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Author Topic: question?  (Read 13129 times)

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Re: question?
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2012, 12:19:55 AM »

I have been thinking and researching on this matter of the term 'spirit', and how be able to understand it more clearly-on a daily base. That is why I had saved this email on my bookmarks, it was writen on august 2006 and seems to me to have  a very good response for this whole matter:

Every person (and animal) has a "spirit."  There is no life without spirit. At death OUR spirit return to our God Who gave it to

us. Spirit does not die. But, spirit has no consciencousness of its own. It must be united with a body. That is why

there is coming a Resurrection of the DEAD. Adam's body had the spirit of God breathed into it and then Adam became a

LIVING SOUL.  God's Holy Spirit is His Spirit of Holiness which imparts spiritual knowledge and spiritual character to those

who possess it. The wicked and unbelievers have a spirit that keeps them alive, but they have no spiritual perception of

spiritual truths because they do not possess the Holy Spirit of God living in us through Jesus Christ our Lord. ETc. Sorry,

but it would take days to answer your question in detail.

God be with you,


I am sure Ray can back up with Scripture what is he talking about, as we know that he have the good custom.

« Last Edit: February 20, 2012, 01:01:20 AM by Moises »


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Re: question?
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2012, 02:27:30 AM »


"Breath" is how it's translated in Genesis.

Into your hands I commit my spirit.   Having said that, He breathed His last.

Father, into your hands I commit the thing that you use to make me alive. 

Father, into your hands I commit my life.

Father, I'm putting my life in your hands.

Father, I'm entrusting my life to you.

Father, my life is in your hands now.

As if to say His spirit / His life / His consciousness was never in the Father's hands before that point. 

Well, that does it for me, everybody.  I'll look forward to the other replies.

« Last Edit: February 20, 2012, 02:41:58 AM by Gina »


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Re: question?
« Reply #22 on: February 20, 2012, 11:09:17 AM »

Ray doesn't need to back up with Scripture that there is no consciousness in the breath of life, Moises, just like he doesn't need to back up with scripture that the dust of the ground that God used to form our bodies likewise has no consciousness.   :)

I have been thinking and researching on this matter of the term 'spirit', and how be able to understand it more clearly-on a daily base. That is why I had saved this email on my bookmarks, it was writen on august 2006 and seems to me to have  a very good response for this whole matter:

Every person (and animal) has a "spirit."  There is no life without spirit. At death OUR spirit return to our God Who gave it to

us. Spirit does not die. But, spirit has no consciencousness of its own. It must be united with a body. That is why

there is coming a Resurrection of the DEAD. Adam's body had the spirit of God breathed into it and then Adam became a

LIVING SOUL.  God's Holy Spirit is His Spirit of Holiness which imparts spiritual knowledge and spiritual character to those

who possess it. The wicked and unbelievers have a spirit that keeps them alive, but they have no spiritual perception of

spiritual truths because they do not possess the Holy Spirit of God living in us through Jesus Christ our Lord. ETc. Sorry,

but it would take days to answer your question in detail.

God be with you,


I am sure Ray can back up with Scripture what is he talking about, as we know that he have the good custom.



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Re: question?
« Reply #23 on: February 20, 2012, 12:57:13 PM »

Well it seems to me that the breath of life, though it is a metaphor of spirit, they are perfectly in sync with each other. Because we know that when the breath leaves the body and a person "breathes no more" they are dead and the spirit also leaves the body at the same time. So as the literal breath is not really the spirit, it does seem to almost exactly coordinate with it. So God has given us a really close representation of what the spirit is like, it is even invisible (like spirit), so we all can relate to it. Even the dictionary has it in the definition of breath.

breath \"breth\ n 1 : the act or power of breathing 2 : a slight breeze 3 : air inhaled or exhaled in breathing 4 : spoken sound 5 : spirit

mercy, peace and love

« Last Edit: February 20, 2012, 01:46:28 PM by Kat »


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Re: question?
« Reply #24 on: February 20, 2012, 01:02:58 PM »

Period.   ;D


Shawn Fainn

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Re: question?
« Reply #25 on: February 20, 2012, 01:52:44 PM »

When I think of spirit, I think of something finer than the sharpest sword (can't remember the scripture reference.. at work atm).

