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Author Topic: I AM SO TIRED OF.....  (Read 9507 times)

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« on: July 07, 2012, 12:45:29 AM »

funerals....I have been to several lately.....and they all say the same stupid things.....the deceased is now in the "big golf course", big "train depot", big shopping mall or whatever, in the sky and they are always looking down at us....these are Christian services that say they believe the Bible.
but REALLY....
where do they get this??  I smile and shut my mouth.

Oh well.

I am watching 20/20 tonite on heaven and hell.....scheeeesh.....

the truth

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« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2012, 01:02:21 AM »

Recently I preached a friends funeral and Of course I gave them everything I have learned in truth from Ray.And others here on the forum.It was the most amazing thing to see the looks on their faces when I told them Mitch was a know death is sleep.And I went on to proclaim Gods truth for His creation.Afterwards I did have a few come up and say that was the most awesome message they ever heard at a funeral.But the rest looked at me as if I would be the next to be laid to rest....ouch!That is whats so awesome about truth it brings hope to ANY situation!


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« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2012, 01:04:24 AM »

Hi Gena,

The way I see it, is it's what their human reasoning comes up with. They don't have any spiritual understanding to know the truth of it, so they think up what their carnal mind would want heaven to be. It shows how far human reasoning is from the glory of what mind of God will have.

Isa 55:8  For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor your ways My ways, says Jehovah.
v. 9  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.

mercy, peace and love



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« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2012, 03:20:14 AM »


Maybe you should trace the history of funerals, as well as the sociological connotations about the rituals.

I guess they are good bussines for pastors (-oh God I pray somebody would die soon, because I am getting out of cash... In Jesus name. Amen. :I  ), and the ones on the flowers bussines and for the funerary, etc..

Even dying can get so expensive these days...


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« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2012, 05:54:55 AM »

The big golf course..

The big cheese factory

The big wine cellar

The big ...

Everything's bigger in heaven. 

Heaven must be Texas.  :D

(Hey Jerry - I really enjoyed reading your reply. Wow, it's fascinating to see people's reactions when you set their mind-machines a-whirring with The Truth.)


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« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2012, 12:28:06 PM »

in the sky and they are always looking down at us....these are Christian services that say they believe the Bible.
but REALLY....
where do they get this??  I smile and shut my mouth.

Oh well.

I am watching 20/20 tonite on heaven and hell.....scheeeesh.....

this is what bothers me... they say this even at a person funeral, who were actually a "bad" people. meaning: i loved my grandmother, she died almost 10 years ago; and after learning ALL the "evil" things she did, the people she used, how she treated her kids, etc after etc - everyone had all nice things to say at her funeral and the preacher still says she's in the sky looking down.... now, "I" feel as tho, if yall are gonna preach hell every sunday, why stop now?? and like you said, where is this in the sky thing?? now i am comforted that Our Savior is gonna judge her and cause her to repent even after death; but that does rub me silly how they act at people's funerals, even tho everyone believes in their heart she's going to hell but then again, say their looking down from heaven  :o. it was only till i found this amazing site that i'm rest assured that She is ASLEEP and awaiting a Great WHITE Throne of Judgment (Rev20:11) ;D ;D ;)


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« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2012, 01:30:54 PM »

Hi Jerry,
"Of course I gave them everything I have learned"....

I wonder if you could share a little more of the situation in which you "preached" a funeral.
For example what did the mourners understand your background to be, how did the immediate family take the information that you shared? What was your relationship? Was it as pastor, or friend of the deceased or some other relationship?

I haven't had much success in sharing our truth with others; perhaps I can learn from your experience.
I have noticed that quite a few other members of BT have been tempted to offer something similar and it didn't often work out as they had hoped. So I'm interested in whether your approach is going to result in a benefit for those who heard it?
Just curious. Indianabob

Recently I preached a friends funeral and Of course I gave them everything I have learned in truth from Ray.And others here on the forum.It was the most amazing thing to see the looks on their faces when I told them Mitch was a know death is sleep.And I went on to proclaim Gods truth for His creation.Afterwards I did have a few come up and say that was the most awesome message they ever heard at a funeral.But the rest looked at me as if I would be the next to be laid to rest....ouch!That is whats so awesome about truth it brings hope to ANY situation!

the truth

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« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2012, 04:40:12 PM »

