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Author Topic: Ray's Teaching on the Creation  (Read 7476 times)

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Ray's Teaching on the Creation
« on: August 06, 2012, 10:25:32 PM »

Can someone please send me the direct link to what Ray taught about the Creation???? Or give me the run down?? See, I cant pay attention to the entire audio cause i get lost from all the emails and papers about young earth teachers and this teacher and that professor and this guy; i seriously lose thought and interest and i really try. Meaning: what does the "and the even and the morning..." mean, why the "seemingly" two different accounts of the making of man in Genesis 1 & 2, Man & Woman made in Genesis 1 yet Woman being made from Man in Genesis 2, what is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil???

Now I got past the teaching of Noah and that its not a Global Flood.  I understand that and accept that. That makes sense. I pretty much get that the days weren't literal 24 hours and all. But really, can someone help me please cause i'm SOOO interested in Genesis 1, 2, and 3. And i've been trying to get past that teaching for 2 weeks now but can never get to what I really want to know.


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Re: Ray's Teaching on the Creation
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2012, 11:54:59 PM »

Hi Eugene,

This email should help you with the Genesis 1:27 ..."He created them male and female" and the Genesis 2:7  "And Jehovah God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." ------

RAY'S COMMENT:  Chapter 2 also neglects to say that God "Created the heavens and the earth."  Maybe that is because in Chapter 2 verse 1 it says, "Thus the heavens and the earth WERE FINISHED..." !!

Chapter two does not contradict chapter one. The order in chapter one is plants, animals, and then humanity.  Is this not the order found in the geologic table?  Chapter two does not recount the creation of humanity, but rather the creation of Adam and Eve.  In Genesis 1:26 God "made" [Heb: 'asah'] male and female. In Gen. 2:6 God "formed" [Heb: 'yatsar'] Adam--two difference Hebrew words: two different formations.  Notice that it doesn't say in chapter 2 verse 3 that there was no man on earth at this time, but rather that there was "no man to till the ground."  There were men, but they were hunters/gatherers, not farmers.  God is now going to make a more advance human to cultivate and farm the land. 

The phrase "dress it and keep it" in verse 15, is "tend and cultivate." God is teaching Adam to be a farmer. When in doubt, read a proper translation.  God did not create the animals AFTER He created Adam. Notice a proper translation from the Concordant Literal Old Testament: "And furthermore, Ieu Alueim ['the Lord God'] HAVING FORMED [yes, having ALREADY formed, millions of years in the past] all field life and every flyer of the heavens."  God is bringing to Adam the Animal species which He had already created millions of years in the past, to have Adam give names to them.  This obviously took years.  Some, such as the dinosaurs (the reptilian 'tannyin, tannyim,' of Gen. 1:21 had already been extinct for many millions of years. These were decidedly not, "great whales," as the King James erroneously translates it).

It was from this first group of humanity that Cain apparently got his wife, cities were built, etc.

Chapter two does not cover the creation of plant life. That began hundreds of millions of years earlier.  What God is doing in Chapter two is He is planting a garden for the man to cultivate, farm, and harvest. The word "planted" in Gen. 2:8 is from the Hebrew meaning "to sprout." God "sprouted" newly planted trees, etc.  They were mere buds, which would require years to produce fruit to eat. What was Adam expected to eat until these trees matured?

This is a section from LoF article no. 8 that should help explain the Tree of Life. ------------------


"To him that overcomes will I give to eat of the tree of life" (Rev. 2:7).

That’s CHRIST.

"Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection and [I am] the LIFE? (John 11:25).

The KJV translates "tree" in this verse from the Greek word xulon. Here is Strong’s definition of xulon: "timber (for fuel or material); by impl. a stick, club or tree or wooden art. or substance … xulon, wood, a piece of wood, anything made of wood." The word "tree" does fit what is spoken of in this verse, but when we come to Rev. 22:2, "tree of life" does not seem to fit as well.

"In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life…" (Rev. 22:2).

