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Author Topic: How do we differentiate a "test" from a "temptation?"  (Read 9765 times)

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Nelson Boils

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How do we differentiate a "test" from a "temptation?"
« on: April 08, 2016, 06:40:45 AM »

(20cNT) "Blessed is the man who remains firm under TEMPTATION, for, when he has stood the TEST, he will receive the crown of Life, which the Lord has promised to those who love him"-James 1:12

The verse switches from "temptation" to "test".Is the "temptation" a "test"?

What is the difference between being "tempted" and being "tested"?

God doesn't "tempt" us,but He "tests" us.What is the difference?

(20cNT)"A man is in every case tempted by his own passions — allured and enticed by them"-James 1:14

The "temptation" comes from our hearts,but the "test" comes from our Father.

Thought I'd add these wonderful verses about testing:

Paul tested those around him:
2Co 8:8 "I am not laying a command upon you, but I am making use of the earnestness shown by others to test the genuineness of your affection."

We are told to test ourselves:
2Co 13:5 "Put yourselves to the proof, to see whether you are holding to the Faith. Test yourselves. Surely you recognise this fact about yourselves — that Jesus Christ is in you! UNLESS INDEED YOU CANNOT STAND THE TEST."

We are told to test ourselves
Gal 6:4 "Let every one test his own work.."

We are told to test everything
1Th 5:21"Bring everything to the test; cling to what is good"

1Ti 3:10 "They should be tested first.."

I think I just answered my own question.😁

But it would be good to hear other thoughts on this.


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Re: How do we differentiate a "test" from a "temptation?"
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2016, 03:24:58 AM »

I wonder about this also.
 In the "Lord's Prayer", Jesus says "lead us not into temptation."  Why pray that if He never leads us into temptation ?  It can also be interpreted that we are asking not to be led into difficult trials. I find it a bit perplexing though.


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Re: How do we differentiate a "test" from a "temptation?"
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2016, 09:53:55 AM »

Mandela and octoberose -

I understand this as follows:

1. Evil tempts us via the Law of Sin and Death which is in each and every one of us.

2. God tests us (after He has made us New in Christ Jesus) by the daily living in our lives; whereby choosing to do the right thing causes us to suffer - and once through each particular tribulation, He has cleansed us of any impurities and molded that particular aspect of our characteristics into His Image.

I hope this helps.

Kind Regards.

Humble George.

Nelson Boils

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Re: How do we differentiate a "test" from a "temptation?"
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2016, 11:08:52 AM »


It seems like that verse is a tough but to crack.I re-read "Praying by Gods rules" and it seems,to me,that Ray didn't answer it entirely.I'll quote from his paper:

"And lead us not into temptation…"

Can this statement be true? Doesn’t the Scripture declare:

"…for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempts He any man" (James 1:13)?

So why should we pray that God will "lead us NOT into temptation?" Good question.

In addition, we have this apparent contradiction regarding our Lord;

"Then was Jesus led up of THE SPIRIT into the wilderness TO BE TEMPTED of the devil" (Matt. 4:1).

Are not these Scriptures contradictory? I’ll admit it takes some careful consideration to untangle this apparent enigma. Here are the facts:

Temptation has always been associated with the work of Satan throughout the Bible. Beginning with mother Eve, then Jesus, Paul, James, Peter, and John, we have ample testimony concerning the beguiling deceitfulness of Satan.

While it is true that "…God cannot be tempted with evil, neither temps He any man: But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed" (James 1:13-14), we must also consider that wherever temptation is, there also is Satan:

"And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise… And the woman said [to God] The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat" (Gen. 3:6 & 13).

"But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ" (II Cor. 11:3).

"Then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil… All these things will I [Satan] give you [Jesus], if you will fall down and worship me" (Matt. 4:1 & 9).

"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts [desires, temptations] of your father ye will do…" (John 8:44).

"Be sober; be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion walks about, seeking whom he may devour [swallow down]" (I Pet. 5:8).

"And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world…" (Rev. 12:9).

Satan, not God, is the great tempter, and he has temped and deceived the whole world. But here is where God does come in. After we are tempted of Satan, God is our Redeemer:

"And the servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, in meekness instructing [correcting] those that oppose themselves; if God peradvanture will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; and that they may recover themselves [‘…but deliver us from the wicked one’ Matt. 6:13] out of the snare [Gk: ‘trap, temptation’] of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will" (II Tim. 2:24-26).(end quote)

So the spirit of God led Jesus to be tempted?But then again God tempts no one😕.Confusing!


