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Author Topic: And the crisis continues  (Read 15870 times)

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Re: And the crisis continues
« Reply #20 on: June 23, 2011, 05:19:24 PM »

Well said Dennis.

My advice?

Success and failure are relative; they are a state of mind; an attitude if you will.
There are no absolute successes or absolute failures.

There is a British comedy series that was aired a couple of years ago called, “That Mitchell and Webb Look” (recommended!).  In one of their sketches, Mitchell and Webb were playing Nazi SS officers in the midst of battle.
 The dialogue went something like this:

“ Otto, why are we here?  I mean, what’s this all about? All this shooting and stuff?”

“ Hans my friend, it doesn’t matter WHY we’re here; we have orders and a job to do.”

“ But why are we dressed in black? And have you noticed that we have Skull and Bones on our hats? That’s not very nice is it?  What’s all that about? We’re going to frighten people walking about with these things on our heads.”

“Hans; we are supposed to be frightening.  It’s all designed to frighten people. This is war.”

“WAR? But whose side are we on?  Those chaps we’re firing at don’t look half as frightening as us.”
Hans looks down again at his uniform and suddenly has a gross realisation.

“Otto? Are we the ‘bad’ guys?”

Otto looks blankly at Hans and gently nods.

“Oh my God! This is awful !  I’m going home.”


As funny as that may sound, nobody will go to war believing they are wrong.
Axis troops were praying to God, just as the Allies were.
I’m not justifying the madness of genocide and war here; I’m drawing a parallel.

In the ‘latter days’ scenarios of scripture, all types of malevolent and insidious men are numbered as well as those that are peaceable and benign.
Neither camp believes they are wrong.

What has this got to do with your circumstances?

Well, negatively, someone has to be the ‘bad’ guy.  God predicts it.

Now lets transfer this value judgement to commerce and industry.

Let’s take a look at success and failure.

SUCCESS is good, right? ; and FAILURE is bad, yeah?
What if you succeed in doing wrong?  Or fail to do right?

The whole notion of  success and failure is a cultural abstract.

I totally recognise were your head is.  You sound like me.
The trick is not to see it as success or failure.

I’m halfway through my first major screenplay.  It’s been three years so far; because of distractions.  It took me a full year just to outline, another year to storyline and this last year is actually becoming a script.  Looking back, I could have done all this in six months; so why didn’t I ?  Attitude.

Attitude to what you are following or are engaged in is the single most important ingredient of concluding a matter to your satisfaction.

concluding a matter to your satisfaction.

Success and failure don’t come into it.  It’s about how satisfied YOU are with what you’re doing.

My father told me that there is no such thing as a lazy man.
Men are either motivated to do something or they are not.
It’s entirely a question of MOTIVATION.

“ Dad, how the hell do you get a man out of bed if he refuses to be motivated to get up?”
His answer?
“Set fire to the bed. That’s enough motivation for anyone, I don’t care how lazy he is.”


The question I had to ask myself about being a budding ‘Hollywooder’ was:
Did I believe it?

It seems you have a very distinct goal in your head, not just a doctor, but a specialist.

Henry Thoreau once stated:
“ If you can head confidently in the direction of your dreams and live the kind of life you have imagined, you will come across a success undreamt of in common hours.”

The most important word in that entire statement?

IF you can.
Can you head CONFIDENTLY in the direction of your dreams?
Would you like to be able to?
Let me tell you what’s missing here.


The guy in the flaming bed already has a compelling future; PAIN.
He sees the approaching consequence of his lethargy and bingo!
He immediately chooses the PLEASURE of not being fried to a crisp.

You need to start using your imagination to build a compelling future.
Whatever ‘floats your boat’.

Do you see yourself making over $200,000 a year?
What would it be like?
What kind of a car will you drive?
What kind of a home will you own?
What kind of clothes, food, friends, partner and lifestyle will you have?
What kind of challenges might you face?
What if it all goes belly up?
What would that mean?

Now you’ve probably seen all this kind of methodology before, in some form or another.
But it’s about concluding a matter to your satisfaction.
No one else’s.

Ask yourself. Why do you believe what you believe about you?

The Reticular Activating System (check it out on wiki) is that function of your brain that governs attention. That which you say you lack.

“Ye lack nothing”

EMOTION plays a big role here and that is what is causing your attention to wonder away from that which you say is important.  Maybe without realising it, you are investing your emotions into things that you say are contrary to you real desires.