How do we have one tree of life on BOTH sides of the river?

One translation translates both of these verses as "wood of life." Another has, "log of life." Interestingly, one translation has this footnote, Wood is the primary significance of zulon, and may here denote, as in Rev. xxii, an aggregation of dendra, or trees, commonly called a wood, or forest; a xulon of life, occupying a place on both sides of the river."

What a marvelous word picture God has presented to us in these words. Jesus Christ is first and foremost, "The" [singular] Tree of Life. This is the Tree of Life spoken of in the Garden of Eden. That tree grew out of the earth, just as Jesus (the source of life—from His Father) came in the flesh (the "earth") to bring life (immortality—deathlessness, eternal life) to all humanity. Interestingly, the first time xulon is used in Scripture is where Jesus said,

"For if they do these things in a green [living] tree [Gk: xulon—wood] what shall be done in the dry [dead wood]?" (Luke 23:31).

Jesus Christ is the "green living tree." Jesus met His death by being crucified. The "cross" of Christendom was really a post, pole, or upright stake that is fastened or planted in the ground manually—it did not grow from that spot. It is not a living xulon or wood or tree. Jesus died on a DEAD wood or dead tree.

But Jesus is now raised from the dead and is the Live Tree, the Tree of LIFE. We get a "taste" of this life when God gives us of His Holy Spirit. But we receive only the "ernest" or down payment in this life:

"…you were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, which is the ernest of our inheritance UNTIL [at a later date] the redemption of the purchased possession…" (Eph. 1:13b-14).

At the resurrection we will be changed:

"Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be: for we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be LIKE HIM, for we shall see Him as He is" (I John 3:2-3).

Jesus also said this:

"As Thou [the Father] has given Him [Jesus] power over all flesh, that He should give eternal life [eonian life, which for the believer includes immortality] to as many as Thou has given Him" (John 17:2).

And so, as Jesus has life in Himself, He will give us that same life. And just as Jesus is the Singlular "Wood [tree] of life," we too will become the Plural "Wood of Life" spoken of in Rev. 22:2. Remember a "wood" is a gathering of trees as in "woods" or "forest." Where do we read of such a gathering of "living trees?"

"And He showed me a pure river of water of life [this is God’s life giving spirit] clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God [the Father has life] and of the Lamb [the Father gives life to Jesus to give to as many as God has given Him]. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river [of life], was there the tree [xulon, wood, or woods or forest] of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations" (Rev 22:1-2).

Jesus is the source of all life because His Father gave Him life to disseminate to others.

"For as the Father has life in Himself, so has He given to the son to have LIFE IN HIMSELF" (John 5:26).

So in Revelation 22 we see the river of life flowing from God and Christ, through the middle of the forest of trees of life (that’s US), and we in return "heal the nations" just as Obadiah prophesied of the coming of "saviours" (plural) to Mt. Zion (God’s headquarters of government throne) to judge the nations.

Cherubs or cherubims are spirit creatures of great power with wings. God placed cherubims at the garden of Eden to guard the way of the tree of life. Cherubim were carved and made of gold, then placed on the cover of the ark of the covenant. Their wings were to be outstretched over the ark casting a shadow over it. Their wings were to touch signifying that the divided messengers of God will ultimately be united into one. Also they were to face each other with their eyes looking down at the shadow-cast ark, signifying that they desire to look into these deep spiritual things, but can as yet not comprehend any more than the shadow.

"And the cherubims shall stretch forth their wings on high, covering the mercy seat with their wings, and their faces shall look one to another; toward the mercy seat shall the faces of the cherubims be" (Ex. 25:20).

mercy, peace and love



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Re: Ray's Teaching on the Creation
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2012, 11:56:14 AM »

 Kat's audio transcripts have been a valuable tool for me. You can skim through them to find the part(s) you're looking for and find what audio it is on. Here are the transcripts for the 2008 Nashville conference:,9502.0.html,8385.0.html

It looks like audio 7 is what you're looking for as far as the evening/morning teaching, although it really starts at the end of audio #5 and all of #6. There's also stuff about creation in audio 10. (Audios 8 and 9 are about the Flood.)

