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Author Topic: Ray is gone  (Read 45086 times)

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Re: Ray is gone
« Reply #80 on: May 25, 2012, 01:08:47 PM »

I am sad.
When I was a kid and my father died of cancer, for some strange reason, I didn't cry. Somehow I had a strong feeling that that happen just how it was meant to happen. And there is no other way around. Today I feel the same way.

I am sure one of the main  reasons that Ray fighted so well his trials on the last years was to keep on giving comfort to others. Ray remained on the Scriptures all time on his teachings, but not only that, his message used to fit also with his life example. I am thankful for his example, he became the message himself! ..some were expecting for another miracle but--

HE WAS THE MIRACLE already. On a world replete with vanity, greed and superegos, God showed Ray how to be humble and go down to your level and be your friend.

Now. When does the ideas and teachings of somebody expand the most? Just after that somebody's death. So I believe this are crucial times and we should surely try to don't waste them. It might be time to think and rethink, and now what's next...? Some will get discouraged and slowly leave and forget the teachings, others will hopefully be encouraged to keep on growing on a faster rate, and take on the same essence/substance/SPIRIT and courage!

What we should be the most is grateful, for the time that we where able to study the Scriptures along with him. God willing, Ray will be given in-mortality some day.

just saying...

Amen, amen, and amen.  He was the miracle indeed.

It's a miracle that we don't ever have to be ashamed of anything he taught because no one can find so much as a pinhole in all of it -- you can't find one because it's not there.

It's a pure miracle that not only are his words true and edifying and good and right, but they're completely airtight.

I'm in awe. 

And he closed the gulf between God and me.  I never saw that coming, not without some serious denial and lying on my part.


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Re: Ray is gone
« Reply #81 on: May 25, 2012, 01:48:05 PM »

One day in May of 2008 while talking to my sister who was trying to convince me there was a God who would send to hell, anyone who didn't accept him, because I couldn't believe if there was a God, who is Love, could do that to anyone.  So out loud, looking off into the sky, in front of her, I asked, "God if you are real, please show yourself to me, I want to know you". Several days later I happened upon BT and was overwhelmed with joy as I read Ray's writings. "Now this is the God I could believe in and love" I thought to myself. I wept for weeks as I read the site. God used Ray to bring me and many others like me out of darkness and into the light. We were are all blessed by God through Ray. Thank you Lord for using Ray to reveal your Glory to those willing to believe.

I never met or talked to Ray but I have a profound love for him in my heart. He is my spiritual Father and Brother in Christ. May God's perfect Will be done.

Manuela, I pray that God will see you through these trials, and please, ask as you need, and I'm sure we forum members will help in any capacity we are able.

In love,
« Last Edit: May 25, 2012, 03:23:28 PM by bpenelli »
Romans 7:24 What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? 25 Thanks be to God—through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God's law, but in the sinful nature a slave to the law of sin.


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Ray is gone
« Reply #82 on: May 25, 2012, 01:49:33 PM »

Grace and peace...


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Re: Ray is gone
« Reply #83 on: May 25, 2012, 01:52:26 PM »

I will never forget the day I stumbled upon these bible truths...Thank you Ray for all that you showed us.

I totally agree! He will be missed!


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Re: Ray is gone
« Reply #84 on: May 25, 2012, 03:59:08 PM »

To All of our new-found friends @ BT...
We can only share with you in the sorrow you all feel in Rays passing.  It's amazing... all that God has done through Ray and BT's.  As we look at all the responses here, we can truly agree with everyone about how dear he was to eveyone (whether they met him in person or not).  It's hard to imagine the void that will be now for all those so close to him.  Our prayers are with you all to find comfort, peace & direction in the days ahead.  We will continue to study (as we have been) because each time we read or hear, we glean more of what he actually shared.  It's strange how you can listen, feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of it all... and then listen again and say.."Gee.. how could I have missed that part."  So it's always something new for us.  BT's has changed our whole lives.  At the age of 65 & 66, we have spent most of our lives steeped in the church (myself a pastors daughter)... and let me say... letting go of the old has been a process... but it has truly been a 'blessing'.  It has answered so many unanswered questions, brought a brand new relationship into our lives with God.  Given us a peace about everything in life... even the trials.  Where I used to be riddled with fear... fear about everything in life... that is being replaced with a comfort and an acceptance of even the struggles and trials.  What a blessing all of this has been to us and there are no adequate words to express how very thankful we are that God decided to raise up an ordinary 'Roofer'... and give him the wisdom and knowledge to understand and then the "Time" to put all of this together in such a wonderful way for us all to read, study and learn of God and is will and His ways. 
Our love and prayers go out to Manuela and Rays family and friends... To Dennis and all of you at BT's... we love you and pray for God direction in what to do from here.
God Bless us all
Dennis & Connie

