Dear Marilyn:
Trust me, the more you read and study the more clear it will all become. Imagine the freight of an elementary school child looking at a quantum mechanic mathematic book? You can't take it all in in a day, Marilyn. Jesus PERSONALLY taught His twelve apostles for three and a half years, and at the end of that period they understood just about nothing. (See my "TWELVE POINTS TO UNDERSTAND GOD'S WORD").
God be with you,
> OK......that was a STUPID statement I made. But I was blown away by the first
> couple of your articles on the Lake of Fire series. Regarding Satan, I always
> wondered where "Lucifer's" pride came from when he rebelled against God. Did
> God's creation "malfunction". And why did God put Satan on earth knowing full
> well that He was going to create Adam and Eve on earth?

And what about
> all of Satan's fellow fallen angels (1/3 of Heaven's angels) who were cast out
> of Heaven?? Were they "defective" or "created that way"

How can God
> allow the "good" angels to do battle with "evil angels"

?? For what
> purpose?

?? How can a Holy Holy Holy, Righteous, Perfect, All-Loving, etc.
> God create anything so EVIL as EVI L itself and let it loose on unsuspecting
> humanity??? Why the crucifixion if God ultimately saves all?

? My brain is
> still fried.................................... I know there's no short concise
> answer to any of these questions, but this is just to let you know all the
> "stuff" doing battle in my head. I'm going to take a nap. I think I'm in over
> my head........Marilyn