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Author Topic: Big Fat Fiasco - Fat is good  (Read 23831 times)

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Re: Big Fat Fiasco - Fat is good
« Reply #40 on: October 10, 2012, 12:09:58 AM »

I have limited interest in all this.  As I've said, I eat what is put in front of me and have very little choice in the matter.  But what disturbs me is the allegations in that article impuning the intent of the medical profession.  They may be right, they may be wrong, they may be part right or wrong, and they may be disagreeing with each other, but when someone says they WANT us to be sick or call them "despicable people", he loses all credibility to me. 

Should I throw out the baby with the bathwater?  Maybe not, but I'm going to anyway.


I can see where your coming from in regards to Ron Kosloff's terminology of The Medical Profession, but although a search for Spiritual Truth is sought foremost by at least, most Forum Members, obvious by the fact that We are here, I seek the truth of a matter in every area that affects Our lives. True, sometimes We might not know exactly and completely what that may be.

Personally, I don't see the difference between Ray exposing the Orthodox Religious Systems and their Leaders and individual adherents for the falsehood they preach & teach, often in a harsh or at least sarcastically rude manner or Ron Kosloff doing likewise in the field of Nutrition towards the Medical & Pharmaceutical Establishment. Ron has been in the business for over 40 plus years and has devoted a focus in the area of Nutrition comparable to Ray & others doing likewise in matters of Spiritual Truths. So, the only difference I see is in the area of Priority, meaning that Spiritual matters are obviously more important than these other Fields of Truth.

It is an established fact that the Liver holds approximately 360 grams of Glycogen(stored starch) waiting to be converted to Glucose(Sugar) for energy purposes by the Body plus the fact that Our Muscles store a certain amount of Glycogen too and depending how big Our muscles are, determines how much Glycogen is held in that location for energy purposes. So, any Carbohydrates eaten in excess of Our Bodies storage centers,IE- Liver & Muscles are immediately converted to Adipose Tissue, in other words Fat storage in the Body. That's a fact ! However, Proteins and Fats are used & broken down much more slowly by the Body before eventually being converted to Glucose. The only exception would be if a Person ate Protein Foods that contained little or no Fats within them, then the Protein would be converted to Glucose much more quickly.

So, it's better to eat the protein foods with the fats they already contain, so the body doesn't experience Blood sugar highs & lows experienced by Our Pancreas releasing too much insulin too fast. Also, Insulin in itself is a fat producing Hormone, hence a Type 2 Diabetic whose Langerhans of His Pancreas is not functioning properly causing them to release too much insulin when eating Sugars, Starches and most Fruits. Vegetables are an exception, because their mostly composed of Water, Minerals & Fiber and combine well with Proteins & Fats.

I've talked to Ron Kosloff on the phone several times over the years and I know that He isn't saying to completely avoid Starches, IE- An occasional Baked Potato and whole grain Bread & Butter, but He emphasizes that Carbohydrates should be kept at a minimum and secondary in consumption to Proteins & Fats, because almost everyone that has a weight problem is due to glucose intolerance. The main exceptions are those that are naturally thin with extremely fast Metabolisms and even they eventually have problems later in Life. That would be the Person with thin limbs & Chest, but develops that small pot belly where Fat has started to accumulate, usually after their Forties.

Not that I'm following Carbohydrate reduction to the extent that works in my own case, but as an example. Since July 15th of this year, I haven't eaten any dessert type Carbs, ie-Cake, Cookies, Pies, sweets of any kind, but still ate Starches at one of my daily meals and I've lost almost twenty pounds, just from removing simple sugar type Carbohydrates and ate as much Protein and Fats as I desired. Now, I'm at a stand still, so a further reduction of Carbohydrates would be necessary and I haven't been hungry.

In the late 1980's, I went about a whole year plus and ate a considerable amount of Proteins, Fats & Vegetables, no fruit & and rarely ate starches and had a waist of 34 inches at a weight of 215 pounds, ate approximately 6 dozen eggs per week during that time.

Well, to sum it up, I prefer the Truth in all areas if it's obtainable, sometimes it's not. The Medical Profession, just like all Professions is manipulated by Political Agenda's and Money, just like all Professions including Religion and some deliberately deceive the People, whereas some are sincere fully believing what they teach is accurate, just like the Religious Leaders do, their sincere and sincerely wrong. I guess I'm tired of being misled in general so when I am given some
Truth from any source, it's refreshing and well accepted, just like the Truths I've learned here, it's refreshing.

Thanks, Samson.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2012, 01:53:01 AM by Samson »


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Re: Big Fat Fiasco - Fat is good
« Reply #41 on: October 10, 2012, 12:29:17 AM »

I wonder why grain harvests and bread are referenced throughout the Scriptures if eating them is such an evil?