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Re: How do we differentiate a "test" from a "temptation?"
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2016, 12:44:09 PM »

Between George and Mandela I think I have a better grasp on this .  :)


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Re: How do we differentiate a "test" from a "temptation?"
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2016, 12:52:28 PM »

Mandela -


It seems like that verse is a tough but to crack.I re-read "Praying by Gods rules" and it seems,to me,that Ray didn't answer it entirely.I'll quote from his paper:

"And lead us not into temptation…"

Can this statement be true? Doesn’t the Scripture declare:

"…for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempts He any man" (James 1:13)?

So why should we pray that God will "lead us NOT into temptation?" Good question.

In addition, we have this apparent contradiction regarding our Lord;

"Then was Jesus led up of THE SPIRIT into the wilderness TO BE TEMPTED of the devil" (Matt. 4:1).

Are not these Scriptures contradictory? I’ll admit it takes some careful consideration to untangle this apparent enigma. Here are the facts:

Temptation has always been associated with the work of Satan throughout the Bible. Beginning with mother Eve, then Jesus, Paul, James, Peter, and John, we have ample testimony concerning the beguiling deceitfulness of Satan.

While it is true that "…God cannot be tempted with evil, neither temps He any man: But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed" (James 1:13-14), we must also consider that wherever temptation is, there also is Satan:

"And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise… And the woman said [to God] The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat" (Gen. 3:6 & 13).

"But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ" (II Cor. 11:3).

"Then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil… All these things will I [Satan] give you [Jesus], if you will fall down and worship me" (Matt. 4:1 & 9).

"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts [desires, temptations] of your father ye will do…" (John 8:44).

"Be sober; be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion walks about, seeking whom he may devour [swallow down]" (I Pet. 5:8).

"And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world…" (Rev. 12:9).

Satan, not God, is the great tempter, and he has temped and deceived the whole world. But here is where God does come in. After we are tempted of Satan, God is our Redeemer:

"And the servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, in meekness instructing [correcting] those that oppose themselves; if God peradvanture will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; and that they may recover themselves [‘…but deliver us from the wicked one’ Matt. 6:13] out of the snare [Gk: ‘trap, temptation’] of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will" (II Tim. 2:24-26).(end quote)

So the spirit of God led Jesus to be tempted?But then again God tempts no one😕.Confusing!

Your final statement states that Our Heavenly Father led Jesus to be tempted by Satan (as the Devil is the tempter); as Our Heavenly Father does not tempt anyone.

I hope this helps.

Kind Regards.



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Re: How do we differentiate a "test" from a "temptation?"
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2016, 01:21:40 PM »

Your final statement states that Our Heavenly Father led Jesus to be tempted by Satan (as the Devil is the tempter); as Our Heavenly Father does not tempt anyone.

I hope this helps.

Kind Regards.


That is how I see it too George. And just to add, one could easily say, "God, when you lead us into the wilderness to be tried and tested, please give us a way out so we can bear it and overcome."

Mat 6:13  And do not lead us into hard testing, but keep us safe from the Evil One. [The latter half of verse 13 is not found in the oldest manuscripts.] For kingship, power and glory are yours forever. Amen.' (CJB)

1Co 10:13  No temptation has seized you beyond what people normally experience, and God can be trusted not to allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear. On the contrary, along with the temptation he will also provide the way out, so that you will be able to endure. (CJB)
« Last Edit: April 09, 2016, 01:23:48 PM by Porter »
Luk 22:31  "Simon, Simon, look out! Satan has asked to sift you like wheat.
Luk 22:32  But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And you, when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers."

Nelson Boils

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Re: How do we differentiate a "test" from a "temptation?"
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2016, 02:11:13 PM »

Actually,that is not my statement,it is what the bible says.

