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Author Topic: Ephesians 5:12  (Read 6807 times)

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Ephesians 5:12
« on: November 10, 2010, 08:12:03 AM »

Hello Pastor Smith, I pray your having a blessed day. A friend of mine was trying to use Eph. 5:12 to support his belief that he is not obligated to tell a woman he wants to marry, who is a virgin, that he has slept with over 100 different women. I strongly disagreed with him even after reading this verse, and would like to know your views on this. I would greatly appreciate a response, as I understand you're going through a lot with your health, and are very busy.
God Bless,

Dear Nathaniel:  What is important is to consider the needs and desires of his potential wife.
Some women want to know all that their potential husbands have done in the past, while others
don't want to know anything of their past.  Other desire only to know that there is nothing presently
going on that would discourage them should it become known in the future.  Virtually all people
entering into marriage have had previous sexual experiences.  Some have had one or two while
others (such as your friend) have apparently had over a hundred.  Although I hardly believe that
it is necessary for his future wife to know all the details of all one hundred encounters, it may be
necessary to let her know that there were MANY, and that it is now an embarrassment to him,
and something he would never engage in again.  It just isn't necessary to rehash and/or relive
all the sordid details of our past.  If sins are truly repented of we should do as Paul admonished:
"Forgetting those things which are past."  If God "remembers our sins no more," who are we
to keep their memory alive?  It is not a badge of masculine honor to have conquered over
one hundred women.  REPENT; FORGIVE; AND FORGET.
God be with you,
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