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Author Topic: Diabetes  (Read 6277 times)

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« on: August 06, 2015, 09:54:40 AM »

Hi family, I just found out two weeks ago that I have type 2 Diabetes. Do any of you have some diabetic meals.  I have been way over weight since my sons got into trouble because I am a stress eater, so I ask Jesus to help me lose weight for my healths sake.
 I look at this diabetes as a answer to my prayer, because having this has given me what I need to lose wight. I have lost 7 pounds since I found out. I know some of you might think I'm crazy for feeling this way, but God answered my prayer. I know type 2 diabetes can be beaten if it's treated right and I am very motivated to beating it.
 Do any of you have any diabetic meals to offer? I would appreciate it.
 By the way my sons are doing real good. With the new laws they might be getting out early. Oh how I hope so. As of right now Jamie could get out within the next three years.
Steven got a longer sentence than Jamie, so he's  still got a long ways to go, but he is doing real good.
 Well I hope you all can help feed me right. lol

                Your sister, virginia


Dennis Vogel

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Re: Diabetes
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2015, 11:08:55 AM »

NO Sugar - Low carbohydrates will cure Type 2 Diabetes - It's all over the Internet.

When Ray tried to cure his cancer his Diabetes went 100% away as a side effect.

And NO artificially sweetened anything.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2015, 11:12:39 AM by Dennis Vogel »


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Re: Diabetes
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2015, 11:52:17 AM »

thank you Dennis, I appreciate that.


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Re: Diabetes
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2015, 12:15:05 PM »

Hi Virginia,

Dennis is right you need to go low carb, start reading labels and look at the 'total carbohydrate' number, it needs to be low. I am pre-diabetic, my blood sugar runs around 100, so I have to be very careful what I eat to keep off meds, but I'm doing it so far.

Sugars (even honey) is a major no no, there are a few more 'natural' sweeteners out there than the artificial stuff, I use stevia in my drinks (tea, coffee) now.  But really all processed foods (white flour, white rice, pasta) products are not good as well, you want 'whole grain' products and it will be a challenge trying to remove most of that stuff. But bread and fruit are my main problems now, those really have to be consumed in moderation.

You have to be careful that you don't just replace the stuff you used to eat with all the diabetic friendly stuff out there now, if losing weight is a goal, there is quite a bit of it out there now and it still has lots of calories.

Hope this helps.

mercy, peace and love


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Re: Diabetes
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2015, 02:33:01 PM »

Dennis' recommendations may sound drastic, but they are correct.

One "secret" to gaining control of your appetites is to understand how the body works.

We convert carbs to sugar to energy. If you don't burn the energy that is created then the body either casts it off in waste material or stores it as fat. The secret is to understand that the body operates on habitual history and genetics.

For example you cannot eat properly for good health and lose a pound or two and then reward yourself with candy or cake or ice cream every week end.
You could reward yourself with sweets every three months or so, but not more often.
So pick another form of reward such as an expensive steak dinner. (smile)

We all are addicted to our appetites just as much as an alcoholic or a drug user is addicted to theirs.
The human body does not forget what the body likes.
It takes time for the body to adjust to the new "no sugar" foods. Forming new, life long habits takes time and determination. AND every body is different. Some can burn sugar and some cannot do it as well. We need to do what is right and necessary for our own physical system.

The body will not burn fat as long as our blood sugar is sufficient to keep us operating at our normal pace. If your life style is sedentary, low exercise, then one teaspoon of sugar will go a long way. A can of peaches in heavy syrup will keep you going all day.

The extra "good" food you eat for vitamins and minerals although necessary, won't make up for the unnecessary can of peaches that gives you pleasure.

2. The flora or bacteria in our small intestines actually do the digesting of complex carbohydrates and vegetables and meat. We need a healthy complement of billions of bacteria specifically for the digestion of healthy foods.

When we eat sugar, even a little at every meal, the sugar stimulates the production of the type of bacteria that love sugar. At the same time the production of bacteria that will break down healthy foods is reduced.
With the result that the nutrients in the healthy foods may be lost. WHY?

Well the healthy foods such as vegetables take longer to break down in the intestines and when we eat sugary foods and sweet breads made of white flour with our veggies, the veggies speed through the digestive tract too fast to be absorbed. Once the digested food is passed on to the large intestine for storage the benefits are lost.

