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Author Topic: interesting: prayer saved women from getting raped, and...  (Read 6341 times)

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Re: interesting: prayer saved women from getting raped, and...
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2013, 02:41:46 AM »

The power of prayer has been quite clearly demonstrated here, and I ask that you folks will pray for me because I feel that's what I need right now. No, I don't go around raping people or committing such crimes, but I am still a horrible sinner, and I need your help in order to change.



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Re: interesting: prayer saved women from getting raped, and...
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2013, 11:21:15 PM »

Brother I will pray for you. May Gods light shine upon and through you so that you can see your sins are forgiven.


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Re: interesting: prayer saved women from getting raped, and...
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2013, 01:13:31 AM »

Brother I will pray for you. May Gods light shine upon and through you so that you can see your sins are forgiven.

Thank you Gregory, I appreciate that. I prayed myself last night, because I was at a point where I had nowhere else to turn to, but God. I just feel like I need to change, and God has been putting things in my path (even today), things which spoke to me, silently, letting me know that I had gone down the wrong path, and the contrast is what lets me know it. Even the news article I linked to in my OP spoke to me... that's just amazing that on two separate occasions,  two separate women were spared because they prayed. They say God works in mysterious ways -- I  believe it.


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Re: interesting: prayer saved women from getting raped, and...
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2013, 10:37:42 AM »

On a day when the four Delhi gangerape convicts were handed a death sentence, in a landmark judgement that acknowledged the rise in crimes against women in India, and a need for increased safety, this is a reminder that the Lord gives his people strength; the Lord grants his people security. Psalm 29:11

But we know that all is from God, incl evil like rape, hard enough as it is to understand.  So it is evident that God himself inspired these women to pray, according to His will.  So if you were inspired to pray Pierdut, then know that God is moving you to a special place.  Yield to His good and perfect will and we will be praying for you too.

Rhys 🕊

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Re: interesting: prayer saved women from getting raped, and...
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2013, 05:39:17 AM »

Don't be too hard on yourself as God is still in charge and will set you free at the right time.

What may look like the wrong path to you is the right path in God's eyes. Our loving Father knows what is best even though to us it does not seem right what we do it does not and can not change God's will for us.

Rest in Him and He will make you turn at the right time. It's all of Him and He often takes us down a long tunnel with many branches, when we find we can't go on any further and it's too dark He reaches out to us. He is the light and will shine down upon us and show us the way to walk to get out.

Out of great desperation we are drawn to a place of great peace but even I wonder at times how long Lord through areas in my life but God always comes through at the right time. We learn righteousness in these times and God is the one that knows how we best learn.

Praying for you too



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Re: interesting: prayer saved women from getting raped, and...
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2013, 10:54:08 PM »

I appreciate all the prayers; I can use all the help I can get. Have any of you been in this situation that I am now in? It's hard for me to even make it through the day because I feel so hopeless and forsaken,  and even like I am cursed or something. I know the Scriptures say that no man can come to Him unless he is drawn of God; and I believe that, yet it seems like my prayers are in vain... like no one is listening.  That's not to say God doesn't exist, though it seems like He does not care.

I know I'm a horrible sinner, and that's why I feel like perhaps it's too late for me; like maybe I crossed the line and it's too late for me in this life. There is a Scripture that talks about the unpardonable sin. And I know Ray talked about that, and said if you're concerned about it you didn't commit it... but I am not so sure; I think I did because that's what it seems like. And to make matters worse, not only am I then destined for a horrible reality after resurrection,  but my life now is horrible too.

I hope I didn't commit the unpardonable sin, but I would need something to happen to assure me that I didn't. I pray, and pray, and nothing. I repent, and then go back to doing the things I just repented of. I just feel so hopeless,  and alone; and like things are constantly working against me. And I feel awkward even praying to God, because I don't think He likes me very much. I don't know if you can understand the hopelessness I feel, but I tried getting you to understand it in this post.

Maybe I shouldn't bother you guys anymore with my problems, but I wanted you to know why I asked for prayer in the first place. And this might even be the last post like this because I've made too many of these already. So I might as well not even post, unless it's something different for a change. If there shall be some changes in my life I will let you know, and then you'll know that you did something good (by praying for me).



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Re: interesting: prayer saved women from getting raped, and...
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2013, 12:17:34 AM »


Where did you get the idea that you are "destined for a horrible reality after resurrection"?
It may help to dig deeper into the judgment that the unsaved will face when they are resurrected. It may be that your fears are exaggerated or unfounded.

For example, as things stand now I expect my sons to be in the second resurrection and I don't view that as something to fear with great concern. I don't imagine that they will like what they have to endure, but it will be done with the expectation of success in their lives.
When it is over it will have made better men of each of them and they will be able to look back on the experience with true joy as they come to know God and His Christ.

