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My Current Trials
« on: November 15, 2011, 02:15:23 AM »

Hello Brothers and Sisters,

I'm am writing this so you will be a witness to my situation and despair. I've wanted to write many times before but always feel like, by doing so, I am not trusting God. God knows my heart and will deal with me as He sees fit. God has directed my steps down a hard and strange path in life. But He has opened up my eyes to these wonderful truths and when I discovered bible-truths for the first time I had the most wonderful and joyful and beautiful awakening. I cried and cried and cried. It was so strange to hear these grand and wonderful things about our truly loving God. I thought WOW, now this is a God that I can believe in and love. Before I found bible-truths I was far from God. I was heavy into patriot, Constitutional rights, and sovereignty of the people movements... about eight years. I was searching for truth and couldn't believe things I was finding out and learning about. The rabbit hole really does go deep. I donated to and supported Ron Paul for President in the 2008 election because I was hoping beyond hope that somehow he could get our country back on track to freedom. I have a young daughter and I was so scared of what she would to face in her life.

Anyway, since finding the Word of God I have withdrawn from my fear of the destiny of man (and my daughter, Praise be to God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ!), and my involvment with these groups. However I still do pay attention to and engage in some commercial remedy processes (none of which have ever benefited me...yet it was from here that I was hearing a lot about scripture and was ultimately led to find bible-truths). The initial elation soon fades however and replaced with the hardships of battling the beast and begging God for the strength to remain faithful and overcome. But since following the forum I know that this is not strange and that we all go through this.

So what's the despair part? Well, the biggest collection agency in the world, the IRS, is determined to collect every dime of what they allege I owe to it (which is around $400,000). They have been garnishing my wages for a while now, and I just got notice that they are going to levy my bank account (which isn't very much). Basically when I believed that the Constitution actually meant something, and after lots and lots and lots of research I knew the income tax was not Constitutional. Income tax law is sort of like the scriptures, once you know the meaning of the words, it takes on a whole different meaning. In any case I know now that the Constitution is pretty much meaningless.

Again, none of the commercial remedies I have tried, which others have had success with, have worked for me. I really don't know if what I am doing in this area is something I should be doing or not. I believe there is a reason why they exist at all and why they do work in some cases. I pray a lot for God to guide me.

If you are so willing, please pray for God to keep me strong and faithful during my current trials and to give me the wisdom and knowledge to do the right things and to not get discouraged. I know coming from his own it will mean a lot.

Peace and grace to you from God the Father and from his son Jesus Christ,
Romans 7:24 What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? 25 Thanks be to God—through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God's law, but in the sinful nature a slave to the law of sin.


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Re: My Current Trials
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2011, 09:26:56 AM »

I can identify with that brother and I walked down the same path.  When it comes to organized crime the IRS is not at all inferior to it's brothers in the mafia.  I didn't file for a number of years as I knew I couldn't be compelled to testify against myself, ect.  It's been several years now so I don't remember the exact details but I was beginning to learn some of the truths we have here and I was asking God for a blessing.  I didn't have a raise for a long time and I was called into the office as they needed to talk to me.  I was told that they had an order from the IRS to levy my wages (without a court order of course) for back taxes. The IRS dinged me for taxes that were beyond the 10 year statute of limitation so they shouldn't of been able to collect but my workplace was afraid of them and allowed the levy to go through.  They took everything above the minimum they needed to leave me with so for almost two years I had to survive on $600 a month.  

Yet, God made a way in the midst of it.  When it was all said and done and I looked 'behind' me and I saw the blessing that I had been praying for.  Of course I lost all of my credit and I had to learn to live on what I had and not go in debt.  I had to save cash if I wanted anything, ect.  The blessing played out as I learned that lesson to pay as I go and to learn to do with less.  It prepared me pretty good for the economic scarcity we've had now for the last few years.  And I also learned the lesson that this nation has turned it's back on it's heritage and the constitution and we've sown to the wind and are to reap the whirlwind...but it no longer matters to me.  I'm learning that you can't serve God and country, we have to make a choice.  Blessings to you and although you can't see a silver lining when your going through it I trust that later you too will be able to look behind you and see what God was doing in your life through this trial.  He will make a way for you through this.  


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Re: My Current Trials
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2011, 10:34:15 AM »

From One Brad(Samson) to another,

Brad, it seems that some of Our thinking is similar and identifiable. I have never voted in My Life, but often liked the method and plan(s) proposed by Ron Paul. Interestingly, a few years ago My Dad sent a Political quiz to Me through Email which determined through the answers given which Candidate would be best suited for Me. After taking the quiz, Ron Paul's name appeared as the result of My answers to this quiz. Also, Romans Chapter 13 HAS and sometimes IS a difficult passage of acceptance for Me. Recognizing those instructions for Me is usually a necessary Evil, at best and certainly is a source of stress. I believe God is teaching Us by the many examples of Government throughout History as to how things shouldn't be done.

Arion, said it best in His Post and I quote: When it comes to organized crime the IRS is not at all inferior to it's brothers in the mafia.  I didn't file for a number of years as I knew I couldn't be compelled to testify against myself, ect.