When I first read your piece on BTF, I was reminded of a time when a lady friend  asked me to fetch the salt from her kitchen cupboard. I walked into a huge kitchen that was completely unknown to me.  I checked every single shelf, over and over.  I began an internal mantra that ran: “ I dunno where the salt is. Where’s the salt? I can’t find the salt. It’s not here. It can’t be here. I cant see it. I cant see it, I cant find the salt, I cant find the salt, I cant find the salt.”
She’s calling for the salt now and I don’t want to look stupid. I’m getting angry with myself. My emotions are sizzling and suddenly I burst.

“ I CAN’T FIND THE    #*&^%& !! SALT !!!”

She walks quietly into the kitchen, looks in disbelief at me and takes the salt from the shelf that was directly in front of me; at eye level!
Why didn’t I see the salt?
Because I had been telling myself, with great emotional intensity, that I COULDN’T FIND THE SALT !

So my R.A.S. did exactly as I told it and refused to see the salt.

This mechanism also works in reverse!
Every buy a yellow car because it was unusual?
All of a sudden, you’re seeing yellow cars everywhere!
Did everyone go get a re-spray just to ‘tick you off’?


They were always there, but you just didn’t notice because there was nothing in your radar to pick ‘em up.

This is an attention mechanism that is fueled by emotion.
And THAT is what you must harness to Med studies, if being a Doc is what you truly want.  
But forget the success and failure crap; it isn’t serving you.

And stop asking the question, “What’s wrong with me?”, because your own ego will take great delight in giving you a list which will swim around your head, creating your ‘reality’ of just how wrong you are.

Find what makes you  happy, what ‘juices’ you and follow it with high emotional intensity; give it passion.  But DO use and rely on imagination.
The world we live in was built by it.

You are made in His image.  His imagination is your reality.  You are like Him.
Every thought you have will be a cause that has an effect.  Every thought. Make it captive. Make it serve your happiness; your joy. That’s His will for you. Be Happy.

I understand that this may be a lot to take in and you may be hearing these things for the first time.  Its impossible to cram a dissertation into a single mail, but if you’ve caught something in these few lines that has piqued your desire, please be in touch on the PM line.

Muchest Luv

Grape x

PS. Lyric from Daddy

Unbelievable, amazing, so profound! THANK YOU SIR! I don't even know where to begin. You're right, there is so much here, I'm overwhelmed at the moment in trying to digest it all but you've given me some hope! THANK YOU! When I can further digest this ill try and give it a more appropriate responce.

What you said was just as claudia said and I was going to use what she said and see if it helps me this coming semester.

"you want to be a pediatrician.  so, for motivation, maybe put pics of kiddos on a wall in your room.   Cheesy  children have a way of motivating.  i know they do with me.  when you find yourself wandering off track from studying, look at the pictures of the children.  caring for their physical health needs has been a desire of your heart for a while now.  perhaps the children will inspire you towards that end.  just a thought.  

i will keep you in my prayers.
claudia "

I'll think of the children, use them as motivation and reason to stay focused.

I can't let my emotions drive me in a negative way. Its funny because I always forget that God said, "it is through MUCH TRIBULATION that we enter the kingdom of heaven." I'm always expecting to be easy but then when I wait on him I feel like im being lazy and i'm trying to do away with the "much tribulation" part but it was only recently that I really started to see ALL THIS as tribulation.

I don't like my carnal mind, when I get weak like this, it tries to sow doubt in my mind at everyturn. Even try and make me doubt my reasons for wanting to be a DR.

I DONT CARE ABOUT THE MONEY, IT WAS NEVER ABOUT THE MONEY! I could make the least of all the DR's in the world but as long as God could take from me and save a child from cancer then I would be the happiest man on earth.

When I get weak and lost, confused, I find myself doubting everything. I find myself losing that strong urge and desire to want to get there and it makes me question EVERYTHING. Just like dennis was saying, maybe this isn't the right path for me. In my moments of weakness I find myself thinking that.. and maybe it isn't? That could still very true now... but I can't see myself anywhere else. Why would God do this to me, if this wasn't my path in life, sometimes I wish He would just come out and tell me what to do. I really feel like this is the only place I can be though, I really do, even with those thoughts of doubt creeping in slowly, even now they reside there in the back of my mind as I type this. But then I read things like what you wrote grapehound and its like a big slap in the face! WAKE UP! GET UP! YOU CAN'T GIVE UP ALEX! YOURE BETTER THEN THIS! Who cares what the world says, PUSH FORWARD! This is where your heart is at, MOVE! GO! Don't give up, you can't! You can't lose with God on your side!