Praying for your understanding, Indiana Bob

I appreciate all the prayers; I can use all the help I can get. Have any of you been in this situation that I am now in? It's hard for me to even make it through the day because I feel so hopeless and forsaken,  and even like I am cursed or something. I know the Scriptures say that no man can come to Him unless he is drawn of God; and I believe that, yet it seems like my prayers are in vain... like no one is listening.  That's not to say God doesn't exist, though it seems like He does not care.

I know I'm a horrible sinner, and that's why I feel like perhaps it's too late for me; like maybe I crossed the line and it's too late for me in this life. There is a Scripture that talks about the unpardonable sin. And I know Ray talked about that, and said if you're concerned about it you didn't commit it... but I am not so sure; I think I did because that's what it seems like. And to make matters worse, not only am I then destined for a horrible reality after resurrection, but my life now is horrible too.

I hope I didn't commit the unpardonable sin, but I would need something to happen to assure me that I didn't. I pray, and pray, and nothing. I repent, and then go back to doing the things I just repented of. I just feel so hopeless,  and alone; and like things are constantly working against me. And I feel awkward even praying to God, because I don't think He likes me very much. I don't know if you can understand the hopelessness I feel, but I tried getting you to understand it in this post.

Maybe I shouldn't bother you guys anymore with my problems, but I wanted you to know why I asked for prayer in the first place. And this might even be the last post like this because I've made too many of these already. So I might as well not even post, unless it's something different for a change. If there shall be some changes in my life I will let you know, and then you'll know that you did something good (by praying for me).


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Re: interesting: prayer saved women from getting raped, and...
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2013, 12:42:48 AM »

There is no such thing as an unpardonable sin.  All sins have already been forgiven.  All humanity, all beings, will be saved by the Power of God.  You have nothing to fear or worry about.  We have all got it made by the Grace of God.

Psalms 23:4 - Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Deuteronomy 31:8 - It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”

Hebrews 7:25 Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.

Keep posting Pierdut.  We're here to walk this way with you.  Remember that this is a season in your life.  God is allowing you to go through whatever you are experiencing for a reason.  We've all had seasons of hopelessness of our own making, but looking back, we are able to see God's hand in it.  Today we are stronger for it.

p.s. Be thankful for the little rays of sunshine in your life, which I'm sure there are, if you look carefully.  Life, is never so hopeless. :)


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Re: interesting: prayer saved women from getting raped, and...
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2013, 01:32:28 AM »


Where did you get the idea that you are "destined for a horrible reality after resurrection"?
It may help to dig deeper into the judgment that the unsaved will face when they are resurrected. It may be that your fears are exaggerated or unfounded.

For example, as things stand now I expect my sons to be in the second resurrection and I don't view that as something to fear with great concern. I don't imagine that they will like what they have to endure, but it will be done with the expectation of success in their lives.
When it is over it will have made better men of each of them and they will be able to look back on the experience with true joy as they come to know God and His Christ.

Praying for your understanding, Indiana Bob

I appreciate all the prayers; I can use all the help I can get. Have any of you been in this situation that I am now in? It's hard for me to even make it through the day because I feel so hopeless and forsaken,  and even like I am cursed or something. I know the Scriptures say that no man can come to Him unless he is drawn of God; and I believe that, yet it seems like my prayers are in vain... like no one is listening.  That's not to say God doesn't exist, though it seems like He does not care.

I know I'm a horrible sinner, and that's why I feel like perhaps it's too late for me; like maybe I crossed the line and it's too late for me in this life. There is a Scripture that talks about the unpardonable sin. And I know Ray talked about that, and said if you're concerned about it you didn't commit it... but I am not so sure; I think I did because that's what it seems like. And to make matters worse, not only am I then destined for a horrible reality after resurrection, but my life now is horrible too.

I hope I didn't commit the unpardonable sin, but I would need something to happen to assure me that I didn't. I pray, and pray, and nothing. I repent, and then go back to doing the things I just repented of. I just feel so hopeless,  and alone; and like things are constantly working against me. And I feel awkward even praying to God, because I don't think He likes me very much. I don't know if you can understand the hopelessness I feel, but I tried getting you to understand it in this post.

Maybe I shouldn't bother you guys anymore with my problems, but I wanted you to know why I asked for prayer in the first place. And this might even be the last post like this because I've made too many of these already. So I might as well not even post, unless it's something different for a change. If there shall be some changes in my life I will let you know, and then you'll know that you did something good (by praying for me).

Hi Bob,

You asked where I got that idea; from the Bible:

Heb 10:26 - 29 and Matt 12:31

Now I know that does not necessarily mean that it shall never ever be forgiven, but it says that it shall not, neither in this age, nor the one to come. Maybe the one after that; but still that's an awfully long time.

My fear is that I can't be forgiven anymore in this age; because I have once come unto a knowledge of the truth, and then I eventually began willfully sinning again, and did those things it talks about in those verses.
I am not sure if I can still be forgiven in this age or not, and that was really the point of my previous post. I know that only God can help me, and no prayer can change His mind about some thing... but He does inspire people to first pray for a prayer He wants to answer.