Hello Indiana Bob!
The person I represented was a life long friend Mitch Alexzander.He was what you would call a wild child!He was so real... would give you the shirt off his back.He believed in Jesus but didnt live it as a converted believer.He drank alot and as I said he was carnality at its finest.As he lived across the street from me.We began to talk about the things of God and they interested him greatly.It was amazing that he had more faith in God and His Love for Him  than any traditon of men I ever saw.As I have been able to use public access tv here in Nashville. His Mom began to watch and be interested in the truth of the Kingdom.So I would go across the street and talk about God plan for His creation with them.Soon Mitch and his mom began to see this beautiful plan.His mom asked me one day ,That when she died would I preach her funeral. To which I said if you go before me I would be honored.As I said that Mitch said "You know you have to do mine right."So it wasnt 8 months later Mitch died of a heart attack at 46-years old.His brother who i also knew well ask would i preach the funeral.And I said I would but only if I could preach the truth.he knew what I meant because I have been sharing God plan with him as well.He said jerry thats what I want you to do and thats what Mitch would have wanted.So I told him 'Charlie  I will be honored to represent Mitch, but above all I have to honor my Lord".So I told him the things I will share may not go over to well with a lot of people and not to be offended or feel like he had to take up for me if someone said something to me.He said I dont care what any one says I want you to preach what you preach to me.So thats what I DID!So here is what I shared in a nutshell.

1.I told them the greatest hurdle we had today to be able to celebrate Mitch life was that of religion..mans doctorine.
2. I told them that jesus said to His disciples "Why do you look at the speck in your brother eye when you have a log in yours.
and "if YOU LOOK AT A WOMAN LUSTFULLY YOU COMMITED ADULTERY.And if your angry with your brother you Murdered Him.And I ask who can get out of that?
3.So I said "What I am trying to do is get ourself to see who we are untill  the Grace of God has its perfect way"
4. So I said today we must all make up our mind of one importnant question."Where is MITCH now and what is Mitch exsperiecing."
5. so I gave them Ps-13-3 for were Mitch is now!and Ecc-9-5,10. for what Mitch was exsperiecing.
6.I said Paul was not confused about when he would put on His Crown.2-tim 4-6-8.
7. Then I asked who believed in this verse 1JN-4-14?
8. Then I asked how could a person be saved today....."would you say by confession." and shared 1-cor 12-3 and Phil 2-10-11.which proofed all would be saved eventually.
9. then I said "well I dont know Jerry if you die in your sins you go to Hell."then I used Rays "O" REALLY" HEHE..I used Ezekiel show that God would restore Sodom to thier former state,which has never happened in the history of the world as of yet.I used Is-19-19-25 to show the whole nation of Egypt would worship God which has not ever happened yet either.along with 1-Jn-2-2,and 1-Cor 15-24-28.
10. Then I shared why God loved Mitch and them as well..Because their Gods kinfolk all the way from Adam.And No one was like them,and they could not be replaced.and to remember the parable of 99/1 God would leave the 99 to find the 1.
11.Then shared some times I spent with Mitch and encouraged them to trust the Creator with Mitch, His had Him ALL THE WAYand will continue to see Him through.Eph-1-11.
So thats what I shared .It will be something I want forget.Because if Mitch Mom goes before me, then I will be once again be before the traditions of men.Thanks Bob for being interested in my exsperience sorry if I was long winded.


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« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2012, 04:51:28 PM »

awesome replies....I loved all of
  them and oddly enough feel lots better :D

Jerry---awesome, thanks for sharing!!!


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« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2012, 05:06:26 PM »

oh wow. i bet those people sat in their chairs like  ??? :o ??? :o :-X :-\ :o ???

i visualize i lot of shifting of body positions, arms crossing, legs crossing, bibles opening, pens writing... too bad even as simple that is to us, that was ALL probably a big parable to most of those people. For it still stands, "this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them." (Mat 13:15)

but no doubt, i pray the Grace of God will work in them! Praise God for your will to teach and preach the truth tho ;) :D 8)
its not like their going to Hell :P


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« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2012, 05:39:19 PM »

i watched the Barbara Walters special about heaven too..... :P
what i was thinking to myself while watching.....the world doesn't
want to know what the scriptures REALLY have to say about
heaven/hell/death....they don't want the truth....they want
to believe in fairy tales....
i loved what the athiest said....if 'believers' REALLY believed that
heaven was so great....why are they so reluctant to go there? Why
don't we all just hang ourselves now and get there faster?

i have had to attend many funerals in the last few years as well.
the last one i nearly walked was unbearable to listen
to the preacher spewing out such garbage....
I felt so bad for the grieving family.

 >:( :(

the truth

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« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2012, 06:39:09 PM »

Gina..Thanks for your kind words!
Lauriellen......if 'believers' REALLY believed that
heaven was so great....why are they so reluctant to go there.Love that!


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« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2012, 10:37:56 PM »

Thank you for sharing Jerry, this was what I was looking for and much more.
It is pretty obvious to me that God gave you the words to share in this special circumstance.
It is this type of experience that is an inspiration to all of your brethren on the forum.

