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Author Topic: Faith??  (Read 7694 times)

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« on: August 22, 2006, 02:53:58 PM »

 Hi Ray,

Can u please write an article on Faith, there seems to be  a confusion about what is faith and how it operates, Im sure youir article will clear a lot of things, like the other articles have done.
God bless

Dear Noxolo:

I would love to write a paper on "faith," but at present I am engrossed in several other projects. Let me "bottom line" it for you in a few statements.

Faith is the assurance that God's Word is Truth and that God will do all that He has promised.  This assurance (faith) is a GIFT of God and cannot be obtained by any human endeavor (Eph. 2:8-9).  Reading and hearing the Scriptures can increase your faith, BUT ONLY BECAUSE GOD SUPERNATURALLY GIVES YOU THAT FAITH AND ASSURANCE, as you read and hear.  Through faith you will both know God's will and live God's will.  You must go to God for faith--there is no other source of true spiritual faith and assurance of God's trustworthiness.

God be with you,

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