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Author Topic: Making the Grade  (Read 8590 times)

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Making the Grade
« on: March 08, 2011, 06:38:51 PM »

The following is in of the LOF part 3


All who will have a part with Christ when He comes to rule this earth in His kingdom must volunteer for judgment now! Remember how Paul volunteered: "What will You have me to do?" But just what was Paul volunteering to do?


      Was he volunteering to be praised and adored by the public?

      Was he volunteering to wear thousand-dollar suits, $500 shoes, $20,000 Rolex watches, drive $80,000 automobiles, live in multi-million dollar multiple homes, fly in private executive jets, and collect millions and millions and millions of dollars of poor people’s money to promote the gospel of prosperity and worldliness?

      Did our Lord tell Paul that his ministry and calling would be a "walk in the park" with never-ending comforts and pleasures, having medals and honors bestowed upon him by the leaders and dignitaries of pagan nations, living in a five and a half-million dollar mansion large enough to be a luxury hotel, while feasting like a fat king in the opulence of Babylonian extravagance?

      Is this the description of a successful minister of the Gospel?

      Was Paul’s message to all the Gentile nations that they had to give to him (or they would be ROBBING GOD) ten percent of all their gold, silver, salaries, or money, so he could flaunt his worldly and lavish lifestyle in the faces of these poor Christian converts.

Let’s "get real" as they say.

    "For I will shew him [Paul] how GREAT things he must SUFFER for my name’s sake" (Acts 9:16).

In II Cor. 11:22-28 we learn that Paul suffered the following:
weariness    jails    blows
deaths    thirty-nine lashes    flogged with rods
stoned    shipwrecked    day & night in swamp
journeys    dangers of rivers    dangers of robbers
dangers of his race    dangers of the nations    dangers in the city
dangers in wilderness    dangers in the sea    dangers from false brethren
toil and labor    vigils    famine and thirst
fasts    cold and nakedness    

    "Beside those things that are without, that which cometh upon me DAILY, the care of ALL THE CHURCHES"! (2Co 11:28)

Add a little "fire" to the above scenario and we might conclude that Paul was being tortured and punished in a Christian hell.

But Paul was not being "punished," he was being "JUDGED," and there is a world of difference. Paul was being made STRONG. Paul was being molded into a SPIRITUAL GIANT! And being trained, educated, purged, perfected into a spiritual giant is NOT a walk in the park!

Was it just Paul that God singled out to endure such hardships and trials? No, we too must partake of the same:

"Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that WE [Christians, followers of Christ] MUST through MUCH TRIBULATION [Greek: thlipsis--affliction, troubles, burdens, persecution, anguish] enter into the kingdom of God" (Acts 14:22).

OK. There it is. There is the measuring stick and criteria we are to use as a our example for qualifying or not for the resurrection, rule and reign with Christ. That is if I understood it right and if I did well, by golly, I have nothing to be concerned about with that first group of folks in the resurrection. I don't see anything that Paul went through in his personal conversion or his trials, chastening, and afflictions happening to me. Except for coming around about 180 degrees in my understanding of what God has planned out for us all.

I have yet to really be able to identify and establish in my mind just what it is exactly, that I can point my finger at and say, yep, that there is Chastening or this or that is a trial or affliction. Other than words on a page with definitions, what is it specifically? What if anything can I point to to use as a rule of thumb, identifier or measure that can be singled out as Chastening, trails and afflictions for my faith in Jesus? Nothing I know of at all.

Now don't get me wrong here, I am not ranting. I find no reason to doubt what Ray has said here in Part 3. I am just wondering, questioning my own faith or position with the Lord as a whole. I wonder. Do any of you fit the criteria laid out here in Part 3?

If we take all the knowledge we have gathered together, what we knew before and now since finding Ray, add it all together and then what? What do we do with it? Go start Churches like Paul did and then maybe receive chastening, trails and affections for it like Paul? Live with it by holding on to it, keeping it to ourselves and not doing a thing with it? What good could come out of that and how would that bring about anything remotely close to what Paul went through in our lives? I don't think it would.

OK, maybe I did rant a little, but it's not directed at anyone other than myself and God. Heck, I don't even know if I made any since at all here to anyone. Sorry if this all seems kinda mumbo jumbo.

