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Author Topic: the river of fire  (Read 5217 times)

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the river of fire
« on: October 22, 2014, 08:20:52 AM »

Hello all im new here. have loved reading rays stuff and most of what i have read here on the forum. im not sure how to search here on the forum so forgive me and my typos if this has been discussed.
Years ago i struggled with hell and death and sin and what not and at the time being eastern orthodox my priest rold me about the sermon by dr kalimaros entitled "the river of fire" its quite long and pf course in orthodox fashion bashes the western theology and blames the west for athiests.
but i gotta tell you what got me here to this point with you folks is the idea of necessity. Was Christ bound by necessity when he did what he did for us? That question floored me and got me i must say ready to give up my faith. But i didnt and am here ready to learn.

Ian 155

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Re: the river of fire
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2014, 09:14:52 AM »

Hello all im new here. have loved reading rays stuff and most of what i have read here on the forum. im not sure how to search here on the forum so forgive me and my typos if this has been discussed.
Years ago i struggled with hell and death and sin and what not and at the time being eastern orthodox my priest rold me about the sermon by dr kalimaros entitled "the river of fire" its quite long and pf course in orthodox fashion bashes the western theology and blames the west for athiests.
but i gotta tell you what got me here to this point with you folks is the idea of necessity. Was Christ bound by necessity when he did what he did for us? That question floored me and got me i must say ready to give up my faith. But i didnt and am here ready to learn.

Yes he was commissioned/sent by the Father, to be saviour of the world

 1 John 4v14

Unlike Jesus,we too, are commissioned to"die" to the things of this present world and are resurrected as new creations 




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Re: the river of fire
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2014, 11:50:29 AM »

Hi Eliezer,

Welcome to the forum  :)

Was Christ bound by necessity when he did what he did for us?

"Bound by necessity" seems to imply He had no choice in the matter and puts a negative slant on what He did. It's a complicated issue, but I will put some excerpts here for you from a conference 'Who and What is Jesus? & Who is His Father?' I believe this should help you better understand this.,4472.0.html -------

Everything, all knowledge, the plan of the universe is out of God. But then it is channeled through Jesus Christ. Why?  He’s the Spokesman, and the creator, and the Savior, and the example to humanity. Because God can’t come down and face us, face to face. Christ in His glory, in the OT, you couldn’t face Him either, it would have blown you away. But He emptied Himself. Christ talked about "My Father, your Father; My God, your God." (John 20:17) 

So everything there is, is out of God and then it is through or by Jesus Christ, that He channeled everything that there is.

Phi 2:6  …thought it not robbery to be equal with God,
v. 7  but made Himself of no reputation, and took on Himself the form of a servant(slave), and was made in the likeness of man.

So this was an inborn right of birth, to have these powers. What did He do? Where it says, "He made Himself of no reputation," the KJ margin says, He emptied Himself of all His privileges. I mean He is so mighty and everything, I mean you’re not going to kill Him. He has got to reduce down, to something really small, compared to what He was. He voluntarily did that, “He took it on Himself,” you see. He was made low enough to kill. It says in Hebrews, “A little lower than the angels,” so they could kill Him.

So could Jesus Christ be as mighty as God and still be able to die? Not only could He, He had to. Because that’s who died. The One who spoke to Moses, is the One who died. How did He die? Now no one could have killed Him, He was too powerful. But He could lay down His life. He could do it Himself and He did. Put all the scripture together. Christ said, “I lay down My life, no one takes it from Me.”(John 10:17-18).   
Someone would have you believe that God said, You will die. No, He volunteered. He said “I lay down My life,” no one takes it, He volunteered. But how could He do that? He’s the Creator of the universe!
[3] "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I AM [Gk: I exist]" (John 8:58). "Ere Abraham came into being, I AM" (Concordant Version).

I put in bold the words that I feel is paramount to understand about what Christ did for us, it was not a thing done purely out of necessity, but He volunteered out a love, as a "sin offering."

2Co 5:21 For the One not knowing sin, He makes to be a sin offering for our sakes that we may be becoming God's righteousness in Him."

Christ came that the plan of the Father could be carried out and everything be fulfilled from the prophecies and so we all would be redeemed from sin and death (Rom 8:2). A very precious thing He willingly volunteered to do so that we could come back from the dead as He had.

Luke 24:44  Then he said to them, "These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled."
v. 45  Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures,
v. 46  and said to them, "Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead,

I will also post here for you all the links to what is available for you here at the forum.

Here are the boards and info we have here at the forum.
Forum Rules- General info,3.0.html
Topic- Questions and Truth,4558.0.html
Topic- How this Forum is Moderated,3614.0.html

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Forum Indexes & Info.,14.0.html

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Off Topic board- to discuss things that may not directly relate to BT, you will find a good bit of humor,4.0.html

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Members Recipes- for sharing recipes and food tips,22.0.html

mercy, peace and love


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Re: the river of fire
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2014, 01:28:11 PM »

Wow thanks kat
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