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Author Topic: Personal Poems  (Read 4838 times)

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Personal Poems
« on: April 10, 2011, 04:09:42 AM »

Hope you all enjoy these. I wrote them about a week ago - it was what I was feeling at the time. Just to let it be known, I don't usually use rhyme in my poems.

By: John Michael A

It is hard to imagine
the depth of Pure Love.
How can we fathom
the compelling reason
the Creator of every
star, planet, and galaxy
would leave His heavenly Throne
and the company of angels
to come and live amongst man.

He came to a world
full of darkness, evil, and pain.
He came and gave Himself
to the wrath of His creation.
With barely a thought,
He could have swept His enemies
from existence - but He didn't.
He submitted Himself
to every strike, curse, and jeer.
He offered Himself in our stead.

Every murderer, rapist, and betrayer-
Every liar, gossiper, and thief-
Every atheist, pagan, and satanist-
Every sinner was on His mind
as each nail was struck.
Every blasphemer was on His heart
as the spear pierced His flesh.

Never once did He lift a guarding hand-
Never once did He speak a killing word-
Never once did He call His heavenly hosts-

That, is just a glimpse of Love.
That, is just a glimmer of Mercy.
How can we fathom such Innocence?
How can we understand such Compassion?

Behind the Veil
By: John Michael A

There aren't any words
in the tongues of men
that justly describe
the Lord of All.
Somehow all fall short
by miles, fathoms, and years.

It is impossible to conceive
that such a powerful, perfect Creator
would have any desire for us.
It is impervious to understand
that our very weakness
is what draws Him to us.

Even though our very nature
flies against Him at all sides,
He still picks up every fallen-
holds every broken-hearted-
comforts every fearful soul-
carries every beaten life-
whether the receiver realizes it or not.

He catches every tear
shed in the dark of night.
He soothes every heartache
kept in secret chambers.
He holds every hand lost
and leads them safely home.

The Sacrifice
By: John Michael A

Beaten for our failure.
Scourged for our wickedness.
Purged for our crime.
Tortured for our filth.
Slaughtered for our judgment.

Innocence was beaten.
Purity was scourged.
Mercy was purged.
Forgiveness was tortured.
Love was slaughtered.

In our place,
He gave His life.
For our sin,
He shed His blood.
For our sickness,
He laid on the cross.
For our life,
He was taken in Death.

As metal pierced His flesh
a cry bellowed through creation.
The Earth itself wept
for the death of her King.
Angels watched in awe
as Power gave way to Love.

I deserve nothing, my Lord.
I am unfit to hold your sandals.
I have sinned against you, Father.
I only hope, a sinner's hope-
that in Your Mercy
You will remember me...
and forgive us all.

« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 12:14:57 PM by JohnMichael »


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Re: Personal Poems
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2011, 10:32:24 PM »

My Heart's Song
By: John Michael A

In my ears is only the rattle of chains.
Before my eyes are the bars of prison.
On my soul is the weight of sorrow
While all around me is darkness and pain.

But Thy Gift of Faith keeps me warm.
Thy Strength of Arms keeps me waiting.
Thy Hope of hopes keeps me watchful
Though all about me rages the storm.

In sorrow, I sing to Thee.
In prison, I wait on You.
For this I know,
You will not forsake me.
In Your time, You will remember my cry,
And I will see You, my King.

In that time, I will lift up mine eyes,
And You will be standing at my prison's door.
My heart will leap for in Your hand will be the key,
For You will have remembered my cries.

Though my sorrows may last for a time,
I know Your Joy comes with the morning Light.
For in an instant will the prison be shattered,
And in a moment the shackles will fall
Because You will have erased my crime.

With tears of joy will I praise Thee.
In thanksgiving will I glorify You.
For my Redeemer remembered His servant,
and my Savior will have never forsaken me.


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Re: Personal Poems
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2011, 12:22:46 PM »

Humility's Prayer
By: John M A

Thrown in prison.
Beaten by life.
Heartbroken by pain.
Ravished by disease.
Cast aside by man.

Through trials and tribulations
Under man's wrath and condemnation
A soul seeks Your Mercy and Truth
though he can only crawl.

With mud-stained garments-
In blood-soaked flesh-
Through tear-filled eyes-
A soul humbly reaches out in Hope.

If it please You, Father
-Let this lowly soul praise You
-Let this downtrodden heart
reflect Your Holy Light
-Let this outcast be a vessel
to share Your Love.

In sickness, let Your Mercy be given
In humility, let Your Power be shown
In brokenness, let Your Love be exalted

With a shaking hand,
Let this soul reach for You.
Though it be unworthy,
Let this heart shine Your Glory.

If it please You, Father
let this abandoned life
be a sweet perfume of Honor to You.

In the darkness of this world,
through this tortured life,
let Your Love shine brighter
than a thousand suns
Let Your Light pierce through
the darkness of life

If it please You, Father
let this outcast, lowly being
give Glory, Honor, and Praise
to Your Name - now and forever.
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