The early grain harvest and the Fall grain harvest are used as analogies of God's plan of salvation.

When Yahweh met Abraham near the oak trees of Mamre, one of the things Abraham fed God was bread.  I guess they didn't know better.

Jesus goofed up again when one thing He fed the 10,000 was bread.  Why did Jesus feed them poison?

Is Jesus the Bread of Life or the Poison of Life?

I'm just an ignorant Kentuckian trying to match people's food rules and regulations to the Scriptures.

P.S.  I think vegetarians are nuts too because what they teach is also against Scriptures.  I cannot understand any of the food rules or fetishes of religious people, especially what I read in the New Testament.  I don't find any such food rules.  What do I know?  I can't think of any living man or woman who I listen to on anything; be it food rules, religious rules, financial rules, or anything else.  Only Jesus rules.


I don't see what the miraculous act of Bread & Fish has to do with the affect that an over consumption of Modern or "Todays" various types of Grains we eat have on Our weight gain or the affects to our Pancreas. If Jesus gave Me physical Bread or Manna that He miraculously provided while I was extremely Hungry or starving, I'd probably eat it.

I don't profess to know what quality or affects on the body and weight gain that the grains of past yesterday's had on People long ago, nor have I ever cared to look into it. If you had a Farm in the present time and took the wheat you grew and stoneground the kernels yourself, using the entire kernel and made home made bread for your family, I would bet it would be much better for you. Of course, all of that is impractical, unless you want to buy Ezekiel Bread at 6-10 dollars a loaf.

Please read my response to Dave regarding the Bodies response to eating too many Sugars & Starches, especially sugars. I'm not going to rewrite that here and again.

Also, nobody thinks your a dumb Kentuckian, you can't be dumb and be an Accountant, both my Grandfather's were Accountants and they weren't dumb, maybe hen pecked by Wives,  ;D. Nutrition just ain't your interest or bag, haven't you stated that in the past. Different Strokes for different folks.  ;).


Dave in Tenn

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Re: Big Fat Fiasco - Fat is good
« Reply #42 on: October 10, 2012, 04:10:14 AM »

Samson, I appreciate you, but the baby is out of the tub, the bathwater is running down the drain, and I'm happy.  If changing my diet actually added a year to my life, but I had to spend 13 months sifting through contradictory materials written by people I am by nature hard-wired to dismiss, then that wouldn't be a good trade off for me.

I don't live on M&M's and coca-cola any more.  Other than that, I'm doing the best I can.   ;D  Seems to be working.  We'll all likely get bad news eventually.  Some people are hungry.  Others are starving.  That'll kill you quicker than a snickers bar. 

I commended Bob for listening to his own body.  I have to reserve that for myself as well.  We're all different and all in different situations, and Jesus is still Lord.

Carry on, but I'm out.  When and if my situation changes, I'll know where to find you.   
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Big Fat Fiasco - Fat is good
« Reply #43 on: October 10, 2012, 01:12:06 PM »

Samson, I appreciate you, but the baby is out of the tub, the bathwater is running down the drain, and I'm happy.  If changing my diet actually added a year to my life, but I had to spend 13 months sifting through contradictory materials written by people I am by nature hard-wired to dismiss, then that wouldn't be a good trade off for me.

I don't live on M&M's and coca-cola any more.  Other than that, I'm doing the best I can.   ;D  Seems to be working.  We'll all likely get bad news eventually.  Some people are hungry.  Others are starving.  That'll kill you quicker than a snickers bar. 

I commended Bob for listening to his own body.  I have to reserve that for myself as well.  We're all different and all in different situations, and Jesus is still Lord.

Carry on, but I'm out.  When and if my situation changes, I'll know where to find you.   

Your absolutely right Dave, with the direction of this World Economy and the way things are going, going Hungry or even starving is a reality of greater concern.

I think the Medical profession does rather well in regards to fixing Bones, Ligaments, Tendons, Lacerations, removing Cartilage, etc. With no medical coverage and about to test the waters of what their willing to do to help me in regards to the issue of Money, it won't matter whether I eat Carbohydrates, Proteins or Fats and what the percentage is.

Admittedly, I'm a little scared of the unknown in this area, already had an MRI, but haven't gotten the results yet. Only God declares & knows the beginning & ending of every matter. Maybe, in a few months I'll be glad to have a snickers bar to eat or grass, been eating grass or humble pie like Nebuchadnezzar my whole Life.

Kind Regards, Samson.


