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Re: Is your faith challenged when you hear about UFO’s
« Reply #20 on: February 27, 2015, 07:03:42 PM »

Just one related comment Rick,

Nothing that is presented in the 3 videos proves that the sightings were caused by beings from another star/galaxy or species foreign to this planet.
If something emitted light or reflected light so that it could be seen moving across the sky, that in and of itself doesn't establish that the UFO was from outside our solar system.
Many strange phenomenon may be caused by electromagnetic forces we have yet to discover. The fact that we don't know what it is or where it came from only proves that we have more to learn.

Below is and actual film clip from July 12- 1952, no one can deny the evidence unless they simply close their eyes. 

There is so much evidence on this planet that supports the UFO phenomenon that is totally mind blowing  but are aliens real ?

I believe the answers to the alien deception can be found in the book of Genesis.

 Gen 6:4  The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them: the same were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown.

These Nephilim are not of the line of Adam and Eve but I do believe these ancient people and their civilization can explain the alien phenomenon.  ;)



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Re: Is your faith challenged when you hear about UFO’s
« Reply #21 on: February 27, 2015, 07:33:19 PM »


I showed my fiance these things and she was wholly unconvinced it was aliens or even heavenly beings of some sort. She said it could very well have been something a long the lines you mentioned and I am tending to agree with that.

Either way, I don't believe there are aliens outside this planet somewhere. I also watched a video in my science class a long time ago while I was in school, it was a chemistry course don't ask me why we were watching this video, in which scientists explained it was physically impossible for any being to travel from a distance planet to our let alone for them to move in the ways that are often described of them to be moving by those who claim to see them or capture them on video. They said scientifically, unless the laws change and are not constant across our physical universe, that aliens have not visited us.

As someone who is fairly studied in the sciences and believes that science can offer us sufficiently reasonable explanations for the way our world functions, I am inclined to agree with the notions that even if aliens exist (which like I said, I don't believe they do), they cannot nor have they visited us.

God bless,
1 Cor 1:10 "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment."

Rhys 🕊

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Re: Is your faith challenged when you hear about UFO’s
« Reply #22 on: February 27, 2015, 08:16:13 PM »

It's life Jim but not as we know it  :P

As the former commander of the Starship Enterprise of course aliens exist but there ships cannot match the awesomeness of the Starship Enterprise.

Warp speed Mr Sulu  ???


Dave in Tenn

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Re: Is your faith challenged when you hear about UFO’s
« Reply #23 on: February 27, 2015, 08:46:25 PM »

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against  principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6:12).

Octoberrose, if I can be  brief and not open too big a can of worms, I'll try.

I've never consciously or unconsciously 'wrestled' against 'spirits' or 'spirit-beings' that seemed bent on deceiving me...except maybe in my youth when we were encouraged to raise our hands or pray 'against' unseen beings.  I have wrestled with -isms, and ideologies, and religions, and movements, and myriad other 'things' cooked up in the minds of men to win my loyalty, or support, or money or to control my thoughts, emotions, and actions.  That's the 'darkness' of this world--murders, envy, strife, the lust of the eyes, of the flesh, and the pride of life, etc.  These things have a spiritual basis--spiritual wickedness--and "rulers" in this world that are not flesh and blood, but ideas, thoughts, concepts, etc.

Among these is the fascination with "extra-terrestrials" and all the baggage that goes with that.  Sometimes they are relatively harmless.  Sometimes not so much.   

Not to forget that I also have "high places" even within myself.  Seems like every time one has been 'out-wrestled', the gospel gets better.   

Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Is your faith challenged when you hear about UFO’s
« Reply #24 on: February 27, 2015, 08:47:56 PM »

To all who responded,

First I thank all you for some great responses, I wasn’t aware Ray had some things to say about UFO’s in some of his e-mails and I thank all of you who put those e mails out there for me to read, they were very helpful.

Im somewhat perplex as to the people who were here before Adam and Eve, these giants or the Nephilim, the ones Cain referred to when he said to God anyone who finds me will kill me.

Now I discovered there are people alive today that may not be in the lineage  of Adams and Eves and if this is true would not God extend salvation to these people also ?

Moreover how can one know if they are from the lineage  of Adam and Eve or from the lineage of these Nephilims or giants ? 

