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Author Topic: You Tube Video Using Ray's Cloned Voice  (Read 2725 times)

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You Tube Video Using Ray's Cloned Voice
« on: February 25, 2023, 02:36:08 PM »

I have twice watched bible-truths new short You Tube video "The Great Tribulation" in which Ray's cloned voice is "speaking" his actual written response to what I believe is one of his published emails. It was a tiny bit unsettling at first to "hear" him while knowing it was not really him, and yet it was very much like his voice. Nevertheless, I got over the shock very quickly and found it extremely uplifting to listen to. What a wonderful way to respectfully and (more important) with honest accuracy make use of a modern technology in God's service. I would not be surprised if this will be heard by more people than read in print, but it may also bring more people into the BT site.



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Re: You Tube Video Using Ray's Cloned Voice
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2023, 08:40:47 AM »

I just watched it.  What a fantastic concept and very well done! Thanks for all your hard work Dennis!  I pray this blesses a lot of people!  Looking forward to more. 

Dennis Vogel

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Re: You Tube Video Using Ray's Cloned Voice
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2023, 09:47:36 AM »

I've been trying to get this to work for about five years. The best is when a person speaks Ray's words and then that gets cloned to Ray's voice. But that costs a LOT of money. I've been quoted $12k to $100k.

But I'm getting better at it. I just found another new tool which should help a lot when using voices other than Ray's voice.

I've tried cloning several samples of Ray's younger voice but none of them sounded like Ray. So far only his older voice sounds good. But I'll try some more samples this morning.

And I'll be 80 years old this July and the mind is not what it use to be :) And I cannot put in the hours like before. I have to take frequent breaks.

But I am very happy to have something new to do. There's enough work to last me many more years.


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Re: You Tube Video Using Ray's Cloned Voice
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2023, 10:42:15 AM »

This is awesome Dennis, I just listened to praying by God’s rules.
Thank you Dennis, I am confident that God’s hands are all over this
giving you strength to continue.
I stumbled on a Joe Rogan last night on you tube. He had a physicist
on by the name Brian Cox. It was very interesting how he spoke about
the universe and how they now think it had a beginning, also he spoke
about a Stretching out and expanding universe. There were a few different
videos but this one in particular about the universe was good. There was
another guy on their who was talking about quantum mechanics and such.
It’s way over my head but I did recognize some things Ray spoke about.

I was thinking about how Ray once said that about him learning about quantum
physics and such and that maybe that is where we come in. I remember thinking
if only they could hear Ray speak about Genesis.  God’s will , will be done
in all things and you Dennis are greatly blessed. We love you brother.
May God continue to Bless Bible Truths in Jesus name . Amen

All Glory to God and Our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus.

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Re: You Tube Video Using Ray's Cloned Voice
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2023, 10:53:32 AM »

Oh , I forgot to mention, I especially enjoyed the video of Brian Cox
explaining Dark,Matter and Dark Energy.
" No man can come to me,except the Father draw him"
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Re: You Tube Video Using Ray's Cloned Voice
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2023, 03:32:26 AM »

Hi Musterseed,
It has been my experience that scientist who teach about the great unknown universe and hold atheist views about the generation of the cosmos are to be regarded with care in spite of their ability to weave an interesting tale.
Just saying,  ::)
Indiana Bob

p.s. Prof Cox also has a serious "deep State" family background that concerns me due to his apparent bias away from believing in the creation of all things by our loving God.