Although I think that I have volunteered for judgment now, seems to me that if the above is how we are to measure up to making the grade well, at this point and time, I ain't making a passing one. How about you?

Let me add one more thing. I'm not having a woe is me moment. I am however, judging myself.

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Making the Grade
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2011, 07:54:38 PM »

Paul described himself as Chief of Sinners, and Ray teaches that this is not false humility speaking, but truth.  Paul may be chief, but aren't you somewhere in the roll-call?  Maybe you can't get 1000-fold on your investment, but can't you get something by overcoming sin in your life--assuming there is any.   :D  I should only speak for myself.

Do you think it was easy for Paul to go through the process that changed his view of self and world-view from Pharisee who was perfect according to the Law, to Chief of Sinners?  That's some heavy-duty repentance there!  

Is that not enough suffering for you?

I'll just pull one that seems out-of-our-immediate-control from the list you posted of near drownings and shipwrecks and other things you don't think you are experiencing.  Have you not recieved inordinate blows?  Blows delivered by Messengers of Satan?  You've not been decieved or lied to or misused by ministers in the Synagogue of Satan?  Never suffered that, and overcame?

If you've been 'faith-ful' in the little things, you can be trusted to be faithful in the big things.  And if you haven't been faithful in the little things, then don't even bother God asking for bigger things.  Don't turn the things Paul went through into religious observances.  Now that's some mumbo-jumbo for you.

Hang in there, Stacey.  You're not fully baked yet.  


« Last Edit: March 09, 2011, 04:56:25 AM by Dave in Tenn »
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Making the Grade
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2011, 07:59:25 PM »

Hi Stacey,

The way I look at it, Paul is just one individual that God prepared to be in His family to serve his (Paul's) purpose. He has been in the process since Jesus Christ of preparing a family to rule with Christ when He returns. I do not believe He wants a bunch of Pauls or Peters or Johns... He is preparing each of the Elect unique to serve their own purpose. I think He is giving everybody all these different experiences so that He will have this group of diverse people with all these varying talents and knowledge from the experiences they have gained in this life. There is no person we have to measure up to, He is preparing in each of us exactly what He wants us to be. So don't worry, He is the one preparing us, it's not up to us.

So when He has finish preparing this family at Jesus Christ's return, it will be a group of people (family) with all manners of abilities. He will bring this family into His heavenly kingdom where they will become one with the Father as Jesus Christ is and be in perfectly unity with God. When this family has been prepared and are one with Christ and the Father they will be ready in every capacity to serve God in judging the world.

Think about it we are having all these first hand experiences in life... who is better able to help somebody with a problem than a person that has experienced that same problem already.

I believe when God has completed His family of Elect, He will have created a group/temple that have every experience/ability/talent/capability that He could possibly need to call on. This temple will be formed, unitied and perfectly knit together to serve and do His will flawlessly in judging this human race, just as He has planned.

mercy, peace and love



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Re: Making the Grade
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2011, 03:05:32 PM »

Ephesians 1:3-14

3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.
4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love
5 he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will—
6 to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.
7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace
8 that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding.
9 And he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ,
10 to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment—to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ.
11 In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will,
12 in order that we, who were the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory.
13 And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit,
14 who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.


Romans 7:24 What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? 25 Thanks be to God—through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God's law, but in the sinful nature a slave to the law of sin.


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Re: Making the Grade
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2011, 08:27:38 PM »

Stacy...I on't have any breath-taking revelations to help you with BUT sometimes I have wondered the same things.  It seems my life is rather seditary (sp) as opposed to being ship-wrecked and imprisoned but I believe God can and IS still working through us.
It seems my greatest "tribulation" was explaining to my friends and family that I was introduced to Ray's web-site--studied it and believe it--and I lost all respect of my friends and family (even to the point of getting BLOCKED from this web-site) and am an object of pity and prayer for my "recovery".  Now, DID I REALLY ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING OVER JUST BEING A SILENT BELIEVER?  DID I CHANGE ANYBODY'S MIND?
All I can say is:  I don't know.  But I DO know that my postings have helped and encouraged others--especially the stroke vicitms family.  So sharing my situation may be part of my calling as well as sharing my
observations and "knowledge of the Bible" with others as "posts".
Do what you feel called to do , in faith believing and God will sort it out.