The truth is out there, but so are the sales pitches for an easy way to good health.
The truth is that there is no easy way, until we change our habits and make them life long and life changing.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, all of the above is my own research and conclusions.
Be like the more noble Bereans, check it out for yourself and pray for guidance.

Indiana Bob

NO Sugar - Low carbohydrates will cure Type 2 Diabetes - It's all over the Internet.

When Ray tried to cure his cancer his Diabetes went 100% away as a side effect.

And NO artificially sweetened anything.


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Re: Diabetes
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2015, 03:37:21 PM »

Hi Virginia,

All the advise above is very good. Bob mentioned having good bacteria in your intestines. This is extremely important. I use a product called Renew Life and it is very good. I get the Senior formula, some of the mega doses I find to be too much. Also, drinking spring water is something that is often overlooked. You should not drink any other water but spring water, it will actually hydrate your cells. Also you may want to research Himalayan salt and look at the water mixture of the salt called sole. It can be very effective for a lot of issues.

I did listen to your song and you have a beautiful voice.



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Re: Diabetes
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2015, 08:28:12 AM »

 Hi my family, I want to thank you yall for the advise on how I should fight the diabetes.
I am 57 and weigh 260 pounds. As of right now I have lost 7 pounds. I drink a lot of water. Where do I get Spring water, that is really spring water? I have cut out all sugar and white breads and flour.

 I wish I would have talked to yall before I bought a book telling me the same thing yall are telling me. 

Doug I am glad you liked my song, but now I have found out that the name Yahshua is not Jesus' name in hebrew. what do I do?

I love all of you my family. Thank you. Virginia


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Re: Diabetes
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2015, 11:42:04 AM »


High fat low carb is the way to go.  A lot of information out there about it.  And the best thing is you don't need a degree in body chemistry to understand it.  A lot of the things they tell you to stay away from like bacon, eggs, animal fats, ect are thing that you actually can use.  Why is it that our parents and grandparents ate these things and most of them were not sick and overweight and yet when we eat the way the medical industry tells us to eat were getting overweight and a lot sicker?

If you eat a lot of carbs they are metabolized quickly and turns into sugar.  Your blood sugar spikes and your poor pancreas has to dump insulin because of the sugar spike and then when the carbs are quickly metabolized your blood sugar crashes and you are hungry again.  Whereas if you eat things that are metabolized a lot slower such as various proteins and animal fats your sugar doesn't spike and since you feel 'full' a lot longer your not hungry again in a few hours going for more carbs/snacks. 

I wanted to lose a few pounds and went mostly high fat, low carb and I was losing weight so quickly that I had to add in some extra carbs in order not to lose too much weight.  Everyone is a little bit different as far as body chemistry and nutritional requirements but in 'general' a lifestyle of HFLC with moderate exercise will help you to lose weight and feel better as well as giving your pancreas a bit of a break and help to get moderate diabetes under control perhaps without any meds at all.

If I was in a situation like yours I would give it a try and since you probably have a blood sugar monitor and testing strips you can keep an eye on how your doing and see if it works for you.  Here are a couple of links from a popular blogger who was overweight and went to such a lifestyle and it documents his discoveries.


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Re: Diabetes
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2015, 08:35:26 PM »

Some fine advice Arion,
Yes it is true that animal fats tend to satisfy your appetite.
I would just like to add that animal fat isn't always necessary, at least not too much.
I think bacon is a bad example because of the way it is prepared; overcooked/crisp.

You can get your fat content from vegetable fats too, especially vegetable fats or oils that are produced naturally as opposed to manufactured with solvents and heat.
Whatever God hanged on a tree or vine may be meant to be eaten by humans just as it comes off of the tree.
Tree nuts such as cashews etc. if one is not allergic.
One example is olive oil that may be produced by cold pressing & used on salads.

With nearly 22 grams of fat in a single cup of fresh avocado, you might dismiss this creamy green fruit as being too fattening. But the fat in avocados is the monounsaturated variety, packed with potential benefits. Unlike other kinds of fat, monounsaturated fats are able to raise HDL, or “good,” cholesterol, while lowering LDL, or “bad,” cholesterol levels.

