I'll be 80 next year and I've had COVID three times.
The first time I thought I would die if it got any worse but it didn't get worse IMO because I was taking vitamin D, zinc, and vitamin C long before I caught it.
The second COVID variant I caught about nine months later was almost as bad as the first time and it lasted a few day longer.
About a year ago and the third time, I caught the Omicron variant which only lasted three days and was more of a nuisance than anything.
As a child I was sometimes exposed to life on a farm with horses, chickens, goats, dogs and cats and all the germs that come with them which I think gave me a fairly good immune system as an adult. So as an adult I have never coughed from anything other than food going down the wrong way. And I have never had the flu or a cold.
After the first and second COVID bouts I went back to normal and stopped coughing etc. But after the Omicron last November I never stopped coughing and sneezing and I kept loosing stamina. Weeks after my heart surgery last November I was able to walk briskly for about one hour each day but this September I deteriorated down to about 20 minutes over time. And I started getting brain fog.
So I went to my new G.P. and he refused to prescribe Ivermectin as I requested. Then out of desperation I discovered you can buy horse paste containing Ivermectin without a prescription online and at certain retailers.
I started taking this horse paste Ivermectin a few weeks ago on November 8th and immediately my coughing and sneezing went about 80% away. And now my stamina is starting to get a little better too. I'm certainly not cured but I'm starting to feel a lot better overall.
I'm not recommending anyone else does this as I am not a doctor, I'm just telling you my story. Research this yourselves!
Here is an article about Ivermectin that talks about the other side: