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Author Topic: depression  (Read 16857 times)

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Re: depression
« Reply #20 on: April 12, 2013, 05:19:53 PM »

not to mention i was  taken advantage of by someone who i thought was a friend, i lost alot of money thru this friend.  and i didnt mention my bad health.

Every person I have ever known or read about have had multiple problems and difficulties in life.  Many, many of them much worse than your problems.

Depressed people I have known concentrate on themselves.  They think of themselves constantly.  It is always me, me and mine.

Your troubles are not unique to you.

Consider the troubles Jesus had the last three days of His life.  Also the sickness, disease, and health problems He experienced all the days of His life.  He lost everything and had everything taken from Him.  He didn't deserve any of it.  He was totally without sin or guilt of any kind.  Yet, He served others and helped those in need, and remembered others, even at His darkest hours.

Pray to Jesus and ask Him for His Spirit.  This Spirit will empower you to prevail in all things.  You will never be alone with that Power within you, and He will give you rest for your soul.  Meditate on His ways.  Consider the positive things in your life and what you have that others do not.

I assume you have sight.  Some do not.

I assume you have had food and drink today.  Some have not.

I assume you have shelter and a place to sleep for the night in safety.  Some have not.

Think of all the things you presently have right now (including your life), and know some do not have what you have.

Praise God for what He has given you and ask His help for your troubles.  Only He can and will save you.

May He give you the blessings of heaven above and the earth beneath, and give you His peace.

Amen John. What a great beautiful post. Just to add to that;

The real Jesus, and He's not a blood hair blue eyed surfer!

Isaiah 53:2-4

For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.

He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.

Well, it's true.

I also got the impression having skyped with you, Rito, a couple times about three months ago, that you're suspicious of people's intentions towards you, that you spend time watching negative things on conspiracy theories and such.  And we have to be careful, because that stuff can make your head spin all by itself.  We have to learn to let.some.things.go, and not sit around imagining that "we're going to be next."  If we don't pick our battles wisely, we go through life feeling beaten and battered because we let every.little.thing throw us off balance.  It's not worth it.  Fact is, you're going to find weirdos everywhere, and especially, ESPECIALLY, on the internet because the world is completely and totally off its rocker.  That's just how it is.

Jesus is the Great Physician.  When all else fails, believe God.

Amen! The greatest physician of all! He gives life to the dead, what greater power is there than this?

He is capable and able to heal you of any and all things. Trust in Him for your healing and guidance in this life in all things.

Lastly, I second what Arc has said. If it is not right than it is not the end and I for one, shall be happy, to be there with you all, at the end of things.

God bless,

« Last Edit: April 12, 2013, 05:23:16 PM by lilitalienboi16 »
1 Cor 1:10 "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment."


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Re: depression
« Reply #21 on: April 12, 2013, 07:03:48 PM »

thank you for your prayers everyone. and shorty i dont know if you work for the phsyciatrists. but i want to warn all of you that anti depresants are nothing but a scam and will ruin your health. just like chemotherapy, its posison and can be lethal to some. 


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Re: depression
« Reply #22 on: April 12, 2013, 08:16:04 PM »

Funny you should mention it.  I used to also do part-time work for a psychiatrist, Dr. Curtis Booraem, here in Southern California for about 7 years, until he died about 8-9 years ago.   Believe me, I'm not "expert" but I got quite an education from typing up those reports.  I believe everything you're saying, which is precisely why I wrote those things, above, to you.  No need to go around alarming the living daylights out of people, though.  It's not so much in starting the medications as it is in the way that people stop taking them.  They have to be tapered off of them, and not stopped cold turkey.

How are you feeling, by the way?  The last time we skyped you said that you have no ability to feel anything emotionally.  Has that changed at all?


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Re: depression
« Reply #23 on: April 12, 2013, 08:57:20 PM »

ive been off them since 2005. the high dose and the length of time really fried my brain. it left me with a weak immune sytem and metabolism. i had an allergic reaction to things like toothpaste and penecilin. i know the anti depressants can screw brain neurons. i wont get into anymore. whats done is done. if something really bad ends up happening to me this summer i know it was meant to be.


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Re: depression
« Reply #24 on: April 12, 2013, 09:21:48 PM »

ive been off them since 2005. the high dose and the length of time really fried my brain. it left me with a weak immune sytem and metabolism. i had an allergic reaction to things like toothpaste and penecilin. i know the anti depressants can screw brain neurons. i wont get into anymore. whats done is done. if something really bad ends up happening to me this summer i know it was meant to be.