That's what I hear right now too and its what I needed to hear.

I'm so desperately going to try and use my imagination when it comes to studying, I'm going to do just as you guys have said. I will think of the children because it really does motivate me when I hear of a girl of 8 years old passing away from cancer. It eats me inside and just sets me a blaze.

The only thing I want in my life is to have a job, to have a family I can support and live comfortably with and if my wife doesn't want to work then she wouldn't have to. To be able to take a vacation every now and then with them, and to be a man who would not be ashamed of his conduct. IE no porn! No cheating on my wife in ANYWAY. Not even with my own hand when I feel like I just need to get one out. (That might disturb some of the ladies here but guys, you know what im talking about!! Darn our carnal minds >.>)

« Last Edit: June 23, 2011, 05:30:01 PM by lilitalienboi16 »
1 Cor 1:10 "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment."


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Re: And the crisis continues
« Reply #21 on: June 23, 2011, 05:22:48 PM »

Hi Alex,

Maybe you are focus so intently on the direction that you think you want to go, that you are not even opening your mind to what God is trying to show you. So times I think that we are yelling so loud what we want to do that we just can't hear that small still voice inside. Yes it is about attitude, seeking His will or ours. I would think He is the main one that you should seek the will of and to please, after all He knows where all things end up. Maybe He is closing doors that you want to go through and you just need to turn around and see the doors that He is opening. Yes I think we can go against what He is opening up for us to do, but wouldn't we be totally miserable, like Jonah. I'm just saying maybe you should open your mind to other possibilities.


Thank you kat.. I do listen, I think.. lol
I Just can't say I ever hear much as to when it comes to what I should be doing with my life. I just know what I feel, and how I feel in a moment. I know what I would LOVE to be able to do and how I currently am but I can't see how to get where I feel or want to be let alone see where God says I should be. All I have is what He gives me inside to go off of... thats it. And sometimes Its really hard to tell whether thats him pointing and saying Go with these feelings, I have given them to you. Or its me inside thinking I should be there because ME ME ME.

I really don't think its ME ME ME, but I can't be 100% certain simply because of the way I am seems to contrary to where I want to be.

Its like knowing where you want to go, where you should be, but having no clue how to get there with the tools you currently have.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2011, 05:30:35 PM by lilitalienboi16 »
1 Cor 1:10 "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment."


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Re: And the crisis continues
« Reply #22 on: June 23, 2011, 09:48:29 PM »


All of us who are older can really identify with what your going through right now.  But, it's all going to fall into place and your going to be right where God wants you to be.  So often we want a search light blazing a path miles ahead and he only promises us a light for our feet.  To me that says just take one step at a time and he will guide your feet.  One thing that I have learned is that you can't screw it up.  So often in my life I have missed the mark and yet he has me exactly where he wanted me to be all the time.  I used to think that nobody could mess up my life except me.  And I've learned that I don't even have the power to do that on my own either.


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Re: And the crisis continues
« Reply #23 on: June 23, 2011, 10:30:08 PM »

If God really intends for you to be a doctor, start looking for a place to hang your shingle.



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Re: And the crisis continues
« Reply #24 on: June 24, 2011, 06:05:10 PM »

HI ALEX, long time brother.

I remember you strugling with the same thing since years ago, because I read an email that Ray answer you, with a very good answer. That answer help me out a lot and have drive me in a peacefull direction. I am not that much older than you so... I understand you well, Not so long ago I also used to oversaturate my self with some things of little value (like certain video games, tv shows, movies and music scenes) that I was not able to control.

Inside medical positions, I recommend you to look up for a short carrier as a technician in something, the carriers are shorter and the study is more technical, it doesn't need that much looong study. You will also be able to help people (maybe not directly) but you will be able to help anyway, also you will have time for the most important things that we love, which is having precious time to study Scriptures and Scriptures related writings. And then if you find something else while you are walking the road you can still move to a different direction. Do not worry that much my friend. God is taking care of us, you know... just watch the helthy birds around.