John from Kentucky

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Re: Ray is gone
« Reply #85 on: May 26, 2012, 02:35:17 AM »

Two things come to mind when I think of Ray.

First, in his articles and papers he showed respect for the Word of God.  He taught from the scriptures using as his guide, "in the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word be established".  How rare is that?

Second, unlike 99% of all the false teachers, Ray did not sell God's truths for money.  Ray followed Jesus' words: "...freely you have received, freely give."  Matt 10:8 and "...It is more blessed to give than to receive".  Acts 20:35  God's truths are freely available on this Forum.

The last time I talked with Ray was over the telephone in August 2011.  We discussed some aspects of his studies and thoughts about the enigma of God, which I find endlessly fascinating.  I also thought I needed to tell him about some things I didn't agree with him.  I told Ray I agreed with him on most all of his spiritual teachings.  But I totally disagreed with him about his views on health and food and food supplements.  I told him I thought Dr. Steger was completely wrong in his teachings.

Well, I thought Ray might get a little upset with my disagreeing with him.  Instead we had a good conversation back and forth.  He ended our conversation by quoting Romans 14:17, "for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit".  We both agreed on that.

So that is how I remember Ray.  Even though we had different views on a subject, we could still be unified in spirit over God's scriptures.

At least I can say that I have met and talked to a true teacher of God's ways.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2012, 04:03:17 PM by John from Kentucky »


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Re: Ray is gone
« Reply #86 on: May 26, 2012, 03:22:25 AM »

I got his one on march 28/2012:

Hey Moises:  Good to hear from you. I am steadily recovering from my hip replacement. I did correspond

with both Amelia and Maria the past week. I was embarrassed as one day I got them mixed up (Amelia

for Miria).  They were understanding.  I told them they both have the same one Spirit even if they do have

different names.  I don't have anything presently that I am writing, but I will try to get more out if I am able.

The larger paper will be a long way off yet, I am thinking.  But I can write on shorter subjects.  Tell me what

are some of the things that the Spanish brethren are most interested in on Bilbe subjects?


I hope you get enough iron work to keep you busy and bring you a good income.  I feel so helpless having

two terminal cancers (Prostate and Bone cancer), and now this hip replacement, which is really major

surgery.  I need everyones prayers, that's for sure.  I will not survive with God's grace and compassion on

my life.


Keep in touch as I love to know what you are doing and how the brethren are learning and coming along.

I am glad that you and Dave in the UK keep in touch as you are both doing the same kind of work, except

that Dave doesn't have to translate everything before teaching it.


I always have time for your emails, and that goes for Maria and Amelia as well.

God be with you,



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Re: Ray is gone
« Reply #87 on: May 26, 2012, 02:24:14 PM »

I feel like i lost a brother and mentor.  God through Jesus through Ray has changed my life 180 degrees.  I have so much to say and dont know how to say it.  There are many lasting things from Ray that are permamently now part of me.  I noticed awhile back how Ray questioned everything and how much he asked questions while teaching us (not only questioned but ANSWERED),  in fact it mirrored Paul a lot, actually alot of the Prophets and Apostles writings.  Looking back, 6 years ago when first coming to his writings, he inspired me with the marquee, now my motto or MO that is at the bottom of all my post. I dont know i could go on forever (eonian) the impact he had on me.

Cant wait to see him
 :'( :'(


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Re: Ray is gone
« Reply #88 on: May 26, 2012, 05:38:50 PM »

Ray wrote a wonderful paper - An Encouraging Word About Death" to give comfort to those who've lost a loved one or fear death.  Now the loved one we've lost is Ray himself. and his own words can bring us comfort.