I'm not going to say you aren't experiencing what you claim to be but i'm going to explain to you my skepticism here. The best way is to is to explain the basics to you, that is to say, how the nervous system functions without going into too much detail. Well at least how neucleus bodies and their corresponding white matter tracts propagate signals throughout the central nervous system (which includes the brain and spine).

Normally, the presynaptic neuron (which is the neuron sending the signal due to some sort of graded potential at the soma [cell body]) secretes various neurotransmitters. One neurotransmitter per synaptic junction or synaptic cleft. A synaptic cleft is the very tiny microscope area between two neurons. A space if you will between two neurons in which the electrical signal cannot jump.

So how it all begins is that something triggers the presynaptic neuron to fire an electrical signal from its cell body and it propagates this signal through the opening of various voltage gated cationic channels (Sodium in terms of the brain) down the length of its axon. Upon reaching the axon terminal, the electrical signal is converted into a chemical signal because, as I explained above, the electrical signal cannot jump the distance between the two neurons, this "synaptic cleft." This electrical signal instead opens up voltage gated calcium channels which allow calcium to flood the axon terminal from outside the cell, triggering the release of vesicles containing a specific neurotransmitter (these can vary from dopamine, to seratonin, to acetylcholine, epinephrine, neroepinephrine etc...) from the presynaptic neuron into the synaptic cleft. These chemical messengers then bind to chemically gated cationic channels of the postynaptic neuron which allow sodium from the extracellular fluid to then flood this target neuron causing a depolarization event to occur at this postsynaptic cell known as a "graded potential" effectively (without going into more details here but its not as black and white) propigating the signal from one neuron to the next. This continues until the signal reaches its destination where it has some effect on some other cell or tissue etc...

In people with depression, the chemical messenger released into the synaptic cleft by the presynaptic neuron is accidently re-uptaken by the very cell that released it and thus the next cell in line (the next neuron) can't receive the signal and transmit it further down the line to where it should be going. This also makes it hard for neurons to communicate between one another thus causing the depression you.

What anti depressents due is they provent the pre synaptic neuron to re-uptake its OWN chemical messanger and effectively allow the postsynaptic cell to receive the chemical message and then continue propagating the electrical signal down the chain of command.

So with all that in mind, i find it very hard to believe that your antidepressant drugs caused you to become allergic to toothpaste, weakened your immune system etc.. what weakens your immune system is the depression you are feeling now and as shorty said, cutting your antidepressant drugs cold turkey is probably what caused you to feel so much worse than you did making you think it was the drugs. It has been proven, research has shown, physicians say, cutting anti depressent drugs cold turkey is BAD. It has been proven, research has shown and physicians say, stress can weaken your immune system. If you want to know why, it has to do with elevated levels of cortisal and how it interacts with imunne cells but there is no point in going into detail about that, just know there is a known molecular mechanism between stress and weakened immune system.

I say this with all love and kindness, but you're not a medical expert, there is alot of BAD information on the internet and youtube is apart of that misinformation.

I don't know the future but I don't think youll die this summer. I think you need to get out of your own self induced hysteria because its causing you ALOT of problems (mostly because your basing your conclusions off alot of misinformation and inadequate understanding) it seems and get some help. Either start listening to what people are saying here, pray about it if you havn't and go in to see a physician, psychiatrist or even therapist.

I say this with all the love in my heart. I'm sorry if this offends you but tough love.

God be with you,


« Last Edit: April 12, 2013, 09:27:43 PM by lilitalienboi16 »
1 Cor 1:10 "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment."


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Re: depression
« Reply #25 on: April 12, 2013, 09:26:51 PM »

anti depresants affect the raphe nucli serotonergic neurons. if your on a high dose for a long length of time they can fry your neuron receptors. theres university studies that have proved this you just have to google it. its amazing how many people the fda.


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Re: depression
« Reply #26 on: April 12, 2013, 09:28:43 PM »

just so you know the raphe nucli is the brainstem. the part of the brain that controls all your involuntary actions of your body such as breathing, heart beat, temperature regulation etc. all of these have been affected but i dont see why i should.


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Re: depression
« Reply #27 on: April 13, 2013, 12:42:51 AM »

I am praying that the Lord will deliver you from depression, and also oppression.

Acts 10:38-How God anointed and consecrated Jesus of Nazareth with the (Holy) Spirit and with strength and the ability and power; how he went about doing good and in particular curing all that were harassed and oppressed by [the power of] the devil, for God was with Him.



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Re: depression
« Reply #28 on: April 13, 2013, 11:30:03 AM »

ive been off them since 2005. the high dose and the length of time really fried my brain. it left me with a weak immune sytem and metabolism. i had an allergic reaction to things like toothpaste and penecilin. i know the anti depressants can screw brain neurons. i wont get into anymore. whats done is done. if something really bad ends up happening to me this summer i know it was meant to be.