= =

Cox was born on 3 March 1968 in the Royal Oldham Hospital, later living in nearby Chadderton from 1971.[8][9][10] He has a younger sister. His parents worked for Yorkshire Bank, his mother as a cashier and his father as a middle-manager in the same branch.[11] He recalls a happy childhood in Oldham that included pursuits such as dance, gymnastics, and plane and bus spotting. He attended the private Hulme Grammar School[8][12] in Oldham from 1979 to 1986.[13][14][15]

In 2003, Cox married U.S. science presenter Gia Milinovich in Duluth, Minnesota. They have a son born in 2009, and Milinovich has a son from a previous relationship. The family currently lives in Battersea.[85]

Cox has rejected the label atheist and has stated he has "no personal faith".[86] In 2009, he contributed to the charity book The Atheist's Guide to Christmas.[87] He is a humanist, and is a Distinguished Supporter of Humanists UK.[88] In June 2019, Cox explained that he cannot be sure there is no God and that science cannot answer every question.[89]

Dennis Vogel

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Re: You Tube Video Using Ray's Cloned Voice
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2023, 05:08:07 AM »

But is the scientist work legitimate Bob? That's all I care about. Some scientist may be atheist but all that means is it's just not their time to understand yet.

I know you don't watch our YouTube videos much but please watch this 10 minute video about the church and science:


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Re: You Tube Video Using Ray's Cloned Voice
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2023, 10:56:16 AM »

I agree Dennis. Science has come a long way . They have evidence and are
highly excited about their work and they have the instruments to prove many things.
Of course decernment is always necessary on our part. There sure is lots of
knowledge about many things on you tube. Daniel said knowledge would increase.
We have to be diligent though and not be carried away from what we learn on BT
At least that’s my experience.
I like that when asked about some of the mysterious things of the universe,
they , scientists actually say, “ we don’t know” . Have you ever heard a theologian say
we don’t know? LOL 😂

Ray also spoke about the laws of thermodynamics and how God uses these
laws as in entropy / chaos to order. Ray said there is a spiritual meaning to all
of this as in evening and morning and that we should learn about it. This is
all very exciting to me. Us old folks learning about all these wonderful things.

All is of God.
ECC 3:1… To EVERYTHING there is a season and a TIME to every purpose under
ECC.8:6… because to every purpose,( matter or event) there is time and judgment..

Thank you for your input Eugene, it’s good to know the backgrounds of
those we are led to listen to.

God Bless You All and keep the unity of the Spirit
In Christ, Pamela
" No man can come to me,except the Father draw him"
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Re: You Tube Video Using Ray's Cloned Voice
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2023, 01:38:44 PM »

But is the scientist work legitimate Bob? That's all I care about. Some scientist may be atheist but all that means is it's just not their time to understand yet.

I know you don't watch our YouTube videos much but please watch this 10 minute video about the church and science:
= =
Hi Dennis and thanks for the lead to the video.
I have difficulty hearing the spoken word as related in the video, but I will study the issues further.

I agree that people do not become believers just because they have intelligence or extensive education.
Everyone who is called is called by the Father to understand, each in their own time.
I think that reservation also applies to theologians, ministers and priests as well.

God reveals knowledge to whomever He pleases and withholds understanding from the great majority of us, even especially the better educated in the worlds ways.

I have only one comment about what Ray shared with us and that is that I cannot limit God to needing time in order to create anything.
When our Lord Christ Jesus healed the lame man the man leapt up and ran about praising God.
When Jesus called out to Lazarus in the tomb, the dead man came out completely healed and whole.
Lazarus did not need to recover gradually in the manner of one of us who is ill with pneumonia or cancer etc.

When God created the first man and woman they were complete and able to function in their full strength. They were not developed from a seed that grew and matured.

It seems to me to follow a pattern that when God decided to put a great light in the heavens to serve the earth's inhabitants he did it instantly. It was needed so God called it into existence and it was done. Not in the way our gnosis would imagine that it may have been done.

When God (Elohim) created animal and plant life that were codependent and symbiotic and needed to exist together in order to survive in the earth's environment it had to be done the same day or at least within the time period that would sustain life for that season. Flowers need bees to pollinate. Bees need nectar to reproduce the next generation.

Suffice it to say that God made a plan and then worked His plan and it was perfect from the instant that God had the thought to create it. It was not an experiment with trial and error and hoping for a good result.