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Is your faith challenged when you hear about UFO’s
« Reply #25 on: February 27, 2015, 09:09:53 PM »

To all who responded,

First I thank all you for some great responses, I wasn’t aware Ray had some things to say about UFO’s in some of his e-mails and I thank all of you who put those e mails out there for me to read, they were very helpful.

Im somewhat perplex as to the people who were here before Adam and Eve, these giants or the Nephilim, the ones Cain referred to when he said to God anyone who finds me will kill me.

Now I discovered there are people alive today that may not be in the lineage  of Adams and Eves and if this is true would not God extend salvation to these people also ?

Moreover how can one know if they are from the lineage  of Adam and Eve or from the lineage of these Nephilims or giants ?

You don't know that these 'giants' or Nephilim were the ones Cain referred to, so there's no reason to be perplexed.  God is the Father of ALL MANKIND, and it doesn't matter what your understanding (or lack thereof) of 'lineages' may be.  God said, LET US MAKE MANKIND IN OUR IMAGE.  Rest on that even if you want to grapple with the other. 
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Is your faith challenged when you hear about UFO’s
« Reply #26 on: February 27, 2015, 09:35:23 PM »

To all who responded,

First I thank all you for some great responses, I wasn’t aware Ray had some things to say about UFO’s in some of his e-mails and I thank all of you who put those e mails out there for me to read, they were very helpful.

Im somewhat perplex as to the people who were here before Adam and Eve, these giants or the Nephilim, the ones Cain referred to when he said to God anyone who finds me will kill me.

Now I discovered there are people alive today that may not be in the lineage  of Adams and Eves and if this is true would not God extend salvation to these people also ?

Moreover how can one know if they are from the lineage  of Adam and Eve or from the lineage of these Nephilims or giants ?

You don't know that these 'giants' or Nephilim were the ones Cain referred to, so there's no reason to be perplexed.  God is the Father of ALL MANKIND, and it doesn't matter what your understanding (or lack thereof) of 'lineages' may be.  God said, LET US MAKE MANKIND IN OUR IMAGE.  Rest on that even if you want to grapple with the other.

Pretty much this. Also, the promise is no longer after the flesh but after the spirit. Those in Christ are the Jews now. Circumcision is of the heart and not of the penis. Its a new covenant not in accordance with the old so it matters not who is of the lineage of Adam and Eve any more. It was a big deal though to physical Isreal back in the day. First the natural then the spiritual. The physical covenant was merely a shadow of a spiritual reality to come in Christ.

Jeremiah 31:31 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
Jeremiah 31:32 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the Lord:

Hebrews 8:8 For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:
Hebrews 8:13 In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2015, 09:38:19 PM by lilitalienboi16 »
1 Cor 1:10 "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment."


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Re: Is your faith challenged when you hear about UFO’s
« Reply #27 on: February 27, 2015, 09:40:31 PM »

Hi Rick,

Act 17:26 “And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings,
v. 27 “so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us;
v. 28 “for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring.'

Paul here states that God "made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth," this means of the human race, as the word "blood" is used as a metaphorical term to denote race here. Paul even goes further to state "every nation... on earth" is God's "offspring." So yes I would certainly believe those before Adam will ultimately be save.

Now this may be different from what we have always heard, but that should not keep us from accepting the truth and when you realize this truth many Scripture begin to make more sense. Now this is not an idea that I came up with, it is what Ray began to understand and present to us.,12719.msg111472.html#msg111472 ---

RAY'S COMMENT:  Chapter two does not contradict chapter one. The order in chapter one is plants, animals, and then humanity.  Is this not the order found in the geologic table?  Chapter two does not recount the creation of humanity, but rather the creation of Adam and Eve.  In Genesis 1:26 God "made" [Heb: 'asah'] male and female. In Gen. 2:6 God "formed" [Heb: 'yatsar'] Adam--two difference Hebrew words: two different formations.  Notice that it doesn't say in chapter 2 verse 3 that there was no man on earth at this time, but rather that there was "no man to till the ground."  There were men, but they were hunters/gatherers, not farmers.  God is now going to make a more advance human to cultivate and farm the land. 