From Ray:
     "Once God created consciousness in a human they will NEVER EVER know anything BUT CONSCIOUSNESS.  From my perspective and from your perspective we will never "know" ANYTHING but life and feeling and emotions and consciousness."

It is wonderful and so merciful of God that Ray's next thoughts will be a continuation of his last thoughts.  He won't even remember being dead, but will know he is free of pain.

Ray told us he was researching for a new study about the relationship between Jesus and His Father.  Who is God?  Is this what will be on Ray's mind when he is again conscious?  Here is what he had to say about his research:
   "I am seeing glimpses of a greater understanding of the relationship between the Father and the Son, but my understanding is yet far from complete.
    I believe there was and is a far greater drama of the ages being played out than most could even imagine.  The fact that Jesus and His Father are "ONE GOD" is only part of this enigma.
   As I still have questions, don't look for a final solution of this anytime soon.  But the full ramifications of the study could well be the most amazing thing we will ever learn in the Scriptures...Even Universal Reconciliation becomes an axiomatic certainly and not even debatable when we understand just who the "ONLY TRUE GOD" (John 17:3) really is."
end quote

Was God giving us a preview of what we will learn in the new age?  Will He continue to  use teachers, including Ray, to pursue this line of study with the full measure of His spirit?  Will Jesus Himself teach us?

Many wonderful things to think about and to comfort us.  The resurrection has never seemed more real when thinking about these things.  Ray truly is only "sleeping".  Let's look forward to the day, the blink of the eye, when we will see him again in God's kingdom.

With love,


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Re: Ray is gone
« Reply #89 on: May 27, 2012, 12:32:25 AM »

Cindy, Thank you for bringing this to my memory..We don't know what will be in the next age...but we do know there is much to learn that we in a lifetime will never learn! I believe Ray's death has shown us this...He was always searching and studying..and as we all know he would never tell us anything unless he was sure of it..

I think you're right..when he wakes will be like he has been asleep and the first thing he'll think of will be that study on God! That is very comforting...

Ray would say to us...Read it for yourself! So that is what we need to do..

Get out there in that field and DIG for the treasure of great price! It is there for us to find!!
Thank God that Ray helped us to learn to read the scriptures, REALLY read...ALL the words!!

Kathy :)



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Re: Ray is gone
« Reply #90 on: May 27, 2012, 01:41:11 AM »

How sad.  I was hoping for another conference and a chance to meet him and other forum members.

Sleep well, indeed.


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Re: Ray is gone
« Reply #91 on: May 28, 2012, 12:10:47 PM »

I had come upon Rays teachings about the time Ray first was diagnosed with cancer.  I never got to meet him.  Being brought up in a mainstream church I was left with endless questions about things that didn't seem quite right.  It wasn't until I read Ray's teachings that so many questions were answered.  It was a WOW few months. One truth after another, and me thinking "I knew this didn't make sense, I knew that didn't make sense". Ray's teachings have been the beginning of a great liberation from mainstream teachings (that mostly stem from Catholicism and mythology).  How dumb could I have been.  I guess the time was right for me. I am excited about the truths God is showing me each day, there is no end, "God has never left himself without a witness", he continually leads us onward and upward. I will be forever grateful for the wonderful teachings that Ray taught, and am very excited about the future.  God said that he would lead and guide us into all truth, and that unto us it was given to know the mysteries of the kingdom. WOW
 I am very saddened by his passing, and send my sympathy to his family and loved ones.
Ray will rest in peace until that day, but will be remembered by many, and his messages will reach many more people in the future,
With Christian Love,

« Last Edit: May 28, 2012, 12:16:57 PM by sky »


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Re: Ray is gone
« Reply #92 on: May 28, 2012, 01:23:30 PM »

my thoughts and prayers are with manuela and those of you that were close to him.  he was a blessing to those that The Father has enlightened through his passion.


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Re: Ray is gone
« Reply #93 on: May 29, 2012, 11:41:20 AM »

I am glad that Ray is no longer in any pain. In regards to any last thoughts about him, he was a man. Plain and simple. He was a stinking, carnal dirt pile just like me. He is a future son of the Father just like me. I don't elevate him beyond being that. The Father and our Lord use whomever they will.