Mat 4:1 "Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert, in order to be tempted by the devil"

Who was doing the tempting?The devil.What lead Him to be tempted?The spirit of God.But listen to what James says:"But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed"

Of course the Father does not tempt anyone,it is the Devil who does the tempting.After all James also says:"Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempts he any man"

Initially my question:What is the difference between being "tempted" and "tested"?
« Last Edit: April 09, 2016, 02:16:50 PM by Mandela »


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Re: How do we differentiate a "test" from a "temptation?"
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2016, 05:26:23 PM »

Jas 1:12  BlessedG3107 is the manG435 thatG3739 endurethG5278 temptation:G3986 forG3754 when he isG1096 tried,G1384 he shall receiveG2983 theG3588 crownG4735 of life,G2222 whichG3739 theG3588 LordG2962 hath promisedG1861 to them that loveG25 him.G846

From G3985; a putting to proof (by experiment [of good], experience [of evil], solicitation, discipline or provocation); by implication adversity: - temptation, X try.

From G1380; properly acceptable (current after assayal), that is, approved: - approved, tried.

Many translations use the word 'approved' instead of 'tried'. Here are a few.

Jas 1:12  Blessed (happy, to be envied) is the man who is patient under trial and stands up under temptation, for when he has stood the test and been approved, he will receive [the victor's] crown of life which God has promised to those who love Him. (AMP)

Jas 1:12  Blessed is the man that endureth temptation; for when he hath been approved, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord promised to them that love him. (ASV)

Jas 1:12  Blessed man, who bears up under temptation; because approved having become he will receive the crown of the life, which promised the Lord to those loving him. (Diaglott-NT)

Jas 1:12  Blessed is the man who endures temptation, because having been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. (MKJV)

Jas 1:12 Happy the man who endureth temptation! Because, becoming approved, he shall receive the crown of life—which he hath promised unto them that love him. (Rotherham's)

Whether Satan temps or tries us it is the same thing.

Rev 2:10  Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.
Rev 2:11  He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.

Where did you find that God tests us Mandela? Just curious as I havnt been able to find it.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2016, 05:29:44 PM by Porter »
Luk 22:31  "Simon, Simon, look out! Satan has asked to sift you like wheat.
Luk 22:32  But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And you, when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers."

Nelson Boils

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Re: How do we differentiate a "test" from a "temptation?"
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2016, 07:31:46 PM »

1 Peter 1:7"that the genuineness of your faith — a thing far more precious than gold, which is perishable, yet HAS to be TESTED by fire — may win praise and glory and honour at the Appearing of Jesus Christ."

Job 7:18 " You visit him at dawn, and you test him unexpectedly"
Job 23:10" Because he knows the road on which I travel, when he has TESTED me, I’ll come out like gold."

The Lord testing us goes without even reading the scriptures.Even when going for a job interview we are tested.Any sports team that wants to win the league is tested.How?They have opponents just as we,the elect,have opponents.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2016, 07:33:54 PM by Mandela »


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Re: How do we differentiate a "test" from a "temptation?"
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2016, 08:48:17 PM »

Forgive me Mandela, but Im still not seeing it. Could be God has yet to show me. Or could be it was God who gave the work of trying Job for Satan to do?

Job 1:8  And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?

Job 2:6  And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, he is in thine hand; but save his life.

Couple the verses above with what has already been posted attesting to the fact God causes Satan to tempt/try/test us. God is still sovereign, still responsible and all is still of God. God has simply delegated Satan (the adversary) to perfect us through trials. In this way there is no contradiction and keeps in perfect harmony with what James 1:13 said.

I dunno, maybe we are saying the same thing, just from different points of view. One view is from the absolute, and the other from the relative? I'm just trying learn.


Luk 22:31  "Simon, Simon, look out! Satan has asked to sift you like wheat.
Luk 22:32  But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And you, when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers."

Dave in Tenn

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Re: How do we differentiate a "test" from a "temptation?"
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2016, 11:16:15 PM »

(20cNT) "Blessed is the man who remains firm under TEMPTATION, for, when he has stood the TEST, he will receive the crown of Life, which the Lord has promised to those who love him"-James 1:12

The verse switches from "temptation" to "test".Is the "temptation" a "test"?

What is the difference between being "tempted" and being "tested"?

God doesn't "tempt" us,but He "tests" us.What is the difference?