The phrase "dress it and keep it" in verse 15, is "tend and cultivate." God is teaching Adam to be a farmer. When in doubt, read a proper translation.  God did not create the animals AFTER He created Adam. Notice a proper translation from the Concordant Literal Old Testament: "And furthermore, Ieu Alueim ['the Lord God'] HAVING FORMED [yes, having ALREADY formed, millions of years in the past] all field life and every flyer of the heavens."  God is bringing to Adam the Animal species which He had already created millions of years in the past, to have Adam give names to them.  This obviously took years.  Some, such as the dinosaurs (the reptilian 'tannyin, tannyim,' of Gen. 1:21 had already been extinct for many millions of years. These were decidedly not, "great whales," as the King James erroneously translates it).

It was from this first group of humanity that Cain apparently got his wife, cities were built, etc.

Chapter two does not cover the creation of plant life. That began hundreds of millions of years earlier.  What God is doing in Chapter two is He is planting a garden for the man to cultivate, farm, and harvest. The word "planted" in Gen. 2:8 is from the Hebrew meaning "to sprout." God "sprouted" newly planted trees, etc.  They were mere buds, which would require years to produce fruit to eat. What was Adam expected to eat until these trees matured?

mercy, peace and love


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Re: Is your faith challenged when you hear about UFO’s
« Reply #28 on: March 01, 2015, 12:51:07 PM »

That God has made from one "blood" all of mankind obviously does not mean we all share the same Original Ancestor.  Or do some of you maintain that it does?

If by "blood", the scriptures mean "human type" or "species", that is a group that is inter-fertile, then I agree with the above statement.  In other words, I do not think all of humanity today shares the same Original Ancestor.  But, I am open to correction on that.

So, Kat, I wonder if I see it as (I think) you do...The flood of Noah entirely destroyed all the "sons of God"--that is the bloodline from Adam, except for Noah and his sons.  Those 'others' who survived on the earth (the Nations) were therefore not of the line of Adam.

I think if this view is correct, it explains the existence of the Reptilians... (politicians, authoritarians, warmongers, and other heathenist psychopathic types).

Also, I wonder about the folks Jesus referred to as being "of their father, the devil"...Was there any literal/physical sense to his observation?  And, is it possible Cain and Able had different fathers?


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Re: Is your faith challenged when you hear about UFO’s
« Reply #29 on: March 01, 2015, 01:55:22 PM »

That God has made from one "blood" all of mankind obviously does not mean we all share the same Original Ancestor.  Or do some of you maintain that it does?

If by "blood", the scriptures mean "human type" or "species", that is a group that is inter-fertile, then I agree with the above statement.  In other words, I do not think all of humanity today shares the same Original Ancestor.  But, I am open to correction on that.

So, Kat, I wonder if I see it as (I think) you do...The flood of Noah entirely destroyed all the "sons of God"--that is the bloodline from Adam, except for Noah and his sons.  Those 'others' who survived on the earth (the Nations) were therefore not of the line of Adam.

I think you are correct here Neo, although I don't know if we can be sure that all of the sons of God were destroyed in the flood unless all of the sons of God were in that part of the land that was destroyed. Is it possible that there were other "sons of God" that had migrated elsewhere over the previous centuries prior to the flood?

I think if this view is correct, it explains the existence of the Reptilians... (politicians, authoritarians, warmongers, and other heathenist psychopathic types).

The term "reptilians" is used by those who believe in a literal serpent seed (ie those who falsely believe that Eve had sex with Satan and created a separate race of people on this earth through the bloodline of Cain). It is clear from Scripture that Adam had sex with Eve and she conceived Cain: "And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord." (Gen 4:1).

Also referring to reptilians as "politicians, authoritarians, warmongers, and other heathenist psychopathic types" as if they are inherently more evil than the "sons of God" is also a fallacy. Just look at the nation of Israel and the many times they (the people and leadership) fell into "heathenish" behavior and turned their back on God. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and all are capable of every sort of evil.

Also, I wonder about the folks Jesus referred to as being "of their father, the devil"...Was there any literal/physical sense to his observation?  And, is it possible Cain and Able had different fathers?

"And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord." (Gen 4:1). Again, no Cain is not literally the son of the devil. Christ's words are spirit and that statement He made is to be spiritually discerned.