I would recommend listening to audio 5 and skipping to the end (past the part about the "ocean salt argument") and then listen to 6, 7 and 10.  8)


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Re: Ray's Teaching on the Creation
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2012, 08:37:55 PM »

Yes Extol!  Me too.   Thank you a million times over Kat.  I have used your transcripts many many times and have most all of them printed up in my binders!

You are a blessing indeed Miss Kat!!!!!!


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Re: Ray's Teaching on the Creation
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2012, 02:04:31 AM »

Meaning: what does the "and the even and the morning..." mean,

This has had me a bit bewildered too and I'm glad you brought it up.  Why does God zero in on the evening and the morning?  Why does He not simply say, "and there was night and there was day"?  And why does He say "and there was evening and there was morning"?  Is God telling us that evening turned into morning where nothing took place because God only works in and by the "light"?  I don't know.

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Ray's Teaching on the Creation
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2012, 02:13:34 AM »

Just from memory, two things about 'evening and morning'.  1.  They are processes, not events.  2.  They represent moving from disorder to order.

Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Ray's Teaching on the Creation
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2012, 02:28:33 AM »

Oh thank you, Dave. 

As found in Ray's notes:

Evening:  Gloominess, disorder, chaos�.a period of increasing DARKNESS.

Morning:  a period of first development, beginning, the coming of LIGHT.

WHY?  Why darkness before light?  Why chaos before order and unity?

Notice how Onkelos translates Gen. 1:31 A God saw everything that He had made, and, behold, it was very good [Onkelos a unified order] and coming is it to be evening and coming is it morning, a sixth [yome/day/time]

Chaos to unified order.  Do we have examples of just how this works?  Yes we do, and we are looking at one of right here in Genesis One.  ... .

It's coming back to me...



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Re: Ray's Teaching on the Creation
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2012, 02:35:26 AM »

Found this in his notes too, which goes in line with what I said about God only working in and by the light:

Exo 20:11  For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. [There is absolutely no  indication that God *made* anything in the DARK!!]

I'm sure I heard it from Ray first.


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Re: Ray's Teaching on the Creation
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2012, 11:37:20 AM »

Okay I have tried to compile enought points, in a condensed form, of what Ray taught about 'evening and morning' from the '08 Nashville conference to help pull it together for us.,8385.msg68318.html#msg68318 ----

The “evening and the morning,” I knew that evening carried a connotation much deeper than the setting of the sun.  And that morning carried a much more significant spiritual, symbolic meaning than the rising of the sun.  When it says.

Gen 1:5  …And coming is it to be evening and coming to be morning, day one. (CLV)

People think that early Christians and early scholars that they all believed that the earth was created recently, a couple thousand years ago, in six days. They did not!  All major Jewish cabbalist and rabbis and historians who know the Hebrew well, did not believe that.  They knew that there was a deeper meaning to that evening and morning, it did not represent day and night or a day. 

Gen 1:5  And God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night…

How simple is this?  Why don’t we believe the scriptures? The light of the sunshine is day. When the sun goes down it is no longer day, it’s night and God says so.

So, the light is the day, that’s what a day is. How long is it? Well, it’s when the sun goes up until the sun goes down. How many hours is it? Let’s ask our Lord. How long did Jesus Christ say a day was? 

John 11:9  Jesus answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day…

He (an emailer) says, That the phase of the evening and the morning is repeated six times in the creation account. Were it not used then we would be justified in assuming that these could be longer periods of time.

No. Since it IS used, we have a pretty sound reason for why they are longer periods of time. He says if they, were not used then we might think that these were literal solar days of 24-hour duration. No, just the opposite. 

