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Author Topic: Gentle Spirit  (Read 7679 times)

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Gentle Spirit
« on: July 05, 2006, 11:55:30 AM »

Hi Ray,
This is Rene' from Virginia.  I pray that all is well with you.  I was thinkng about what Jesus said in Matt. 24:24 regarding "false prophets" attempting to deceive, if possible, even the "elect", and I realized how blessed we few have been in the last couple of months.  I pray that you see this also.
My question:  I express a lot of zeal and excitement when given the opportunity to share the truths I have been shown from God's word to others.  1 Peter 3:4 speaks of a wife with a "gentle and quiet spirit" which is very precious in the sight of God.  How can I manifest such a spirit even in my zeal?
Your Sister In Christ,

Dear Rene':
A "gentle and quiet spirit" is a GIFT from God. One cannot attain such gifts by themselves or on their own.  You will develop the fruit of the Spirit by living a godly life.
God be with you,
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