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Author Topic: Ray's Condition - February 22, 2011  (Read 5308 times)

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Dennis Vogel

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Ray's Condition - February 22, 2011
« on: February 22, 2011, 02:49:10 PM »

Dear Forum Members and Readers:

It's been awhile since I've written you, so let me bring you up to date.  It's been a difficult year, and I feel like I haven't accomplished too much.  I am thankful that I was able to complete my paper on: "Hell is a Christian HOAX."  There is a lot of great Scriptural information in that paper, including the true Gospel.  I haven't had the energy or inclination to do much writing the last six months.  I have, however, done a lot of reading, studying, and note-taking.  I am working on several paper at the same time  This may not be the most effective way to do things, but it works for me.  As I study one topic, I often see information that I wanted include in another topic, so I pull that article up and insert the notes.

Everyone says I look so good--can't believe I have stage iv cancer and widespread metastasized bone cancer.  Well, I can only say then that I wish I felt as good as I supposedly look.  Don't get me wrong, I am not in misery.  I am constantly falling asleep during the day--I mean every five or ten minutes if I am sitting at my computer.  More than a few dozen times I wake up and detect that I have leaned on my keyboard and erased several pages of an article I am working on.  Most of the time I can retrieve it, however.  I seldom sleep more than an hour at a time at night, but I do get enough sleep.  I am usually up by 4 am.  I then often fall asleep another hour trying to watch the morning news.

I am going to start having Bible Studies again in our home.  I have decided to hold the first one on Sunday, March 13, at 10 am.  The topic will be:  "Are You AFRAID of God?"  I am not talking about an awesome, godly respect, but rather real fear.  I will discuss why many Christians feel more comfortable and emotionally close to Jesus rather than to His Father.  Why is that?  We read that,

"It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God" (Heb. 10:31).

Whereas Jesus says

"Take My yok upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls"  (Matt. 11:29).  

I have spent many hours on this study already.  Anyone in the area is welcome to come if they desire.  Send me an email, if you would (, as my wife likes to prepare lunch for everyone, and this will give her an idea of how much food to prepare.

I receive about a half dozen emails daily from different Doctors and Nutritionists.  Here is something I received last week that I found interesting in the light of my own situation. This doctor is reporting on one of his patients: "His PSA shot up to an unbelievable 135. And positron emission tomography scans or PET scans confirmed the worst news. In Herb’s own words… “[there were] widespread bone metastases in my spine, ribs, pelvis and right femur.”  Herb decided to seek treatment at a reputable alternative cancer clinic. But to his great surprise, they couldn’t cure him either!

Their treatment worked like gangbusters for other types of cancer, but they didn’t do a thing when it came to Herb’s prostate cancer. If you undergo surgery or radiation for prostate cancer in any stage it can steal your bladder control and your sex life.  I’m not going to beat around the bush: prostate cancer treatment can leave you unable to have sex AND wearing diapers!

And if you’ve got what they call late-stage cancer, the treatments probably won’t do you a bit of good. Studies show one to four more months of life is considered a big 'success!'" Keith Scott-Mumby, MD, MB, ChB, PhD    

From Lee Euler: "Cancer Confidential" WHAT RATE OF CHANGE OF PSA IS DANGEROUS?

"If the PSA is rising rather than staying at the same level, it can mean a prostate cancer is present even at a low absolute levels.  If the PSA was measured every year and changed as follows from 1.00, 1.25, 1.56, 1.95 ng/ml. then the PSA is doubling every 3 years or so.  This can indicate a prostate cancer is present and growing slowly.  Similarly, if the PSA rise more than 2 ng/ml in 1 year, then it is more likely that serious prostate cancer is present."

In am passing this on so that you can see the enormity of my cancer dilemma.  My PSA shot up to 749, whereas Dr. Scott-Mumby considers a PSA of 135, "unbelievable."  And my cancer has metastasized to both legs, knees, femurs, hips, pelvis, spine, shoulders, ribs, arms, jaw, skull, etc.

Lee Euler considers a change of 0.25th of one point PSA an indicator of prostate cancer.  My PSA went up THREE HUNDREDS points in 90 days last summer.  So maybe I am a walking miracle--thank you, and God bless you for your prayers!

Starting with this next in-home study, I will try to write an article on the subject I will be covering.  We will then post both the articles and the video tape of the study.  The two will differ somewhat, as I will be using my written articles as notes for my taped studies.  It was an email that I received a couple of weeks ago from a woman who reads our site, that prompted this study.  I immediately thought it would make a great study, as I have never covered this subject in this way before.  I hope you will learn a lot and be encouraged by it--we will try to "pay close attention to all the words" in this study.

I better close for now--my head is bobbing....

God be with you all, always,

« Last Edit: July 28, 2011, 06:30:58 AM by Dennis Vogel »
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