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Author Topic: Thank you Ray for all your research and material about The Holy Scriptures  (Read 4320 times)

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All -

I was looking through The Lake of Fire - Part IX (The Lucifer Hoax - Mission of Satan):

Ray hit the nail on the head, when he pointed out that the word 'lucifer' was not a name but a Latin word meaning 'morning star':

"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For you have said in your heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High." (Isa. 14:-12-14).

Why the Latin word was used in the texts, only the translators know - as it is not a Hebrew word.

Then I noticed that Ray went on to book end this lie, by showing the following - in case the word should have been the Hebrew word 'heylel':

We are told that the word in question is Strong's #1966 which is heylel, from 1984 [halal] (in the sense of brightness); the morning-star:--Lucifer.

Isa. 13:6    eiliu    Howl ye
Isa. 14:31    eili    Howl
Isa. 15:2    iilil    shall howl
Isa. 15:3    iilil    shall howl
Isa. 16:7    iilil    Howl
Isa. 16:7    iilil    shall howl
Isa. 23:1    eililu    Howl ye
Isa. 23:6    eililu    Howl ye
Isa. 23:14    eililu    Howl ye
Isa. 52:5    eililu    make to howl
Isa. 65:14    eililu    shall howl
Jer. 4:8    ueililu      Howl
Jer. 25:34    eililu    Howl
Jer. 47:2    ueill    and shall howl
Jer. 48:20    eilili    Howl
Jer. 48:31    ailil    will I howl
Jer. 48:39    eililu    They shall howl (Howl ye)
Jer. 49:3    eilili    Howl (Howl ye)
Jer. 51:8    eililu    howl
Ezek.30:2    eililu    Howl ye
Hos. 7:14    iililu    They howled
Joel 1:5    ueililu    And howl
Joel 1:11    eililu    howl
Joel 1:13    eililu    And shall be howlings
Amos 8:1    ueililu    and howl
Micah 1:8    uailile    howl ye
Zeph. 1:11      aililu    Howl
Zech.11:2    eill    howl
Zech.11:2    eililu    howl
Isa. 14:12    eill    Lucifer(??)

I was checking to ascertain what the original text was - as I wanted to be sure if it was 'howl' or 'morning star'.

It astounds me, how false doctrines that do not comply with the rest of The Holy Scriptures come about.

It also pinpoints the fact that most of us do not take the time to do our own research; probably because our time is spent on other priorities like 'earning our daily bread'.

Genuine researchers, like Ray, provide all the relevant details and their sources - and mainly stick to verifiable facts - and make it very clear when they give an opinion, of theirs or others.

I have myself used the term 'book ended' many, many times at work - and did what Ray did, by covering every point so there could not be any comeback.

I just wanted to state for the record that Ray's research is very thorough, and verifiable; and very logically presented - and taught me a lot.

Thank you Ray, and all those that supported you in their many different ways, through prayer, feedback, proof reading, friendships, and love.

From memory, the following were clarified for me, by Ray's material, after years and years of seeking the Truth of all these Things:

1. Heaven and Hell are not physical locations.
2. No one gets punished for sin, without end.
3. Gibberish Tongues Talking is a false teaching - as The Holy Scriptures clearly state that these spoken were 'known languages' that could be understood by those from these foreign Nations.
4. Death is not final - and there will be the 'Resurrection of the Dead' and not the 'Resurrection of the Body' as some falsely teach.
5. Guilt can only be destroyed by repenting of the wrong we have done and asking for forgiveness - and if we forgive everyone everything, Our Heavenly Father is bound by His Word to also forgive us for all that we have done wrong.
6. Without God, no one can ever do Good.
7. Unless we experience evil, we cannot understand or appreciate 'the Goodness of God'
8. Our Heavenly Father is totally Sovereign responsible for all things, including all of our daily walks - and we are accountable for all that we desire, think, say and do.
9. Only by 'His Holy Spirit' indwelling our 'spirit' can we ever truly 'obey Him, and please Him' - and Our Beloved Saviour gives us this as a Gift, after we are dragged from the world unto Him.
10. Galatians 5:22-23: (KJV): But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
11. Ephesians 5:9: (KJV): (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;) 
12. Our wills are not free from causality - and our wills cannot ever overturn Our Heavenly Father's Will and Plan for each and every one of us.
13. We can test the desires and intentions and know their hearts, and whether it is of 'His Holy Spirit', or another 'demonic spirit', by their fruit.
14. Satan lies and deceives; and Our Heavenly Father opens eyes that were blinded to knowledge and wisdom, and opens ears that could not hear, to understand.
15. Our Heavenly father is a consuming Fire, and He chastens us extremely severely, in order to refine us like silver and gold - building in us, His Fruit of His Character.
16. Tithing was never about money, and only about the increase of the land and / or livestock - and has no place today in this Age of Grace.
17. The New Testament story of Lazarus and the Rich Man is a Parable, just like the preceding four stories are all Parables.
18. The Religious People wanted to kill Jesus for exposing their false doctrines and for lording it over the Hebrew Israelites; that puts to shame and of no value all churches that demand Tithing, yet do not spend the Tithing money on the people and the poor but on themselves and their so called ministries. 

