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Author Topic: Your Email on Tithing  (Read 7453 times)

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Dennis Vogel

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Your Email on Tithing
« on: March 23, 2006, 12:58:05 PM »

Wow, you really sound angry and I am more informed now than when we started.  I appreciate you writing again, I thought we were done.  I do sense anger though in your writings.  I am just a lay person, who is searching for the truth.  I am studying the word and seeking to know Christ.  I am stirred up in my spirit as I read what you have to say.  I don't think that I ever professed to know everything there is to know about tithing, only what I have been taught over the years and what I understood it to be.  You have given me much to ponder and reconsider.  I have questioned this for some time and have felt overwhelmed at times with the pressure and the guilt of tithing.  At times I don't and I just give what I feel I want to give.  I guess in a lot of ways, I agree with you but it is hard to admit after so many years of giving what I thought wa s required by scripture.

I will seriously pray about this matter and do what God leads me to do.



Dear Sharon:

No, I absolutely am not angry. It's just that it is senseless to try and discuss a subject, if one has not even a clue as to what the subect is. I merely wanted to point out to you, that nothing your are writing about has anything to do with the subject of "tithing."  You are talking about many things and subjects, and happenings in the church, etc., etc., and you call them "tithing," when they have nothing to do with the subject of tithing. There is no such thing as "Christian Tithing."  Christian tithing is a Christian HOAX. You might just as well talk about "Christian Animal Sacrifices." THERE IS NO SUCH THING. Hope this helps your understanding.

God be with you,



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Your Email on Tithing
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2006, 10:35:05 PM »

graspiing at straws and creating straw men is never a good defense.

better to come out and admitt your error i say.

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