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Author Topic: What are your foreign gods?  (Read 14686 times)

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What are your foreign gods?
« on: July 05, 2006, 09:57:55 PM »

Jer 2:25  Do not run until your feet are bare
       and your throat is dry.
       But you said, 'It's no use!
       I love foreign gods,
       and I must go after them.'

  In Orion's last thread, he recommended reading Jer. 2.  While doing so I came across the above verse in the NIV.  It gave me an idea.  What are your foreign gods?  I think this could be an edifying post in the sense that I bet there are alot of things that we all do and don't even realize that it is a foreign god.  It could also be embarassing for some (including me) however we are all brothers and sisters here and if we can't discuss these things with each other than who?  I will start.
I am a smoker, I love my family more than God, I do not love my enemies and I talk behind people's backs ( to my wife).  These are a few of the things that I really struggle with.  To me these are all foreign gods.  There are probably alot more that I don't even realize and that is the purpose of this thread.  Love to hear from you.

with love


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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2006, 10:22:47 PM »

Prarrydog, in line with your thoughts, I would have to say this verse:

(Jer 2:32)  Can a virgin forget her finery, a bride her attire? Yet My people have forgotten Me days without number.

Looking at the time He has given me, so far, I would be guilty of forgetting Him days without number.  Guilty, big time of not loving Him with all my heart, mind and soul.  I've noticed, when things are going good, where is God...way in the back of my mind.  Yet, these are the times He should be forefront in my life. 

Also, I am not quite to where I can fully forgive my enemies, even though they are not my personal enemies, but gaining in this knowledge, seems to bring more and more people to hate me for this belief.  It is an incredible walk He puts us through, estranged by the ones we love and care about.  No longer partaking in the ways of this world, to the ones remaining puts a strange stamp on us.  I often wonder, why it must be this way?  Yet, there are many things that must be taken in faith. 

This is why I am thankful for Him putting the desire to seek Him, within me.  Now I see, what has happened to the prophets of the OT, our Lord Himself, the apostles, and the many since who have suffered for His names sake.  Seems to me, we are in good company.

God bless,



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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2006, 10:32:41 PM »

  I've noticed, when things are going good, where is God...way in the back of my mind.  Yet, these are the times He should be forefront in my life. 

    So it's not just me.  When things go bad though, I come back with a vengeance.  Pathetic I am. is nice to know that between God and myself one of us is faithful.  Amen.


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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2006, 10:45:18 PM »

Jer 2:25  Do not run until your feet are bare
       and your throat is dry.
       But you said, 'It's no use!
       I love foreign gods,
       and I must go after them.'

  In Orion's last thread, he recommended reading Jer. 2.  While doing so I came across the above verse in the NIV.  It gave me an idea.  What are your foreign gods?  I think this could be an edifying post in the sense that I bet there are alot of things that we all do and don't even realize that it is a foreign god.  It could also be embarassing for some (including me) however we are all brothers and sisters here and if we can't discuss these things with each other than who?  I will start.
I am a smoker, I love my family more than God, I do not love my enemies and I talk behind people's backs ( to my wife).  These are a few of the things that I really struggle with.  To me these are all foreign gods.  There are probably alot more that I don't even realize and that is the purpose of this thread.  Love to hear from you.

with love


Nice thread. I too am a smoker, and a bit of an alcoholic, I don't drink too much, but perhaps I do drink too often. I do need to quit smoking though (soon), and I emphasize NEED. My lungs are no longer able to withstand it, I keep getting these dry coughs whenever I smoke so I take this doctor prescribed syrup which (which wasn't cheap by the way), and it does make it go away. But then I start smoking again and the coughs come back and well you get the point, I NEED TO quit but it just seems impossible, not like I haven't tried before, in vain. So yeah, I'm a wreck. I suppose those are my "foreign gods" amongst many others for sure.

Take care,

« Last Edit: July 05, 2006, 11:04:28 PM by Sorin »


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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2006, 10:52:22 PM »

Prarrydog and Gary,

I might have the wrong view on this and will stand corrected. Loving your enemies is easier when you consider "hating" them is paramount to hating the will of God. This, atleast for me changes the perspective a little. But (there is always a but) I am not required to accept or like what my enemies are doing. I do not have a scripture to support this, but I know there is one and if/when I find I will post it.

So in short, I believe loving someone is caring enough for them to pray for them, that the God who so graciously loves me, may soften the hearts of my enemies and open their eyes that they may see and feel that love also. The sad part is that I am a poor example of God's love; my actions do not live up to my expectations so I guess I still have many foreign gods too.