Although, Federal Taxation is unconstitutional and I agree, When Lincoln started the process, it didn't start out as the financial "Monster" we suffer with Today. Yes, God is certainly giving Us an experience of Evil in order to Humble Us, in so many forms.

I'll pray for you Brad, financial difficulties are very unpleasant, to say the least, I can relate to this, because I despise owing anyone Money or being in debt, it's very depressing, especially owing Money to an institution that's corrupt and criminal like in itself.

Forget the Constitution, it's a meaningless piece of paper with many Amendments that are often applied inconsistently. Every time a New Government takes control(After the American Revolution), it goes back to the same thing it was prior to the rebellion, but with a different label. " History repeats itself, Man learns nothing from History." George Hegel, Philosopher. Man dominates Man to his own injury.

John Michael, a Forum Brother is pursuing a Degree in Criminal Justice and in that process, is studying the Constitution and it's host of Amendments, He has discovered and continues to discover that it's meaningless too, perhaps He can shed some light on this, if He so desires.

Brad, If you ever need  someone to speak with, I'm not too far from You, Easton, Pa. Pm Me if you desire and if Not, that's okay too.

Kind Regards, Samson.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 12:32:34 PM by Samson »


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Re: My Current Trials
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2011, 10:37:47 AM »

Hi Brad,

That is something that was very hard for me to come to terms with as well, but by the grace of God, I finally learned. Through my studies on criminal justice, God made it clearer and clearer that the "Constitution" only applies (or has any real meaning) when it's convenient for the government that it do so; otherwise, it's 200 year-old toilet paper. All of man's laws are that way. I also had an idol of the heart called people's rights and patriotism, and God smashed that idol to bits through college study! :) He made it very apparent that this is how government should NOT be done. It made me yearn for God's government all the more. The biggest criminals are not the ones confined to prison cells for the next 30+ years of their lives; they are the ones sitting in suits and ties up on capital hill.

YET we are commanded by Scripture to pray for those that have authority over us (Romans 13). God gave them the authority and the power they have. By His Grace, He'll get me there.

I got the feeling when reading your post that I had a few days ago in my own trials. It was the distinct feeling like God was showing me just WHO is holding onto WHOM. The best way to describe the feeling is it felt as if God had me by the back of my collar and was leaning me over the edge of a very high skyscraper, and He just held me there. It became VERY clear just who was doing the holding, and I started begging Him not to let me go.

Maybe that is part of this new circumstance for you - God's doing some heart-cleaning :) which is a very good thing for all of us. Will definitely keep you in prayer.

In Him,


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Re: My Current Trials
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2011, 11:57:06 AM »

Hi Brad

Myself, I would ask for mercy. Both form the IRS and from God. As an employer, I have seen the IRS or state goverment, or both, signifigantly cut the amount owed. But if you contest them, if you say the taxes are illegal, you will get no mercy from them. In their eyes, you are an example of rebellion that must be taught a lesson, if you protest and say they have no right to levy tax.

With God, you must admit you broke the laws and admonitions of scripture, specifically Romans 13. If you hang on to the feeling and thoughts of injustice or being falsely accused, or they have no right,  it will prevent you from being contrite before God. being contrite always wins with God. Demanding your rights doesn't win with Him, specially in that all civilian powers and authorities have been put in place by Him. That is scriptural. We all know the goverment does things that everyone will have issues with. But so what. this is not like being falsely accused in a court of law. You have actually broken the established reigning law that the vast majority of people follow, so this is not ambiguous or a gray situation.

I actually would rather start with a deeply contrite heart, and a deep determination that you will follow all laws and bring praise to Christ; then try your best to negotiate in the spirit of meekness and asking for mercy. God will fight for you, rather than oppose you, if you do this.

Just my two cents.



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Re: My Current Trials
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2011, 12:10:49 PM »

If you are so willing, please pray for God to keep me strong and faithful during my current trials and to give me the wisdom and knowledge to do the right things and to not get discouraged. I know coming from his own it will mean a lot.

You got it Brother. I have had problems in the past with the IRS to the degree of almost losing everything including my sanity. It was an extremely hard trying time that I will never forget.


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Re: My Current Trials
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2011, 12:34:57 PM »

If you are so willing, please pray for God to keep me strong and faithful during my current trials and to give me the wisdom and knowledge to do the right things and to not get discouraged. I know coming from his own it will mean a lot.

Hi Brad,

I will gladly pray the prayer you have requested, because what you seek is what I hope for all my brethren.:)

Our trials can be overwhelming at times, but I am learning to have confidence in the fact that the Lord will not lose any of those He has chosen.   These difficult and challenging trials will help to build your faith and make you a better person when you come out on the other side.  Arion shared a beautiful witness to this reality. 

If you do the right thing, you can NEVER go wrong.


John 6:39-40 -"Now this is the will of Him Who sends Me, that all which He has given to Me, of it I should be losing nothing, but I shall be raising it in the last day. For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who is beholding the Son and believing in Him may have life eonian, and I shall be raising him in the last day."