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Re: Big Fat Fiasco - Fat is good
« Reply #44 on: October 10, 2012, 01:25:58 PM »

Hi Brad,
Appreciate your recent explanations.
They do seem to apply in my personal situation.
I snack on veggies in front of the TV, but pretzels are my downfall.
I also sit for three hours watching what is mostly "junk" just because I'm not tired enough to go to bed and too tired to study. TV gives me the munchies in a manner that does not happen when we have guests and conversation in our home or at the coffee shop. So that TV is a habit I really need to work on.

Once again I truly appreciate your input.
Thanks, brother Indiana Bob


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Re: Big Fat Fiasco - Fat is good
« Reply #45 on: October 16, 2012, 12:08:12 PM »

To those of us curious about wheat, check this out. 5-minute interview of "Wheat Belly"'s author.



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Re: Big Fat Fiasco - Fat is good
« Reply #46 on: October 16, 2012, 03:15:06 PM »

To those of us curious about wheat, check this out. 5-minute interview of "Wheat Belly"'s author.

Thanks Levy,

Yes, I was curious & enjoyed the Video presentation with Dr. William Davis, thought that it was interesting that Dr. Davis is a Cardiologist like Dr. Robert Atkins was. Dr. Davis said that it's not Economically feasible for Farmers to switch back to the older Wheat seeds, replacing these genetically modified seeds that yields much more wheat per Acre. This protein in the wheat called Gliadin is what stimulates Our appetites to eat more than usual according to Dr. Davis and the only recourse for someone to lose weight would be to remove wheat from the Diet and although wheat Bread may be a small improvement over eating white bread, it still significantly falls short in improving Health & weight loss. I guess my comment demonstrates that I was paying attention,  ;).

Levy, I'm going to goggle Dr. William Davis name and see if He had any affiliation with Dr. Atkins in the past, that might prove interesting.

Kind Regards, Samson.


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Re: Big Fat Fiasco - Fat is good
« Reply #47 on: October 16, 2012, 03:39:53 PM »

I too break the rules....even though I know what is good and what is bad food.....I still balance.....I do not eat only good for me foods....and I do not live on bad for me foods.....the body is a filter....and a very good one at that. We are not going to last eons in the flesh. I commend you for living! I totally agree this would have been such a place Jesus would hang out with the people. I for one consider eating and laughing and hanging out worship. Based on chapters 2-4 of the book of Acts.


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Re: Big Fat Fiasco - Fat is good
« Reply #48 on: October 16, 2012, 04:35:11 PM »

Forgive me for I have sinned.   :'( :'( :'( :'(

I went to this tavern and bought my lunch.  It was a greasy cheeseburger, mustard, onions, dill pickles---and---and--- :-[---yes, a hamburger bun.

I also ate a bowl of chili--- :-[ :-[ :-[---which contained wheat noodles.

One good thing about the tavern is that there were curvy waitresses with smiles on their faces.  And apparently no fundamental christians due to the presence of alcohol.  Definitely a better class of people there.  Jesus would love a place like that.

Today is Boss's Day in the U.S.A.  My people had bought some sinful pastries for me and to share.  I ate one for dessert after lunch.  I believe it contained wheat flour.  And most terrible of all, I detected the taste of white sugar.

What a great day!  I believe I broke all the rules of every food fanatic in the world.  A great and happy day indeed!



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Re: Big Fat Fiasco - Fat is good
« Reply #49 on: October 16, 2012, 04:55:31 PM »

Forgive me for I have sinned.   :'( :'( :'( :'(

I went to this tavern and bought my lunch.  It was a greasy cheeseburger, mustard, onions, dill pickles---and---and--- :-[---yes, a hamburger bun.

I also ate a bowl of chili--- :-[ :-[ :-[---which contained wheat noodles.

One good thing about the tavern is that there were curvy waitresses with smiles on their faces.  And apparently no fundamental christians due to the presence of alcohol.  Definitely a better class of people there.  Jesus would love a place like that.

Today is Boss's Day in the U.S.A.  My people had bought some sinful pastries for me and to share.  I ate one for dessert after lunch.  I believe it contained wheat flour.  And most terrible of all, I detected the taste of white sugar.

What a great day!  I believe I broke all the rules of every food fanatic in the world.  A great and happy day indeed!

Actually, I love greasy cheeseburgers with all those condiments and Home made Chili, even without the Bun & wheat noodles, I bet it would be delicious anyway, it's that grease, IE-saturated fat that has a satiating affect & tasty two, wish I could have joined you. Don't think my Wife would like me around the curvy waitresses. I might experience other problems far worse than consuming Carbohydrates & weigh gain, ;D, ;).
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