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Author Topic: One incredible year  (Read 5126 times)

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One incredible year
« on: August 02, 2006, 10:55:54 AM »

Today is the 1 year anniversary of my "stumbling" onto Bible Truths, what an incredible, amazing journey the Spirit has led me on. It is by no means close to finished as I am learning and experiencing new insights daily, in good times and bad I can see purpose and order in things that used to anger, frustrate and confuse me.

Last Aug. 2nd  I was full of anxiety mostly (but not exclusively) about the impending hurricanes on the horizen, being a manager in the construction industry my responsibilities extend from the actual building process through the warranty period, hurricanes and tropical storms are not our friend.

That night I was feeling particularly on edge as we were potentially in the path of 2 storms that could possibly hit our area by the end of the week. I was at my computer and I entered "weather Revelation" looking for biblical references to strange weather patterns in the last days. To my surprise the # 1 hit on the search results was "There is no Hell and I can prove it" L. Ray Smith. What? Out of curiousity, to see what this whacko was selling I clicked on the link, within 15 minutes I was shouting "unbelievable," thank you God! I was reading things that went straight to my spirit ringing truth like nothing I had experienced before, my wife thought I was losing my mind with all the yelps and Amens, she ran upstairs to my office to check and see if I was truly losing it, this was about 8 PM. At 11:00 she checked in again amazed I was still reading and mumbling, "thank you Lord, Amen, fantastic!"

Anyway, I was up until almost 3 AM on a work night (normally in bed by 10 at the latest) with an excitement and gratitude that made any sleep that night impossible, I finally layed on my back and spent the next couple hours just thanking our Lord and anxiously waiting for my workday to be completed so I could read more. I had forgotten all about my hurricane worries when this incredible treasure was revealed.

I could go on and on but I will spare you,

Thank you God for using Ray and Bible Truths to reveal His plan to us,


P.S. I have never been able to duplicate the results from the search using "weather, revelation."

A coincidence?


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Re: One incredible year
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2006, 02:24:23 PM »

 ;D Joe... Happy Anniversary!  You have made our BT forum such a warm, accepting place to be.  Your wisdom and love shows on every post you make.

 ;)I am glad you are near my "kids", I know there will be heavy praying going up when storms come.  Lets pray for Chris to fizzle.

Love you lots,


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Re: One incredible year
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2006, 04:21:09 PM »

Thank you Bobby & Gena,

Any and all good things that are happening in my life and if and when I am able to effectively share or help anyone all glory and praise goes to our Lord. The changes within me and how I deal with people and situations is truly a miracle. For so many years I was looking outside for signs and wonders as in "end times" scenarios and men's interpretations of Daniel and the Revelation (especially) relating to (present day) Israel, the Middle East, America in Prophecy, etc.

What I found to be proof positive of God's power was the profound effect He had on me as an individual, how so many aspects of my life in how I think and interact with others is the polar opposite of what it was even a year ago after decades of dealing with the same demons.

Praise the name of the Lord,



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Re: One incredible year
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2006, 04:27:08 PM »

I was looking for more ways to give Gods money to someone that could teach me to get more money; I wanted that 100 fold increase  ::). And the individual that I had chosen was Copeland. I don't recall where B-T was on the search page, but I never got to Copeland's site.
I read the material on Ray and Mike's site and wanted to meet them in person to see what they were all about. I was blessed to get that chance last November in Mobile, AL. Two of the most straight up people I have ever met.
A bonus to the conference: I was staying down by the water and got to see the BIG ships coming and going. Don't see things like that out here in the desert.


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Re: One incredible year
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2006, 08:05:17 PM »

Hey Joe,

Great story!

I found Ray while doing research on the betrayal of Judas for a project my daughter was working on. I typed in "satan" to start a Google search and there was Ray, right under The Church of Satan!

I thought that very odd that I would find him again after 5 years this way. And Joe, just like you, I was NEVER able to get Rays site to list again under a search for satan.

Coincidence??? I don't think so!!

Blessings and thanks,


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Re: One incredible year
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2006, 08:10:39 PM »

What a great reason to celebrate with the Lord, so:
Happy Anniversary Joe!

May the next year be just as revealing!



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Re: One incredible year
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2006, 11:32:38 PM »

This is my one year anniversary too. I had an articlel about "all being saved" from Tentmakers that I got in 2000. I read that article then and said, no way but for some reason I saved it .

Then last year I read the paper again and went to that site and saw the add for a conference with Ray and Mike in Nashville (my hometown) I read everything on all three web sites and even more.  I am a voraceous reader.

After that it everything gelled and it was like I was reading a brand new crystal clear bible. All of the stuff that did not make sense before became clear.  All of the anxiety over worldly stuff ended. I began to start clearing out all of the clutter and junk from my life (this is a big project and may take another year).  Things that were interesting to me now seem foolish. 

In the last year God has blessed me is so many incredible ways. I also see that the suffering serves a purpose too so I do not shun it when it happens now.  I just pray Let me learn the lesson quickly Lord. When they last longer I study the problem more intently and spiritually and I also try and work on my attitude more.

(Psa 68:19 KJVR) 
Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah.



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Re: One incredible year
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2006, 02:36:57 AM »

Congrats, Joe!   I was happy to see when you began moderating.

And Bobby, it will be a year for me in October as well. 

Was helping daughter research for a paper-- on proving Jesus was
real person and diety.......  bible-truths was in the corner and bingo!
I was hooked!  I have battled the "church" and religion for so long,
while loving God's Word and seeking Him (being drawn by Him).

How it all happened, the timing and all...... it was so
obviously of God-- so cool!  Love the Truth!  It sets you free!

Even with one of the hardest years of my life,  I wouldn't trade it!
No turning back-- we will never be the same as we were.
God is good to us!



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Re: One incredible year
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2006, 05:11:13 AM »

Happy anniversary Joe :)

I'm glad you are all here.

I googled everything I could possibly think of to find others and it took me 15 years, lol.


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Re: One incredible year
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2006, 10:17:39 AM »

What great (and heartwarming) responses, I sure do appreciate all my Sisters and Brothers here and the things I learn from you all daily. I sure hope that I can meet some of you at the upcoming Conference in Mobile, I went last year and the experience I had is one that I will never forget.

Thank you for the encouragement and the honesty we have with each other and I pray we all grow daily in His Spirit exhibiting the fruits of the spirit to all we come into contact with.

His Peace to all of you,

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