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Author Topic: I need some brains!  (Read 5859 times)

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I need some brains!
« on: September 07, 2006, 05:23:22 PM »

Hey Ya'll, We are doing better each day and thank you to you all for praying for my Michael. We had our first post-op visit Friday and so far everything is going well. I think I have had too much "down time" in caring for him. I've been thinking too much and watching things on the television too much!
Yesterday, this program was on about hell and how humans perceive it. It was really interesting. I have thought for a long time about the famous writers and poets from centuries back and their writings on hell. I have thought that these writings for the most part had something to do with their own life experiences. Many years ago I read Dante's Inferno as a piece of literature rather than  a true reality about what hell is. Now... for your brains! Ya'll know much more than me and have studied things out so much... I know we (humans) sometimes refer to what is going on in our lives as "hell". I'm thinking this way.... I haven't been to a burning place named hell and I don't know anybody else who has. According to the program I watched, there are some people who say they have had near death experiences and went to hell. Now... I'm not so sure about that anymore than I am sure that folks have had heavenly near-death experiences.
I had a bad surgery once and had hardly any blood left and I had Jesus in my heart but I didn't see Peter or gates of heaven or anything. I was just asleep! Now I need to know what ya'll think about this concept of burning and monsters eating people and all that the show told about. I read the things on the web page about hell but I want to know what ya'll think about the show I saw. It seems like religious people(sorry for the general phrase) just use the notion of hell to beat people up and make them feel bad and do whatever they want them to do. On the program it even talked about if people didn't give "the church" (by that I DON'T mean Christians)so much money they would be doomed to hell.
And my goodness at the program we saw last night about these folks doing exorcisms. They charged people I think about forty dollars to come to a seminar about freeing them from demons. It told how many millions of dollars this one man was raking in. If you know something or can do something for someone to help them shouldn't you just help them or do whatever it is to help without money changing hands?These people who helped in his seminars were required to give four thousand dollars a piece to help in one seminar!!! I know this is  going on and on but ya'll!!! it blew my little mind away! I can't wait to hear your thoughts, Much love, Jennie

p.s. I hope this doesn't offend. I am kind of scared of offending folks after that last big shake-up on the forum!


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Re: I need some brains!
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2006, 06:43:42 PM »

Hi Jennie,

I am so glad things are going well for you, it would seem that our prayers were answered!! I know this has been really hard on both of you. I will pray that it continues to go well.

You got LOTS of brains Jennie, no doubt about it. You see that stuff for what it is, but I agree it IS amazing.

When I watch tv, I feel like I am in the world more so than when I step outside and live in it for real. It is such a concentration of lies, sin and deception. If it wasn't for my daughter wanting to watch SPONGEBOB...I would cancel my cable and make a bonfire in the backyard with my THREE tv's.

God bless Jennie...


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Re: I need some brains!
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2006, 09:34:29 PM »

hi Jennie Praise God for your update on michael.

There is another thread going on about near death experiences.  I hate those kinds of shows cuz they just enough truths to make us wonder and worry and maybe they are right they know so much more and studied......Television still has an agenda even if it looks christian and even if they document things that  seem right.

Some people lie about this stuff so they can be on a documentary or be a big fish in their little church pond.  Satan decieves.  Dreams mess with us. and on and on.  Take a day to be uncomfortable about it then get back into the real world (The Bible, prayer, and us :D}

These people that charge filthy luker to exorcize demons etc are shameful! They prey on hurt, scared, and uneducated(int the bible)people.

Remember Paul told us to think on the good things and Psalms says to remember all His benefits.

God Bless!



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Re: I need some brains!
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2006, 09:53:04 PM »

Thank you all so much. It is quite sad that so often people are concerned with more and more money instead of the people all around us. Ya'll are such an encouragement to me. One good thing about those old t.v. shows ... they make me run real fast for my Bible! I'm no Bible scholar , professor ar anything but I just don't see that I should or could be happy at the thought of anyone going to a place of burning hell. I think that Jesus wants us to show love and not just because we are told to but that we truly feel love for others. Oh well... I'll try to come back later tonight if Michael is resting easy. Much love, Jennie


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Re: I need some brains!
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2006, 02:05:59 AM »

Thank you all so much. It is quite sad that so often people are concerned with more and more money instead of the people all around us. Ya'll are such an encouragement to me. One good thing about those old t.v. shows ... they make me run real fast for my Bible! I'm no Bible scholar , professor ar anything but I just don't see that I should or could be happy at the thought of anyone going to a place of burning hell. I think that Jesus wants us to show love and not just because we are told to but that we truly feel love for others. Oh well... I'll try to come back later tonight if Michael is resting easy. Much love, Jennie

Beautiful words, Jennie.

Christ in you, the Law of Love, and the new Law is not one of selfish desire, but outwards towards others.  Your desire to show love out of a true love for others, is the, 'nail on the head', as far as I am concerned.

Dont listen to anybody who has a different thought of God as you shared in the post quoted.  You see love and the purpose of love, now we know Gods ways are higher than ours.  He loves us and others more than we can imagine, don't let anyone try to tell you of a hatred from God, for there is no such thing.  It is a lie, pure and simple.  God is love.  How much simpler can it be!

God bless your heart and family,



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Re: I need some brains!
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2006, 11:39:15 AM »

Ya'll continue to bless me so much! Even if I never get to see you face to face on this earth  I believe I will know you in eternity! You truly are ministers here. You help people, encourage , love and show the love of Christ that is so needed  in this day and time.
 We have had some setbacks with Michael's mother. He is heartbroken because she has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease. We had to call an ambulance for her Friday night. They checked her heart and all and did some other testing and gave us this diagnosis. The doctor was very kind but it was a hard blow. Michael asked me at 5:00a.m. Saturday morning what we were going to do now. I didn't know what to say except that we will cherish  and enjoy the good days when she knows us and on the bad days we will hold fast to the thoughts of the next good day and take the very best care of her we know how to. He told me that was too much to ask of me! Nothing is too much for your loved ones and she is the reason I have been blessed in my Michael and got to share my lifetime with him. I love you all and will get  back as soon as I can! I hope today is a good day for us all! Love, Jennie
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