Porter gave the answer above.  There is no "switch" from "Temptation" to "Test".  We all know what "temptation" is, I'm guessing.  We all know what "trials" are, maybe to a lesser extent.  But the "testing" in this verse is all about "passing".  "When he has been assayed and found true, he will receive the crown of Life which the Lord promised to them who love Him."  The Lord Himself "passed the assay/test".


the testing of a metal or ore to determine its ingredients and quality.
"submission of plate for assay"

determine the content or quality of (a metal or ore).

Same as many of the parables in near-direct comparison.  Many are called, few are chosen.

In school, there are more than one kinds of test, and more than one way to 'see them'.  We can see them as barriers to be crossed on the path to the 'accomplishment' of the goal of 'passing', or graduating, or gaining entry to the next level.  Perhaps often they are.  But we can also see them more the way this word "test" is better translated here.  We're being evaluated to see if what is said about us (and what we say about ourselves) is actually the case.

The Life of Christ on this earth was a "test"--an assay.  It involved temptation, but wasn't limited to that.  He passed.  When we've followed Him, so will we.           
« Last Edit: April 09, 2016, 11:46:39 PM by Dave in Tenn »
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: How do we differentiate a "test" from a "temptation?"
« Reply #12 on: April 10, 2016, 12:28:41 AM »

When I read that God is testing us I cannot help to think that God knows the end from the beginning, it cannot be a test where God wants to see who will pass because He already knew the outcome before He created the universe.

If anything, in my opinion God wants us to see our need for Him, Jesus did say He can do nothing on His own. So what test or temptation can we pass on our own ?

I'm sure there must be a logical answer to ( and lead us not into temptation ) because scripture does not contradict.

God bless.

« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 12:31:11 AM by Rick »

Nelson Boils

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Re: How do we differentiate a "test" from a "temptation?"
« Reply #13 on: April 10, 2016, 02:46:31 AM »

When a teacher "tests" our children, we pay him a nice salary. But when a teacher "tempts,"entices our children to cheat,offers our children an easy way out,says to them:"i will give you the answers to the question paper for $200,we FIRE HIM.



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Re: How do we differentiate a "test" from a "temptation?"
« Reply #14 on: April 10, 2016, 02:54:28 AM »

It is simple the "test" is to show us how much we do not yet know.
It is an aid to our own understanding. It helps us to see that with all of our knowledge we still need God.
When a loving master show us the results of the test, we know better what we need to focus our efforts on so that we continue to improve and grow in grace and knowledge.

It is given out of love. It is for our benefit.
Indiana bob

Nelson Boils

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Re: How do we differentiate a "test" from a "temptation?"
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2016, 04:40:55 AM »

Speaking of "testing:"

An acquaintance of mine was in a relationship with this girl for a while.He did a lot for this girl with the little money he had.Until one day he decided to "test" her by causing his friend to make a move towards his girlfriend.Sad to say,the girlfriend failed the test.
Surprisingly, the whole event,the test,caused more "beans to be spilled" and we found out that the is another guy in the picture.Other truths started to come out.

My acquaintance ditched the girl.
He sure saved himself a lot of time,money and emotions.


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Re: How do we differentiate a "test" from a "temptation?"
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2016, 09:19:37 AM »

Speaking of "testing:"

An acquaintance of mine was in a relationship with this girl for a while.He did a lot for this girl with the little money he had.Until one day he decided to "test" her by causing his friend to make a move towards his girlfriend.Sad to say,the girlfriend failed the test.
Surprisingly, the whole event,the test,caused more "beans to be spilled" and we found out that the is another guy in the picture.Other truths started to come out.

My acquaintance ditched the girl.
He sure saved himself a lot of time,money and emotions.

You could say test and prove are one in the same , let a man test or let a man prove but isn't ones walk with God a life of chastisement and learning?  Unlike your acquaintance God doesn't ditch those He chosen.

God bless.

Nelson Boils

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Re: How do we differentiate a "test" from a "temptation?"
« Reply #17 on: April 12, 2016, 03:06:20 AM »

Deu 13:6 & 8" If your brother, the son of your mother, or your son, or your daughter, or the wife of your bosom, or your friend, who is as your own soul, ENTICES you secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which you have not known, you, nor your fathers.Do not be guided by him or give attention to him; have no pity on him or mercy, and give him no cover...;"

Question still remains:What is the difference between "testing" and "tempting?"I mean would the girlfriend of my acquaintance have a point if she said,"Well,why on earth did you send your friend to TEMPT me?" Or would you say the girlfriend was "TESTED?"

