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Author Topic: Shattered Dreams  (Read 5123 times)

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Shattered Dreams
« on: March 20, 2006, 03:37:15 PM »

The man's life was pleasant.  So to was his worship.  God was not pleased.  So he allowed the man's life to become unpleasant.  "How could this be?".  Beneath the shock, the man was smug.  But he could not see it.  He thot it was trust.  "This will soon pass, God is faithful.  Life will become good again.  I trust God".  His worship remained shallow.  

God was not pleased, so he brought more unpleasant things into his life.  He continued to trust God to relieve his pain.  "That's God's job, to make my life good".  His worship became a way to convince God to restore his pleasant life.  God was not pleased, so he brought the forces of hell into the man's life.  The man's life became miserable.  

The man's life became where he could only think of better days, those better days of before.  He dreamed constantly of those days and wishing they would return.  

He eventually lost hope.  Depression set in and worship stopped.  The man now started seeking relief through temporary pleasures.  More pain came.  He begged God for help.  Beneath his cries was a sense of "God you owe me help.  It's your fault".  His worship became demand.  

God allowed more pain and troubles into the man's life.  

His worship was more desperate than ever.  But it was still proud.  

God kept his distance from the man.  He provided no comfort.  

Eventually the man fell into such darkness that he could no longer see his dreams for a pleasant life.  Eventually he began to see a glimmer of God.  The cry for a blessing was no longer a demand, it was a cry for whatever God wanted to do.  The man began to feel something different, it was humility.  

The man had forgotten himself and discovered his desire for God.  He didnt' find God right away, but there was hope.  

Then he saw it, Fresh water bubbled up from a spring in the desert of his soul.  It was a new dream.  It was a dream of actually knowing God and representing him to an unpleasant world.  His suffering became his gateway into God's heart.  

My soul is thirsty.  A pleasant life won't fill this thirst.  God is the only true water.  

The man worshiped God and God was pleased.  So God kept the water bubbling.  When the man didnt' drink, his thirst became unbearable.  

Some things in life got better, some got worse.  But now this was a man with hope, hope of encountering God.  

paraphrased From Shattered Dreams

by Larry Crabb,


  • Guest
Shattered Dreams
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2006, 11:18:58 PM »

Great words, Laren.  Until we get past this ole self, its mighty hard to see God.  What a mighty wise Father we have, to Him all the glory goes.

I think we can all relate somewhat to this writing in one way or the other.  
Found humility, forgot himself and found a desire for God.  Good stuff! 8)

God bless you, sister.



  • Guest
Shattered Dreams
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2006, 12:03:59 AM »

Quote from: orion77
Great words, Laren.  Until we get past this ole self, its mighty hard to see God.  What a mighty wise Father we have, to Him all the glory goes.

I think we can all relate somewhat to this writing in one way or the other.  
Found humility, forgot himself and found a desire for God.  Good stuff! 8)

God bless you, sister.


Just to let ya know, i'm a brother, not a sister.  Not the first time this has happened on this board.


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Shattered Dreams
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2006, 12:13:26 AM »

I'm sorry, thats the problem of communicating online.  No offense meant, brother. :lol:

I just wonder if you all have people you can communicate the truths that are discussed here, face to face?  For me, I am surrounded by people who would rather stick to the traditions of man, than to grow in His word and move to maturity.  Just curious, not to get off track of your topic.

Again, sorry man!  8)



  • Guest
Shattered Dreams
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2006, 12:22:35 AM »

Quote from: orion77
I'm sorry, thats the problem of communicating online.  No offense meant, brother. :lol:

I just wonder if you all have people you can communicate the truths that are discussed here, face to face?  For me, I am surrounded by people who would rather stick to the traditions of man, than to grow in His word and move to maturity.  Just curious, not to get off track of your topic.

Again, sorry man!  8)


No I don't have really anybody to talk to face to face.  It amazes me that people I think that would see the wonderful plan of God, don't.  Even more amazingly to me, the only two people who have listened with an open mind are my 11 year old son, and my 19 year old daughter who currently is struggling a lot with partying, rebellion etc.  

Partly why I put this story in here is that it seems the people truly open to the truth of God's love are those with child like faith or those who have lived the parable of the prodigle son.  

By the way, the section where people post there pictures has been helpful to me, can put a face to many of the names.  

In Him.


  • Guest
Shattered Dreams
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2006, 12:50:24 AM »

I hear ya, it's not wonder why Jesus spent so much time with publicans and sinners.  They dont have the self righteousness brought on by worldly religions.  It is oftentimes more easily to talk about the truths of God to the non church goers than the people caught up in traditions.

The world is a bassackwards place!  Strange indeed.

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