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Author Topic: Next Life?  (Read 7525 times)

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Next Life?
« on: August 24, 2006, 11:01:19 AM »

Sorry Ray for the confusion.
What I was trying to find out is......
dictionary: The combination of qualities or features that distinguishes one person, group, or thing from another.
Will these qualities that we are building, our character,  in this life be carried over into our existence after death and resurrection?
YOU ASKED:  If our character is good "now," why wouldn't it be good "later?">>>>>>>> 
I"m talking about "later" being after death then how will "character" manifest itself in our spiritual existence after we are resurrected?
I thought that once we are all in all with God we will be made perfect.  Is that instantaneous and it will just finish up what "character" building
we've been working on while in this earthly body?
In other words, will our spirits have such a thing as "good character" after we leave this life.
Does that make more sense?


Dear Craig:

Yes, of course, what we have learned in this life will be carried over to the next. If not, what would even be the purpose for living a human life in the first place?  It is the preparation and regeneration and conversion and being begotten anew from above through the Holy Spirit of God that is the prerequisite to entering the Kingdom of God. "Study to show yourself approved ['qualified'] unto God...." (II Time. 2:15).

God be with you,

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