When the Lord revealed truth through a donkey to the prophet Balaam, Balaam did not worship the donkey (Numbers 22:28-31). The apostle John was rebuked for trying to worship the angel (Rev 22:9). Our Lord told the Pharisees that rocks would cry out in praise, to fulfill prophesy (Luke 19:40).

I look forward to meeting Ray when our carnal natures have been destroyed.

In Him,


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Re: Ray is gone
« Reply #94 on: May 29, 2012, 12:44:25 PM »

Hi John,

This is not to argue but an advice. I would like to say that you should try to not say such things especially not at a time like this. Ray has very recently passed away and there are people who are still mourning his death. There is a time for everything but this is not the time for the subject of worshipping persons. As far as I know, nobody here has been worshipping anyone else than God.

I don't believe this is what you meant, but take care because not everything is appropriate at all times.

God bless you,
Here’s how to tell if you have faith; how do you live… what do you do… what do you accomplish in life… what are your goals… What is there about you that proves that you have this faith and belief inside of you? What?


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Re: Ray is gone
« Reply #95 on: May 29, 2012, 01:00:24 PM »

There is a great joy amidst the sadness of Ray's passing. He is further on than us all now, he is at peace. When I was called out of Babylon by God (Rev 18:4), it was a very crazy time and my family was suddenly blanked by our former congregation member and all sort of accusations were thrown at me and my wife. Needless to say God sent me to Ray's sight and things started to get a whole lot better and God through Ray started opening my eyes to His wonderful liberating truths. I'm sure all you guys have similar stories to tell.

God bless Ray, his family, his closest friends, and all the members of this form at this time of reflection and sorrow.

May Ray's writings on this site stand and go on as a testimony to the true gospel of Christ until our Lord returns and all are reconciled to God through Jesus.   
Join me now in my new massive money making business venture, selling asbestos blankets only on Sundays at the exits of Orthodox churches. It's really gonna take off.

John from Kentucky

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Re: Ray is gone
« Reply #96 on: May 29, 2012, 03:55:36 PM »

I am glad that Ray is no longer in any pain. In regards to any last thoughts about him, he was a man. Plain and simple. He was a stinking, carnal dirt pile just like me. He is a future son of the Father just like me. I don't elevate him beyond being that. The Father and our Lord use whomever they will.

When the Lord revealed truth through a donkey to the prophet Balaam, Balaam did not worship the donkey (Numbers 22:28-31). The apostle John was rebuked for trying to worship the angel (Rev 22:9). Our Lord told the Pharisees that rocks would cry out in praise, to fulfill prophesy (Luke 19:40).

I look forward to meeting Ray when our carnal natures have been destroyed.

In Him,

You say, "In Him".  Really?

Is it not the truth that you resent Ray because he showed you where you were in error about his paper where Ray stated that God hates sin and the sinner?  He proved you wrong with multiple scriptures.  In the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word be established.

Think it over.  Is it Ray you resent, or the scriptures themselves?,13736.0.html


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Re: Ray is gone
« Reply #97 on: May 29, 2012, 04:07:11 PM »

C'mon Guys
No debating. Let's not show up our carnality.  John I am asking you not to respond to JFK.
It's not worth it.


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Re: Ray is gone
« Reply #98 on: May 29, 2012, 04:18:58 PM »

My conscience is clear.  I am not guilty of worshipping Ray.

Loving him, giving thanks for him, remembering and speaking of the good he did, and attempting to follow and obey what he taught us will never be synonymous with worshipping him.

No one should be guilty of "kicking" him, either.  I hope you feel better soon, JohnMichael.  In the meantime, please try to have some compassion for those who love and appreciate him?

Thank you.

« Last Edit: May 29, 2012, 05:39:43 PM by Gina »


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Re: Ray is gone
« Reply #99 on: May 29, 2012, 05:25:48 PM »

When I think of Ray in this regard this scripture comes to mind.

Rom 13:7  Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.

Jas 3:1  My friends, we should not all try to become teachers. In fact, teachers will be judged more strictly than others. (cev)

Ray was a teacher.  That is all he claimed for himself.  Being a teacher he was one of the few out there that was very careful in what he taught as he was aware of the warnings of James.  Because of the way he taught and how he lived his life he is certainly worthy of honor even though he was only a vessel that God used.  I should do so well........   ???
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