer request for daughters
« Reply #23 on: August 02, 2010, 05:38:51 AM »

Well I've tended to be kind of private about family matters, but it's high time that I seeked your prayers and any advice would also be appreicated.

My oldest daughter (27) has been dealing with what we thought was a case of stomach ulcers for years. She does not have insurance, so has never been diagnosed, just self treated with OTC stuff. But recently we saw a TV advertisement by a lawyer who was advising those who had taken Accutane and had developed certain diseases (Crohn's and ulerative colitis) to contact him concerning a lawsuit that was being filed. Well this set off alarms to us, because she had taken Accutane as a teenager for acne. We did a little research on these diseases and she can relate most of her symptoms as matching with them. Realizing the seriousness of the condition she might have we are now in the process of getting testing done to diagnose what is wrong. She will have an endoscopy/colonoscopy next week. On top of that she had already determined she was gluten intolerant by remove wheat form her diet and now whenever any slips by she gets sick. That is also getting checked. But just wanted to ask for your prayers for her.

Hi Kat. Thank you for sharing this. I showed my sister your post last night. Her daughter, my niece also took Accutane for acne five years ago. She is 28.Everything fell into place. The joint pain, vulnerability to infection. and a host of other maladys which a healthy young woman should not be experiencing.

At least now we know whats going on. thats half the battle. Both my sister and I were vehemently against her taking this drug but she was adamant and paid for it herself.  I understand, her skin was bad and this was the wonderdrug.

It worked like a charm, but at what price? God is in control and He prompted you to post this, I am sure.
We can just pray for each other and see where the road takes us.



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Re: prayer request for daughters
« Reply #24 on: August 02, 2010, 11:38:28 AM »

Hi Karen, thanks for mention of the book, I plan on getting it and this will give us some helpful info. This PCOS that you are referring to is an ovarian problem, right? What Chanel is experiencing is digestive, probably ulcerations in the intestinal tract.
We all take a vit-min and probiotics supplement for starters, she also takes slippery elm, cat's claw, gum guggul and aloe vera daily specifically for her condition, as research shows all of these are helpful with these digestive problems.

Jassy, what a mixed blessing, good that you way find the answer to your niece's problems, but sad to know she may also have such a serious condition. But yes knowing exactly what you are dealing with will help. But it also opens up a whole new can of worms, as the pharmaceutical treatment is really bad too. We intend to continue to use diet and supplements and feel this would be the best approach. We can certainly support each other in prayers.

mercy, peace and love



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Re: prayer request for daughters
« Reply #25 on: August 02, 2010, 12:22:59 PM »

Hi Kat,

yes PCOS presents as a hormonal, ovarian problem, but it in reality is a huge systemic disorder leading to diabetes and heart disease among other things. There seems to be a relationship between diet and controlling the syndrome. Frustrating to treat unless you find an endocrinologist who looks at the whole body and all systems. My daughter doesn't like doctors or medications, so I've been hoping and praying and suggesting dietary changes. The Maker's Diet seems like a good eating program for lots of people with health issues. I recommended the book as I seem to recall the author had Crohn's Disease, and ulcers throughout his digestive tract.

As I progress into my 50's, I've noticed troubles with food myself. Last November I cut way back on meat - maybe one or two servings per month. That has helped a great deal. I'm also trying to limit processed carbs - my downfall is potato chips, but I never buy them - that helps. No control if I'm at someone's house who puts them out, though. :D

Will be praying for everyone's health and for inspiration and guidance to good treatments and help.




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Re: prayer request for daughters
« Reply #26 on: August 02, 2010, 07:38:58 PM »

Kat, will be praying for your girls for hurts mom's to watch their children suffer!  God will lead you to the answer.

Just as a by the way, I am changing over to the "caveman" sugar, chemicals, etc etc...veggies, fruit and nuts, only free range, non hormone meat and poultry...  I am feeling good and no hunger cause you can eat anything natural.  I get most of my stuff from Whole Foods Market (not as expensive), but I save money on no junk food or fast/food.

I am hoping to ease symptoms of this modern age- arthritis, IBS, head aches, back aches.. hi cholestorol etc.

This is the beginning of the 3rd week so I am still a novice, but I will let ya know.

Samson, get Tree of Life bread in the frozen section at WalMart!!  Goes by various scriptural fav is Ezekial :? and Genesis ?:?  No wheat or flour of anykind and it is delicious.


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Re: prayer request for daughters
« Reply #27 on: August 06, 2010, 03:00:01 AM »

Dear Kat,
 My girls are similar ages. It doesn't matter how old they are, we're still their mothers.
My son is on accutane- I really didn't want him to be but he's old enough to decide for himself. So far he's done pretty well- no achy muscles at all. We'll just have to see.
 I wouldn't let an ambulance chasing lawyer upset you too much (we get the same stuff on TV here). 
 Have you heard of Mannatech? It's a based on glyconutrients- my husband had 7 polyps last time he had a colonoscopy and he feels better now after 20 months of taking the nutrients so we're anxious to see how his next colonoscopy goes. He also has diverticulitis and he does feel better.
 Thank you for all you do. You are so committed to this site and spreading the truth of the Good News and I'm really grateful.


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Re: prayer request for daughters
« Reply #28 on: August 09, 2010, 04:19:59 PM »

Dear Brothers and Sisters, your prayers are very precious to me, thank you so very much to all of you!