Angels or spirit beings don't procreate with mankind. The whole reptilian/serpent seed/human hybrid doctrine is very popular among certain groups out there, but it is complete fantasy.



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Re: Is your faith challenged when you hear about UFO’s
« Reply #30 on: March 01, 2015, 02:31:57 PM »

Hi Michael,

As I had posted the section where Ray spoke about the Genesis 1:26-27 as being the first time when God "made" male and female humans to live on earth, I believe this was long before Adam and Eve were "formed" (Genesis 2:6). So we have 2 separate times of man being created and I believe that the nations are the descendants of the first people of Genesis 1 that were already living at the time Adam was formed in Genesis 2. Though they certainly intermixed (Genesis 6:2), there was plenty of the first people that did not and lived as separate nations all the way down to new testaments times, I believe they were then referred to as Gentiles/foreigners/stranger/aliens, depending on the translation.

Actually Cain had left the land of his parents, Adam and Eve.

Gen 4:16  Then Cain went out from the presence of the LORD and dwelt in the land of Nod on the east of Eden.

So it is possible that not every single descendant of Adam was in the area of the flood. I think the flood, though certainly literal and did wipe out those descendants of Adam that were there in that part of the land. But it has great symbolism... the ark representing Christ and Noah and his family the few that are 'in' Christ, and the flood the judgment to come on the world.

The term "of their father, the devil" is also symbolic, of the carnal minded people being influenced by Satan. But the idea that Satan fathered Cain is just not a possibility to me. Here is one place Ray mentions this. -----------------------------

Is this really describing something physical? 

[Ray's reply]

Satan is a spirit being, seeing that he has been around for thousands of years. He is called a devil, serpent/snake, dragon, etc. We are not exactly sure what a dragon looks like, but supposedly it is in the reptile family as are snakes.

Nowhere that I can think of, did Satan ever appear visibly to anyone. Therefore his serpent/dragon qualities (or lack thereof) must be spiritual. Satan is a SPIRITUAL SNAKE. He has the secret, stealth qualities of a snake moving unseen in the dark. Although he is "like" [in certain characteristics] a roaring lion, he is not a lion, but "as" a lion he goes about seeking whom he may devour [Gk: 'swallow up' as in 'swallow a camel']. Spiritually devour/swallow.

So, did Eve talk with a literal, physical, snake, face to face, in the garden? I don't think so.

God be with you all,

« Last Edit: March 02, 2015, 08:36:34 PM by Kat »

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Is your faith challenged when you hear about UFO’s
« Reply #31 on: March 01, 2015, 07:21:59 PM »

I'll bow out with this (hopefully--no promises).  Genesis 6:4 is not it's own interpretation either.  Jesus and the Apostles explained to my complete satisfaction just who the 'children of God' are.  I'm at perfect peace with that, and see absolutely no reason to 'interpret' Genesis 6:4 in any other way.  Wrestle all you want with genealogies and how they work.  Cain didn't reference "giants".  Not even Abraham was a "Jew".  Not even Isaac was Jew.  There are tons more people NOT mentioned in scripture either by name or 'nationality' than ARE.  They all live(d) and moved(d) and have/had their being in Him.  He has made all things, and without Him nothing that was made was made.  Without Him--nothing.       
« Last Edit: March 01, 2015, 07:33:00 PM by Dave in Tenn »
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Is your faith challenged when you hear about UFO’s
« Reply #32 on: March 01, 2015, 11:44:14 PM »

Well, I guess the question of the true nature of the Flood still haunts me...Being a once hardened 'global flood' guy who knew all the scriptures inside and out regarding it...  I absolutely understand it now as local; I am convinced of it scripturally and 'scientifically', but I'm still hung up on the very precise wording of the scripture as to "all that have the breath of life perished" (and so forth).  It just seems like God went through a whole lot of trouble enacting the Flood, then inspiring the precise words about it to be recorded and remembered in almost every culture to this day, if He only meant to just wipe out a few evil people in a very small land, in order to make a (minor) spiritual point to a very small sect of His followers. 

I just think there was something a bit more profound to it. 