Edit: There's also John 3:36, where it mentions the wrath of God remaining on people... maybe that's what my problem is.

« Last Edit: September 19, 2013, 09:11:46 AM by Pierdut »


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Re: interesting: prayer saved women from getting raped, and...
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2013, 01:56:30 AM »

Hi Pierdut,

Prayer is certainly good, but it is not enough by itself. If you are really serious you must study what the Scripture teach to be righteousness/obedience and apply these things to your life.

Ray has given us a incredible amount of material to help us understand what the Scripture is saying to us. If God has opened your eyes to these truths, then it still takes an incredible amount of study, meditation and praying to begin to see what the Spirit is saying. God reveals His will to us in His Word, that is where you can find the answers that you seek.

Think about how much time you/me/anybody spends doing these things (study, meditation, prayer), striving to understand the will of God, compared to how much time we spend on others things. How much time spent doing something is a good indication of where your priories are.

Now I'm not saying that we can do these things by our own will or desire, but God's Spirit will stir these desires up within you and that Spirit will also give you the help you need to overcome and do these things. It's God that does it all, but He is doing His work in us and through us to teach us how to overcome and obey.

Eph 2:10  For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

John 14:16  And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever--
v. 17  the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.
v. 18  I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.

mercy, peace and love
« Last Edit: September 19, 2013, 02:14:39 PM by Kat »

G. Driggs

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Re: interesting: prayer saved women from getting raped, and...
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2013, 09:28:12 AM »


Everyone here has given you some excellent advice and encouragement. Please listen to them, take it in and seriously consider it all.

It's gonna take a lot of time to get to a point where sin no longer has rule over you. The fact you express and acknowledge your an horrible sinner is a good thing. Let it humble you as you realize God has made you this way. Trust that only He can and will fix you in His time and not yours.

All of God's Elect has gone through, is going through and will go through what you are going through now. That old serpent wants you to believe God does not care.

We who have this hope are with you bro.

1Pe 5:6  Therefore be humbled under the mighty hand of God, so that He may exalt you in due time,
1Pe 5:7  casting all your anxiety onto Him, for He cares for you.
1Pe 5:8  Be sensible and vigilant, because your adversary the Devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking someone he may devour;
1Pe 5:9  whom firmly resist in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions in the world are being completed in your brotherhood.
1Pe 5:10  But the God of all grace, He calling us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a little, He will perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. 

Here's a great email reply from Ray on the subject.

In one of your e-mails you said that God expects us sin, which means he's not disappointed or angry with us?

The question here is: Everytime I sin, I ask forgiveness and repent. I feel that it's not working (repenting, asking forgiveness, etc). Am I doing something wrong?

[Ray Replies]

Dear Jeff:

Unfortunately, there is not a magic bullet that will instantly clean us of all sin and bad habits. Even the physical analogies of this spiritual washing, purging, and cleaning of our carnality, indicate that time is required. It takes time to wash clothing, it takes time to purify gold and silver in a furnace, etc.

The penalty of sin issue can be settled in your heart and mind the instant you come to realize that Jesus PAID IN FULL the penalty for your sins and all the sin of the world. However, paying the penalty for sin does not instantly PURGE AND WASH US CLEAN OF SIN. The penalty is paid, but the condition lingers.

The more you SEE your sins and shortcomings, the more you will DESIRE to rid yourself of these things. We are crucified WITH CHRIST, yet we live, but the life we live is one of OVERCOMING THE SINS FOR WHICH WE AND CHRIST DIED FOR.

We have been HAND-PICKED by God to be in His kingdom. Now we must go through the training course that He has set before us.  Jesus said that He overcame THE WORLD. We too are to overcome THE WORLD. It's a HUGE task, that requires the power of SPIRIT to accomplish.

Don't become discouraged in well-doing. You will triumph in Christ if you have His spirit working in you. God will even give you the DESIRE to want to do right and be right.

This life is a life of SPIRITUAL WARFARE. There will be many battles before the final victory. So we must endure and we must overcome. For those whom God has chosen, this will be accomplished!

God be with you,

« Last Edit: September 19, 2013, 09:35:01 AM by G. Driggs »

Ian 155

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Re: interesting: prayer saved women from getting raped, and...
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2013, 03:01:18 PM »

Wee bit off the topic,
When I started getting understanding of the word it was a bad dream come true,I lost everything I mean everything right down to the fridge [refrigerator] I was in so many situations all at one time and with 5 children in tow and a disgusted wife well bro this seems like it must happen,you see we have to be born again in otherwords revisiting all we ever learned from this corupt world and getting accurate insight unlike clever human insight and this happens in Gods time and the recognition/understanding is from God I no longer fear giving, I no longer put Me first our situation is still disgusting but there are deep changes and I have no idea or cannot pinpoint any direct incident responsable.

Whether we like or dont like this, these things will happen, its not like you have to give almighty God the nod of acceptance in whatever you are about to go thru, this happens Gods way,anyway

He that was with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fire is with you, he is GOD

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