As corny as it sounds, love is the only answer; for with love comes forgiveness.

Great post



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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2006, 10:59:39 PM »


  Maybe someday (soon) we can quit together.  I'm sure our brothers and sisters will pray for us.


  That does put it into perspective.  Thanks for the post.


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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2006, 11:01:47 PM »

How did I forget. I too don't "love my enemies" but I'm sure you all know that. Or atleast most of you here. And I'm also struggling with my belief in God, not only whether or not He exists, but also whether or not He cares, and is still watching what's going on in the world or has He Forsaken us. Or perhaps He just created life to see what happens, in other words we are left to fend for ourselves. And there is no plan or purpose. So I suppose I also struggle with doubt and too many questions. Those are my "foreign gods". Or atleast some of them.


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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2006, 11:12:11 PM »


  Maybe someday (soon) we can quit together.

Maybe. ;)

Quote from: Prarrydog
I'm sure our brothers and sisters will pray for us.

As much as I don't really believe that's going to make any difference, it is still a nice thing to do, and I thank them in advance anyway. But who knows, I may even be wrong.  :o

Quote from: Prarrydog

  That does put it into perspective.  Thanks for the post.

Yes, it does bring new meaning to the term 'love your enemies". Or atleast another way of looking at it.


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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2006, 11:24:19 PM »

I am a smoker also. When I became a believer back in the 70's I tried to quit smoking for five years. It was daily torment for me as I felt I was a bad witness for the Lord and I wanted to please him. When your heavily involved in church you feel condemend constantly if you have these outward behaviors that people can see. Well it got to where my will to quit became stronger than my will to smoke and I quit cold turkey. That is not the end of the story sorry to say. I quit for 10 years but the things that happened in the church were worse than the smoking and I went back to it. In my heart I was mad at God for all the years I served him and our lives were in shambles. All it took is one cigaret and I was hooked again.That was 16 years ago. I do not feel condemed anymore about smoking or that God is mad at me but I want to quit because of my health so I am going on the patch on Friday, leaving for SanFrancisco for 8 weeks. If you are a smoker in California you feel like a leper so it might be easier. I need prayers.
God Bless


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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2006, 11:28:07 PM »

I will pray for you Inez.


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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2006, 11:13:17 PM »

Probably loving my family more, not spending enough time in prayer & fellowship in my prayer closet, definetly not loving my enemies, and many others.  The one that bothers me most is my jealousy of rich people-  I want all that cool stuff too!!  Someone once said it is in your unguarded moments that what you really believe comes forth. I don't want to work, I want to lay on a beach with a margarita, and have no cares of this world!!  That is very far from a crucified life.  Then when I realize how I think about my past and my life what I am really saying is I couldve done better at my life than  God.  Then I feel bad and get guilty, repent etc....then the next day I see a Jag and it starts all over....Gee, I haven't admitted this to many people.

Sorin, my heart hurts to read about your hurts.  I don't know what God's will is for you but don't quit the race...the future has got to be better than the past.....I will be praying for you (hopefully with many prayers there will be a difference(


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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2006, 11:36:23 PM »

Thank you Gena.

Chris R

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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2006, 12:16:37 AM »

Hello folks,

Could we move this thread to " off topic "
This forum is to discuss the bible-truths website...Please do not be offended

Thankyou for your help

Chris R


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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #13 on: July 07, 2006, 12:36:24 AM »

Hi to all the "smoki'n brothers and

Allright I tried to quit numerous times, cold turkey, patches, the disgusting gum etc. etc. over probably 10 years. Eventually I did quit 3 years ago here in Australia, with a mob called Smoke Enders, it was a 6-7 week program cost about $500.00 and at the end of the course it was so easy to give up the smokes, most of us couldn't wait for the last few weeks of the course to finish so we could quit. Apparently Smoke Enders originated in the USA so I STRONGLY suggest you guys look 'em up, track'em down and get on the program!!, from memory they have a success rate of 92%.............God please bless these smoki'n brothers and sisters grant them strength to quit puffing !!..........Thank you Lord !!



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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #14 on: July 07, 2006, 01:26:15 PM »

Is this confession time?  I also am a smoker, and I have tried to quit many times.  We all have something that we want to give up, but I find rest in the fact that there is really nothing I can do about it.  I tried on my own, and it doesn't work.  God must do it, and eventually He will.  The other day I was looking at Matt. 19, the passage concerning the rich young man who had 'great possessions' that he too was not able to give up.  I feel like that rich young man.  The disciples were so amazed that they asked, 'Who then can be saved?'  Jesus answered, 'With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.'  I don't fret anymore about the things that are impossible for me to change.  I just ask God to change them for me, and rest knowing that He alone is able to change them. 