Anyway, Nathan, thanks for the response!  I guess I should have used an emoticon or something though to show I was being a bit facetious.. I know Cain was literally not the 'spawn of Satan', and the Pharisees were likewise not the descendants of the Devil, or Nephilim, or ET.  So I get that.. BUT, (and by 'Reptilians', I was just using the parlance of the herd!) I still see something fundamentally different with some people--actually a large minority of people I've been blessed/cursed with having the acquaintance of... many of whom were among my own family.

If you want to see it through my eyes, read The Mask of Sanity.  There really is something different about some people.  Something wholly intangible, which cannot be described with the tools of science, perhaps, but something nonetheless.  It's not that they're "more evil than the sons of God", rather, something darker, obscure, something lacking..

Kat, I do see it your way as well.  But, there is certainly something very much unexplored regarding the idea that we don't all share the same common ancestor!  This is crypto-archaeology teetering on paranoid delusion!  No sect of modern science (that I know of) even hints at this.   And yet, what does that say about someone like me, who, possibly, believes it? Really, isn't that exactly what the "Reptilian" cult teaches?   :o

Curious too...what percentage of humanity today, do you reckon, are actual descendants of Adam?
« Last Edit: March 01, 2015, 11:48:01 PM by Neo »


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Re: Is your faith challenged when you hear about UFO’s
« Reply #33 on: March 02, 2015, 05:13:04 PM »

Kat, I do see it your way as well.  But, there is certainly something very much unexplored regarding the idea that we don't all share the same common ancestor!  This is crypto-archaeology teetering on paranoid delusion!  No sect of modern science (that I know of) even hints at this.   And yet, what does that say about someone like me, who, possibly, believes it? Really, isn't that exactly what the "Reptilian" cult teaches?   :o

Curious too...what percentage of humanity today, do you reckon, are actual descendants of Adam?

Well it's interesting that their are indigenous people all around the world, some that continue to live a tribal lifestyle. They have lived an unsophisticated lifestyle for tens of thousands of years, then there arose a more dominate people that began colonization and domestication of these people.

As you mentioned Michael, there is absolutely no acknowledgment that there are 2 separate groups of people from separate ancestors. I can only say that this seems to be just another bit lost knowledge that has completely deceived the world... like the idea that the flood was worldwide, that there is a eternal hell, that we have free will, etc.

Here is a little bit I found on the indigenous people... there are at least 370 million people worldwide are considered to be indigenous. Most of them live in remote areas of the world. Indigenous peoples are divided into at least 5000 peoples ranging from the forest peoples of the Amazon to the tribal peoples of India and from the Inuit of the Arctic to the Aborigines in Australia.

The indigenous population for the Untied States, as of 8/12/12 is about 0.9% indigenous, 0.7% part-indigenous. 

Indigenous people made up 3% of the total Australian population, there are 670,000 of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in 2011.

I believe the world at the time of the Apostles understood these things as they truly were; about Adam and his descendants, the flood being local and the indigenous peoples as well. It seems the church has brought in so many terrible deceptions (intended, interesting that Scripture wording allows for that) to the world, so that over the centuries so much knowledge of these things has been totally lost.

mercy, peace and love
« Last Edit: March 02, 2015, 08:42:27 PM by Kat »


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Re: Is your faith challenged when you hear about UFO’s
« Reply #34 on: March 03, 2015, 01:41:45 AM »

I wonder if anyone has tracked the population growth of the earth...indigenous people vs. 'societal' people vs. time.  When did the sons of God overtake the aboriginal humans in magnitude? Something happened, historically speaking, when that occurred. 

And what, exactly, makes the sons of God fundamentally different from the aboriginals? We still have them today;we know their 'habitat'.  And they don't seem any more evil than 'Us'. Matter of fact, they seem more sociable, more in tune with Creation, and closer (in mind set) with the Creator.

 'We' build nuclear weapons.  'We' treat our fellow men like animals to be controlled, corralled, and consumed.. 'We' are the destroyers of the earth.

"Cain slew Abel Seth knew not why..."

(the song writer continues),
"Lord no man is free
The temples that we built to you
Have tumbled into the sea"

It is obvious, our Line (If I am of it) is no better than theirs.  We are indeed of "one blood".  We have all been murderers and liars from the beginning. 

So what makes God's sons (his new ancestral line through Adam) different?