We are admonished to "TEST"

"Bring everything to the test; cling to what is good"-Paul


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Re: How do we differentiate a "test" from a "temptation?"
« Reply #18 on: April 12, 2016, 01:25:22 PM »

This is just my understanding
Test…..Gen 2:17  But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
Temptation…..Gen 3:4  And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: Gen 3:6  And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.


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Re: How do we differentiate a "test" from a "temptation?"
« Reply #19 on: April 12, 2016, 02:42:34 PM »

It really depends on the translation as to which word is used as they seem to use, test - prove - try - tempt, interchangeable or different translation which one of the word from the Greek and another uses a different word. Here are a few examples and the definitions.

1Thess 5:21  Prove G1381 all things; hold fast that which is good.

1Cor 3:13  each one's work shall be revealed. For the Day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try G1381 each one's work as to what kind it is.

1John 4:1  Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but try G1381 the spirits to see if they are of God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

Thayer Definition: verb
1) to test, examine, prove, scrutinise (to see whether a thing is genuine or not), as metals
2) to recognise as genuine after examination, to approve, deem worthy

Matt 22:18  But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, Why do you tempt G3985 Me, hypocrites?

James 1:13  Let no one being tempted say, I am tempted G3985 from God. For God is not tempted G3985 by evils, and He tempts G3985 no one.
v. 14  But each one is tempted G3985 by his lusts, being drawn away and seduced by them.

Heb 11:17  By faith Abraham, being tested G3985, offered up Isaac. And he who had received the promises offered up his only-begotten son,

2Cor 13:5  examine G3985 yourselves, whether you are in the faith, prove G1381 your own selves. Do you not know your own selves, that Jesus Christ is in you, unless you are reprobates?

Thayer Definition: verb
1) to try whether a thing can be done
   1a) to attempt, endeavour
2) to try, make trial of, test: for the purpose of ascertaining his quantity, or what he thinks, or how he will behave himself
   2a) in a good sense
   2b) in a bad sense, to test one maliciously, craftily to put to the proof his feelings or judgments
   2c) to try or test one’s faith, virtue, character, by enticement to sin
        2c1) to solicit to sin, to tempt
        2c1a) of the temptations of the devil
   2d) after the OT usage
        2d1) of God: to inflict evils upon one in order to prove his character and the steadfastness of his faith
        2d2) men are said to tempt God by exhibitions of distrust, as though they wished to try
                whether he is not justly distrusted
        2d3) by impious or wicked conduct to test God’s justice and patience, and to challenge him,
                as it were to give proof of his perfections.

Matt 4:7  Jesus said to him, It is written again, "You shall not tempt G1598 the Lord your God."

Luke 10:25  And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up and tempted G1598 Him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?

Thayer Definition: verb
1) to prove, test, thoroughly
2) to put to proof God’s character and power

Mat 6:13  And lead us not into temptation G3986, but deliver us from the evil. For Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

1Cor 10:13  No temptation G3986 has taken you but what is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted G3985 above what you are able, but with the temptation G3986 also will make a way to escape, so that you may be able to bear it.

James 1:2  My brothers, count it all joy when you fall into different kinds of temptations G3986,

Thayer Definition: noun
1) an experiment, attempt, trial, proving
   1a) trial, proving: the trial made of you by my bodily condition, since condition served as
         to test the love of  the Galatians toward Paul (Gal_4:14)
   1b) the trial of man’s fidelity, integrity, virtue, constancy
        1b1) an enticement to sin, temptation, whether arising from the desires or from
                the outward circumstances
        1b2) an internal temptation to sin
               1b2a) of the temptation by which the devil sought to divert Jesus the Messiah
                        from his divine errand
               1b3) of the condition of things, or a mental state, by which we are enticed to sin,
                       or to a lapse from the faith and holiness
               1b4) adversity, affliction, trouble: sent by God and serving to test or prove
                       one’s character, faith, holiness
   1c) temptation (i.e. trial) of God by men
        1c1) rebellion against God, by which his power and justice are, as it were,
               put to the proof and challenged to show themselves

I know this is all kind of technical, but maybe it will help somebody with this.

mercy, peace and love
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