Okay, well, I was just checking to see if you were experiencing any emotions since you wanted me to be praying for you.  Feeling "hopeless" is a pretty strong emotion, I'd say.  And just like your signature line about Christians "sharing," and being guarded against that, feeling hopeless is also from the enemy and not to be trusted.

I'll continue to pray for your peace of mind.  We all want that.  We all go through periods where we feel hopeless. 

And I just wanted to acknowledge that you have shown that you have a concern for your fellowman and you clearly don't want anyone to be taken advantage of by others.  Kudos to you for that.  If God is showing you something and other people's ears and hearts aren't really receptive to what you have to share with them, then be happy that at least God opened your ears, and know that since God is sharing that much with you, then He's likely to go all the way and give you everything you need.  But don't worry, He's isn't going to stop with you.  He's definitely going to bless everybody, but in their own order.  We have need for patience. 

Patience is doing without something you want, but you can’t have it now. You have to exercise patience. You might even have to have longsuffering, you might have to suffer long. That is a fruit of God’s Spirit.

I could never believe in my heart of hearts that God would expect of us, things that He would not move His little finger to do Himself.

Jesus Christ berated the Pharisees. He said you load these heavy heavy burdens on people, very difficult for them to do what you tell them they need to do to be holy and righteous and good. Yet you would not move them with one of your fingers.

Mat 23:4  For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.

Is He accusing the Pharisees of something His own Father is guilty of? Are you following me? Is Jesus Christ condemning and berating the Pharisees for something His own Father is guilty of… that He lays heavy burdens on us and He wouldn’t lift them with one of His fingers, but we have to? We have to suffer through sixty or eighty years of sometimes horrible misery and disease and heartache and everything. What does God know about that? Nothing? I don’t think so. I don’t buy that nonsense anymore. I think that God has gone through a lot for us.
~L. Ray Smith


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Re: depression
« Reply #30 on: April 23, 2013, 11:24:46 AM »

I find it ironic that I was going to post about depression, that which I struggle with and have since I was 25. When I read this post and the responses to it. Having suffered and still in that battle I can relate all too well. I do find everyone has there own personal 'hell' or level of depression.

I tried several times to end my life. With two of those instances landing me into the hospital. Once with tubes down my throat and being put into a hyperbaric chamber to combat the effects of carbon monoxide poisoning I put myself through while leaving my car running in the garage and going to sleep. I was sure I was not going to wake up but I did. The real depression came in the years to follow. I wanted to escape. No such thing was going to happen. Days would go by where I did not get out of bed nor eat often for up to a week.....once I tried to dehydrate myself with 11 1/2 days of no food or water. I figured in a bout 10 days I would be so weak that I would not wake up. (I had actually read a DR. in a book saying the human body can last about 7-`10days with no water in sedentary conditions, like stranded on island or something) I would pray often that God would end my life. The suffering was too great. A few friends would come to see me but mostly I was alone. My family housed me and let me ride out this phase. I am thankful they did not give up on me nor put me in a sanitarium. I refused help. Doctors to me had no idea what they were doing, and were just in a hurry to fix me with drugs and get me out of a bed to which the next poor fool could come use, while I was in the hospital.

There are common symptoms for sure.....loss of interest, the blahs, loss of appetite. I found nothing was funny, and nothing was sad at the same time.....nothing mattered and I was merely existing. However I do think it is over diagnosed in America, and way too often drugs are given to combat this. There are more natural remedies, but with that said......I am positive you can not will yourself out it. This is my understanding. You are not just blue or down. There is no control over this battle. It is humbling and dastardly. So simply just going out to see a movie or be with friends or play a game or have something to eat you really enjoy. It does not just go away. I was singing along to a song one day on may way home from work, and I realized OMG I can not make myself happy and things I like do not effect my condition.....this is bad! Soon after I quit my job and attempted to end my life a few more times. I will not get into those. Suffice not to bore anybody with details nor give any ideas in case others are already in this spiritual weakened state.

In it's worst for me. I slept(up to 16 hours at times), ate, watched TV and slept. FOR 4 YEARS. LOL I did not go outside. I do not do fun things. I did not take showers, or even change clothes during this time. Crazy you say? well this my level of insanity and depression. One time my mother during one of her bouts with depression told me she refused to even get up to use the bathroom! So she wet herself and refused to clean it or even get up out of it. To which I said "mom that is crazy!" I said this as I was in the middle of my own depression.  I saw something worse then my own. I did gain tons of head knowledge of the Bible during my dark time.......I read my bible tons......wrote out prayers.....and wished of death often.