Okay we took Chanel for the colonscope this morning and here is great news... they found nothing but some internal hemorrhoids. This examination removed concern about the serious diseases that we had thought there could have been. Now we still believe that she has gluten intolerance (the Dr. wants to do further testing to determine that for sure), but we know that already, by her eating it and getting sick. Anyway that really does not seem so bad now since the more serious problems are not there.

I just want to give praise to God for this blessing, He truly is so good to us.

mercy, peace and love



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Re: prayer request for daughters
« Reply #29 on: August 09, 2010, 05:05:28 PM »

Whew, I know how relieved you must be Mama! So happy for you!  ;D


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Re: prayer request for daughters
« Reply #30 on: August 09, 2010, 05:08:57 PM »

That is such a relief! His Peace is so valuable. :)


Roy Coates

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Re: prayer request for daughters
« Reply #31 on: August 10, 2010, 12:17:33 AM »

Praise the Lord


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Re: prayer request for daughters
« Reply #32 on: August 10, 2010, 04:28:55 AM »

Hi Kat,

One ingredient which has become prevalent in almost all fast food and even soups, cooked
meats and other convenience foods from the grocery store is MSG (monosodium glutamate).
Some people seem to build up a tolerance to it (at least for a while) but it makes some people
very ill. Your daughter might want to avoid it for a week or two then add it back as a test just
to see if it might be a problem. There is so much crap added to our food nowdays it is really
hard to avoid all the things which might not be good for us.

My 90 year old mother is supposed to follow gluten free AND low salt. It is almost impossible to
eat out or buy anything at the grocery store which is prepared - bread, crackers, chips, soups,
frozen dinners, box dinners, spreads, BBQ sauce, salad dressings - almost everything has wheat
OR high salt OR MSG OR artificial sweetners. They can be found but your shopping will take a long
time as you read all those itty bitty labels.

I cook almost everything from scratch but I will admit that when it is late and I am very tired it
is not so easy.

By the way gluten-free bread is readily available in the area where frozen rolls are sold. Rice pasta is
also usually available in a section of the pasta isle.

« Last Edit: August 10, 2010, 04:33:36 AM by fox »


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Re: prayer request for daughters
« Reply #33 on: August 10, 2010, 01:54:09 PM »

I do want to thank all for there advice, I have taken into consideration all that has been offered. You know I just don''t know what to make of Chanel having no sign of disease in her digestive tract, other than God's mercy. We were so expecting to have an ordeal to endure for a long time and it was weighing heavy on us. She is going to continue with the supplements for now and may try a little gluten at some point, just to check and see. But yes the relief is huge and your prayers I believe helped us a great deal.

The younger daughter did have another bout of vomiting last week after we ate out in a restaurant. She feels fine up until and after, but has that period of nausea and vomiting. It must be some ingredient that we have not pin pointed yet. Fox, I was aware of MSG, but thought it had been removed from most foods because so many were sensitive to it? But I'm sure there are any number of trigger ingredients it could be and it is just going to be hard (if not impossible) to figure it out. How do you find out all that is in the food when eating out? Home cooking doesn't seem to cause a problem, so I'm trying to encourage her to cook her own food as much as possible.

love to all,


judith collier

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Re: prayer request for daughters
« Reply #34 on: August 13, 2010, 04:25:15 AM »

Kat, very glad to hear your daughter hasn't anything life threatning or too serious. I think of all the people with chrones and ulcerative colitis and feel bad for them as this is not one of those diseases that they want to share except maybe on the internet. And it is an isolating malady as they are confined to their homes and have to call into work or bring a letter from the dct. explaining it. My son suffers so much and only a few people know. Who would want to talk about it. Even family members think he is malingering unless I go into graphic details, which of course they don't want to hear.
Thank God for this new treatment but I worry about his future health from all the steroids and pills. I just have to believe God has His hand on him.


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Re: prayer request for daughters
« Reply #35 on: August 13, 2010, 07:14:27 AM »


I have been thinking of you and your girls. I am so glad to hear about the test results. There are a lots of good advices given here. I just want to add one more thing (if you have not already known). Take care and advice them to stay away from ice, icy food or drinks. Warm is ideal.


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Re: prayer request for daughters
« Reply #36 on: August 13, 2010, 10:43:39 AM »

Judy, I will continue to remember your son in my prayers.

Hi Zee, hmm icy foods? Hadn't thought of that and we do like to eat ice cream, will let them know that warm food is better.



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Re: prayer request for daughters
« Reply #37 on: August 13, 2010, 10:08:59 PM »

Quote from: Kat

  I was aware of MSG, but thought it had been removed from most foods because so many were sensitive to it? But I'm sure there are any number of trigger ingredients it could be and it is just going to be hard (if not impossible) to figure it out. How do you find out all that is in the food when eating out?

Kat, this is a pretty good article regarding "MSG."


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Re: prayer request for daughters
« Reply #38 on: August 14, 2010, 12:10:06 PM »

Thanks Patrick, I sent this to my daughter. Sounds like MSG is a definite possibility.



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Re: prayer request for daughters
« Reply #39 on: August 14, 2010, 09:53:10 PM »

A Chiropractor posted this link today; at the bottom of the article, there are some food brands listed that use MSG (or other pseudonyms). Y'all may have already seen it. Eating healthy is just as easy as getting saved; sorry, I couldn't resist! ;)
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