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Author Topic: How is this not a hate crime?  (Read 11451 times)

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How is this not a hate crime?
« on: July 03, 2006, 07:09:08 PM »

How can he go on tv and say such things?   ???



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Re: How is this not a hate crime?
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2006, 09:10:52 PM »

He should be ashamed and so should any other person who says bad things about another person.

Sorin, he just does the same as white people do.  I've seen white people go on tv and say the same thing about black people.



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Re: How is this not a hate crime?
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2006, 10:17:14 PM »

Gutter trash Sorin  ;)

He's just grandstanding as are those the follow him. I've had it with race, color, creed or religion!

You either love God with all your heart and your neighbor (that is everyone else) as yourself or you don't.

I'll pray for him and others like him that God may at his will open their eyes to see some truth.

Your posts really make me think :)



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Re: How is this not a hate crime?
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2006, 11:06:45 PM »


Will C span allow a rebuttal??

Oh well, all in God's plan!


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Re: How is this not a hate crime?
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2006, 10:29:02 PM »

Okay Sorin if you are going to post this type of Video I offer you a challenge.
I DARE you to watch your own video again.

This time I want you to watch this video and try to Love this man.
It seems like this man , Muslims and Hitler really bother you. I can honestly understand because sometimes my Italian blood really boils too. You really have to know that Hate causes chemicals to be secreted by your body and they can really plays havoc on your own body. The other person is not effected at all by what you feel.

Try to remember that God caused everything that happened in this mans life. Everything that has happened, has caused this man to feel and act this way. Only by the grace and mercy of God are we where we are. Loving this man is something we cannot do alone, Christ in you is the only thing that will helps you through this. 

I try to understand the hurt or feel the pain that he might have felt during his life. I try to imagine some of horrible things that might have happened to him. …..  This is not an excuse for his behavior just a glimps behind the camera

It is even possible that like the Muslims that Hate has been taught to him by everyone around him and with each generation the hate is escalating. Today with the escalation and display of violence in videos and movies they feel even more free to express themselves.  Soon they will feel free to do what they feel.

Listen to what he is actually is saying.  Is everything that he is saying a lie? The scriptures says that no man is righteous not one. Mankind has done many cruel things to each other over time. No race or ethnic group is immune. Of course I do not agree with the man when he says that we should kill anyone but God will judge this man not any of us.

If our eyes have been open to Gods plan for mankind we need to run the race like Paul instructed and we need to elevate each other to a higher level. We do not need to drag anyone to this level of Hate like the world does. They cannot help themselves
(John 13:35 KJVR)
 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

Even if this man and others continue in their hate, this too is for God’s purpose and it also may be like in times past for God’s Judgement




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Re: How is this not a hate crime?
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2006, 12:17:32 AM »

This last post was not meant to be personal against  Sorin but was in response to the continued posting of  videos of violent topics. I really feel that these are not elevating.  I took the challenge myself and watched the video again. I also prayed and repented about all that mankind has done in the past both white, black muslin and christian etc. I thanked God for his mercy and His love. 

Sorin is certainly energetic and we do enjoy his fellowship.




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Re: How is this not a hate crime?
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2006, 12:59:01 AM »

   Nice post Beloved.  I think we all need to be reminded now and then.  It's so easy to say "Look how bad this guy is".  I am as guilty as anyone.  Thanks for the post.

with love


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Re: How is this not a hate crime?
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2006, 10:07:33 PM »


I think I will fail that challenge time and time again. Seeing as I'm a White Male and that is a direct attack on ALL WHITES. I think of my mother, my neices. my nephew, all the beautiful white women and he wants to annihilate the White race? I think it's best if I stop here.....................................................................


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Re: How is this not a hate crime?
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2006, 12:13:31 PM »

I am amazed at the revelation that all is vanity.  Ecclesiastes is a wonderful book and so convicting.  Everything in this age is vanity.  Whether you are a black jack dealer in Vegas or a social worker in the slums or a doctor, lawyer, school teacher, etc it is all vanity.  This life is a physical dream.  Nothing in the physical accounts for anything.  Joseph was the man who dreams dreams.  We all are.  Life is but a dream.  Do not get caught up in it.  We are all as evil as the next person.  Remember once you know the true truth, whatever you put your hand to will prosper.  Because then you know the truth and the truth sets you free.  Then you count it all joy.

