Dear Derick:
Actually I don't have the time to reply, seeing that I have thousands of unanswered emails ahead of yours, so I
will make this short with a few COMMENTS in your email.....
Good day Ray,
Hope this mail finds you well.
COMMENT: I am not well, but I appreciate your concern.
I read through some of your doctrine. Very provocative indeed. Although I do not agree,
COMMENT: I am not sure why you would say such a thing? Why is it that you don't agree with
what I teach, seeing that what I teach comes right from the Holy Scriptures? What do I teach
that is NOT Scriptural?
I would like to say this. Our gospel we preach is one of grace and forgiveness. The Gospel of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ
It might be worth your while to try and figure out how many gospels there are in the bible and which one we, the church, are to preach.
COMMENT: Can we imagine Jesus saying that to His apostles? "Say fellows, it might be worth your while to try and figure out
how many gospels thee are in the bible and which one the church should preach." I can't imagine Him saying such a thing. But
here is what He did say, and it is perfectly clear, and doesn't take an "figuring out" whatsoever: "And THIS GOSPEL of the kingdom
shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come" (Matt. 24:14). WHICH gospel? "THIS
gospel" that Jesus preached is the one that must be preached: "The gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God" (Mark 1:1). "THIS gospel"
(Mark 14:9). "The gospel OF THE KINGDOM" (Matt. 24:14; Matt. 4:23; Matt. 9:35; Etc., etc.). Paul didn't preach another or different
gospel from that of Jesus; he did not preach the wrong gospel (Gal. 1:6). Peter was commissioned to preach to the Jews, and Paul
to the Gentiles, but there was only ONE GOSPEL that was to be preache--"THE gospel...." (Gal. 2:14).
Also, the 2000 year history of the church has not been recorded in the bible, or has it? See the seven letters to the seven churches, Revelation 2 and 3.
COMMENT: I have taught for many years now that the seven churches of Revelation personify ALL of the Christian Churches down through the centuries.
Regarding the rapture, study the topic well because it will happen.
COMMENT: You obviously have not read nor studied the Scriptures in my paper "Exposing the Secret Rapture Theory."
Jesus will return and resurrect the DEAD, but He assuredly will not take them on a seven year vacation back to heaven.
I suspect that Revelation is the record of things that have been, that what is and that what will come. Revelation. 1:4.
COMMENT: Again, I have taught for many years that Revelation is "The Testimony of Jesus Christ" concerning things
that ARE, and WERE, and ARE TO COME.
God be with you,
Praise be to God our Father, His Son, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
Kind regards,
Ps; I hope you will find the time to reply.