Depression is best described in this way. You are in a cave with no light already. Now add a pair of sunglasses. You do not even care where the exit is. If there is one....the painful journey to find it will surely be long and far away......not worth the effort.....your own mind is your enemy.
The tiniest of circumstances can "chain' you down. As a circus elephant is held by a small rope. which you know he could snap easily if given any effort. But he was trained with a huge chain which he could not break. Now his mentality tells him, as soon as he pulls and feels that tension. He is sure he can not break it. So the small rope holds him. I did not go outside. But certainly I was not afraid to do so. I chose not to. I even dream of depression and this assures my mind is not done with it. To me this is more horrifying as mostly it is the same dream. I am in a dark room feeling that rope on me. I know I am not going to get any better. I smell bad, I look bad. The hopelessness is upon me. My rope is too strong my mind says.

It has been 20 years now since I first attempted to take my own life. I still am depressed though not as dark as it was for 4 years where I did not change clothes, shower or go outside. I spoke with lawyer who asked me why I was working? LOL I told him I don't wanna be homeless. And in order to be disabled or receive money for disability to qualify you can not be working, at least initially. I never used drugs to fight my battle. I did not even believe in the Doctors and would talk circles around them with spiritual pain I was suffering. The mental and even physical pain that can come from depression is very real.

My battle was more spiritual. The 'professionals' would ask me why I was depressed? what happened? did you lose a girlfriend? did someone die? did you lose money? why are you like this? All I could tell them was that was my defiance toward God and I that I was better off dead. Better to have a milestone tied to my neck and tossed into the lake rather than have one of these little ones led astray by my actions. I was sure I was no good and not changing. I went to a non denominational church for 4 years prior to being depressed and my sin chased me as I was never good enough and was not repenting. Odd though I was a virgin, did not smoke or do drugs and was a pretty good guy but the church showed me just how evil I was and I was convinced my thoughts were evil all the time.

All can say is that I have no confidence in the flesh, not in Doctors, pills, or any human answer for depression. I don't blame my sin or Satan. The Father knows why he gave me such a gift. To humble me and understand the pain. If it helps one person then it will be worth the suffering I went through and continue to in my spirit grows.

just my two cents....

Rhys 🕊

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Re: depression
« Reply #31 on: April 24, 2013, 04:30:03 AM »

Thanks for sharing Patric. Worth a bit more than 2 cents I think.

God bless you


Dennis Vogel

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Re: depression
« Reply #33 on: April 25, 2013, 07:25:52 PM »

Thanx Rhys and Dennis


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Re: depression
« Reply #34 on: April 26, 2013, 08:34:37 PM »

*teaching links removed*
« Last Edit: April 27, 2013, 03:44:36 PM by Dave in Tenn »


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Re: depression
« Reply #35 on: April 27, 2013, 03:09:04 AM »

The Fraud of Modern Psychiatry

Psychiatry is bogus: Mental illness, Chemical imbalances are a myth

"And concerning you, my brethren, I myself also am convinced that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge and able also to counsel one another. " Romans 15:14
Debunking psychiatry is false doctrine??

*teaching links removed*

Why did you put links to websites that teach false doctrines on the Forum?  If I wanted to be taught false doctrines, I could attend the local christian churches or find hundreds (thousands) of websites on the internet that teach unscriptural lies.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2013, 03:45:28 PM by Dave in Tenn »


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Re: depression
« Reply #36 on: April 27, 2013, 02:13:00 PM »

Jesus went beyond "the person", as one with God.


Dave in Tenn

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Re: depression
« Reply #37 on: April 27, 2013, 03:55:05 PM »

"Links are not allowed if a site or article brings its own teaching or preaching.  Links are allowed if a site it just for fun or informational, ie, you tube, google translator, Esword, etc."
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: depression
« Reply #38 on: April 27, 2013, 11:27:23 PM »



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Re: depression
« Reply #39 on: April 28, 2013, 05:09:23 AM »

Hey Rito

That clip merely endorses what Scripture testifies. All human flesh is dysfunctional. It is the old man we have to take off, but can't!

Did you listen to the link I posted?

Here is a song that expresses the Lake of Fire experiences of going down. The release is in the floating on your back surrender that comes when it ~ :)

There is nothing funny or whimsical about the experience with Clinical Depression! It is a riot.

The effort to be in control is insane.

No free will....yeh...that's the wisdom...

Listeners are advised to be warned...the following rendition of the Lake of Fire might disturb sensitive ~ ;D

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