Hi Dave:
Thanks for the reply. The | symbol indicates an incomplete verb in the word 'created' according to the key on the 2012 print version. There is no footnote to vs. 27 that I could find. Maybe that could translate into 'creating' but in all honesty I think it's a misleading rendering. When I brought this to the attention of the folks at CPC, here is what they responded with:
Hello Roberto, the e-sword translation was just a tentative translation.
No translation should be considered as "written in stone." A.E. Knoch
said the translation can always be improved upon.
Instructions for Use begins on page 10 of the large printed OT version if
you wish to know more concerning the markings.
In His grace and peace,
Wow. I'm sorry, but that sounds like a license to change a translation in the name of 'improving'. Am I to conclude that the 2012 version is also a 'tentative translation' now that the 2015 all-in-one Old Testament has just been released by CPC?
Thanks again for your help and insight.
Yes, Robby, they did change the newer OT translation.
However, the CLV does give a short, excellent explanation of biblical Hebrew grammar. For example, Hebrew really has only one tense for verbs---the present tense, the here and now. In addition, they have a couple of verb markings to indicate if the present action is complete (what we call the past tense in English) or ongoing (future tense or incomplete).
If you check the markings in the CLV, or other literal translations or interlinears, you will find the Hebrew verb markings for that verse, creates, is incomplete or future, which English translation should be creating.
Check multiple translations and you will find what Ray taught about that verse is true.