Evening and morning has absolutely nothing to do with the length of the time period that is being discussed. Has nothing to do with the length of the time. Evening and morning have to do with a condition. The evening is a condition that comes about at the end of a day. Morning is a condition that comes about at the end of a night. So don’t be coming up with definitions of stuff that don’t exist. Evening is as it begins to get dark, going from daylight to darkness. That transition period is the evening. As it goes from dark to becoming light, that division there between darkness and light, that is called morning. It doesn’t last for three hours or six hours or twelve hours, like a day and a night do.

So yom is not for a 24-hour period.  It stands for time in general, days, weeks, months, years, eons, ages.

Another interesting verse is Genesis 1.

Gen 1:14  And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day (yom) from the night;

How about that. Is a day and a night, a day? No, God divided them. They’re two different things. He divided the day from the night, how can they be the same thing? So when He says, “and the evening and the morning were day one,” that could be millions or billions of years. There is no time limit set on that whatsoever. None.

Psa 90:1  A Prayer of Moses the man of God. Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations.
v. 2  Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever Thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, Thou art God.
v. 3  Thou turnest man to destruction; and sayest, Return, ye children of men.
v. 4  For a thousand years in Thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.

It interesting that just these couple of verses brings in all this, the creation of the heavens and earth, a thousand years are as a day and so on, it’s all in there. 

v.5  Thou carriest them away as with a flood; they are as a sleep: in the morning they are like grass which groweth up.
v. 6  In the morning it flourisheth, and groweth up; in the evening it is cut down, and withereth.

What do we have here? This is what it is telling us in Genesis. Morning signifies order, light, birth, growth, progress. At night things get dark, gloomy, they become fizzy, you can’t see them anymore. It’s chaos to cosmos. 

Here He is using the evening and morning exactly into that context. In the morning they are like grass, but in the evening they are cut down. The morning is positive, growth and light. The evening it’s cut down, darkness and death. They say, ‘no where else in the Bible these words are used.’  Well you just read it didn’t you. Did it mean sunset? That a person is born at sunrise and he dies at sunset? Well yea, it can be used that way, but it could represent his whole life, not 24 hours. 

So here you see the symbolism of evening and morning portrayed perfectly. One has to do with progress and order and light and life. The other has to do with darkness and death. So we do have an example as to what these words mean, don’t we. 

I showed that Onkelos translated Gen. 1:1 “In wisdom, God created the heavens and the earth.” Onkelos had his own translation on this too, rather than saying “God saw everything that He had made and behold it was very good (Gen. 1:31).”  Here’s how he translates it and this is marvelous, this was a man 1850 years ago translated this verse. Now he knew something, he didn’t just make this up. “And God saw everything that He made and behold it was a unified order.” Well what was it before?  Chaos.

In the beginning God had already created the heavens and the earth. The heavens would have already included the sun and of course it included the earth. But there was no earth like we understand it. The word earth means ground anyway. There was no ground, it was covered with water and chaos. And the sun wasn’t shining, you get that on the fifth day.

Quotes from the book by Dr. Gerald L. Schroeder will appear in italic.

The Hebrew for evening is ‘ereb’ and this is the literal meaning of the word, although the root of the word carries with it implications far beyond that of a setting sun. What is the visual sensation of an evening? Darkness begins, objects become obscured and blurred. The root of ereb means just that, mixed up, stirred together, disorderly.

The Hebrew for morning is ‘boqer’ it’s meaning is quite the opposite of ereb. Morning brings the first light, objects mingled by the dark of night become distinct entities. This is the root meaning of boqer; discernable, able to be distinguished, orderly.

It is interesting that Jesus Christ died and was buried in the evening. When did He rise? In the morning.

Had the text said that it was morning and then evening, our concept of a day might have been better satisfied. But the sequence is included in here, it always starts with evening. There is a systematic flow of disorder, chaos or evening to order - cosmos, order or morning. To appreciate this rarity of flow of disorder to order we must at this point acquire more understanding of the laws of thermodynamics. Entropy, chaos, out of order. Not order out of chaos. The laws of thermodynamics that control the universe is bringing something that is orderly into disorder and chaos, everywhere always. 