« Last Edit: September 21, 2017, 05:06:17 PM by cheekie3 »


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Hi George, I just love the way you summed all that up. Ray Smith was a wonderful teacher and I wish I could have met him. We all will one day.



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Thanks George,

Please explain in detail your point number 1.

"Heaven and Earth are not physical locations."

The word for Heaven ouranos can describe more than one idea.

Mat 3:16  And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: 
Mat 3:17  And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

Why is the Earth included? How is it not physical as we ourselves are physical?


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Bob -


Thanks George,

Please explain in detail your point number 1.

"Heaven and Earth are not physical locations."

The word for Heaven ouranos can describe more than one idea.

Mat 3:16  And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:
Mat 3:17  And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

Why is the Earth included? How is it not physical as we ourselves are physical?

Point 1 should have read Heaven and Hell; and not Heaven and Earth - I will edit my Post.

Thank you for pointing this out.

I understand that Ray taught that Heaven is a Realm.

Warmest Regards.



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Thanks again George,

Realm seems to fit as far as I can tell.

realm; noun LAW archaic literary
a kingdom."the peers of the realm"
= =
synonyms:   kingdom, country, land, dominion, nation
"peace in the realm"
= =
a field or domain of activity or interest.
"the realm of applied chemistry"
synonyms:   domain, sphere, area, field, world, province, territory
"the realm of academia"

a primary biogeographical division of the earth's surface.


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Without experiencing evil, we cannot know or understand the goodness of God.

This was one of the first building blocks of my spiritual house to fall which caused the rest of my house to fall after it. Realizing that what happened in the garden of eden was not a failure and that it was all by design caused me to rethink all my beliefs and my own personal life as well. That God intended for man/woman to have the knowledge of good and evil was revealed to me not here at bible truths nor by Ray. But the rebuilding of my spiritual house into what it is today is in no small part due to the work that the Father accomplished through the teachings here.

Good post George.
I’m just what you made God.. ~Kid Cudi


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Largeli and George,

Just a little tale from my simple mind.
We ( not you all) seem to object when God exhibits a tough attitude or uses painful teachings to mature us in our role as humans preparing for HIS kingdom. However it is to me just like a coach who is training a sports team to prepare for a really tough game.
The opposition is not going to take it easy on any home team player so the coach has to push each member to their personal best. That can mean hitting the practice team member as hard as we would an opposing team member AND it is necessary IF winning (eventual success) is important.

There are of course limitations for a sports coach with rules to obey. On the other hand with God the game is life and death so it is more like Marine Seal team basic training with a similar objective; extensive preparation for extreme responsibility for the mission and for each team member.

In sports training injury is possible and often likely, in God's program loss and injury and even death is possible and death is actually guaranteed eventually. And we know who wins in the end: God's team.

God is a tough "owner" and manager and knowing our potential God may push us to our limits. Considering the life of Jesus and the apostle Paul and the price they each paid we should come to expect that level of training as we come to understand God's purpose more thoroughly.

This is no "game" for children or for those unable to digest the "meat" of the word.
I think Mr. Ray Smith would agree.  8)

Just my opinion, subject to editing; indiana bob  :D
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