I can tell from your web site that you are near omniscient (close to Jesus status in terms of dropping science). I forget, why would an omniscient yet loving God be content with banishing over 80% of His creation to everlasting destruction?
Can you cite for me any empirical evidence that Jesus was the Son of God? I mean, I believe he was and all, I just have a hard time convincing others.
I know this email sounds kind of mean and all but I thank God for you dropping the science about Jesus. Seriously. I'm kind of playing the devil's advocate here and I am curious about how a knowledgeable person such as yourself would respond. You are totally freaking sweet with the rapping for Jesus and stuff. No, really -- I think Stephen Wiley was the best but you are pretty good too.
Dear Judah:
God will not banish even one person to "everlasting destruction." Jesus Christ is the SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD (I John 4:14). Jesus is an historical Figure. There is more proof that He existed than there is proof that Alexander the Great ever existed. Jesus walked on water, healed thousands of diseased people. Raised the dead, and was Himself raised from the dead a couple days after being crucified. Jesus Christ empowers and inspires those who follow Him closely. He answers prayers. But only Jesus' Father can reveal Him to you, so that you will believe. These are but a few reasons why Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
God be with you,