I have been praying to God for the strength it takes to forgive those who persecute, through wrong doctrines and knowledge. Seems things are coming to a head here where I live. The persecution, gossip, false accusation, and outright hatred for the belief God has given me, is almost unbearable. I have never tried to force my beliefs on another, but only when asked.
Now, it has gone past the believable, to the outrageous. The only way I can get through this is through prayers from fellow believers. I have never been one to ask for prayers, yet God has brought me to a point in life, where it seems the only way out is through prayer. Please help, I have seen persecution for His sake before, but this is far worse than I could of imagined.
All of this coming from people who go to church on sundays, and proclaim they are saved. Honestly, asides from their religious belief they are good people, but those false doctrines, is what the bottom line is. They murder my name and character all the day long, simply because I don't belileve as they do. This has always amazed me, if they really know God, why the anger, and I am talking about severe anger. Truly incredible, just can't understand it.
The prayer, truthfully, what I ask for is not for me, but for those who are persecuting me for the wrong reasons. Please prayer for those, so they will not digress to a lower point to do something regretible.
It has gotten to the point, where I feel like David, where in the Psalms, he is constantly surrounded by his enemies. I am not perfect, and I have not treated these people the way they are treating me, so please send a prayer to bring a miracle to these people, and a healing to their eyes, so they can SEE, if only for a little while. If nothing at all, at least they can become as merciful and forgiving as the God they say they worship.
The traditiion taught through the precepts of man, by the very strong bellief of a tortuous God, through the doctrine of hell, is very pervasive where I live. A belief passed on from generation to generation, until absolutely unthinkable that God is any other way. I have seen the scripture, where Jesus said, they will think they are doing Gods service, but now experience has shown this to be so true.
My only hope is that these people will see the Truth, and I know that day will come. Maybe that is why patience is the key. I can only see through these things that we are all very blessed to have a God, that truly is long suffering and merciful to us and to all.
I also, know there are many others going through simular circumstances. It is just now that it has grown to incredible proportions. I would appreciate any prayers. Thanks.
God bless,