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Author Topic: I'm in a spot :(  (Read 7075 times)

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I'm in a spot :(
« on: July 19, 2006, 03:04:39 AM »

There  is another forum that I participate in.  There are many different religions and denominations of "Christianity" represented there.  There is/are many threads and subjects that I want to participate in and I feel like I could provide some insght scripturally, but So many there are still in Babylon, or completely not accepting of Christ.  I don't normally let this bother me, but the absolute stubborness of those that I present a sollid truth to makes me angry.

Why am I feeling this anger? I don't want it.  I want it gone from me.  It's hurting me and I want it gone.  I can only pray, but what if I am wrong somehow in what I am saying? What if carnality is trying to mislead me?

I don't expect guidance so much as support really. Only God and the Holy Spirit can guide me.  I guess I just need to feel a family.  I know no one else that believes as we do.

Do I ask too much?  I don't seem to get much response lately.


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Re: I'm in a spot :(
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2006, 08:44:31 AM »

Hi indagator-------------

    I belong to other forums as well and know all about some folks stubborness.I used to let it bother me but I have come to the realisation that I was overstepping my bounds.God is the one who calls,the Holy Spirit is the one who leads folks into understanding and we have no control over anothers faith.I remember years ago on the old msn forums I would be so angry with folks trying to justify the doctrin of eternal torment and chat moving so fast that I felt very out numbered.I made it personal,like it was of me.It took a while for me to realise how carnal I was being.

   Now when I post to other forums I understand that I can spread the truth about subjects but I can not (nor is it my job)to make folks believe it.That part I leave up to God.

much love----------knuckle


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Re: I'm in a spot :(
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2006, 10:51:57 AM »


Me thinks God is teaching you to be patient and to love and when it is all said and done you will be amazed at what God is and will do.

Bobby may be on to something here.  Learning to be patient and love is a hard, painful lesson (at least it has been for me so far).  When I am in a situation when I am getting angry at someone for not understanding, I have lately been taking a step back and reminding myself that they don't understand.  They don't know that what they believe is false; they can't see themselves as blind or deaf or not understanding.  God has blinded a sense, they know not what they do.  For me, it's hard to be angry at someone who is not doing something on purpose but out of ignorance.  God has blinded them to this truth just a surely as He has opened your eyes to it.  Also, knowing that all will work out in the end for good helps.  Hope this gives you a little peace.

Love in Christ,



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Re: I'm in a spot :(
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2006, 10:52:41 AM »

PS - You do have a family of brothers and sisters here!   ;D


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Re: I'm in a spot :(
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2006, 01:09:33 PM »

If Jesus is not dragging them yet.....then He's not dragging them yet! Right? :)


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Re: I'm in a spot :(
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2006, 03:09:17 PM »

 ;D  Exactly!


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Re: I'm in a spot :(
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2006, 03:21:43 PM »


Me thinks God is teaching you to be patient and to love and when it is all said and done you will be amazed at what God is and will do.

Bobby may be on to something here.  Learning to be patient and love is a hard, painful lesson (at least it has been for me so far).  When I am in a situation when I am getting angry at someone for not understanding, I have lately been taking a step back and reminding myself that they don't understand.  They don't know that what they believe is false; they can't see themselves as blind or deaf or not understanding.  God has blinded a sense, they know not what they do.  For me, it's hard to be angry at someone who is not doing something on purpose but out of ignorance.  God has blinded them to this truth just a surely as He has opened your eyes to it.  Also, knowing that all will work out in the end for good helps.  Hope this gives you a little peace.

Love in Christ,

mongoose you know I am REALLY new and therefore do not have a lot of "Answers", but after reading your post it made me think that perhaps the seed is planted and it is for someone else possibly to do the watering.
I would always like to SEE the outcome of those that I have touched or been near, but many times (Most times) I have not seen the results.  There have been a few times that I had heard of an individual that I had spoken to a few years before that the seed was watered by someone else and they grew.  My carnal self felt good that God at least allowed me to plant a seed.
...God be with us


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Re: I'm in a spot :(
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2006, 03:28:49 PM »

Sorry...Mongoose...I meant that for Indagator....Oooops...told you I was new  ;D


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Re: I'm in a spot :(
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2006, 12:54:34 AM »

You know what? Thank you all for reminding me of some things.  First off, I have again been thinking that I have some control, when I don't.  It's all God's control and I should remember that, but I still sometimes fall short of it  :-[ .  Second of all I have, have, have to remember patience!  Arrgh, that one thing is my biggest shortcoming!  And even then when I think I've got it handled, I apparently don't!  That one is going to take some time and cleansing I'm thinking.  The loving regardless is not so difficult for me now though at least...not like it was.  I've found that what I put out there, whether it makes a personal difference or not is like a ray of light shining in the darkness.  It may be just one little ray of light, but it's returned to me over and over by the Father  ;D.  God gives you back what you give to Him a thousand-fold...and I can really smile  ;D.

Just have to work on that patience.  The funny part is, I'm kind of scared to ask for it...knowing what I was given when asking for more awareness...yikes.



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Re: I'm in a spot :(
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2006, 12:58:07 AM »

I can only pray, but what if I am wrong somehow in what I am saying?

Dear Indagator:
I too have felt the same way...there are so many people that don't believe, could I be believing the truth? Rest assured, this is Satan's ploy:

Eph 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

1 Pet1:7 That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.

Our faith is being tried when we wonder if we are wrong.  It helps me to review all things God has revealed to me and to review my experiences  since I've known the truth, and quite quickly I realize the truths I know are indeed God's truth...I trust the same will be for you.

You do have a family here and I am glad that you posted your concern and request for support, that is just what God wants us to do, and you most likely have encouraged others to share the same.

God bless,
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