I respect your view of the Bible,however i can not help but wonder when you say GOD knew when he made man and satan he already knew they would fail,and man would suffer sickness,pain,hardship,etc. WHEN THE BIBLE SAY GOD IS LOVE.THANKS RB.
Dear RB:
How does the fact that God is love contradict the fact that God knew exactly what Adam and Satan would do beginning in the garden? Okay, let's have it your way and believe that God DID NOT know that His creation, Adam, would sin. And that He DID NOT know that things would get so messy as they have. And that He DID NOT know that such a thing as sickness, pain, and hardship would ever come on the scene. And that God DID NOT "know the beginning from the end" (Isa. 46:10), and that He LIED when He stated that He does know. . And that God therefore LIED when He tells us that He has the ability to "count things that ARE NOT, as though they ARE" (Rom. 4:17). And that He LIED when we are told in Scripture that "God cannot lie" (Titus 1:2).
Does THAT unscriptural nonsense and approach make you feel better about God and the present affairs of mankind?
How is it that God knew so many detailed facts regarding the need for grace to save mankind from his sins "BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD" if God did not know, and did not plan and prepare for these things, (I Cor. 2:7; Eph. 1:4; II Tim. 1:9; I Pet. 1:20)?
God be with you,