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Re: My Current Trials
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2011, 12:42:30 PM »

Just as a side note, it is perfectly legal for Congress to level income taxes. Prior to the Sixteenth Amendment, it wasn't.

Article I, Section 2, Clause 3:
Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers...[1]

Article I, Section 8, Clause 1:
The Congress shall have power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises...but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States...

Article I, Section 9, Clause 4:
No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken.

HOWEVER, this was changed by the Sixteenth Amendment:

Amendment XVI:
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States and without regard to any census or enumeration.

Essentially, the 16th Amendment nullified the three sections mentioned above.

This is another example of the inconsistency of man's laws. Isn't it such a wonderful thing that God's laws are NOT inconsistent?

In Him,
« Last Edit: November 15, 2011, 12:44:38 PM by JohnMichael »

Dennis Vogel

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Re: My Current Trials
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2011, 01:50:04 PM »

after lots and lots and lots of research I knew the income tax was not Constitutional.

Mat 22:21  They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.

You owe it and you have to pay it.


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Re: My Current Trials
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2011, 02:27:57 AM »

Thank you all for you replies and your prayers.

The willful failure to file a federal tax return is a federal crime, a felony.

Since I haven't not filed, I don't think I have to be concerned about that.

Mat 22:21  They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.

You owe it and you have to pay it.

I won't argue with that. I pray that God has mercy on me and shows me a way.

Matthew 17:27 (CEV)
27 But we don't want to cause trouble. So go cast a line into the lake and pull out the first fish you hook. Open its mouth, and you will find a coin. Use it to pay your taxes and mine."

I will gladly pray the prayer you have requested, because what you seek is what I hope for all my brethren.:)

Thank you Rene! Me too.

Just as a side note, it is perfectly legal for Congress to level income taxes. Prior to the Sixteenth Amendment, it wasn't.
Essentially, the 16th Amendment nullified the three sections mentioned above.
In Him,

Not quite, see BRUSHABER v. UNION PACIFIC R. CO., 240 U.S. 1 (1916) and POLLOCK v. FARMERS' LOAN & TRUST CO., 157 U.S. 429 (1895)

This was an issue of income as a "gain" from property. A tax on "gain" is an indirect tax and not required to be apportioned and this is exactly what the POLLOCK case and the 16th amendment was all about (see BRUSHABER). Since income taxes are indirect (they don't diminish the source because it is only on "gain"), so they are not required to be apportioned. Wages given in exchange for labor is not a "gain" (i.e not income), it is an even exchange. Therefore a tax on wages given in exchange for labor diminishes the source and is therefore a direct tax requiring apportionment. Also the rule of apportionment on direct taxes has never been repealed (again see BRUSHABER).

Myself, I would ask for mercy. Both form the IRS and from God.

I have and will continue to do so. Thank you.

Maybe that is part of this new circumstance for you - God's doing some heart-cleaning :) which is a very good thing for all of us. Will definitely keep you in prayer.
In Him,

I agree and thank you. Anything God does for us is very good!

I'll pray for you Brad, financial difficulties a very unpleasant, to say the least, I can relate to this, because I despise owing anyone Money or being in debt, it's very depressing, especially owing Money to an institution that's corrupt and criminal like in itself.
Brad, If you ever need to someone to speak with, I'm not too far from You, Easton, Pa. Pm Me if you desire and if Not, that's okay too.

Kind Regards, Samson.

Thank you for your prayers and compassion. I will take you up on your offer and pm you soon.

I can identify with that brother and I walked down the same path.
Yet, God made a way in the midst of it.
Blessings to you and although you can't see a silver lining when your going through it I trust that later you too will be able to look behind you and see what God was doing in your life through this trial.  He will make a way for you through this.   

Thank you for your kind words and I am glad and thankful that God has seen you through this trial because it gives me hope!

In love,
Romans 7:24 What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? 25 Thanks be to God—through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God's law, but in the sinful nature a slave to the law of sin.


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Re: My Current Trials
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2011, 05:53:29 AM »

Jesus pointed out that the birds are not worried about getting something to eat. They live in the Kingdom of God. We live in the kingdom of Caesar. If the time ever comes when some of the smart birds get a corner on bugs, or organize a worm trust, there will be worry among them also. (Wallace Wattles & Henry Drummond)


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Re: My Current Trials
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2011, 02:09:06 AM »

hi Brad

For someone facing those trials, your responses to each poster showed a lot of grace. No matter what happens, your character and relationship to God is way more important than the problem. Easy for me to say, right? I pray that God will make you steadfast in your faith, full of hope and joy in the midst of this trial...and deepen and widen your love for him and for all others, including your enemies....I wish I could tell you He was going to deliver you wholly from this but I cannot but I can assure you that I feel that if your responses are a barometer of your heart that you may be closer to deliverance than when I first read what your wrote.

May God deliver all of us out of our trials in the manner and time that will do the greatest good for each of us, spiritually!

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