This is a somewhat complicated subject and one needs to be careful to not overdue any new fad without careful planning. Often planning a new diet can be fun and entertaining. Just be patient with yourself and don't worry about it. Worry doesn't fix things, God does.


High fat low carb is the way to go.  A lot of information out there about it.  And the best thing is you don't need a degree in body chemistry to understand it.  A lot of the things they tell you to stay away from like bacon, eggs, animal fats, ect are thing that you actually can use.  Why is it that our parents and grandparents ate these things and most of them were not sick and overweight and yet when we eat the way the medical industry tells us to eat were getting overweight and a lot sicker?

If you eat a lot of carbs they are metabolized quickly and turns into sugar.  Your blood sugar spikes and your poor pancreas has to dump insulin because of the sugar spike and then when the carbs are quickly metabolized your blood sugar crashes and you are hungry again.  Whereas if you eat things that are metabolized a lot slower such as various proteins and animal fats your sugar doesn't spike and since you feel 'full' a lot longer your not hungry again in a few hours going for more carbs/snacks. 

I wanted to lose a few pounds and went mostly high fat, low carb and I was losing weight so quickly that I had to add in some extra carbs in order not to lose too much weight.  Everyone is a little bit different as far as body chemistry and nutritional requirements but in 'general' a lifestyle of HFLC with moderate exercise will help you to lose weight and feel better as well as giving your pancreas a bit of a break and help to get moderate diabetes under control perhaps without any meds at all.

If I was in a situation like yours I would give it a try and since you probably have a blood sugar monitor and testing strips you can keep an eye on how your doing and see if it works for you.  Here are a couple of links from a popular blogger who was overweight and went to such a lifestyle and it documents his discoveries.


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Re: Diabetes
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2015, 04:14:11 AM »

Hello Virginia,

Have you heard of the documentary called "Forks over Knives?"  If you have NetFlix you can watch it for free.  Also they have a wonderful website with lots of information (from doctors) and lots of testimonies from people with type 2 diabetes as well and it is now gone. Also they have a lot of good recipes too.

God Bless,


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Re: Diabetes
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2015, 08:58:53 AM »

Hi Nett, thank you. I will look into this. I don't have netflix, but I will look at the website.
I need some recipes for sure.

Thank you too Arion for the websites. I'm going to check them all out, and I thank all of you again for the help and love.

   virginia, love yall



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Re: Diabetes
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2015, 10:52:16 AM »

Speaking of nutrition, what do yall think about dairy products? In or out?  I have considered cutting out the dairy a few times, but I love butter and cream... :-\  I do use a lot of cold pressed organic coconut oil when I can substitute.


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Re: Diabetes
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2015, 11:37:42 AM »

I have cut out cow's milk as much as possible, and started using almond, coconut milk in cereal.
I still like cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese, and the like.
To me moderation is the key, I didn't gain weight by eating three square meals a day.



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Re: Diabetes
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2015, 05:07:07 PM »


This information is very helpful,for health and losing weight,I live by it and
it works,i lost 40 pounds and I stay at 180 to 185lbs,it doesn't matter how much I eat ,that
is just enough to feel full.

PS ,once a week or when with family i combine what ever is there,that is in moderation.

How to Combine Foods




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Re: Diabetes
« Reply #14 on: August 10, 2015, 01:01:09 AM »

Sounds like great advice Walt,
Good to hear from you again.
Bob whose daughter lives in P-burg, New Jersey


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Re: Diabetes
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2015, 02:36:46 PM »

We have struggled with blood sugar in my household and found nutritional ketosis to be a great solution. It is high fat, low carb and moderate protein. 

If you like other non-dairy options or are concerned about food sensitivities, I have found (website online by holistic nutritionist Leanne)to be very helpful. There are some great recipes on there to try too. For me I can only get past sugar if I have a decent substitute that actually tastes good. MCT oil blended with my coffee, almond milk and stevia sweet drops (actually not bitter) have been great (Leanne calls it rocket fuel).

Good luck and I hope you find something that you can live with and feel good! :D




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Re: Diabetes
« Reply #16 on: August 12, 2015, 01:55:20 AM »

Thank you Reg, I will check it out.
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