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Making the Grade
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2011, 05:50:12 AM »

As per usual, I'm unable to quote you just what article or transcript this appears in, but Ray makes the point that if anybody believed exactly like he did, they would behave exactly like he did. 

Exactly?  Exactly.  To me, that's what James both says and means.  "Show me your faith by your works."  Now, I don't know of any TWO of us who has exactly identical faith/belief.  The one thing that I'm certain of is that if I spent enough time talking with anybody on earth--including this forum--I'd find something to disagree with them about sooner or later.  That might be because I'm by nature disagreeable, but I tend to believe its because not one of us has arrived where we are BY THE GRACE OF GOD in exactly the same way to produce exactly the same faith.  We are only alike because we are being made in the image of God.  Christ is the head from which ALL the various parts (that's us) spring, each being different.  It's HIS head, mind, spirit that determines the function of US.

Scripture is given for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be MADE perfect.  We don't have a creed.  Creeds are for babylon.  We HAVE Inspired Scripture and hundreds and hundreds of pages and hours of sound teaching, and the urge (Lord willing) to study to shew ourselves approved.  Doctrine matters.  Reproof matters.  Correction matters.  Instruction in Righteousness matters.  None of it fits on a bumper sticker.  None of it is taught fully and correctly in churches.  Faith, patience and long-suffering are required and these will be developed in us/provided to us by the Grace of God. 

I take an awful lot of comfort from the 'mustard seed' parable, especially since I don't know how long I've got.  It just takes a little bit to make a great big bit.  We also have His promise that those to whom he has given WILL BE given more.

I also want to urge anybody interested in this thread to view or read the material from the last Conference in Mobile.

Keep the faith.       
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Making the Grade
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2011, 01:41:00 AM »

i haven't been physically in prison, or ship-wrecked in the ocean or on a beach, BUT, i have been in emotional prison and mental prisons, as well as spiritual prison for sure.  and, after learning the many truths from this website, forum, and ray himself, i have felt ship-wrecked when my religious christianity house fell on the sand.  and sometimes i feel deserted and alone, with these awesome Truths of the Good News within me, seeing how i can't share them with any family members or friends.

inordinate blows.  i have had many of those.  like slaps up the back of the head, spiritually. 

sufferings, tribulations, trials, hardships, etc. come in all varieties.  but one thing i know for sure.  if God in us is causing us to desire to be more like Christ, and we are continually working towards that end, then we will go through the ringer, in one way or another, or multiple ways.  and once you get up from one situation, you get knocked down by another.  but, He is always with us.  always. 



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Re: Making the Grade
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2011, 05:00:18 AM »

Hi Stacey
I think this is a good topic.  I do not believe anyone is going to waltz into the Kingdom of God without undergoing suffering.  Did not the Captain of our Salvation learn obedience through suffering?  If Jesus went through it, and took up His cross, the very Son of God, how can we expect not to have to take up our cross and follow in his footsteps? But suffering is supposed to bring us joy! It may seem painful for a moment, like the pains of childbirth, but joy comes in the morning!
As I look back on 40 years of Christian walk, I would not want to repeat all that I have had to go through. Once is enough, and I do not know what awaits me. But, so far, I believe it has deepened me and chastened me, and I feel like some wood hay and stubble has been burned.  I and probably many here, have faced very desperate times or situations, some which persisted for some time. Some trials and tests as I look back, were directed to the very center of my being, challenging the deepest part of me, to submit to the will of God over my greatest human desires.  I can testify to the fact that God truly wants to burn out of us our carnality, our sinful tendencies, our self reliance, and teach us to really know what it is to obey Jesus and love righteousness and hate wickedness.  Crucifixion is painful. I do not think Paul used the words "crucify yourselves" flippantly. If we are to escape the second death, if we are be part of the judgements of God, there is a great work to be done in us. And if you think this fiery trial that you experience on earth is tough, I have a feeling the Lake of fire is hotter, and I think the goal of our faith, the salvation of our souls, to be with Christ, is so much higher that these small and momentary sufferings are like nothing in comparison.
Grace I like what you wrote about trials. We are to become overcomers. If there is nothing to overcome, how can we become an overcomer?  Of course there is much to overcome. You spoke of some of these things.  We all, alike, need to crucify the flesh with its carnal desires.  We need to press on to the mark of the high calling  in Jesus Christ. There is no greater calling, no higher honor, than to be in the First resurrection. To gain Christ.  To be His workmanship.  I every day, think on and hope on, being with Christ.