Back in 2006 I build my own bussines witch included computer design, in 2008 I left it all (because personal reasons I will someday talk about), On 2009 I start a short carrier as a dental technician, then while I was studying I got a job in a welding shop and started learning. Last year I finished the dental technician thing, I sometimes used to work on dental laboratories or welding shops, or both (Then between seasons I have been able to make some travels as some around here know).
I have realize for many reasons that I preffer doing welding (artistic useful stuff). And I still sometimes make certain graphic design stuff... so the thing is to try to produce something good for others and to provide for our own. Many things that you think you like or dislike or want or don't want can change with time, so what you need is to make a long list of why to do it and why to don't do it (Including matters having to do with the enviroment where you will work at, institutions bureracies, medical deceptive advertising, etc. etc.).

Anyway, I didn't want to talk these much... but I wanted to reply you since your last posts. I didn't because I had not the time or the courage. And one last thing, remember that we are what we think about and what we care the most and God knows our hearts, if you want to please God and look for truth, that is a main part of your identity, not what carrier or skills you have, these present predominating society where we live is sick and have their concepts regarding identity all mess up (Like for example, live in luxury and big lust and wasting is not something too put in high but a great curse).

Okay, these is it.
Have a nice day


Indeed long time my brother! :)

Thank you for your words of wisdom and thank you for sharing your journey with me! And I agree with you that society indeed has everything all backwards and as I said before, I could care less about money and fame. I don't want it. I think what I'm going to do, God willing is try and finish my remaining classes really strong by using the methods that claudia and grapehound suggested, to think on why I'm doing this and use that as motivation, instead of getting lost in the "this seems to bare no relevance on my future" thinking and falling out of focus. Only God can really give me the strength to do anything right and as so many of you have said, it's all in His hands. I'm where he wants me to be and Ill get where He wants me to go. As i've said many times in this thread, I only wish it were a little more clearer then things are now, things seems so hazy and I can't quite tell where I'm headed. If I am going down a fruitless path then God willing, He will turn me around, honestly.. because I don't know when to stop or where to go from here if this isn't the right road for me and with how quite God can be at times, its really hard to make any decision at all. I'm truly at His mercy.

I like doing alot of artistic things as well Moises, after all, I do play the guitar and sing. I Love to do both with a passion but I just do them for fun because I'm no where near hardcore enough to get anywhere with that. Besides my voice has its limits, haha. I also love to draw and well, play games :P So yea.. i do over saturate myself with useless things alot of the times. Specially games. Its so easy to now a days too which doesn't help >.>

I wish I could find the email ray had responded to me with, because I've sent him emails around before and I don't get replies anymore and sometimes it be nice to hear from him. I know hes super busy and not feeling well so I don't take it personally but yea, times like this, be nice to have that email he responded to me with. I remember reading it and feeling just a little bit better.

Anyhoo, good to hear from you and thank you again for sharing your words of wisdom. They don't fall upon deaf ears, thank God :P
1 Cor 1:10 "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment."


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Re: And the crisis continues
« Reply #25 on: June 25, 2011, 02:15:17 AM »

Ey Alex, thanks for replying (I thought I was going to be the one making the last post on a tread once again), I am glad you appreciate the good words that you have heard around here.

Here is a line I once wrote in some of my personal notes... you might like it:

''Never say that you are not going to fall no matter what, let's better say that we are ready to fall if something bigger does not stop us! Because all we need to fall is just one simple impulse. Our will is simply a matter of cause and consequence and we should take these on account also when we judge others.''

I hope you didn't imply that I think that making and appreciating all art is a useless thing, because I don't. I just talked about oversaturating our selves with some things of little value (like certain video games, tv shows, movies and music scenes) that control us. I can appreciate descent music, painting, poems, etc.. it just try to don't make of it an idol to me anymore.

Anyway. Here I found Ray's old reply to your email:

Dear Alex:  The main criteria in selecting an occupation or profession is whether you can obey God doing the things that your particular profession requires.  Could you be a policeman?  Possibly, but it would be hard to justify shooting people if necessary.  Medical doctors pus h drugs. Many drugs are extremely harmful, whereas a few are very beneficial. But there are certain protocols to administering proper medications for virtually all diseases. You will not last long if you buck the system and decide for yourself which drugs you will or will not administer. See what I mean?  If you had your own private practice, it is more feasible to stick to only low-risk, very beneficial drugs, but when you are coming up through the ranks, you do not have this privilege. Can one be a lawyer and be totally obedient to God? Yes. Will you be very successful, as the world measures success?  Maybe not.
Etc. This is a big topic, and I do not like to get involved in making such decisions for anyone. This is an area you must look at very carefully for yourself, I'm afraid.,
God be with you,

These short answer had speak volumes to me...

keep on going. I guess there is still a long life road in front of us.