Now comes the major psycho-physiologic question; If the universe trend is towards chaos, why is there order at all? 
If the basic laws of physics dictate that orderly things slow down, get colder, deteriorate and go from order to chaos, why is there order anywhere in the universe? It seems to defy the laws of thermodynamics, which work on everything, always everywhere.

The ordered complexities of life is clearly extraordinary. The universe might have remained the mass of randomly moving electrons, protons and assorted subatomic particles, present at that first speck of time referred to as “In the beginning.” If such were the case we would not be here to wonder about it or the overriding purpose of this flow of the universe from it’s state of the Big Bang to the form we observe today.

The Author of Genesis thought this flow towards order was sufficiently important and exceptional, to emphasize it at regular repartition, “and it was evening and there was morning.” 

Because everything else in science and in the universe goes the other way. But God is making this go contrary to that.  Life is different.  Life is special.

The Biblical text describes this localize progression from less order to more order as a flow from evening to morning. Or more accurately from ereb to boqer. 

Onkelos that translates where it says everything “was very good” and he says everything was an “unified order.” At that point it was a unified order. What was it before? It was chaos, then every created period went from chaos to order… from chaos to order… from chaos to order until finally at the end of the six periods, everything was a unified order. That’s how God got rid of the chaos. God uses a process. Why does He use that process? Why does He do a lot of things? God does strange things.

mercy, peacde and love

« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 11:40:39 AM by Kat »


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Re: Ray's Teaching on the Creation
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2012, 01:18:19 PM »

Thank you, Kat.  This is what Dave meant:

Evening and morning have to do with a condition. The evening is a condition that comes about at the end of a day. Morning is a condition that comes about at the end of a night. So don’t be coming up with definitions of stuff that don’t exist. Evening is as it begins to get dark, going from daylight to darkness. That transition period is the evening. As it goes from dark to becoming light, that division there between darkness and light, that is called morning. It doesn’t last for three hours or six hours or twelve hours, like a day and a night do.




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Re: Ray's Teaching on the Creation
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2012, 02:32:50 PM »

thank you kathy for the listing.  your work for this website is a testament of your love for the Word of God, and it's being rightly divided.  and your love and compassion for ray.

i remember what you were talking about dave, from the conference.  it was surely mind blowing and spiritually explosive to hear this teaching.



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Re: Ray's Teaching on the Creation
« Reply #12 on: August 08, 2012, 03:53:53 PM »

Hi Gina, yes I remember what Dave mentioned as well. But we know that Ray tends to add numerous details and this 'evening and morning' was spread out over quite a bit of material. So I was thinking that to bring together what he spoke about on that specifically would help see this without other distractions.

Thanks Claudia for the kind words. Of course I gain as much from this as anybody, but it is my pleasure to share with others who might benefit as well. It is the love and compassion for the truth that keeps me motivated and of course that can only come from God.

mercy, peace and love



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Re: Ray's Teaching on the Creation
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2012, 06:59:25 AM »,8385.msg68318.html#msg68318 ----

Quotes from the book by Dr. Gerald L. Schroeder will appear in italic.

The Hebrew for evening is ‘ereb’ and this is the literal meaning of the word, although the root of the word carries with it implications far beyond that of a setting sun. What is the visual sensation of an evening? Darkness begins, objects become obscured and blurred. The root of ereb means just that, mixed up, stirred together, disorderly.

The Hebrew for morning is ‘boqer’ it’s meaning is quite the opposite of ereb. Morning brings the first light, objects mingled by the dark of night become distinct entities. This is the root meaning of boqer; discernable, able to be distinguished, orderly.

It is interesting that Jesus Christ died and was buried in the evening. When did He rise? In the morning.

