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Author Topic: This is hard...  (Read 5262 times)

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This is hard...
« on: August 18, 2006, 11:35:23 PM »

You would think that the word of God would be easy to accept, even though it says that only the chosen would understand...but how can someone deny the awesome truths? I've been trying to share with my family these things, because I'm so exicted by them and I want my loved ones to know. My sisters have listened, and are starting to believe what is really true, and that's great. My mom, being catholic her whole life, gets confused when I talk to her, but she says it makes sense. My dad though, I just don't moment I'll be talking and he agrees with me, and then he'll tell me he doesn't want to hear it anymore...or he'll come up with absurd questions...I feel uneasy talking to him about the truth, or even if he's around. I love my father, and he's a great man, I just wish he'd understand. Last time I talked about anything with him around, it was about the Mary not being in heaven, and he said it was in the bible that Mary went to heaven. Apparently the stuff I was saying was wrong and was the work of Satan...and he told me read the bible first and then prove your stuff. So I grabbed my bible and read from Luke on trying to find anything about Mary ascending into heaven...I found nothing...and I showed him, and still he didn't believe. It just frustrates me, how can something right there infront of you not be believed, but a story about Mars becoming as huge as the moon at the end of this month is believable? (yeah he got an e-mail and thought it was true) I just wanted to vent my frustrations that I've already delt with not even 2 months into finding out everything...

God Bless



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Re: This is hard...
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2006, 12:43:58 AM »


The two legged creature will believe anything, except the truth.

I'm so glad you are excited, and don't stop being excited, but try to remember God led YOU here, not them.

Perhaps in time... so prepare yourself well now, so that were God to open their hearts and minds, you'll be there with the truth, and you'll have the answers for them.

I know you are frustrated. Many people here probably are, I am.

Don't get discouraged, in Gods time, all will come together perfectly.

Your supporter and brother,


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Re: This is hard...
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2006, 07:36:41 AM »

Hello Daniel, I perfectly understand.  That is one of the odd aspects about God leading us into His light.  We are beginning to see these truths, yet many of those we love cannot see or refuse to see. 

It is God who dragged us to these truths and it will take God to drag them also.  For us, patience is key, a hard lesson to learn.  With the faith we now have you dont have to worry, He will bring them around in His time.

God bless,



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Re: This is hard...
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2006, 09:39:25 AM »

Hi Daniel, I know what you mean. It's not only the word of God that is difficult to accept, but even God himself.

Here is a real conversation I have had with someone.

Me: Do you believe there is a God?

Person: ummm :-\....dunno, probably not

Me: but you believe in spirits/ghosts and suchlike?

Person: Oh yes! These 'spiritualists' in the local church hall really have it sussed!

Me: Really? Did you know that God is spirit?

Person: Never thought of it like that, I could maybe see that, at a push, when you put it like that. :-\

Me: actually, not only is He spirit, but in fact is the Daddy of all Spirit and He has lots to say, better still, it won't cost you the money you pay at these meetings.

Person: Well, if doesn't cost money, how can it be any good? :o  Anyway, hang on a minute, spirits are dead people, if God is spirit, it means God is dead!

Me:  ???

Me: Well no, not really, maybe we could talk about it sometime?

Person: Hmmm  :-\ , don't know if I can find time really, I don't want to miss a meeting, a spirit might want to say something to me.

Me:  ::) no kidding! well give me a phone anyway, see ya


As Ray said, the blind really are blind. Satan is really doing a bang up job in the deceiving department. But he won't win in the end and that's a real comforting thought.

"For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach because we trust in the LIVING
God, Who is the Saviour of all men, especially of those that believe" - I Tim. 4:10. [caps mine]




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Re: This is hard...
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2006, 01:37:27 PM »

Hi Daniel,
My mom too is catholic. When I left my church last month (which was non-denominational) she asked if I had come to my senses and was ready to join "catholic" again.  She knows my beliefs and does not understand them in the least. She admits she doesn't read the bible, so quoting scripture to her and expecting her to understand, is like asking a blind person to see.
She is being deceived and will believe her "church" over me.

I accept this, because God tells me that these things are to be.

She knows I will always be ready to answer any questions she may have, but I think she doesn't want to see the light.

My hope is that in the end she will be reconciled to Jesus, and that's good enough for me. 



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Re: This is hard...
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2006, 02:30:16 PM »

Hi Daniel,
My mom too is catholic. When I left my church last month (which was non-denominational) she asked if I had come to my senses and was ready to join "catholic" again.  She knows my beliefs and does not understand them in the least. She admits she doesn't read the bible, so quoting scripture to her and expecting her to understand, is like asking a blind person to see.
She is being deceived and will believe her "church" over me.

I accept this, because God tells me that these things are to be.

She knows I will always be ready to answer any questions she may have, but I think she doesn't want to see the light.

My hope is that in the end she will be reconciled to Jesus, and that's good enough for me. 


I grew up catholic also and you and I know that all your mother has to do is say a sincere act of contrition and she will be reconciled. ;) ;)

The problem we have here is shaking the tree and having some edible fruit fall.  What I mean is that your mother and mine too are relying with faith  on the professionals [priests, teacher, their parents, the pope] that they have interpreted the scripture right.  They don't think it is necessary to try to reinterpret what they actually read in the bible because that was done for them.  As for all those non scriptural doctrines, well, that is also another matter of faith.

When was the last time your doctor gave you a presciption and you looked up in medical journals all you could about the drug you were prescribed.  My guess is never because you relied on and trusted your professional doctor to know what he was doing.

We are fighting an uphill battle against a huge beauracracy.  Think about fighting the federal government.  What are your chances of winning?  How credible are we versus the establishment?  It is just going to take a lot of time and elbow nudging to get some attention to the truth. 


Don't be discouraged, have patience.  Pretend you are like Johnny Appleseed and just keep planting those seeds.  Some of them are bound to result in mature fruit bearing trees.

For my own part, I have sent the bible truths link to relatives and frends with questions like....Tell me what you think of this, does it make sense to you.  I don't press it too hard or they turn me off.  It might take a long time to walk 1000 miles but each step of the journey gets you a little closer to the goal.  Have patience!

it may not be as hard as you think

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