« Last Edit: June 28, 2011, 04:02:01 AM by Moises »


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Re: And the crisis continues
« Reply #26 on: June 27, 2011, 01:23:25 PM »

Hi Alex!

John from KY asked you if you really really want to be a doctor, and you replied that you do. But also ask yourself this: Do you want to put in all the work (including the dreaded studying) to become a doctor?

I have wanted to do a lot of things but realized after awhile that I didn't want to do the work. An example of this is foreign languages. For years I thought it would be awesome to know multiple languages. There have been at least ten times in my life when I excitedly purchased/borrowed a book/tape/CD of a foreign language, determined to teach myself. One of my favorites was Russian. Several times I would keep up with it for a few weeks and learn a lot of words and phrases, but it always waned. Finally I asked myself "Why am I doing this?" I came to the regrettable (but relieving) conclusion that I simply didn't want it that much. I didn't want to do all the hard work and study. I didn't know any Russian people, and I probably never would; I like to travel so I might visit Russia someday, but if I did, it'd be only for a few days. Of course, there is a big difference between helping people as a doctor and learning a language just for the heck of it. But the point is, we can't just become something without effort, study, and hard work. We have to decide whether we want to put in the effort.

There are several careers which I'd love to have, but are nonetheless not meant for me. I love sports, and I think it'd be a blast to have a career in them, such as:
-Pro tennis player (not nearly talented enough! This goes for all sports by the way  :P)
-Front office position for a Major League Baseball team ( classes would put me to sleep zzzz).
-High school coach/instructor (nah...too many boring medical/anatomy/nutrition classes to take).
 Etc. Etc.

Like you, I'm not the best study-er in the world. About half an hour is all I can take at one time. To help me get through school, I decided to choose subjects that interest me, and will not bore me. In this way, I've kinda done the opposite of what you've done. You're thinking of the job but don't want to do the studying. I'm doing the studying without thinking of a career. Instead of focusing on a career that's down the road, I've chosen a degree (Religion) that fascinates me and will motivate me to study and do well. What will I do with it? I don't know. There are a lot of possibilities, such as teaching, charities, disaster relief, museums, publishing houses, etc. I'm trying not to think too much about it; God will have the pieces fall in place. I'm concentrating on the school, not on future career possibilities. Since I don't have one particular career in mind, I figure I'll make school as fun as possible by picking a degree that I enjoy. There are many career paths for which you simply need a Bachelor's degree, no matter the subject. I think people put a lot of unnecessary pressure on students when they ask "What are you going to school for?" or "What do you want to be?" Not all of us know.  8)

If you decide to pursue something else (whether by choice or necessity), you may want to look into things that you enjoy and are passionate about; something like art/game design, music, etc. This would make studying more tolerable, and maybe even fun! Don't be discouraged that people in those fields don't help others as much as doctors. Our jobs shouldn't define who we are as people. L. Ray Smith was a roofer! Who among us will remember him as a great shingle cutter?

You're still a young man and there's no shame in not having a successful career at this point; there's also no shame in changing your mind about what you are going to do. I'm 27 and I just recently settled on a major; and I still have two years to go to get it!  :)

Much love to you brother!


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Re: And the crisis continues
« Reply #27 on: June 28, 2011, 04:58:46 AM »

AMEN Extol. Well said.


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Re: And the crisis continues
« Reply #28 on: June 30, 2011, 04:55:13 PM »

Hi Alex!

John from KY asked you if you really really want to be a doctor, and you replied that you do. But also ask yourself this: Do you want to put in all the work (including the dreaded studying) to become a doctor?