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Re: Making the Grade
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2011, 02:52:27 PM »

I have not attempted to turn Paul's experiences into anything. Paul's physical life experiences he endured for his faith in Jesus were his only. To each his own but, they were PHYSICAL EXPERIENCES and I am confident that if we were able to ask Paul why such things happened to him his reply would be something along the lines of all these trials were for his faith but in much greater detail and he does that in all of his letters.

First the natural/physical and then the spiritual. That's the way I see it. That's the way God created us. Without there ever being a physical, there would never be a spiritual anything for us. It is our experiences in life that bring us to a point to where we desire a higher meaning and understanding of everything which includes for some of us, a closer relationship and walk with Jesus. Don't you think that through each trial that Paul endured, the physical trails, that each of them made him stronger and better fit for going through the next one? I do.

There are many things mentioned here but I'll use just one for a small example. Ship wrecked is one that I can relate to only because my lively hood is dependent on a good working ship. Thank God I have never been through such a thing but surely experiencing something as terrible as a ship wreck would be a trying time for anyone but in this case it was Paul. That could have been a very trying and weak time for Paul both physically and in his faith. Paul being made or brought to a weak point and God being strong as always, bringing Paul through it all only to continue on to more tough trying, faith growing life experiences. I think that such a real life experience caused Paul to draw even closer and more dependent on Jesus. I'd say Paul's trials, his physical trials, caused him to grow in the faith of Jesus Christ and more able, stronger and fit for continuing the race.

Isn't that the point that Ray is making when he says that God intends "the same", notice he didn't say exactly the same but "the same" for each of us? Meaning that there will be for each believer tough, real life physical experiences because of our faith that we will have to endure in our walk. I think so. Not as a 1.2.3. A.B.C outline but as a reference to what Paul endured, we will also have to endure physical trials and persecutions in our journey of faith in Jesus Christ.

Pulling an item out of Ray's list of things mentioned above or looking at them as a  check list of what applies to any of us or not, could be viewed as turning the list into religious observances. That is not what was intended by my post at all (I have a tendency to be a wee bit vague and unable to put into words what I really intended, imperfections shinning through I know) but, no I have not suffered inordinate blows. Maybe it's because I have not been faithful over the little things as Dave mentioned but I think I have. That may be my stumbling block but only God knows and hopefully He will fix me shortly. Thank the Lord that I'm not fully baked yet. On the other hand I know in order to ever be fully cooked we have to first be caught, then prepared for and finally placed in the pan for cooking. The Lord being the Chef here, certainly He will never under or over cook us and being our Master Chef,  it is safe to assume that there will be many different varieties and flavors at the Lords supper. It takes all kinds to make the world go round right?

Every trial in the list mentioned above were all physical experiences that Paul went through. Sure we may in some way relate to some of these, spiritually speaking, as has already been mentioned but lets have a little reality check. We will have to endure physical trials in this life time for our faith.

I would like to think that we could all agree to what Ray said here to the extent that God will put each of us through some hardships, physically speaking, because of our faith that will in some shape, form or fashion, help to stretch our spiritual  understanding and just maybe grow a piece of fruit or two in our lives. I believe that when and if these kinds or types of trials take place in our lives there should be no doubt in our mind what, when, where and why they are happening. If Paul is our example (there are many more) then it is evident that studying the scriptures and wrestling in our understanding of them is not all that will be required of us in this life time.

Doesn't Ray make it clear here in this section of Part 3 that at least to some degree and level we will all have a Paul kind of conversion, trials, tribulations, and persecutions? I think he does. Are any of us spiritual giants? I certainly am not. If Christ were to return today, are any of us ready to rule and reign with Him?

Thanks to everyone that shared some of your personal experiences.

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Making the Grade
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2011, 05:59:34 PM »

Stacey, I may be misunderstanding the 'first physical, then Spiritual' principle, but here's my take.  Paul went through these things physically and recorded them in a letter (which became scripture) for OUR spiritual admonition.  Same as any of the OT figures.  You said that you had not gone through any of these things (at least not to the degree that meant much to you).  I'm just trying to point out that you HAVE....if you believe.  That's what I meant by faithful in the little things.  