For example, a balloon can hold 'air', but 'spirit' would penetrate the balloon.

You could break it down even further in to molecules, etc.. but those, while intagible, are still what I'd perceive as physical. While spirit seems something different entirely.

Anyway, maybe i'm a bit off topic. Just had that thought pop in my head and thought I'd add it.



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Re: question?
« Reply #26 on: February 20, 2012, 04:05:52 PM »

Hello ALL BT...ERS!

I must admit this is becoming one heck of a topic to fully gain understanding on.... It SEEMS?
Ray says...". Adam's body had the spirit of God breathed into it and then Adam became a

But others have said that the 'Breathe of life" IS different than the Holy Spirit.
"The Breathe of life" IS a metaphor for mans Spirit.

So as i first posted about this BREATHE into mans nostrils...I was thinking it was Gods Spirit the passage was specking of.And in fact it was...... ONLY ...another Manifestation  because God Kat shares:

The breathe of life is the way/process given to each being on this earth to live, because that is the way that God designed it, that we must draw breath to live. It is God that gives life/breath and sustains this process by His spirit to all creatures (man and animal). So it is this spirit of life from God that each creature needs to live in this world and to each being the spirit they have provides what we need to know how to live.

Now God is able to use His Spirit in whatever manner He chooses and to give life to physical creatures is one way He uses it, to give spiritual life is another. So He can use His Spirit in those He chooses in another way, not to provide just physical life, but as a  "Comforter" or "Spirit of truth" or "Holy Spirit," that is required to be indwelling to teach spiritual knowledge (concepts beyond the physical).

John 15:26  And when the Comforter has come, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He shall testify of Me.

John 14:26  But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance, whatever I have said to you.

God gives life/spirit/breath for us to live this life, to animals and humans. But we requires His Spirit in another way in a different form  so we can move on towards Life in the spiritual realm, which is the indwelling of His Holy Spirit/Comforter which will bring us to a oneness with God, so that we can brought on to Life eonian/immortality.

So much has been gained for me so far..looking forward to see if theres more?thetruth



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Re: question?
« Reply #27 on: February 20, 2012, 04:10:47 PM »

We also have to take in account that people back then doesn't know much about the brain.  they try to explain it the best they can. we know that they understand that mind is part of the body- body cannot function without the mind. Paul talks about renewing our minds changing who we are. scriptures always said. Whoever thinks in his heart, so is he... Heart equals mind. there's many other scriptures that seems to point to the mind as well. Once the mind is active, it brings body to life.

Job 7:11 seems to indicate that the spirit and soul to mean pretty much the same thing. "Therefore I will not refrain my mouth; I will speak in the anguish of my spirit; I will complain in the bitterness of my soul." This indicates the mind and moral conscience and emotions and so on. It seems to point to the seat of the mind.

 "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." (Heb 4:12)

 I think that even this passage is saying that, at least in a living person, there is hardly a distinction between the two. It seems to point to the "mind." the seat of emotions, conscience, moral conscience, awareness of life, etc. 

The body cannot function without the mind. when the Mind is separated from the body, the body dies. the same goes with brain damage. Once the mind is damaged, the body cannot function properly. There's thousands of mental disorders that we know about. The Mind/Body relationship is important.

I think whenever they use the word Soul, they refer to the whole you, who you are as a whole,  the whole you. the whole Mind that refer to who you are. You are whoever you are.. for example. I am Denise. My soul's name is Denise. Denise is the whole soul- the whole mind that makes up Denise as she is. I know who i am.. This is my life that is part of this body. My mind makes me who I am as a whole.

The spirit is the life of the man. Their identity.

So- here's a thought to consider

Father, into your hands I commit my life- my whole me or  My identity- my essence, My mind, my life force that is part of me. my spark that makes me who I am.  whatever it really means to refer to my whole self. that creates who I am as a person. you get the idea. 

Just my two cents. Hope it helps.
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