Think on this.



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Re: How is this not a hate crime?
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2006, 02:52:56 PM »


What I mean, and do not take me wrong I never mean to say anything to cause any stress and sometimes I do not communicate well, but I mean that the flesh profits you nothing.  All of our good works in the flesh are as filthy rags, only what we do with what we have received in the spirit is of any value to us.  To whom much is given, much is expected is talking about spiritually.  If we have been given the spiritual ears to hear, much is expected of us.  Jesus said it is not what we do in the flesh it is what we do in the imaginations of our hearts.  What we think on is what we are judged on.  When we have sinned once, we are guilty of them all.  I am guilty of what this man on the tape said.  He is not guilty alone.  We are all guilty of what he is guilty of. 

I love the way God showed us the way through the parable of King Saul and David.  King Saul is a good man.  He does everything for the good of the people.  Nothing he does could be construed to be bad.  He is like a doctor going around doing good, but it is David that is the man after God's own heart.  He screws around.  He murders.  He connives.  He is slack when he should be at war.  Yet he obeys God and does exactly what he hears in his spirit.  So judging by what was done in the flesh King Saul is a better man than David, but God does not judge a man by his outward (carnal appearance).  God judges by the heart. 

Hope this comes across in complete joy.



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Re: How is this not a hate crime?
« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2006, 03:18:05 PM »

This actually reminds me of the tax collector and I think it was the priest?  I don't remember the passage sorry, I think it goes something like, in a nut shell, " I am a sinner but I am not like him"  I know I am not saying this right I hope you all understand what I am saying.

remember " Guilty of one, Guilty of all"

I try to remind myself of this everyday, the other one I try and remind myself of along with this is "Judge not lest ye be judged"



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Re: How is this not a hate crime?
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2006, 03:33:14 PM »

Thank you bobby I have been trying to find that verse  :)

This way I can now READ it daily to remind myself.



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Re: How is this not a hate crime?
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2006, 12:14:45 PM »

How sad this is. Racism and hate are not a new thing. Even in the day of Jesus Samitans were shunned. Seems like we are very slow learners in realizing that racism and hate is so wrong. One year in my class in first grade I had am Asian, a black, a Hispanic, many Caucasion children to teach. I held my arm out to them and asked what color I was. They all said white. I then held up a piece of white paper and asked what color it was. Then I held it beside my arm and asked again what color I was. The answer changed to " kinda tan". Our colors in the class changed from black and white to different shades of tan... light through dark. Those little children I had saw more than many adults do. Maybe the whole planet should learn from 6 year olds. Reckon?


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Re: How is this not a hate crime?
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2006, 12:43:25 PM »

Awesome Jennie!  Unless you change and become as little children....


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Re: How is this not a hate crime?
« Reply #14 on: July 15, 2006, 02:09:07 AM »

Did anyone go to the site, the address that scrolled across the screen at the end of the video? Hate begets hate...apparently still rings true. Sad but true. We are none better than another, each of us falling short. All in God's time. I am just astounded that they air such filth and vile, but then the media is owned an operated by "The World" afterall. All in God's time.


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Re: How is this not a hate crime?
« Reply #15 on: July 15, 2006, 12:35:22 PM »

Did anyone go to the site, the address that scrolled across the screen at the end of the video? Hate begets hate...apparently still rings true. Sad but true. We are none better than another, each of us falling short. All in God's time. I am just astounded that they air such filth and vile, but then the media is owned an operated by "The World" afterall. All in God's time.

They do make a valid point though. It says on there "Black rappers can shout white hate lyrics and its called art. White Pride music with only educational messages is forbidden in many places. Blacks can also enjoy million man marches, and entire month devoted to their past.  If Whites try this, its prejudice. A final example is the Jewish owned media. Many races have exclusive channels such as BET, Asian, and aboriginal. Once again, the white race is refused such equality."   

How is that not a true statement?  >:(

Can't you see, we live in a world where you're only "racist" if you're white.


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Re: How is this not a hate crime?
« Reply #16 on: July 15, 2006, 05:59:14 PM »

 ;D Smile Sorin. All will be righted in the end. ~Jenny
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