I have wanted to do a lot of things but realized after awhile that I didn't want to do the work. An example of this is foreign languages. For years I thought it would be awesome to know multiple languages. There have been at least ten times in my life when I excitedly purchased/borrowed a book/tape/CD of a foreign language, determined to teach myself. One of my favorites was Russian. Several times I would keep up with it for a few weeks and learn a lot of words and phrases, but it always waned. Finally I asked myself "Why am I doing this?" I came to the regrettable (but relieving) conclusion that I simply didn't want it that much. I didn't want to do all the hard work and study. I didn't know any Russian people, and I probably never would; I like to travel so I might visit Russia someday, but if I did, it'd be only for a few days. Of course, there is a big difference between helping people as a doctor and learning a language just for the heck of it. But the point is, we can't just become something without effort, study, and hard work. We have to decide whether we want to put in the effort.

There are several careers which I'd love to have, but are nonetheless not meant for me. I love sports, and I think it'd be a blast to have a career in them, such as:
-Pro tennis player (not nearly talented enough! This goes for all sports by the way  :P)
-Front office position for a Major League Baseball team ( classes would put me to sleep zzzz).
-High school coach/instructor (nah...too many boring medical/anatomy/nutrition classes to take).
 Etc. Etc.

Like you, I'm not the best study-er in the world. About half an hour is all I can take at one time. To help me get through school, I decided to choose subjects that interest me, and will not bore me. In this way, I've kinda done the opposite of what you've done. You're thinking of the job but don't want to do the studying. I'm doing the studying without thinking of a career. Instead of focusing on a career that's down the road, I've chosen a degree (Religion) that fascinates me and will motivate me to study and do well. What will I do with it? I don't know. There are a lot of possibilities, such as teaching, charities, disaster relief, museums, publishing houses, etc. I'm trying not to think too much about it; God will have the pieces fall in place. I'm concentrating on the school, not on future career possibilities. Since I don't have one particular career in mind, I figure I'll make school as fun as possible by picking a degree that I enjoy. There are many career paths for which you simply need a Bachelor's degree, no matter the subject. I think people put a lot of unnecessary pressure on students when they ask "What are you going to school for?" or "What do you want to be?" Not all of us know.  8)

If you decide to pursue something else (whether by choice or necessity), you may want to look into things that you enjoy and are passionate about; something like art/game design, music, etc. This would make studying more tolerable, and maybe even fun! Don't be discouraged that people in those fields don't help others as much as doctors. Our jobs shouldn't define who we are as people. L. Ray Smith was a roofer! Who among us will remember him as a great shingle cutter?

You're still a young man and there's no shame in not having a successful career at this point; there's also no shame in changing your mind about what you are going to do. I'm 27 and I just recently settled on a major; and I still have two years to go to get it!  :)

Much love to you brother!

Thank you brother, great words of wisdom indeed. I suppose there are so many ways to look at this, I Just can't figure out which one is the right one. One thing is for sure, i need to relaxeeeeee, chill out and let the Master Builder build  this home His way, the right way! I know everything will work out for the best in the end but sometimes, i just go nuts. Your right.. there are way to many pressures on us as students, even from a family perspective as well. The world expects so much out of us so quickly and I never liked the way the world did things, I don't know why I think it would be doing it right this time around when it comes to my education.

Your words have comforted me as well, i'm glad i'm not the only one in their mid twenty's still in school.
1 Cor 1:10 "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment."


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Re: And the crisis continues
« Reply #29 on: June 30, 2011, 04:58:42 PM »

I feel I am starting to talk too much around here but ho well, I have some things to say and ask on the topic.

I think people put a lot of unnecessary pressure on students when they ask "What are you going to school for?" or "What do you want to be?" Not all of us know.  8)

A few years ago I took that burden up. It is a very heavy one. Because one the first question people in general ask often is 'what do you do?', and from there we easily judge and put them  faster on a box file with out even knowing first about other important things like their character, passions and personality.

If you decide to pursue something else (whether by choice or necessity), you may want to look into things that you enjoy and are passionate about; something like art/game design, music, etc.

I agree it is a good idea to look for things that we already have skills and know about. However:
If you like it, and enjoy it and are passionate about that is not enough for us, I have heard the phrase ''whatever you do as long as you like it or enjoy doing it... that is good''. But there is more important things than our personal feelings and likes or dislike to be put on the table as well, Ray said the one of the most important thing on that email replay:

''The main criteria in selecting an occupation or profession is whether you can obey God doing the things that your particular profession requires.''

And we could go on and on regarding all the things involved in so many particular professions. (today, there is so many lame occupations all around)

Our jobs shouldn't define who we are as people.

