Hi Ray: Ray I have been studying your web-site and for the best part I agree with most of your insight on scripture. I also realize that no one person has a monoply on God's word, sometimes people interpret things differently. So I visited a web-site called (Let Us Reason) it is here I found a section on Soul Sleep, I found it very Interesting, it was quite opposite from your understanding. So I was wondering if you would look it up and tell me what you think, as I have come to appreciate your gift from God, to discern scripture.This web-site does offer some good interpretations, and I would value your feedback. Just look up, Let Us Reason, find the part that says Seven Day Adventists and the Law givers, scroll down to soul sleep.I know how busy you must be with all these questions, so I'll forgive you if you don't get back to me. Thank you Ray an d may God bless you in your walk with him.
Dear Brian:
Over the years people have given me many books, booklets, articles, papers, disks, DVD's, cassetts, letters (some forthy pages type written), and web sites by the hundreds and thousands (one person gave me TWO HUNDRED AND TEN web sites that he wanted me to read and critique). If I were to read all of this stuff it would come to be MILIONS OF PAGES. Do you really think that I have time to read millions of pages in my "spare time?" First of all "soul sleep" is an UNSCRIPTURAL term. So what would I ever want to read anything that the very title itself is unscriptural? If they don't understand that "souls" DO NOT SLEEP in death, then they don't understand ANYTHONG regarding death being analogous to "sleep."
God be with you,