God Bless All of You,


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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #15 on: July 07, 2006, 04:00:01 PM »

Wow!  Amazing posts by all.

  Bobby, I too believe that this thread should remain where it is.  I also have many more things that am too ashamed to say right now.

  Buddy, I also take comfort in knowing that God is working with me.  Already many things He has put behind me, i.e. drinking, drugs, fighting (bars) and I am actually, for the first time in my life starting to care about other people.  Feels good.  Much more work to be done though.

  Mongoose, your post reminded me of another foreign god of mine....little white lies when it is easier than telling the truth (some maybe not so little or white). 

  Thanks to all who have posted here.  It has been a major blessing to me as to many others I'm sure.  For those who want to post and haven't please do.  I believe you will help yourself and the rest of us by putting these things in the open.  As the body of Christ we should be transparent to each other. 

  Bobby,  thanks for the scripture reminder:

  James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much

   God be with us all
   with love


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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #16 on: July 07, 2006, 04:54:15 PM »

You all have been an enormous blessing to me. I agree with prarrydog, we should be transparent. If not with brothers and sisters in Christ, who can we turn to? I too am a smoker. I have more confessions than I can count. I would have to put smoking on top with the fact that I can curse like a drunken my father used to say. My kids have literally counted my words. Talk about humbling. It is not as if I try to curse. The words just slip in like extra conjunctions and adjectives. I make no excuse for myself. I have to remember to think before I speak and continue to think. I am guilty as the day is long with talking about others (with my husband). I am sometimes a moody person. I am selfish. I am a perfectionist. I struggle with this one most of all, daily. This is the one that has been hardest on my family life. I USED to resist leaving the house for a fun night out if I did not clean it first. Just to give you all some idea of the degree of perfectionism. I am a work in progress. :)   


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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #17 on: July 07, 2006, 08:03:14 PM »

Wow.  So many of us and so alike.  How comforting is it to know we are not in this alone?  I find this scripture astounding and so helpful when I am down on myself for the way that I am.

We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin.  I do not understand what I do.  For what I want to do, I do not do, but what I hate I do.  And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good.  As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me.  I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature.  For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.  For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do----this I keep on doing.  Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.  So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me.  For in my inner being I delight in God's law; but I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members.  What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?  Thanks be to God---through Jesus Christ our Lord!  So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God's law, but in the sinful nature a slave to the law of sin.  Romans 7:14-25

I am not a great Bible scholar or anything so feel free to correct me, but I think Paul wrote this letter to the Romans.  It blows my mind away that someone like Paul, so attuned to the will of God and so knowledgeable could write such a thing.  "What a wretched man I am!"  An apostle actually wrote that....I cannot do the good I want to do but do the evil I do not want to do.  This makes me again have hope that someday God really will complete the work He has begun in each of us.


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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #18 on: July 07, 2006, 09:48:40 PM »

ok here I go, MAN this is REALLY hard.  See it's easier to not talk about it cause then you can pretend it isn't there. 
I have lied, not to keep from hurting someone but to save my own skin and to get out of having to go to work for a day.  I have a really bad habit of gosiping.  I too smoke, I am sometimes glutonous, I sometimes do not submit to my husband, I am very opinionated and have no problems voicing my opinion.  I am sometimes slothful. I sometimes swear, although I am getting alot better at not swearing.  I have a real hard time with loving my enemy and to be honest I also sometimes have a hard time loving my neighbor as well. I do the whole self-pity thing. I am lacking in patience. I will admit it I am jealous of my husband, you see he is a thin man and can eat anything he wants and I am a very big girl. I have a tendency to judge others. ( I try to remind myself daily about the passage that says "Judge not lest ye be Judged").



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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #19 on: July 07, 2006, 10:04:44 PM »

   Hi all4love,

    It is very hard to admit these things.  I am so glad that I started this thread however because it really put one thing in perspective for me.  Nobody here is better than me and I am no better than anyone else.  We are all in the same boat.  We fight with the flesh......and we lose.....over and over and over again.  I just cannot put into words how much I appreciate everyone's honesty.  This is amazing.  When I first started this thread I was very nervous.  I figured a few might write in and say "Ya we'll pray for you prarrydog" and then I would be totally exposed to all my "perfect" brothers and sisters.  I truly did not expect this kind of honesty.  Thank you all for not hanging me out to dry  ;D.

with love
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