I agree (On one side) since I believe that we are what we think about all day long.

On the other side: it would be very hard to tell that phrase truth to a long time hooker, drug dealer or greedy pastor.

However, people can change.

The thing is to make somehow something usefull for others while we try to survive, right? Being a roofer, a fisherman, a carpenter, a welder, an honest healer (Dr.), etc. is awesome, they are producing meaning full things for others I believe.

Anyway, I still have many question and research to do in all these topic about 'occupations and tryting to obey God'... I also agree with Ray that
  ''This is a big topic, and I do not like to get involved in making such decisions for anyone. This is an area you must look at very carefully for yourself, I'm afraid.,''

Words of wisdom again! Very much agreed.

As for doing something I enjoy and am skilled at, I don't know why my skills are, i don't think I have any special skills. I just enjoy doing certain things, I want to be certain places and that's all I know.

Like the wind, I don't know where I'm going and that can be scary sometimes :/
1 Cor 1:10 "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment."


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Re: And the crisis continues
« Reply #30 on: July 01, 2011, 07:56:34 AM »

AMEN Moises


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Re: And the crisis continues
« Reply #31 on: July 02, 2011, 06:13:59 PM »

So often we want a search light blazing a path miles ahead and he only promises us a light for our feet.  To me that says just take one step at a time and he will guide your feet. 

alex, i highlighted the above quote from arion because i pray that you will place this truth in your heart, and trust that our LORD will give you enough light from Him for each next step...

arion, your entire post, especially the statement above, was exactly what my ears needed to hear today. 



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Re: And the crisis continues
« Reply #32 on: July 10, 2011, 09:56:36 AM »

Hi Alex,

First I will just say that the amount of advice/wisdom in this thread is mind blowing!

Secondly you face a big problem that a lot of people face (myself included) in that you keep thinking there are "right" and "wrong" choices.

You said "I suppose there are so many ways to look at this, I Just can't figure out which one is the right one." but I can say from person experiences I have learnt so much more about life/myself/God/people etc in making the "wrong" decisions than I have by making the "right" ones.

This is just my opinion but you seem so hung up on making sure your next step is 100% perfect that you end up making no decision at all (this has been my experience) so pick a path and see where it leads. If you truly believe that God is in complete control of your life and this world then you have to believe that whatever path you take is now the correct one.

Best of luck!



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Re: And the crisis continues
« Reply #33 on: July 11, 2011, 02:26:12 AM »

Hi Alex,

First I will just say that the amount of advice/wisdom in this thread is mind blowing!

Secondly you face a big problem that a lot of people face (myself included) in that you keep thinking there are "right" and "wrong" choices.

You said "I suppose there are so many ways to look at this, I Just can't figure out which one is the right one." but I can say from person experiences I have learnt so much more about life/myself/God/people etc in making the "wrong" decisions than I have by making the "right" ones.

This is just my opinion but you seem so hung up on making sure your next step is 100% perfect that you end up making no decision at all (this has been my experience) so pick a path and see where it leads. If you truly believe that God is in complete control of your life and this world then you have to believe that whatever path you take is now the correct one.

Best of luck!


Very True jase, thank you. I find that as the time goes on I've been more at peace in trusting God with this next decision, instead of making the right one myself. I think just maybe.. life might be to boring for me if all my decisions where 100% perfect anyway xD lol, i know its possible I might just regret saying that sometime soon >.> LOL xD
1 Cor 1:10 "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment."


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Re: And the crisis continues
« Reply #34 on: July 11, 2011, 02:28:03 AM »

So often we want a search light blazing a path miles ahead and he only promises us a light for our feet.  To me that says just take one step at a time and he will guide your feet. 

alex, i highlighted the above quote from arion because i pray that you will place this truth in your heart, and trust that our LORD will give you enough light from Him for each next step...

arion, your entire post, especially the statement above, was exactly what my ears needed to hear today. 


And words of wisdom they are indeed, thank you for highlighting that, I needed to hear it again!

One step at a time.. its always a million times easier to say then to do >.>

1 Cor 1:10 "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment."


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Re: And the crisis continues
« Reply #35 on: July 11, 2011, 03:32:49 PM »

un dia a la vez

alex, the above saying is what i have been telling myself daily.  i wanted to share it with you.  i wrote it in spanish, but you know it very well in english.  it translates to: "one day at a time".

love in Christ,
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