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Author Topic: My bouts with COVID  (Read 4869 times)

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Dennis Vogel

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My bouts with COVID
« on: November 25, 2022, 04:46:19 PM »

I'll be 80 next year and I've had COVID three times.

The first time I thought I would die if it got any worse but it didn't get worse IMO because I was taking vitamin D, zinc, and vitamin C long before I caught it.
The second COVID variant I caught about nine months later was almost as bad as the first time and it lasted a few day longer.
About a year ago and the third time, I caught the Omicron variant which only lasted three days and was more of a nuisance than anything.

As a child I was sometimes exposed to life on a farm with horses, chickens, goats, dogs and cats and all the germs that come with them which I think gave me a fairly good immune system as an adult. So as an adult I have never coughed from anything other than food going down the wrong way. And I have never had the flu or a cold.

After the first and second COVID bouts I went back to normal and stopped coughing etc. But after the Omicron last November I never stopped coughing and sneezing and I kept loosing stamina. Weeks after my heart surgery last November I was able to walk briskly for about one hour each day but this September I deteriorated down to about 20 minutes over time. And I started getting brain fog.

So I went to my new G.P. and he refused to prescribe Ivermectin as I requested. Then out of desperation I discovered you can buy horse paste containing Ivermectin without a prescription online and at certain retailers.

I started taking this horse paste Ivermectin a few weeks ago on November 8th and immediately my coughing and sneezing went about 80% away. And now my stamina is starting to get a little better too. I'm certainly not cured but I'm starting to feel a lot better overall.

I'm not recommending anyone else does this as I am not a doctor, I'm just telling you my story. Research this yourselves!

Here is an article about Ivermectin that talks about the other side:

Dennis Vogel

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Re: My bouts with COVID
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2022, 07:48:53 PM »

This was just posted on YouTube: "FDA Admits To Gaslighting About Ivermectin"


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Re: My bouts with COVID
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2022, 08:08:14 AM »

The FDA and others have been suppressing the effectiveness of Ivermectin for some time now. Numerous doctors have come forward in support of this drug, so I have no doubt it is the reason you are feeling better.   If you are unable to get ivermectin for any reason, I've heard great things about black seed oil as a treatment for covid. Glad you are on the mend bro.

Dennis Vogel

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Re: My bouts with COVID
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2022, 08:39:11 AM »

The FDA and others have been suppressing the effectiveness of Ivermectin for some time now. Numerous doctors have come forward in support of this drug, so I have no doubt it is the reason you are feeling better.   If you are unable to get ivermectin for any reason, I've heard great things about black seed oil as a treatment for covid. Glad you are on the mend bro.

Yes, I have black seed oil and NAC which should be used together but I have not noticed any difference.


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Re: My bouts with COVID
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2022, 11:19:23 AM »

Good to hear of your improvement; thankful that we can get good information from people we can trust.  :) :)




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Re: My bouts with COVID
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2022, 11:50:34 AM »

The front line Covid critical care alliance has treatment protocols for long Covid, prevention and recovery that some will find useful.  These doctors are the tops in their field with many published papers that the medical establishment tried to silence.

The treatment protocols are here;

They give a list of medications and where to source them including Ivermectin USP for human consumption.

A good off shore pharmacy that I have used and have always got my medications is this one;

They are based out of India IIRC and India is a huge hub of quality pharmaceuticals and frequently sell for a lot less than U.S. based including shipping.

One has to be proactive with your own treatment as our medical industrial complex is more and more driven by profit and less for the patients and what they need.


Dennis Vogel

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Re: My bouts with COVID
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2022, 12:24:52 PM »

It's been a year since my bypass surgery and I went to my heart doctor yesterday for a checkup. He looked at me like I was crazy for taking the Ivermectin. But I continue to feel better.

Dennis Vogel

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Re: My bouts with COVID
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2022, 12:26:34 PM »

Thanks Arion - I'm looking into what you posted

The front line Covid critical care alliance has treatment protocols for long Covid, prevention and recovery that some will find useful.  These doctors are the tops in their field with many published papers that the medical establishment tried to silence.

The treatment protocols are here;

They give a list of medications and where to source them including Ivermectin USP for human consumption.

A good off shore pharmacy that I have used and have always got my medications is this one;

They are based out of India IIRC and India is a huge hub of quality pharmaceuticals and frequently sell for a lot less than U.S. based including shipping.

One has to be proactive with your own treatment as our medical industrial complex is more and more driven by profit and less for the patients and what they need.


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Re: My bouts with COVID
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2022, 02:35:07 AM »

Dennis, I’m so glad you feel better. I was on Ivermectin before I got covid and then during it.  I was 65 at the time, and I did ok.  I’ve been taking all the things from the protocol.  Doctors are such lemmings these days.   The people who discovered Ivermectin won a Nobel prize.  It is not only an anti-parasitic but an anti viral.  I got mine from a compounding pharmacy with a prescription from a doctor I had an online consultation with.  Also,  Dr. mercola has a protocol for breathing in food grade hydrogen peroxide ( which I did ) and Dr. McCullough has a protocol for using an iodine solution to clean your nose with.  That is after all where the virus usually enters.


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Re: My bouts with COVID
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2023, 02:07:39 PM »

stock up on whatever medications that work for you.
while the covid deaths are still overwhelming morgues in China, their zero covid policy and all the mandates were stopped almost overnight. Now they are sending flights with covid positive people to the world, it's gonna be a covid déjà vu, 2020 version 2.0 (????)
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