I pray that your efforts bear fruit, Warm regards, Indianabob

Hello Indiana Bob!
The person I represented was a life long friend Mitch Alexzander.He was what you would call a wild child!He was so real... would give you the shirt off his back.He believed in Jesus but didnt live it as a converted believer.He drank alot and as I said he was carnality at its finest.As he lived across the street from me.We began to talk about the things of God and they interested him greatly.It was amazing that he had more faith in God and His Love for Him  than any traditon of men I ever saw.As I have been able to use public access tv here in Nashville. His Mom began to watch and be interested in the truth of the Kingdom.So I would go across the street and talk about God plan for His creation with them.Soon Mitch and his mom began to see this beautiful plan.His mom asked me one day ,That when she died would I preach her funeral. To which I said if you go before me I would be honored.As I said that Mitch said "You know you have to do mine right."So it wasnt 8 months later Mitch died of a heart attack at 46-years old.His brother who i also knew well ask would i preach the funeral.And I said I would but only if I could preach the truth.he knew what I meant because I have been sharing God plan with him as well.He said jerry thats what I want you to do and thats what Mitch would have wanted.So I told him 'Charlie  I will be honored to represent Mitch, but above all I have to honor my Lord".So I told him the things I will share may not go over to well with a lot of people and not to be offended or feel like he had to take up for me if someone said something to me.He said I dont care what any one says I want you to preach what you preach to me.So thats what I DID!So here is what I shared in a nutshell.

1.I told them the greatest hurdle we had today to be able to celebrate Mitch life was that of religion..mans doctorine.
2. I told them that jesus said to His disciples "Why do you look at the speck in your brother eye when you have a log in yours.
and "if YOU LOOK AT A WOMAN LUSTFULLY YOU COMMITED ADULTERY.And if your angry with your brother you Murdered Him.And I ask who can get out of that?
3.So I said "What I am trying to do is get ourself to see who we are untill  the Grace of God has its perfect way"
4. So I said today we must all make up our mind of one importnant question."Where is MITCH now and what is Mitch exsperiecing."
5. so I gave them Ps-13-3 for were Mitch is now!and Ecc-9-5,10. for what Mitch was exsperiecing.
6.I said Paul was not confused about when he would put on His Crown.2-tim 4-6-8.
7. Then I asked who believed in this verse 1JN-4-14?
8. Then I asked how could a person be saved today....."would you say by confession." and shared 1-cor 12-3 and Phil 2-10-11.which proofed all would be saved eventually.
9. then I said "well I dont know Jerry if you die in your sins you go to Hell."then I used Rays "O" REALLY" HEHE..I used Ezekiel show that God would restore Sodom to thier former state,which has never happened in the history of the world as of yet.I used Is-19-19-25 to show the whole nation of Egypt would worship God which has not ever happened yet either.along with 1-Jn-2-2,and 1-Cor 15-24-28.
10. Then I shared why God loved Mitch and them as well..Because their Gods kinfolk all the way from Adam.And No one was like them,and they could not be replaced.and to remember the parable of 99/1 God would leave the 99 to find the 1.
11.Then shared some times I spent with Mitch and encouraged them to trust the Creator with Mitch, His had Him ALL THE WAYand will continue to see Him through.Eph-1-11.
So thats what I shared .It will be something I want forget.Because if Mitch Mom goes before me, then I will be once again be before the traditions of men.Thanks Bob for being interested in my exsperience sorry if I was long winded.

the truth

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« Reply #13 on: July 08, 2012, 01:00:08 AM »

As i shared it was really a interesting exsperience.It a blessing to share the Gospel when the oppurtunity presents it self.I know most think we should only share it when people come to us....but we dont know who has the E...for Elect...on their chest so we proclaim as we are lead.I do prison Ministry every Wednesday night.And as you can imagine you run up against the same barriers as is promised."Many are called and few are chosen."Its so amazing to realize what it feels like to truly walk in Jesus sandles sort of speak.Coming to the realization that he has and will continue to blind most of Mankind!Again thanks to all who commented and for all your kind words.Its great to feel support of your true family!