Had the text said that it was morning and then evening, our concept of a day might have been better satisfied. But the sequence is included in here, it always starts with evening. There is a systematic flow of disorder, chaos or evening to order - cosmos, order or morning. To appreciate this rarity of flow of disorder to order we must at this point acquire more understanding of the laws of thermodynamics. Entropy, chaos, out of order. Not order out of chaos. The laws of thermodynamics that control the universe is bringing something that is orderly into disorder and chaos, everywhere always. 

Now comes the major psycho-physiologic question; If the universe trend is towards chaos, why is there order at all? 
If the basic laws of physics dictate that orderly things slow down, get colder, deteriorate and go from order to chaos, why is there order anywhere in the universe? It seems to defy the laws of thermodynamics, which work on everything, always everywhere.

The ordered complexities of life is clearly extraordinary. The universe might have remained the mass of randomly moving electrons, protons and assorted subatomic particles, present at that first speck of time referred to as “In the beginning.” If such were the case we would not be here to wonder about it or the overriding purpose of this flow of the universe from it’s state of the Big Bang to the form we observe today.

The Author of Genesis thought this flow towards order was sufficiently important and exceptional, to emphasize it at regular repartition, “and it was evening and there was morning.” 

Because everything else in science and in the universe goes the other way. But God is making this go contrary to that.  Life is different.  Life is special.

The Biblical text describes this localize progression from less order to more order as a flow from evening to morning. Or more accurately from ereb to boqer. 

Onkelos that translates where it says everything “was very good” and he says everything was an “unified order.” At that point it was a unified order. What was it before? It was chaos, then every created period went from chaos to order… from chaos to order… from chaos to order until finally at the end of the six periods, everything was a unified order. That’s how God got rid of the chaos. God uses a process. Why does He use that process? Why does He do a lot of things? God does strange things.

Seriously, this is not a difficult matter to resolve. However, we need to be careful about labeling things. Scripturally, there is no such thing as the "CHRISTIAN Sabbath." The Sabbath commandment was given to ancient Israel, not to Christians. The Christian Sabbath, the day on which Christians rest and worship is clearly SUNDAY! Christendom as a whole with a few exceptions such as Seventh Day Adventists have kept Sunday as their day of worship down through the centuries.
So clearly, SUNDAY is the Christian Sabbath, if we insist on using that awkward terminology.

The Sabbath that Jesus Christ observed (AND BROKE), was not, however, Sunday or the first day of the week. We know for a fact, historically, the Sabbath being kept in the time of Christ's earthly ministry, was the SEVENTH day or Saturday. Actually from Friday sunset till Saturday sunset.

From my point's of view, my interpretation from the  order in such a way that;

                morning is ‘boqer’   
Sunday       evening is ‘ereb’

                morning is ‘boqer’   
Mon.           evening is ‘ereb’
                morning is ‘boqer’   
Tues.          evening is ‘ereb’

                morning is ‘boqer’   
Wed.          evening is ‘ereb’

                morning is ‘boqer’   
Thur.          evening is ‘ereb’

                morning is ‘boqer’   
Frid.           evening is ‘ereb’

                morning is ‘boqer’   
Sat.            evening is ‘ereb’

If Christian Sabbath is Sunday then the first day is Monday.  Monday boger is 1 day tues. boger is 2nd day, wed. boger is 3rd day……. Sunday boger is 7th day. God rested on Sunday boger “morning” and that is day.


If ancient Israel Sabbath is Saturday then the first day is Sunday.
Why 1st day is Sunday? Because  the order is , it always starts with evening. There is a systematic flow of disorder, chaos or evening to order - cosmos, order or morning.
Therefore, the Saturday starts at evening because of the order, then follow a 1st  day ‘boqer’     in Sunday, Monday is 2nd day or boger, Tuesday is 3rd day or boger, Wednesday is 4th day or boger, Thursday is 5th day or boger, Friday is 6th day or boger and lastly Saturday is 7th day or boger……..Saturday is the 7th day and God rested.

Please feel free to correct if I misunderstood on Ray’s paper.
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