I've seen people pass through the forum 'believing' that those who will live godly will suffer persecution.  Then they turn that around and convince themselves that the aim is to suffer persecution to prove (to whom, I don't know...God?  Themselves?) that they are living godly.  Any jackass behaving badly can suffer "persecution" if that's what he wants.  Doesn't mean he's living Godly.  If that's not what you are thinking, then never mind.

Don't discount what you have already been through.  It's not 'nothing' that you have had a 180 degree change in your understanding of the fate of the world.  FEW are Chosen for this, boss.  Identify Spiritually with the Physical example Paul gave (and what he had to say about it), the same way that you identify Spiritually with Christ's crucifixion.  And move into OTHER areas of obedience that put you at more risk, without causing your own 'shipwreck'.  That's bad for your insurance rates.  ;)

Do good.

« Last Edit: March 12, 2011, 06:36:30 PM by Dave in Tenn »
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Making the Grade
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2011, 07:21:11 PM »

good thread. I feel like I have had more fellowship and bible study reading this and pondering it than in many years of bible church attendings.


Dave in Tenn

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Re: Making the Grade
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2011, 06:49:10 PM »

Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Making the Grade
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2011, 03:03:53 PM »

Obednago...this is a thread off the thread BUT I, being a former (former-because I had a stroke) biker, was intrigued by your story of DIVINE INTERVENTION in saving your life in the motorcycle accident.  I, too, had two such incidences.
1.  My head hit the road so hard it split my helmet in two but left me totally with road-rash.
2.  I was young (18) and heading home at night after a church youth meeting.  Wanting to impress the group on how fast I could make it home on my "bike" instead of their cars, I headed off.  All of a sudden, at probably 60 mph the road disappeared on a curve and I was headed straight for the guard rails with seconds between me and them.  I knew I was "dead"
as there was no reaction time AND the gravel between the road and guardrails would do nothing but insure the inevitable.  I closed my eyes and braced for impact.
When I opened my eyes, I was zipping down the CENTER OF THE ROAD on my way home.
God literally transplanted me and the motorcycle into safety.  Thank you, LORD! (still sweating)


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Re: Making the Grade
« Reply #13 on: March 17, 2011, 02:03:57 PM »

Hi Stacey,
              everyday is a dip in the Lake for me sister. And everyday it's my lusts and carnal minded thinking get me dunked under, all of my own volition. The Antichrist in me resists Christ in me, the Beast in me requires meat, and gets dust, the False Prophet in me proclaims I am God in my own temple. I know I have no such nonsense as a freewill, and yet everyday I pit my will to change myself by the power of 'self' against what God has preordained for me.

It's all a long process sister, we're all being ground down to dust, and just as our Lord gave up himself' to the will of his Father, we too must give up ourselves' to the will of our Father. It sure does hurt being second fiddle to God, but trust me it gets easier, we slowly learn, everytime God chastises me for my sins, again and again, slowly but surely I finally get the message, which is, "STOP DOING IT JIMI!!!!"

Every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Christ is their Lord, I really get now how that is a truth and how it's going to be achieved, and let's face it God's got all the time in the universe.

Just as Captain Jean-Luc Picard would say to Commander William T. Riker, so to has God Almighty already said to His only begotten Son, Jesus The Christ of Nazareth,  ;D ;).

God bless you. 
Join me now in my new massive money making business venture, selling asbestos blankets only on Sundays at the exits of Orthodox churches. It's really gonna take off.


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Re: Making the Grade
« Reply #14 on: March 17, 2011, 03:07:37 PM »

Hi Stacey,
              everyday is a dip in the Lake for me sister.

Sorry Jeetkunejimi, but Stacey is a man.