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« Reply #14 on: July 08, 2012, 10:05:53 AM »

Hello Indiana Bob!
The person I represented was a life long friend Mitch Alexzander.He was what you would call a wild child!He was so real... would give you the shirt off his back.He believed in Jesus but didnt live it as a converted believer.He drank alot and as I said he was carnality at its finest.As he lived across the street from me.We began to talk about the things of God and they interested him greatly.It was amazing that he had more faith in God and His Love for Him  than any traditon of men I ever saw.As I have been able to use public access tv here in Nashville. His Mom began to watch and be interested in the truth of the Kingdom.So I would go across the street and talk about God plan for His creation with them.Soon Mitch and his mom began to see this beautiful plan.His mom asked me one day ,That when she died would I preach her funeral. To which I said if you go before me I would be honored.As I said that Mitch said "You know you have to do mine right."So it wasnt 8 months later Mitch died of a heart attack at 46-years old.His brother who i also knew well ask would i preach the funeral.And I said I would but only if I could preach the truth.he knew what I meant because I have been sharing God plan with him as well.He said jerry thats what I want you to do and thats what Mitch would have wanted.So I told him 'Charlie  I will be honored to represent Mitch, but above all I have to honor my Lord".So I told him the things I will share may not go over to well with a lot of people and not to be offended or feel like he had to take up for me if someone said something to me.He said I dont care what any one says I want you to preach what you preach to me.So thats what I DID!So here is what I shared in a nutshell.

1.I told them the greatest hurdle we had today to be able to celebrate Mitch life was that of religion..mans doctorine.
2. I told them that jesus said to His disciples "Why do you look at the speck in your brother eye when you have a log in yours.
and "if YOU LOOK AT A WOMAN LUSTFULLY YOU COMMITED ADULTERY.And if your angry with your brother you Murdered Him.And I ask who can get out of that?
3.So I said "What I am trying to do is get ourself to see who we are untill  the Grace of God has its perfect way"
4. So I said today we must all make up our mind of one importnant question."Where is MITCH now and what is Mitch exsperiecing."
5. so I gave them Ps-13-3 for were Mitch is now!and Ecc-9-5,10. for what Mitch was exsperiecing.
6.I said Paul was not confused about when he would put on His Crown.2-tim 4-6-8.
7. Then I asked who believed in this verse 1JN-4-14?
8. Then I asked how could a person be saved today....."would you say by confession." and shared 1-cor 12-3 and Phil 2-10-11.which proofed all would be saved eventually.
9. then I said "well I dont know Jerry if you die in your sins you go to Hell."then I used Rays "O" REALLY" HEHE..I used Ezekiel show that God would restore Sodom to thier former state,which has never happened in the history of the world as of yet.I used Is-19-19-25 to show the whole nation of Egypt would worship God which has not ever happened yet either.along with 1-Jn-2-2,and 1-Cor 15-24-28.
10. Then I shared why God loved Mitch and them as well..Because their Gods kinfolk all the way from Adam.And No one was like them,and they could not be replaced.and to remember the parable of 99/1 God would leave the 99 to find the 1.
11.Then shared some times I spent with Mitch and encouraged them to trust the Creator with Mitch, His had Him ALL THE WAYand will continue to see Him through.Eph-1-11.
So thats what I shared .It will be something I want forget.Because if Mitch Mom goes before me, then I will be once again be before the traditions of men.Thanks Bob for being interested in my exsperience sorry if I was long winded.


for the past couple o'years or so i have been considering of making a video and putting on a cd of an autoeulogy, i would like to use this outline as my template if that is ok with you jerry


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« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2012, 04:50:13 PM »

Hey,Boanerges..Feel free to do whatever God leads you to do with-it.And may God Bless you richly friend.


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« Reply #16 on: July 12, 2012, 06:41:11 PM »

Ha.  I am SO TIRED of....WEDDINGS.  Not so much the non church ones, but the CHURCH ONES.  Thankfully i have none pending and i am very optimistic that it's likely i will never have to go to one ever again.  Pray for me.


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« Reply #17 on: July 12, 2012, 07:31:41 PM »

Ha.  I am SO TIRED of....WEDDINGS.  Not so much the non church ones, but the CHURCH ONES.  Thankfully i have none pending and i am very optimistic that it's likely i will never have to go to one ever again.  Pray for me.

soooo what's wrong with weddings??   ???


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« Reply #18 on: July 14, 2012, 05:41:38 PM »

Jerry !  Great job !   Love what you said.  Went to a funeral last year and my husband and I had been behind the scenes for some months talking to the pastor of the church where the funeral was held.  The pastor "worked" for Assemblies of God so he could not speak the truth for fear of losing his "job".  But at the funeral when he went to speak about where the deceased is now, he stumbled and stammered and sweated profusely and looked down at us and then said, "well, she's not here anymore"  "she's in a better place" .  I felt sorry for him in one respect, for him to start to understand the truth, but have his hands tied in AOG rhetoric they force him to preach.  But as I have said in the past, as soon as we shared the truth of the Bible with some from that church, one of the "big tithers" ladies put the heat on him to give us the "right foot of fellowship".  So great to hear you standing your ground !  Well done.
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