Just my view of how things may have been done.  :)


Dennis Vogel

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Re: You Tube Video Using Ray's Cloned Voice
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2023, 06:32:06 PM »

When you say "I have difficulty hearing the spoken word as related in the video, but I will study the issues further."

Is it because you cannot actually hear the words? Then turn on the captions.

If you mean it is not sinking in then sorry I cannot help you.

Thanks Bob


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Re: You Tube Video Using Ray's Cloned Voice
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2023, 05:08:18 AM »

I have only one comment about what Ray shared with us and that is that I cannot limit God to needing time in order to create anything.
When our Lord Christ Jesus healed the lame man the man leapt up and ran about praising God.
When Jesus called out to Lazarus in the tomb, the dead man came out completely healed and whole.
Lazarus did not need to recover gradually in the manner of one of us who is ill with pneumonia or cancer etc.

I never thought Ray to mean God is “needing” anything at all. However, it's obvious to me that us mortals do need time to be made into God's image. It could be one of those hard to do things Jesus does to save us. Ray knew this, I'm sure of it.

Mat 9:5  For which is easier: to say, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Get up and walk'?

If it's easier to say “get up and walk” why would it be harder to say “your sins are forgiven”? It's only words vs. an actual physical healing, right? Well, the words are truth, and ain't nobody got time for that. The spiritual task is always harder than the physical one. I'm sure when Jesus was “in the heart of the earth for 3 days and 3 nights” He never once thought it was easy.

Besides, the scribes were offended when Jesus forgave that sick man who couldn't walk. They thought such a power didn't belong to Jesus, and were probably jealous. It's like they didn't have a problem with Jesus physically healing people, but they hated Him for His spiritual feats and spiritual teachings. Even if they didn't always understand His teachings, they would at times perceive Jesus was talking about them.

Is it ok to infer that it was probably “easier” for Jesus to create the world and the universe compared to creating humanity in His image? If so, then that's gonna require time, circumstance and the spiritual virtue of patience. Not to mention the mountain of overcoming we have to do spiritually. This too is Jesus' work.

Just sharing what I've learned from
« Last Edit: March 01, 2023, 05:30:56 AM by Porter »
Luk 22:31  "Simon, Simon, look out! Satan has asked to sift you like wheat.
Luk 22:32  But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And you, when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers."


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Re: You Tube Video Using Ray's Cloned Voice
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2023, 11:40:50 AM »

Let us be making man in our image. Is ongoing and requires time ( appointed
times) and circumstances.

Brings to mind how Ray spoke about long suffering ( patience) .
Does God have patience ( waiting for something that you can’t
have now) He’s God , what does He have to wait for? I’m paraphrasing Ray.
Isn’t Patience ia fruit of Gods Spirit ?Maybe God waits for us to be complete.
It’s a process that takes lifetimes. Well how long is that? Only God knows.

I look at the world and see people always waiting, waiting. Covid stopped
the world in its tracks. Waiting for what they can’t have now, freedom to
move about and do all the things humans become accustomed to.

Long suffering/ to suffer long. This process of changing from the physical
to the spiritual requires long suffering and suffering requires an experience of
evil doesn’t it. A necessary evil. Only God knows how this process works.
But He has given us great insight into how it is a huge part of His plan to
save all humanity.

1 Cor.3: 13-15. Every man’s work shall be made manifest for the day shall declare it,
because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try (test, examine,judge)every man’s work of what sort it is. If any man’s work abide that he has built thereupon,
he shall receive a reward. If any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss,
but he himself shall be saved YET SO AS BY FIRE.( match Rev.20: 13-15}

Ray quote, “ There is SALVATION in and through this fire which judges us.
All mankind will be saved and purged of every last vestige of evil and carnality

Acts 17:28… For in Him we live and move, and have our being, for we are also
His offspring.

And we wait for Him. Come Lord Jesus 💕
" No man can come to me,except the Father draw him"
                                   (John 6: 44)
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