Unless there's something you want to tell us Stacey?  ;D


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Re: Making the Grade
« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2011, 04:20:25 PM »

Hi Duane

That was an awesome motorcycle story. I ride too, sometimes, and want to share one story also.  About 5 years ago, I left my garage riding, just for fun. I do that every once in a while, for an hour or two.  Anyway, about 2 miles after leaving home, a most powerful thought entered my mind...that I was going to be hit by a car.  Great fear came on me. It was so compelling that I came to a stop, and decided to turn around and go home. I rode as carefully as possible. taking no risks, even though I was only 4 minutes away(city speeds) Anyway I came to a stop signalling left, and when normally I would of proceeded as I tend to ride aggressively, I even waited for all oncoming cars to go by instead of quickly making the turn in front of them as normal. My bike is quick and it is easy for me to dart around.

Anyway, suddenly I heard the screech of tires and boom, I was hit from behind! My bike went flying and so did I. And the irony was, if i would not of been more cautious than normal I would of not been lingering there at the intersection and I would not of been hit!

Wow, did I learn the sovereignity of God that day.  There was nothing I could do to escape the accident.  Even my attempts to flee it were involved in the chain of causes producing that very event.  Luckily I was not hurt. But God showed me very powerfully how He steers all things.  I totally believe your story. I also gained great peace that day, as I knew how much in control God was. 

But as true as that is, and I totally accept it, I still always do my best, give my best effort, to obey all of Gods admonitions, even if I fail sometimes.  We are to do His will as best and as completely as we can, with the light that we have, and I strive to do that every day.  I think everyone should try to be graded as much as possible, with an A for effort, and to do,our best for God, even as we know He brings it about. It may seem like a paradox, but it is not, we have to try because we do not know tomorrow, which of our plans will succeed, so all we can do is our best, at all times.


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Re: Making the Grade
« Reply #16 on: March 17, 2011, 05:21:21 PM »

Unless there's something you want to tell us Stacey?  Grin

Hi Marques, No Sir, nothing to tell, I'm all man.  8) With a name like mine its obvious how someone could easily think I am a woman. Guess I should put a pic of my mug up (I will if all of you will) for my avatar but, I respect and like you all too much to put you through the turmoil of such a thing. The Lord blessed all the men in my family with unique facial features that makes us look like were mad all the time but mostly were just confused.  ;)  Now I suppose He had His reasons for it but only He knows. However, it comes in handy in my line of work. My crew never knows what to expect. Helps to keep them on their toes.  ;)

Some great testimonies and input have been shared here. Thanks to you all. It's our testimonies that tell the whole story isn't it? Where we come from, what we've been through, what we are dealing with, what skills, knowledge and talents we have and to some extent, where each of us are headed in the short or long term. They are ours to share or not but God is the real owner of them all. Sure we all have a will, ideas, goals and such but God is the Potter, the Master Craftsman, the Helmsman at the wheel, the Captain of our Salvation the current running beneath us to push, the sea to beat, shove or pound us and the wind in our sail that ultimately directs our steps and choices each and every day shaping, molding, creating and keeping us right on course and right on time.

That applies also for each and every Thread, each response, every thought stirred up, heart strings pulled and smiles and laughter that come our way too. Every word is necessary. Every member needed. It's all going according to plan and right on schedule. Ya see, I know all that but that doesn't keep me from having a little hissy fit about where I am in Gods plan every now and then. It's who I am and where I'm at.

Somebody posted that aggravating J. G. Wentworth  commercial a while back. Have you seen it? There are several variations of it. Click the link if you dare to view this version of it.

Spiritually speaking, that's me sometimes  ;D  It's my inheritance and I need it NOW!

God Bless you all.

« Last Edit: March 17, 2011, 06:11:45 PM by Stacey »


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Re: Making the Grade
« Reply #17 on: March 18, 2011, 11:44:19 AM »

Stacey:  I too thank you for this thread and thanks to you who have responded;  it's comforting to know that there are others who have the same thoughts and questions; and those that have the ability (gift) to express the scriptures to help us understand or diredt us spiritually.

I have often wondered why my sibblings have suffered many shipwrecks and I have not; yet were raised in the same family!! They don't appear to have the faith that I do as they still seem to be on the destructive path.  So it has to be God's plan; something must have been different in my childhood or in my mental make up that put me on a different path.  Why?  I don't know.  We have all probably at some time wondered why one family or person seems to have so many hardships and others not (whether we judge them faithful or not); only God knows;  I do know that God has been revealing more about myself each day (judging myself)  and I'm not as worthy as I had thought but he didn't need to use a shipwreck (maybe a slow leak) to help me see it.
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