> Dear Ray,
> As I was reading a number of sections on your site, I came across two things
> that confused me. First, I saw in a couple places that you translate Isaiah 45
> as saying God creates evil. I picked up a concordance, and found that the word
> used there is never tranlated as evil, that I could find. And looking up evil, I
> saw no usage of that same word. SO I am confused as to why you would change the
> meaning of a word.
> Second, I saw somewhere that you believe that Jesus and Michael are the same. Is
> there a place on your site where you attempt to demonstrate that so I can read
> it? Michael is an archangel as I understand it. Angels are NEVER worshipped. Yet
> there are clearly places where Christ is worshipped, not only thru the New
> Testament, but also in Daniel's vision, etc.
> Thanks in advance,
> Rick
Dear Rick:
The Hebrew word "ra" translated "evil" in Isaiah 45:7 is virtually ALWAYS translated "evil" in OVER SIX HUNDRED DIFFERENT SCRIPTURES. This is very easy to prove. Just look up the word "evil" in an exhuastive concordance and then see what Hebrew word this word "evil" is translated from. Over six hundred times it is from "ra" just as it is in Isa. 45:7. Some people just LIE.
I don't have time to go into where Jesus was Michael the archangle in an email. It would take a hour or more to answer that. It is NOT a big issue.
God be with you,