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Author Topic: Mixed Race  (Read 7907 times)

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Mixed Race
« on: July 08, 2006, 10:25:24 AM »

Hi Ray,
 First let me say that so far I've seen nothing but good from you or your site, Great Job!!!, my comment/question is regarding an experience my wife and I had while members of the JWs, after approx. 1 yr. with them we noticed that the cover art on their literature, while it Did depict couples of all races, it Did Not Ever depict couples that were of different color, when we approached the elders of our Kingdom Hall asking if this was mere coincidence, or intentional, and why, their answer, which they gave us in a very gentle manner, was that it was in fact intentional, and the reason being that the JWs, and even Jehovah himself, don't condone the practice of mixing marriages, and went on to express that "It's just not a good idea", but quickly added that we and any other mixed marriage couple were welcomed with open arms, their reason being that we had been "Ignorant of the Gods will" at the time we were married, they went on to say that they would ne ver expect us or anyone else to divorce or separate because of our mixed marriage, it was simply a factual answer to our question, needless to say we hightailed it out of Dodge and never looked back. Why would anyone incorporate such a racist belief into their religion?, do you agree with them Ray?, and if so why?, is the JWs belief about mixed marriage based on any scripture?, or is there even any scripture that could be misrepresented to mean that?, please let us know your feelings about this. Again Ray, you're doing a great job and hopefully enlightening a great number of people. God be with you Ray.
                                                                    Thank You,
Dear George:
I do not adher to a single doctrine of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Neither do I know of a single Scripture anywhere in the Bible that condemns marrying solely on the issue of race. Israel was not to marry from certain nations, but it was never because of race, but rather for their pagan religion. There may indeed be certain hardships attached to racial intermarriage, but there is no Scriptural admonition against it..
God be with you,
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