Knowledge.  Interestingly, I was just reminded of the notion of "episodic memory", and how it differentiates humans from all other animals (the ability to understand the past and the future; a determinant in the 'sense of self').  Also known as the knowledge of Good and Evil. I think it's entirely possible the early humans lacked episodic memory... a condition whose sufferers today we would call anterograde amnesiacs.

But, the primitive humans appear to have learned this knowledge by now, if not barely, by watching us...  The fact that they cannot compete with us and our capacity for evil is only because they currently lack the resources...

We are truly, fundamentally, different though..WE are held to a higher standard, and will bear a higher penalty, because we, as sons, (either literal, or adopted) have been given KNOWLEDGE, which convicts us of our sin...

"If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloak for their sin"  (John 15:22)

That's us.  Descendants of Adam.  (And yes, for a very small group, He has given us a "cloak".)

Just wondering if anyone else sees it that way.


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Re: Is your faith challenged when you hear about UFO’s
« Reply #35 on: March 05, 2015, 11:26:28 PM »

There may be life on other planets, but I don't think they have ever visited us. The distances are just to great. They are vast and if we wanted to travel to the nearest star would take 70 years at the speed of light, a speed we can't possibly reach. Then there is the issue of supplies and oxygen for 70 years. The logistics are mind boggling. Not just for us but for alien travellers as well. Any other means of travel than this is in the realms of science fiction and storytelling and are in the minds of future quantum physicists theorists. I have heard that there is an anti-matter engine in theory, but I heard to make just 1 teaspoon of anti-matter would bankrupt the planet.  So we need to maintain perspective. Just an interested layman's POV.



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Re: Is your faith challenged when you hear about UFO’s
« Reply #36 on: March 08, 2015, 02:21:47 PM »

Just one related comment Rick,

Nothing that is presented in the 3 videos proves that the sightings were caused by beings from another star/galaxy or species foreign to this planet.
If something emitted light or reflected light so that it could be seen moving across the sky, that in and of itself doesn't establish that the UFO was from outside our solar system.
Many strange phenomenon may be caused by electromagnetic forces we have yet to discover. The fact that we don't know what it is or where it came from only proves that we have more to learn.

Hi Bob,

There is a wealth of information on line given as a testimony by credible people with very high credentials who tell what they saw and hear.

Videos and pictures mean nothing but the testimony of a credible person/s are as believable as the testimony of the apostles who were people of integrity and told what they saw and heard.

Luk 21:11  There will be terrible earthquakes, famines, and plagues everywhere; there will be strange and terrifying things coming from the sky.

I’m not talking about aliens Bob but this I will say, maybe demons like to fly in disks we call UFO”S 


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Re: Is your faith challenged when you hear about UFO’s
« Reply #37 on: March 08, 2015, 02:36:53 PM »

Ray says, Satan is a spiritual being and has not appeared to anyone. How did he communicate with Eve ? and Jesus ? It would have been impossible for Eve to know who Satan is. She would have done whatever he said, who did Eve think Satan was anyway ?   Ricky
Your heart is God`s gift to you, what you make of it, shall be your gift to Him.


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Re: Is your faith challenged when you hear about UFO’s
« Reply #38 on: March 08, 2015, 03:13:44 PM »

Hi Ricky,

Yes Satan is a spirit and he works through the carnal mind, and I'm sure he does not have a problem finding an easy to influence candidates among humans to do his bidding. So when you realize there were other people on earth at the time Adam was made/formed, well then you can understand it was not a literal snake speaking to Eve, but a person that Satan found with the right cunning attributes to influence and work through.

mercy, peace and love

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Is your faith challenged when you hear about UFO’s
« Reply #39 on: March 08, 2015, 11:14:47 PM »

Rick, most who answered have tried to answer your original our faith challenged.  I also asked YOU a question,.  You haven't answered it yet.  Is YOUR faith challenged by anything 'we've' said? 

What is it these credible witnesses have reported?  Are their reports consistent?  Have they actually 'identified' the 'unidentified'?  Or are they just grasping at explanations because they don't know themselves?

Anyway...this is the forum.  It's not the UFO identification forum.  Believe what you want for as long as you do.  For all I know, you are right.  But please don't suggest that we just need to 'open our eyes'.  It's insulting to assume we haven't.   
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.
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